Monday, January 4 of 2016

Monthly Messages

When we were praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy I started to see the Master very silent, very introspective, walking on a desert different from the last time. At that moment, the Master, who was followed by the apostles that were with Him in the past, showed me that He was walking in regions of Egypt and that He was heading for a certain place. Until that moment we did not know what it was or what He was seeing.

As we were praying, He started to climb slowly a quite long stone stairway, which surrounded a great mountain. At that moment He showed the image of Moses with the peoples of the desert of that time and in this same place. The Master was going through the same route that Moses had gone, through this stairway to the top of Mount Sinai. After sometime He got to the top and started to look towards the abyss, towards the horizon, where other mountains and another desert were drawn around Mount Sinai as if from above, scenes of various situations of the planet started to appear.

In one of them the Master contemplated in profound silence and soon He signaled with His Hand in order that the apostles could also learn and be instructed with what He wanted to show. At this moment the Master was dressed in a light brown tunic, He also had a brown veil which covered His Head and He observed the scene that was unfolding: it was the situation in the Middle East. From that scene, He began to contemplate others and used the situation that the planet is living now in order to instruct us a little bit about this. While He spoke, He tried to place our consciousnesses, through the message, in another point, as He said: “In another level”. He needs us to be there as consciousnesses, as brothers and sisters in order to see the things with the seriousness as He sees them.

Take My Merciful Heart as an emblem for these final times.

From Egypt, on top of the sacred Mount Sinai, today I utter to the world the sacred word of salvation. I have come to Egypt for the second time, after having visited it when I was a child with My Blessed Mother and My Beloved Father Saint Joseph. I am in the place where My Father Moses received the first instructions for the world, the Ten Commandments. I have climbed to the top of Mount Sinai with the apostles in spirit of life to show you what happened at that past time.

I come on this day of prayer to remind you about the fundamental legacy which many did not want to pay attention, for letting themselves being carried away by the sins of the world. I have climbed to the top of Mount Sinai to reintegrate with My own Hands the restoration of the ten basic Laws, which in these times of today are no longer respected.

When I met Elijah and Moses on the mount of the transfiguration, we concluded a stage of the teaching and this teaching is still valid in the times of today.

You shall love God above all things, and His Shepherd complemented at that time: you shall love God above all things, and your neighbor as yourself. This first Law was not comprehended nor practiced.

Neither was lived the commandment: you shall not commit adultery and you shall not murder. It was thus that the Son of God gave Himself as a lamb to be led to slaughter and in order that all of the Laws do not precipitate over the world. The lamb was led to the most sorrowful slaughter and in silence gave life for all.

Therefore today, in glory and spirit I find Myself at the top of Mount Sinai in order to remind the world and all of the souls that the basic Laws have not been complied by the majority, even though the great Lamb was led to slaughter and gave His Blood for you.

I come to give you the true sign of your salvation. I come to show that many of those who claim to be wise are wrong and have not enforced the Laws of My God. If the Laws were delivered by Adonai they must be practiced in the experience of life. Many still believe they have victory over others but they are dead.

I come to unveil those who claim to be immortal and are within My Church.

I come to demystify those who claim to be heroes of My Divine Instruction, because in truth, I asked Peter the Apostle to just found the true church of the heart, not the church of possession.

The works are fulfilled spontaneously. If the works are not spontaneous, these are false, they are not true. The head of My spiritual church happens through the simple, the truthful and the humble servers who are not seen by the crowds. In them is the multiplying Power of God, in them is the only work for these times. It is for this that I have come to remind the scholars and those who claim to be wise that the true church dwells in the spirit of each heart surrendered to My designs. There are not two churches, there is only one, which is the dwelling of the pure, of the innocent.

For this, from the top of Mount Sinai I lovingly declare that you are not fulfilling with what I have asked, by giving your wealth to the most poor, giving your banquets to the hungry. The Heavenly Church is supported by the always forgotten, by the most simple of heart. If those who claim to follow Me do not comply with the Laws, how will the others be able comply them?

I come not to accuse anyone, but to correct what is twisted from the beginning.

Know that My holy name is everyone´s, My name is not possession of anyone or of any autonomy. I have come to the world for the desperate and not for the Pharisees dressed now in current time.

My true dwelling is in the crystalline hearts. It is on those who make a child smile with simplicity. It is on those who extend their hands to the sick and to the possessed of spirit. My Presence is in the spirit of the simple people and not on the walls of the temples. Search for the church that lives within you so that I may dine with each one of you.

It is thus that from the top of Mount Sinai My gaze already follows the steps of those who will truly move towards surrendering their lives in the next mission to the Middle East, as other followers of Mine do. Because those who claim to speak about Me in the whole world, are not where there is sorrow in the world, the hunger and the despair for such a long exile.

A true apostle of Christ does not work for My Father from their armchair, an apostle of Christ gives a little more of what they can give until it hurts. The true peace is reached in extreme challenges. It is not enough to look with consolation at those who suffer, it is enough to deliver to them a place of relief and refuge.

I wish that in this Marathon your consciousnesses, after twenty-nine encounters, may already be in another stage of charity and service. Do it not only for those who suffer in exile for the wars, but also for those who govern and break the Laws of God. Face through this Marathon an Armageddon with faith and hope, without lowering the arms, without ceasing to feel inside the request for mercy. This is already the time of the battles, but also of the last Graces. Declare to My Heart your trust in Me and give yourself completely without fear. Thus the world, at least a small part of it, will be worthy of being in the Lord and returning to His infinite Plan. May this Marathon unify you all the time. May this Marathon make you grow in maturity as you assume your places in this final battle.

May My soldiers hold the torch of the victory of My Mercy until the end, even if they have to give their lives for Me to defend My Redeeming Work.

It is so that from the heart of the desert of Egypt, from the top of Mountain Sinai, I send a greeting of peace. May this peace echo in the hearts that are open to hear Me.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed and meek.

Who encourages you, who loves you, who guides you,

Glorified Christ Jesus