Thursday, March 19 of 2015

Monthly Messages

These are times of changing definitively, of starting to live the instructions left by the Messengers of God.  These are times of entering the essence of such great treasure that We have delivered to humanity.  These are times of meditating deeply everyday on what truly means everything that you are living on these current days.

While the holocaust expands itself in the world, Grace must also expand itself and this will happen through the hearts that may decide definitively to not be the same as yesterday.

It is no longer time to be in the world only to experience all of the worldly and transitory that it can offer.  I want you to know that there is a major reason for you to have arrived on this planet.  Here, My dears, it was gestated the purest principle of God.  Hidden in the depths of the human beings is the purest possibility of living love, but the majority of humans fall into distractions and illusions that this world also offers with intensity.

The consciousnesses are so impregnated by everything that is superfluous and transitory that they are more inclined to live this type of experiences, and they forget or are not even aware of the true greatness of this world.

In the same way that you see in the world great disasters, cities lost in violence, hopelessness, poverty, lack of love, you also find places where nature expresses such great beauty that it seems that it is God showing Himself to the hearts of the human beings.  It is so within each one of you.

Stop seeing the darkness that lives in you and look definitively for this hidden space, which is sometimes far away from the knowledge, that expresses true beauty, purity, as a mirror of God in the human heart.

It is not impossible to do it, but you must undertake a long journey, which will be longer or shorter depending on the will of the walkers.

In order to go through this path you cannot take anything with you.  You must go barefoot and walk, which will symbolize to everyone the effort that you will need to make, the tiredness and fatigue that you will feel, the need to stop, to sit down and give up reaching the target.

But think of such great grace of being before the Consciousness of God, remember that when you arrive you will drink from a pure and crystalline water and as tired as you may be of crossing the polluted and violent cities that exists within yourselves, never stop.

If lack of love touches you, love thereafter.  If you lack charity at some point, when you realize it, apologize, be humble and thereafter, serve from the heart.  Strive to not be the same and do not fear to look crazy in the eyes of those who see you reacting, apologizing and repairing the act thereafter.

Just affirm to yourselves, everyday, that you will break all the chains that tie you to the old human and that you will leave the slavery in which you have placed yourselves in order to live the freedom to love, serve, pray and balance the lack of Peace in the world; that these attributes are no longer utopia, but a reality.  Only in this way you will be able to go through your own inner transition with joy and after that, live the transition of the world, not with the eyes of the one who sees destruction and injustice, but rather with the heart of the one who knows the great grace that waits for you at the end of this long path.

I love you and I always bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph