In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The universe is attentive to the situation of the planet and of humanity.

This is the moment when your union with God is very important. This will allow the Supreme Source to descend to Earth through Its instruments.

If this happens, My children, in spite of the end of times, Peace will be established, and this Peace will be profound, and it will guide you and fulfill you, in these difficult times.

I come to the world to make you remember this primary principle, because it is necessary to have mirror souls upon Earth, that can refract the Principles and Attributes of the Source of God, beyond their imperfections and trials.

I need, My children, that you give permission for your souls to be able to govern, rather than your personalities.

You are already in the time of crossing the portal that will lead you to the elevation of consciousness and to the deep understanding about the significance of the Plan of God.

If your souls govern, the events will be different and suffering will disappear. But I know, My children, that most of My children in the world will not live this.

I come to ask you, at this moment, to fulfill an Aspiration of God, so that His Grace may be present in humanity, at this crucial moment.

Therefore, My children, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, I come to allow you, through My Heart, to see beyond what is apparent, beyond all that is material or concrete.

I come to place you before the spiritual vision of the Purpose, so that you may be closer to the Immaterial Source, and from there the impulses may come, which you need at this moment in order to live the situation of the planet and humanity.

The more that souls govern, at this moment, the greater will be the possibilities of the action of the Hierarchy.

It is time, My children, to lose the fear of the unknown, because if you lose the fear of the unknown, its control and power will disappear.

And finally, My children, you will realize that you are nothing, because it is in this nothing where God needs you to be so that He can fill you, with His infinite and spiritual Void, a void that does not want anything for itself, that does not desire anything for itself, that does not flaunt anything for itself.

Thus, you will allow, within the void, for the Love of God to fill you and strengthen you, and your souls will be able to serve and work as you have so expected, for so long, as you have tried to do, for so long.

From the Immaterial Source will come the help for all those who ask for it, trust what I am saying to you because here lies the great key.

My Immaculate Heart today refracts the Rays of the Attributes of God that come from His Immaterial Source.

These Rays enter the souls that open to govern and, in this way, to serve Christ in the prelude of the preparation of His Return.

The great coming of My Son will first take place in the souls that can govern themselves, not as it is done here on Earth among human beings; I speak about the Celestial and Spiritual Government, in which My Son, the Christ, is the great Governor in the universe; He determines, before the authority of the Father, the guidelines and commands.

Your souls and essences can participate in this great army, which He creates throughout the entire universe and beyond it.

In this way, you will understand, My children, that the Government about which I am telling you is not limited to one person or one nation; it is not a system, it is not a conquest nor human control.

The Celestial Government, which My Son carries forward, comes from the Source of Creation, just as from where the Archangels come. Just as the Archangels have their emanations and armies of Light, so the Celestial Government has its principles and Hierarchies.

At this moment of the planet, you can be under this Law, the Law of the Celestial Government, which, in the end of times, will reorder the entire universe, even this planet and humanity.

It is the Celestial Government that will cause the New Humanity to arise, which will finally live the Commandments that it has never managed to live nor fulfill.

From the Celestial Spheres this Message comes for the world, through the Light of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, and I encourage My children to allow their souls to govern, under the impulse of the Spiritual and Celestial Government of My Son.

I invite you to step out what is horizontal and enter into what is vertical, what comes from the Supreme Source, and thus you will be aligned with the Purpose, but also with the Principle, which in this incarnation will allow you to concretize your task and mission.

Your lives can no longer be independent, autonomous, nor be a property of themselves. Your souls are now in the time of living the Celestial Government of My Son, a Government that, in the universe, is preparing to gestate His coming Return.

In the simple words that I say to you, My children, there are many principles and attributes. Benefit from this moment, because most of My children do not have the opportunity to do so.

Be aware that the foundations of the New Humanity must continue being built; a humanity that will be free from hatred, persecution, mistreatment, homicides, exploitation, slavery, trafficking, from indifference and errors.

The souls that carry forward with governing will be part of the New Humanity. This exercise, which I invite you to live, is not a method nor a practice, it is an inner attitude, a burning aspiration to be very close to My Son.

Although your purification may be at its acutest moment, do not give up, rather have faith, because the transformation and redemption of the human beings of the surface of the Earth is possible when there is the aspiration to live in the Law and to then fulfill it and carry it forward.

The more that souls allow themselves to be governed by the Celestial Government, the greater will be the possibilities and the Works that My Son will carry out when He returns. Overnight, greater will be the possibilities for Him to be able to again find His companions, and those who have waited a long time to again meet Him, face to face.

But before He carries out His Return, His great and definitive task, just as it was in the past, My Son will gather some of His companions to break the bread, and He will give to eat from His Glorified and Living Body, and it will be at that moment, My children, that the great promise will be fulfilled, which He made a long time ago, which says, “I will be with you, every day, until the end of times,” until His Celestial Government is established and humanity and the planet may be a part of this spiritual regency.

Let us pray with fervor and serve with gratitude, My children, knowing that each event in life, each experience lived and shared, can be a part of the establishment of this Spiritual Government, that your souls can live in these definitive times; and this experience can lead many, many lost souls to have the opportunity of Redemption and Mercy.

Today, I am here before you in Spirit, but My ascended and transcended Body is in the Universe, also waiting to return someday, so that all may be close to the Mother of God, living the Project of God, forever.

In faith and love, I bless you, be patient and persevere.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Make your inner struggles a path to deepen your unity with God and your maturity as a human and spiritual being. 

In your deepest difficulties, may you not seek to fulfill your emptiness with that which is even emptier, which are the things of the world.

Search for relief for the pain, healing for your fears, answers to your inner questions, fulfillment for your emptiness, always in God. Seek your Creator in silence, prayer, singing, breathing, serving, and in life itself. 

Find the Celestial Father in those who suffer, in those most in need, in those you have by your side, your brothers and sisters on the path, your companions. 

Find the Celestial Father in nature, in the air you breathe every day, in silence, in the mystery which lies within you.

Find the Celestial Father in the strength that comes to you from within to make decisions to not remain in childishness, to not fall into temptation, to not make more mistakes and to change. 

Find the Celestial Father in the answer of love that you can feel, even for a second, in the drop of water that falls from the sky into the desert of your heart, and which may not quench your thirst, but rather gives you hope.

Thus, child, make every test a gift, an opportunity to find God and to grow. 

Pray and serve. Discover that by serving in the simplest things you also find fulfillment, because it is not about undertaking great missions, but stepping out of yourself to love, and may love cleanse your eyes and make you perceive life in a different way. 

Pray and make your life a prayer. Thus you will find peace.

You have my blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



After experiencing the meeting with God, hearing His Words and participating in the revelation of His Designs, souls must then grow, strengthened by Celestial Laws; they must live everything they have learned and, with their lives, they must disseminate the Grace that they have received, in their examples, their love and the profound emanation of their hearts.

After experiencing the meeting with God, souls must then define themselves, be reconfirmed and walk onward to discover the Divine Presence within themselves, and thus, hear His Voice in each instant of their lives.

Each meeting with God brings an impulse that must resonate within the being and manifest in human life through deep transformations, achieved by those who have heard the Voice of the Creator.

The Voice of God resonates, children, and must not only be heard, but also be made flesh and life in all His children.

The time has come to not only be called disciples and companions of Christ but, above all, to testify to His Presence and the echo of His Voice with your own life. The Gospel of the end times have already begun to be written, and it is done through the Words of God, and through the testimonies of His children.

You must be witnesses of the Words of Christ.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Prayer to Imitate Christ

may my eyes contemplate the world with Your Eyes;
may my heart feel life as does Your Heart;
may my soul live upon Earth and beyond it, as does Your Soul;
may my days be an eternal reflection of Your Mercy
so that I may see my neighbor as You see me,
so that I understand my neighbor as You understand me, 
so that I may be patient with my neighbor as You are with me, 
so that I may speak to my neighbor as You speak to those who are Yours,   
so that I may act with my neighbor as You act with those who are Yours, 
and so that I may deliver to them all that You may wish to deliver.
Therefore, Lord,
may I love as You love,
serve as You serve
and live as You live,

Pray like the first companions of Christ, who, gathered around Him, - Jews, pagans, atheists, fishermen, prostitutes, scholars and soldiers, poor people and tax collectors, doctors and lepers - learned to love one another as He loved them.

Through His sacred Presence, their eyes became merciful and they could see beyond miseries and appearances.

This is how, children, you should look at one another today, with these very Eyes. This is how you should recognize one another, in the eternal Presence of Christ; loving, understanding, patient, merciful and compassionate, as His Heart is.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The angelic procession has arrived here together with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us revere the Glorified Solar Christ and allow ourselves to be invaded by the Light of His Divinity, which comes today to show itself as the center of all Creation.

It is that Light that never died and that defeated darkness, and still defeats it throughout time.

Let us participate in this moment with the joy of preparing for His Return to humanity.

Let us allow ourselves to be guided by the Consciousness of the Solar Christ which, dressed as a great Sun, shows Himself to us with the Power of the Glory of the Father around Him.

