Monday, October 13 of 2014

Monthly Messages

The miracles are for everyone because it is only the faith in each heart which opens the doors, so that Laws that are not from this world can act.

A few centuries ago I performed the greatest miracle of the conversion of this country because a simple and pure Indian fully trusted in My Presence, because he knew that I was observing him all of the time.  In this moment of danger, with faith he invoked Me and I came to him because I knew that this faith would be imprinted in the history of humanity, as it was so true and crystalline.

His eyes shone before My Presence because not only could he feel My protection, but also he saw My gaze and My maternal smile, he heard the sweet voice of the Lady of Heavens who told him: “Do not fear.”

At this moment, My mantle lit up in celestial Light and My sacred protection descended upon the world in such a way that those who were persecuting   the loyal Indian could not find him.

I tell you this story, My beloveds, because I want to repeat it every day in your lives.  But for this it is necessary that faith be greater than fear and doubts.  It is necessary to fully trust in My presence and in prayer to tell Me what you need because I will listen to you.  Issue to the Universe a petition for redemption and it will come to your aid in order to release you from all the evil that persecutes you.

My beloveds, this world is almost completely submerged in darkness.  Just a few are those who truly hear the Voice of God and follow it. The modernities and illusions distract the hearts of My children.  And even those who trust in God the Father cannot unite themselves with the others because the differences between the beliefs have separated them completely.

My beloveds, today I call you to the living unity and fraternity so that you may know that there does not exist in this world only one single true religion.  All are children of God and because they so different in this world, there are many ways to arrive to the Father.  What matters is that you be truthful in everything that you do and that your prayers are done with love, for the good and for the redemption of all humanity.

I invite you to the universal ecumenism, to be able to pulse in only one heart, with all of your brothers and sisters of the world. The army of the Creator must be one and only, independent of the faith of each one of you.

My beloveds, I call you to live a love without frontiers or distinctions of race, without religion, without  culture, so that you can enter into the Kingdom of God where all are one, the Essence of the Creator of all things.

As this loyal Indian who was for humanity as a ray of the sun, trust in My presence and in My protection.

My mantle today descends upon this city, as well as upon this world to push away from My children all that prevents them from evolving and elevating themselves to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I love you and I thank you for the faith in the Lady of Caacupé, who is your protector for these and for all times.

Be My companions all of the days and permit other beings in the world to awaken and to receive such great Graces.

Be praying soldiers of this army of light and bring My peace for all.

Pray, pray every day with your heart.  Pray as you know how to pray.  Cry out for this world as you do for yourselves and for your relatives. The world is your great family and needs a lot of help.

I thank you for accompanying my steps.

I bless you and I love you always.

Mary, Lady of Caacupé and of all the hearts of the world