Sunday, December 6 of 2015

Monthly Messages

Listen attentively in this hour of Mercy.

My paths are your paths and if you are not in My path, you will not concretize anything. God wishes to institute in the world the devotion to My Sacred Heart. In order for this wish to be fulfilled, I need witnesses that have lived through Me the experience of redemption and rehabilitation.

From Heaven, I wish to see you all united all the time so that My Plans may descend and become flesh in the life of people through the experience of love and forgiveness.

The world is far from God because it wanted, because it has separated from the Kingdom of God that once We brought for all with the Good News. Because of this, many souls despair and get crazy in these times for having separated from My Path, from the Path of God, from the Path of the Lord; for having substituted My Plans for their plans, to comply with the vague human will. I know that many do not know how to make die this energy which corrodes the essence of things and that sets them apart from My Father. Nonetheless, if their hearts are humble to ask for My help, I will give it to them, both during the day and at night, and in the times of tribulation when things will become intense inside and outside the beings, as I told you yesterday.

Today I come to deliver My Words in another way and with another energy, because I need to dissipate certain obstacles that keep My Works from being fulfilled on this Planet.

Many are part of My Church, but few are the true disciples who fulfill the Commandments of Moses not to sin. Nonetheless, as the essence of the old instruction has been lost throughout the times, I promised My Father, before the year 2013, that I would come here, to this lost place, to give My great message of salvation to the world. As I did it once in Kibeho, where many did not believe, and still do not believe, that the Son of God blessed the heart of Rwanda to avoid a catastrophe that was the result of not having heeded the Heart of God through His Beloved Son.

I do not come here, in this time, to prophesize these things, because the great prophecy of John the Apostle is being fulfilled to the letter. Blessed will be those who know how to read between the lines the symbols and the message.

I have come all this time to prepare you for something unknown that does not even exist in your memories or cells. I have come to congregate you in the name of love and truth so that, despite the difficulties and the tests, you do not cease from trusting My Heart. You will learn about unknown things inside you, but I once again tell you not to fear. For the dirty water to become pure, crystalline and clean, it must purify itself. I bring you the Water of Life that comes from My unfathomable Spiritual Mercy to remedy all your evils and the evils of the world, which deteriorate the whole humanity.

I have come to bring hope to the one who seems not to have it. I have come to bring Peace to those who do not have it. Without these attributes, it will not be possible to cross the threshold towards the new humanity.

The misfortunes keep happening in this world and nobody detains them. Woe to those who have power for these things and do not do them because they are far from God and form His Law! How many innocent souls die day by day on this scale of imbalance, injustice and lack of fraternity.

If I come here, to this country, as it was once prophesized in the letters of mother Esmeralda, it is because I revealed to her that here there was the seed to give new fruits in the souls congregated for the redemption and transformation of humanity. Do not believe that you live transformation for you alone. You live it for the planet that decays and decays.

God needs once again to congregate His old peoples, as it was in the desert, to once again start to accomplish His Project with another divine state, another consciousness. Because of that, you must be clean inside and outside, so that My subtle energies may express themselves in the consciousness that said “yes” to redemption and to the call for peace.

Today I cannot promise, companions, that the whole world will be saved, that the whole humanity will be rescued by the powerful currents of the Hierarchies. We will try it until the end, but your part on this planet is important. Not only for those who today listen or who have listened to Me, but also for those who, still asleep, are not conscious of their spiritual mission, which they will discover overnight.

If you have offended Me, do not be disturbed. The Son of God got to know on this planet the terrible human condition, which leads to the deterioration of the Divine Purpose, to the marginalization of life, to the precariousness of the spirit. For this reason, the angels have sent Me here to incarnate among you and save you. Not for My Works, but for the Works of My Father, which descend like lights over the world throughout the times. If God Himself, incarnated in His Son, had not been martyred, scourged and crucified, the Project would have been lost. But now, in these times, the risk is bigger, and many do not believe it is so.

When the Law descends, all will have to be sure of what they do and be conscious of their works. Because when the time of My Divine Mercy ends, the last trumpet will sound and will spread the power of the wind over the four corners of the Earth for the seas to rise and the Earth to swallow the unjust. There will be nobody who can detain it. The sin is bigger than the sinner themselves, and the innocent blood has its value, like the Blood of the Lamb that died for you. The same ones repeat the same sins once and again and still do not redeem themselves because they do not accept them.

Your minds must not make judgments, not even feelings of criticism. Each one will live their time of purification, because that is how God needs it to be in order to fulfill His Works in this Universe. Humanity could already be confederated, but it did not want to and deviated from God and His Heart.

I leave My feeling to all and a great change in consciousness before everything happens. I leave to all the blessing of the gifts called Sacraments, which infuse in the souls renovation and faith, and the union with the Eternal, with Adonai.

Do not stop rowing inside My boat. Do not let any of your brothers and sisters drown for not being able to row. Do not lose sight of your fellow humans who are a part of My Project. But do not insist on those who do not want to change out of their own will, I will take charge, because it is part of My responsibility that all be just and merciful.

In truth I say to you, companions, that not all are aware of what happens on the planet, because they are not suffering as others suffer and feel sorrow day by day. Offer to God the best of yourselves all the time. Please His Heart with small efforts in order to start to conquer surrender and thus be able to enter the path of humility and peace.

I come in these three months to Aurora to announce new times that soon will not be preparatory anymore to become decisive. Times of decisive Works on the part of My congregated. Many will unite to this work when you truly change. At least, do not cease to try so that the doors to redemption be open for all who must arrive at My Nucleuses of Love.

Understand, companions, that the times have already changed and that it is time to implore to the Creator. Do not be just blessed, but also constant, meek and peacemakers.

I come here to show you that I have not abandoned you. Although My Work has some time with you, everything must continue until at least one reaches My Project.

Adonai, Eternal Father, I implore to You for this world, extending My Arms over all, offering My Hands for them to hold them strong and walk by My side. Do not keep from looking with mercy to Your youngest children. Observe, Adonai, with hope, everything you have created in Your Holy Image and Will.

Take me, Adonai, toward those who do not want Me, who do not Listen to Me nor accept Me. Take Me, Adonai, through Your children, as a spark of hope for the darkened hearts.

Show Your Power, Adonai, in the beauty of Your Kingdoms of Nature. Make Your souls and Your creatures live in the perfect union with Creation. Forgive them, Adonai, for their sins. And, resurrect them in spirit every day of Your Existence, in the Heart of Your Universe and of Your Peace.

Adonai, believe that it is possible in Your Infinite Purpose, that those who hear Me will manage to do it. At least so that the Earth may fulfill its promise of redemption.

I offer you, Adonai, the supplications that reached My Heart in these days. I offer you, Adonai, the humiliations, the renouncements and tests, as the testimony of a great conversion of humanity.

 Do not cry, My Father, for what You see in this world. Calm Your Heart with Mine, so that from Your Heart may spring the Infinite Piety, which transforms life and the consciousnesses.

Adonai, never cease to open Your Fount of Peace in this race, on this planet. Amen

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Glorified Christ Jesus