Let us contemplate this silent but powerful Light that He offers to us. Let us reflect this Light of the Divinity of Christ in our heart so that this whole period, which we have lived with Him during these eight days, may be sealed as a powerful alliance between His Heart and us. Thankful for all the Graces received and for the merits He has shared through the instruction, let us contemplate the Glory of Our Lord in His face of the Solar Christ.

Let us feel how the whole Universe stops because of His Presence, before this Universal event that the Master brings to us and all of Creation.

In His Presence, let us remember all that we have experienced in these last seven days and all the revelations He brought for a single purpose, the redemption of humanity, the awakening of consciousnesses, the fulfillment of the commitment of each one of His companions.

We are grateful for all the experiences that He had us go through and for all the moments of love that He shared with each heart, renewing the life of those who have hope in His Name and awakening what is truest and purest in each human being.

So today, this afternoon, on this eighth day of instruction with Christ Jesus, the Solar Christ comes to ask us for our divinity, the very depths of our being, the true light that we are in the eyes of the Eternal Father, so that it may be in service to His Plan of Redemption and preparation for His Return to the world.

May our divinity be placed at the Feet of Our Lord, in the same way that today our souls again place themselves at the Feet of Christ, so that we may be filled by His spiritual and cosmic Light.

Let us recognize this moment as something unique in the history of humanity. Heaven touching Earth, God summoning His children through His beloved Son.

And we see Christ cry in gratitude for the fidelity of those who are consequent, for the prayers of the persevering, for the service of the untiring, for the sacrifice of the humble, for the unconditionality of the obedient, for those who love God and their brothers and sisters as Christ loves each one of us.

In our very depths, our beings receive the Solar Christ and commune with the most non-material aspect of the Father.

Today I come to bid farewell to the world because this will be My last year of instruction with you, after the Sacred Week is accomplished in the month of August.

I will no longer come, but My Spirit will be your fortitude, because I have given you everything and, through My companions, I have been able to accomplish the work of Mercy that should continue resounding throughout the world, through the complete sacrifice of your lives, until the time comes for you to enter into Heaven so as to enter the Paradise of God.

I say goodbye now so that you do not feel My absence. I would like to spend more time with you, but My new time is approaching. A moment in which humanity will be universally judged so that it may recognize its errors and amend them by means of the results of the change and the Mercy that I have given to each one of your lives.

But do not suffer because I cannot be here anymore, because I will find you through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. And when the end of My task with you is done, everything will happen.

But do not be afraid; My Mother will be with you. Her Love will protect you and will raise you from the ground when you have no strength, because Her Love is unconditional. This is why I gave you the best that My Life has: the Mother of God.

While I do not speak with you and I am in silence, I remember the meetings we have had over the last six years. I remember the strength of the faith of each one of My companions and the fidelity of those who hold the fulfillment of My Work, through the Sacraments and each meeting of prayer.

The Light of My Glory descends to Earth to bless those who will continue My Work in the world, under the spirit of the Church and of ecumenism.

In the same way that I sent the apostles, two by two, today I send all of you to testify to My Presence in all nations of the world. Let the Word of the Glorified Christ be heard in all languages so that the heart of those most in need resound with the same strength and Grace that has resounded in your hearts during these last years.

Everything has been consummated.

In the same way that I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of the Father, today I surrender your spirits into the Hands of God, so that you may never forget all that I have left you, so that My spiritual design may be accomplished in each one of you.

Today I leave with My Heart full of the love and the gratitude of My companions, of those who have not been afraid of transformation, of those who have not been afraid of proclaiming their faith and their fidelity to Christ.

My spiritual and celestial Church embraces you, in the same way that it embraces the whole world today, so that healing may be established in humanity and on the whole planet, because My Love will never leave you.

My last messages will be the most definitive, from now until August.

With all that you have learned from My Word and from the strength of the Love of God, you must always erect My spiritual Church on the surface of the Earth so that each soul may be the living temple that I need in order to return and fulfill the Scriptures, as the Scriptures were fulfilled during My Birth.

Christ is now standing with His arms stretched out in a Cross like the Redeeming Christ and the Light of His Heart illuminates the world and everything that is in it, to seal this alliance with the Divine Plan.

If it were urgent and necessary for the world, I could come under extraordinary circumstances to you, so that you could be guided and always led along the path of Truth.

Although My task among you is now finishing, as it finished among the apostles, I could reappear to bring and deliver the last instructions, as determined by My Eternal Father.

Carry Light to the world so that the world, through the Light, may find the love and hope of being reborn to life, every day.

