When hearts unite to fulfill the Divine Purpose, imperfections, difficulties and obstacles are dissolved. Because it is in the mystery of true unity that souls balance out one another, so that all of them reach the goal of Meeting God.

Children, each heart, each consciousness has something unique to provide to the Plan, something that is not linked with any material ability. I am talking about spiritual virtues, energies that are so unknown to humanity that are not even found among the concepts of your dictionary. What I am telling you about is not expressed in words. But those who live in the spirit of unity will be able to feel how souls elevate themselves to God more simply and, in an unknown way, tread the path that leads them to the Creator.

Each test that is placed in your lives has a spiritual reason to exist and, even though all seems to be very unpredictable for all levels below God, the Creator does observe in silence the fulfillment of what He has written for the human consciousnesses. The Divine Thought is alive and so is His Plan. Therefore, there is nothing that, for God, is a mystery.

I tell you this so you understand that these are times to build unity, so you may recognize that the instances of approximation to God are not built by anyone individually, but rather by the love that each one has for Him.

The concretization of the Divine Plan is found in the unveiling of unity. That is why it is important that you feel that your miseries disappear when the one you have by your side balances it with their virtues and so one soul does to another, until you build a perfect and immaculate unity, capable of receiving new codes.

For you to reconstruct the world – when it comes the time to do it -, you will need nothing other than unity and love. Try this instances in which you live them not only as something unusual, that you live without premeditating. Reflect about the events and realize how the Creator always prepares you and in any circumstances that are apparently very negative. But when there is disposition and unity, the Creator makes emerge a unique learning experience from it, which will serve for each instant of your lives and much more for the days to come.

Understand, in this way, the importance of responding to the Celestial Call and also the importance of striving day and night to live unity, to let the best of the other transform you and to always provide the best to your neighbor.

Meditate on this learning experience and love the spirit of unity, and that, beyond small instances, it may expand to your daily life in each small detail.

The one who loves you and accompanies you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Welcome to a new cycle of evolution, a cycle which will charge spiritual maturity from everyone, that will allow you to live in harmony in the times that will come.

This new cycle will be marked by inner tests, in which the consciousnesses will find themselves facing great responsibilities, with little inner experience to take them on. However, it will be the adhesion that each one will present to the Will of God, and their efforts to fulfill it, that will make the grace and mercy that you need to fulfill your mission to descend from the universe.

Children, when facing the challenges to come, always say "yes", even if they seem impossible to be experienced and overcome. When you say "yes", the Creator receives permission to operate true miracles in your consciousnesses and heal all that prevents you from making the leap you need.

The challenges will make you grow and prepare you for the cycles that will come later and that will be major and definitive trials not only for you but for all humanity and for the whole universe.

Do not fear to launch yourselves into the unknown or take the steps that will lead you through paths you do not know where they end. Do not fear losing everything and, above all, losing yourselves because - though painful - this is the goal of humanity. Remember that the emptiness of yourselves leads you to the Truth, to the Archetype, to the Source.

Today I wish you a start cycle filled by God and the universal life. This new time will be marked by the awakening of humanity to this life.

All the sciences will be united spiritually in the universal science and all true religions will find the common meaning in the experience of love. Knowledge and religion will unite to unveil new worlds and universal principles, and they will discover that the greatest science, which is the experience of love, leads to new horizons, to new universes. Thus you will not fear to know the Truth and with the knowledge filled with spirituality, and religion full of wisdom, you will cross the gates towards a new life.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.

Beloved children,

In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will  no longer be two paths on which to go.  Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.

Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.

Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.

The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.

If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.

The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.

This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.

Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.

I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.

I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



The man on his own is weak and cannot stand the harassment and the tests of this world. But the man who unites himself to God is invincible, because he shares with Him His Glory and Greatness.

When the human heart of Christ said: “Father, take this cup away from Me”, it was the fear of His cells that made Him pronounce these words. But soon, united to God, He said: “May Your Will be done, and not Mine.” And it was in the perfect union with the Creator that Jesus supported the insults, the humiliations, the betrayals, the flagellation and the death on the Cross.

Unite yourself to God, child, so that His Will may be done. Do not want to live in this time with your own strengths, because your human and material heart is weak and can even die of fright.

Cling yourself to the spirit and be One with the Divine Spirit. Do not think that the Creator requests a great mission from you and leaves you alone. All that the Lord asks from you is supposed to be fulfilled with Him, for Him and in Him.

The Creator never leaves His creatures, but you must overcome fear and accept His Will, always having faith that He will accompany you.

