Saturday, January 26 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My children.

Clamor for the Holy Spirit, clamor for His presence in your lives.

Today I come from heaven to recuperate many souls that have received the Grace of God and that have been rescued from the eternal suffering in which they were lost.

Today, My children, My Blessed Consciousness brings for all this Grace to again see the light inside of their hearts that comes from God the Creator and from the Heart of My Son Jesus.  Open yourselves to this Grace, embrace this power of love that the Shepherd brings in this final time.

The prophecies are being fulfilled and that which God wrote in the Universe and that which the Messengers announced in all times is descending.  You must only learn to read in the happenings that you live and unite My announcements with those of My Son.

This year will be one of great revelations, revelations that many do not listen to, but during the coming years the forcefulness of the happenings will show how everything had been announced, everything had been said and the words of the prophets of yesterday and the prophets of today will be transformed into events that all may live.

I told you to seek the signs of the Return of the Savior that one by one I will be revealing in My announcements.

You must pray today more than ever with the heart in unity without anything else mattering, because nothing is more important.  My dears offer only what you can to the All Powerful from the heart.

In my arms I carry with love and devotion all humanity, each one of you and your families so that through My love you may encounter the path to form the new family, the New Jerusalem, the consciousness of a new race that God designed in the Heavens and that must descend in this time.

Make efforts children because this is the time of sacrifice, one which I told you about since the beginning, the sacrifice made with love and happiness, that happiness that comes to us in building the new humanity, the new race.

The God of Love, the One of the ancient people from the desert, the One that waits for your love, He will bring again His Son, His First Born in order that He may love still more and finish liberating you from suffering and ignorance.

Now will you be prepared to receive Him?

How many of you will open the door of the heart for the Redeemer?

He is coming Full of Glory to resuscitate your hearts, your lives for the second time.  Come to gather His flock to share with His companions of the path, those that will serve Him and will surrender their lives to building this New Jerusalem.

Love your destiny, love your paths of sacrifice and thus you will redeem this humanity that must convert itself in the wise school of Universal Love.

I love you My children, in truth and in error.

Thank you for being here with Me and responding to My call of love.

Mary, Mother of the World.