Children, companions and friends of Mine, consummating this work on the eighth day of Christic instruction for the whole world, in the fullness of the thanksgiving of the heart, let us together softly say the prayer that I taught you in Aramaic.

Our Father (in Aramaic).

Blessed are those who cry, for they will always be consoled.

Blessed are those who persevere, for they will always find the Kingdom of God.

Blessed are those who serve, for they will see God.

Blessed are those who sacrifice themselves for Me, for they will be with Me in Eternal Life.

Today I will give the Easter blessing after the blessing given by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Today I am under the ambassador of Christ on Earth, because the disciples and servers of Christ will always be able to take greater steps in love than those I took.

May the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit accompany you and bless you so that you may be in My Peace.

Let us celebrate this Eucharist of Resurrection within the Celestial Church.

Today, all those consecrated that are present here, representing all the religious orders of the world, as well as all the priests that are present here today, representing all the priests of the world, will come up here on the stage so that together we may experience the consecration of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.

"Father, You know that humanity has always been mistaken, but you also know about all those who have heard My Call and have responded to My Will. At this crucial hour of the planet, use all the surrenders and sacrifices of Your children, of those who never gave up nor desisted from fulfilling My Will."

"This is the greatest offering that My Heart makes to You on this day, so that your Grace, Your Love and your spiritual abundance may descend, and thus everything can be renewed. Amen."

Today I am with the apostles of the end times, and in the same way that I celebrated the Eucharist with My apostles after the Resurrection, today I come to celebrate this spiritual Communion with you, so that your consciousnesses may always be renewed.

Thus, I again take the bread, and offering it to God so that it may be transubstantiated, I give it to you, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which was given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

I offer the Father the Chalice of redemption and renewal, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ, and I again give you this Chalice, saying: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God, the Blood that was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In union with the Most Holy Trinity, for all the Graces and merits received, as a triumph of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus and for the urgent and necessary healing of humanity, let us say the prayer that Christ taught us, to consummate this spiritual and inner alliance and consecration.

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace and the Love of Christ descend to Earth.

We thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When your Lord calls you to meet with Him, go, child, and do not fear to walk without looking back.

Place, in His hands and in His heart, all that you sometimes seem to abandon; know, in the certainty of your heart, that everything will find its path, its purpose and its place in the Heart of such an immense God, who has a unique and perfect place for every creature.

Walk toward your place in the Heart of God, knowing that the purpose of your life is to follow Him and be in Him at every moment, as His instrument, His friend, His companion in this path taken and in so many others.

Strengthen your heart through each test, through each "yes" to Christ and each "no" to that which is obscure. Know that your heart belongs to the only Lord and, in Him you must always be.

Consolidate your fortitude within you, knowing that it is being constructed in the Hands of God. And have faith, My child.

Wind, rain and discouragement will pass, but the foundations of your dwelling will remain firm. For this reason, the only necessary thing now is to place yourself in the Hands of your Father and Lord and, obeying His designs, find His most pure love for you.

Through Him, you will love all things. And all renunciation will find meaning, and all offerings will be multiplied at the abundant table of the redemption of life, where many of the hungry will eat the fruits of your service.

You sometimes do not perceive these fruits because they remain in the Hands of He who gathers them to one day be offered to the world.

Have faith and seek God. These are todays keys for the encouragement of your soul.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

There will come a time in which all will already be defined, there will be no more chance to choose.

There will come a time in which humanity will make its great decision and it will be at that very moment that the Universal Law will take action, according to the indication of God.

That time is not too far away, that is why everybody is being called to go through a deep and true reflection, to take a great step and to confirm their lives to the Plan of our Celestial Father.

Because in this way, He can count on pillars upon the surface of the Earth to carry forward His Work of redemption and of peace in the world, which is the Work of the Three Sacred Hearts.

I know you are going through very difficult times. That is why I am here, companions, not only to accompany you in happiness and joy, but also to accompany you in the crucial times, in which the nations of the world define their destiny, a destiny that will have an unavoidable impact on the world population.

But never stop having faith, do not let your hearts hesitate, never let doubt enter into your inner world because My adversary is not resting. But if your prayers reach Heaven, as on this day, many situations are avoided, not only in the nations but also in the peoples.

The time will come, companions, in which each one of you must cross the portal of the Armageddon, not only for your inner purification, but also so as to be able to experience the chaos of the end of these times with patience, love, and humility.

I ask you, companions, to firmly hold up My torch of Light, that torch of Light that I gave you though prayer, which has lifted up your consciousnesses and lives, many times, to the Kingdom of God and sometimes without your perceiving it.

