Thursday, November 5 of 2015

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the city of Boa Vista, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón, during the 28th Marathon of the Divine Mercy

After you hear My Words, you will understand My requests and the importance of their fulfillment, with the help of all the praying beings in the world. Thus you will please My merciful Heart and again, in the name of Love, I will be able to bless you, as I always bless you from My Kingdom.

If you did not accompany My Steps at this time, I could not tell you what would be of all humanity. Therefore, the sacrifices will be greater for all souls. You will live extreme things and never seen before. But you will never lack My protection and My Love, My Grace, My Mercy, My healing and My forgiveness, attributes that will strengthen you to attain the goal proposed by My Father, that you arrive, just as I arrived at the foot of the cross, carrying your crosses that will be relieved by My Spirit so that you can ascend to the Kingdom of My Father, after having fulfilled your mission in this life.

That is the greatest treasure I can bestow you. Blessed are those who believe in My Message, for they will never lack My Trust.

I bless, for you, these elements that you have placed at the feet of My altar of Light and which represent, for all life, the essence of My Body and My Blood, the perfect Love, shed for all creatures, through the intercession of your King.

I thank you for listening to Me and accompanying Me with the essence of faith.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, we want to share with you a little story about the apparition today, before sharing the message that Christ passed on to us at this time.

When we were praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, we saw the Master entering the deepest forest of the Amazon. 

The moment we saw Him, we asked Him: where was He going, and what was He doing?

He was entering indigenous communities far away from all humanity, those communities that are well guarded and hidden within the Amazon.

And we asked ourselves: what was the Master doing with those indigenous communities?

Until it was the time when He came here and began to tell us what He was doing on this second day of prayer work; because He says that His task began yesterday, day four, when His Divine Consciousness began to work with the whole Amazon.

We are going to share with you the Message of Christ.

On this second day of work for peace, My luminous Heart has already entered the deepest forests of the Amazon to visit the most ancient and distant peoples.

I entered to bless, in the name of the Spirit of My Father, the entire indigenous consciousness, just as I once blessed the prisoners of Siberia, who found Me and believed in the science of My prodigies.

The native peoples of Brazil also know Me with a different face than humanity believes, for the Son of God can, in His glory, show His most mysterious and profound aspects to humanity.

The group of prisoners from Siberia knew the power of My immaterial Rays. And so, through instruction they were healed and all their consciousnesses were sublimated, amid austerity, hunger and deep loneliness of cold caverns.

The indigenous consciousness knew Me as the Great Sun, as the blessed and sacred Son, who brings the Rays of the New Humanity, who brings the breath of the Divine Spirit for the new era.

These sacred peoples of the Amazon are very similar to prisoners of Siberia; all of them were ruled by the same Love and science. 

Now that humanity is facing the most difficult events in the whole history of the Earth, that is, the Apocalypse, My Heart of Brother Sun descends on this second day to bring spiritual recovery and hope to all of them.

The Amazon holds one of the natural treasures most appreciated on the planet. It is not only the lungs of the world, but also the natural and sacred life of the planet. The Amazon is home to the sacred peoples, the so-called guardians of Creation, who were entrusted to care for and protect the Kingdoms of Nature.

But My Divine Mercy comes to recover those spiritual values that were decimated by the white man, when he conquered America and banished the Holy Laws that the peoples had attained. So, the indigenous consciousness of the whole Amazon exists, in this present Humanity, to teach about perfect and humble love for the whole Creation.

Thus, your Master entered inside of the forest, to show you that in all Creation there are principles that should never disappear from the human consciousness and that will allow the evolution of the souls.

Through your prayers, My Mercy is only succeeding in helping three quarters of the Amazon. I invite you, my companions, to call more praying beings for this mission, because in truth I tell you that later it will never be repeated.

Encouraged by My Spirit as a Brother and Shepherd, continue to work lovingly and in sacrifice in the name of peace. Through the efforts of all, the planet will not be lost.

I thank you for faithfully accompanying me in this mission for the Amazon.

Who loves you and absolves you,

The Glorified Christ Jesus