Recognize your weakness, just as the Lord -that represents to you the Path- recognized it when He confessed to the Father and said: “Take this cup away from Me.”

But afterwards, child, recognize as well that this mission is not only yours, but God’s above all -because this human project belongs to Him- and, united to Him, affirm: “May Your Will be done and not mine.”

Child, not even God will condemn you for your weakness, as He did not do so to His Firstborn. The Lord will place you in His Arms, will unite His Holy Spirit to yours and will make you invincible before the challenges of this life. He is the One who will open to you the portals that unite the dimensions and will raise your being in the experience of true love. But, before all, overcome your weak humanity and recognize yourself as child of a majestic Creator that -in a mysterious way that is unknown to you- make yourself like Him in the depth of your being.

Find out the likeness with God, accepting His Will, and understand the Path along which the Lord leads you as you take the steps in it.

The Creator will not always lead you through a path of flowers because He led even His Beloved Son through the path of the cross, of renunciation, of sacrifice, of humiliation, of martyrdom and, at last, of the absolute Love and of Mercy, which was perpetuated on Earth and that until today intercedes for the souls.

It is for the action of this Mercy, achieved by the Son of the Most High, that you are listening to My words today.

Will you, child, be able to open another source, similar to this, so that other souls that will come after you may have an opportunity of redemption?

The Creator calls you and waits that you take a step in the transcendence of fear and that, united to Him, say: “May Your Will be done and not mine.”

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I know that the forces that emerge from your interior, in purification and transformation, sometimes are so strong that blind your eyes for love and for forgiveness.

I know that after eons of existence feeding prides and vanities, power and property, it is very difficult for the consciousness in evolution to say “yes” for a learning of humility, when it precipitates in your lives.

Many are those who say they want to be humble as the Lord in His manger in Bethlehem, but – before the tests that God sends them – they react and not only do not accept them with humility, but also feel deeply offended and seek a way to attack those who have unconsciously served as instruments for God to test them such as they always ask for.

Understand, dear companions in Christ, that the Lord cannot allow everything to be given to you without bringing to your lives the tests that consolidate the Christic purpose in your interior.

After receiving so many impulses from Heaven, when you are disregarded, humiliated, calumniated or mistreated – according to the understanding of each one -, simply receive the opportunity as a celestial gift and, without fear, let the structures of pride fall to the ground, at your feet.

I know that many realize that they have not passed the tests that God has sent them and that the resistant structures of pride were greater than their aspiration to humility, but it does not matter because we do not ask you for perfection, but for persistence. Now, get up from the abyss of ignorance and recognize your own learning; place yourselves before the Father, available to new lessons and move forward.

I want you to understand something at once and forever: humanity needs your examples of humility, which are codes that are becoming extinct from the human consciousness, because the reactions and protests are already well known by all.

When someone put you before a situation of humiliation, accept it with humility, because – no matter who is right or if this situation is fair or unfair – the Lord expects His soldiers to bend their heads and win the battle, overthrowing pride and living humility.

Remember what I told you today and be attentive to the situations of life, because if you say “yes” for a Christic path, you cannot expect anything else but to imitate the One who was humiliated, rejected and placed on a cross, to make you learn to forgive humanity and to open the flow of His Infinite Mercy to the world.

I bless you and I expect you to be willing to restart without fear to make mistakes, because only with the experience of the mistake and recognizing your own faults you will be able to help and warn others.

I love you and I accompany you always, day by day, step by step.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions and servants of Christ,

My Chaste Heart returns to the world, each day, because I trust in the potential of love of the human beings. I trust in the potential that you have to transform yourselves and all things, because you can be united in essence to the One who created everything and who has the power to transform all.

Unite every day with the true essence of what you are. Remember of your filiation with God and assume thus the responsibility of forming part of the project that has had as a result, the King of Universe, Christ the Redeemer.

I ask you to be a little more peaceful in your lives and to opt for being in silence rather than to create conflicts and to wear yourself out. Be more peaceful also with yourselves and, thus, you will have the necessary patience to transit in the current times.

The urgency of times induces the consciousness to demand, from themselves and from the neighbor, things that you may not be able to give from one day to another. For this reason, it is necessary to be with a peaceful heart to discern in the best way in the situations that present themselves in your lives.

With a peaceful heart you will be able find in your own interior the resources to overcome a spiritual test, but if instead of that you are demanding of yourselves and forcing your consciousnesses to take steps with the rigidity of your minds, you will run the risk of believing that you are progressing and, however, you will count on false inner resources, fruit of the creation of your own minds, to relieve tension in which you live, and later on you will find the same test, over and over again. Only the peaceful heart can find the inner source of the Love of God and it is there that the true virtues are fostered.

Never forget that the pressure of the forces of opposition caused by the chaos of the world will be enough for your consciousnesses to be in a tension that will overcome your limits. That pressure cannot come from your own consciousnesses, because – for the days that will come – you will need to be in peace with yourselves and with the planet.

If today you get scared and irritated with the mistakes of the neighbor and lose peace when you see the imperfections of others, you will not be able to stand what will come.

Pacify yourselves! Pacify yourselves all the time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, peacemaker of the Heart of God


To overcome the tests of a time of chaos, you must learn, still in these times, to overcome yourselves, to love praying and to seek the permanent union with the Divine Hierarchy.

Every time that you open yourselves to support a purpose, an attunement1, you receive from the Heights an opportunity of getting to know what is hidden in your own inner world.

It is when the universe places you in a situation of being praying supporters and of remaining in vigil, that you start to feel how far you can surrender yourselves to God and from where you can overcome the known limits to give of yourselves what you do not know.

These instances in which the Messengers of God ask you for constant prayer are to test you, prepare you and to give, to each one, an opportunity of self-knowledge.  For this it is important that you observe your own inner world in this moment and make sure that you are truthful in your prayers as the hours pass.  In this way, you will be able to be training your consciousnesses for the days that will come and that will need the soldiers of Christ to be in permanent and constant vigil.

May the learning of a few be able to be deposited in all human consciousness, as a living experience of union with God and with His Purpose.

I love you, and I bless you so that you may keep answering to the needs of the Plan of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


1Saint Joseph was referring to a request of the Divine Messengers, made to the Communities of Light and to the Monasteries of the Grace Mercy Order, to make supporting prayer to the group that was travelling throughout Colombia.  In the moment in which we received the message of Saint Joseph, we had been praying for about 8 hours and we were going to continue until we completed at least 12 hours of continuous prayer.

Special Message of Saint Joseph, transmitted on July 19, 2015, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

My beloved companions of the path:

Today I come to this sacred place, Kingdom of the Firstborn Son and of the Universal Mother, to bring to everyone that simplicity and humility I learned during the time I was here on this Earth, as Saint Joseph, humility and simplicity that have accompanied me ever since.

It is this humility and this simplicity that allowed Me to live sanctity, but above all things they allowed Me to let Myself be guided by God, by My Son Jesus and by My beloved wife Mary.

She, with Her loving silence, guided My inner steps; a silence that I loved and venerated at that time as service to God.

Today I come to tell you that to overcome this purification that you, My beloved disciples, are beginning to live, only the path of humility, simplicity and love of silence will lead you to overcome all the trials you will face, to leave behind the old man and the old woman, those who must no longer exist so that the wineskin which My Son must fill with His new Codes of Light can be prepared and be empty for Him.

I speak to you all equally, but today I want to make a special call to those who are confused. To these children, I ask that this inner silence may be the one that allows them to hear the voice of the heart, and that humility may allow them to accept the guidance of the Instruction left by Us, the Divine Messengers of God.

Also today I speak especially to those who have always been so certain of themselves, because they are strong and feel clarity within. I want you to know that everyone will experience the collapse of those structures that do not allow them to take steps toward the full fraternity and humility that this humanity must live.

The day will come when the energy of this end of cycle, by Law, will touch those structures, and they will begin to tremble. It will be at that moment that the arrogance and pride that you have cultivated along with what you built of yourselves, will begin to fall to make way for the truth of your essences, that which the Father Most High designed for your destinies.

Open your hearts and, thus willing, study My instructions, those that I have given you since I began visiting you. In them are kept many keys that should be those that help you in these so sublime times, so expected by your souls.

Be strong and persevering, and do not let yourselves be intimidated by the adversary of this Plan of God, who will always want to use your skills in his favor without you noticing.

Always place yourselves below others, live to serve your brothers and sisters, without protagonism, and thus the virtue that is kept within your essences, that which the Creator placed in your beings, will be poured inside and outside you to lead this path of effort that you must tread toward sanctity.

I will be there to guide you, to shelter you and to take care of you. You must only accept Me as your Companion of the way.

Today I bless this house, cradle of the New Humanity, and all of you, children of the Most High. May God always be in your lives.

My Chaste Heart guards you.

Saint Joseph, humble Worker of God


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