It is that torch of Light that must flame in this end time, to light up all the corners of the Earth and all hearts, to dissipate all darkness and gloom you experience in your souls.

Thus I call on you as My apostles of the final times, the apostles of the end time, who are part of the history of the transition of the Earth and who will be able to rewrite a new story in humanity, free of suffering, chaos, and human evil.

It is with the conversion and the redemption of your hearts that you will be able to change the world and the Light of God will descend upon the Earth through the return of Christ and all will participate in that, no matter from which plane or where you are, all will participate in this happening, all will be part of this final story that I have been building in your inner worlds.

Because when the great moment approaches, companions, I assure you that your lives will not fall back, you will take steps forward, you will face the end of times, you will learn to support your families and loved ones, your neighbors and friends, your own nations, which are part of a great spiritual debt for having deviated from the Law and the commitment.

But do allow, companions, My Universal Government to descend to Earth, through that sustaining of the torch of Light which is the living reflection of the prayer of the heart.

First My Government must descend into your hearts, your souls, spirits, and lives. In yourselves, companions, you must forge that spirit of valor and of courage as the first Christians did, giving their own lives to testify to My presence in the world.

But I do not want to see more blood flowing. I want to see, companions, the testimony of your daily conversion and redemption, the perfect alliance with the Celestial Father and with all His angels that are in Heaven.

Because it is at the most acute moment of the Earth when I will send the hosts of the Father, principally the hosts of the Archangel Saint Michael.

They will come with their swords, they will cut the ties, they will free the chains of the men and women of the Earth, they will close the hells, evil will be defeated, and the Heart of God will triumph in each human heart. And the promise of the Return of Christ will be fulfilled. It will no longer be only a promise, it will be a reality.

But continue firm, persist in the light of prayer, continue re-igniting the torch of Light that I have given you and place upon your chest the Cross of Redemption, that Cross that was lighted for you at the top of Mount Calvary, this Cross that witnessed the death of the Son of God and that engraved in its essence the Blood of the Lamb, of the Lamb that was sacrificed, that was insulted and mistreated by the ignorance and the unconsciousness of humankind.

But the power of My divine and unfathomable Mercy that was shed on the height of the Cross, with the flow of the Water and the Blood, that divine Mercy is what reaches up to these times. It is that powerful and invincible Mercy that God, our Eternal Father, showed Me in the Garden of Gethsemane.

What gave Me the strength, companions, to reach these times was: the faithfulness of My companions, the love of My martyrs, the solidarity of the servants, the honesty of the collaborators, the consecration of hearts to the spiritual and religious life and, principally, the priesthood that arises from My unfathomable Heart, so that all My Grace and Mercy be able to continue being poured out over the world throughout the times and all the generations.

And so, companions, I ask you to confirm your consciousnesses to God, in the same way you confirm your consciousnesses today to My Heart, because I ask you, companions, that through holding up that torch of light and of faith, which will illumine the most crucial and definite times, you will be able, companions, to go through the end of times without fear, with a deep courage, a strengthened faith that is born of the trust of your lives in the presence of your Redeemer within each one of you.

Humanity expects to see phenomena that will transcend all the times and events, but the true phenomenon in this time is the miracle that was able to take place in your lives with your adherence to My Plan of Love and with your indelible trust in My Redemptive Project.

To have achieved this in this time is a miracle. Thus, I again renew you in persistence and in faith because harder times will come, the times that humanity chose. But the more you pray and the more you strengthen yourselves internally, many, many more souls will be given relief from that choice that humanity itself made, especially the choices that the nations make at this time which are not the responsibility of the people, but rather of the hypnotism that comes from those who govern.

Let the Love of God never be missing in your hearts. Before deciding, acting, or speaking, think if in your inner senses there is the Love of God, because that will protect you from entering the chaos in these times and of being violently pushed by the forces of perdition.

But there is something that is inviolable, which is built in your hearts and essences. In spite of the events and of the tests, companions, this cannot be defeated, cannot be dispelled, nobody can dissolve it. Because it is a spiritual fortitude that your lives build in My life, in each moment of prayer, at each moment of service, as in each opportunity of loving more each day.

These treasures are unshakable, cannot be extinguished and cannot be erased. Take care of these treasures and allow these treasures to be able to bring forth more fruits which may be shared and distributed with your brothers and sisters, just as I share My Love with you.

Today I come to say that Argentina will face a very acute moment, but you have Me to be able to go through it. Thus, I ask that there not be a lot of rage or indignation in your hearts, that you not raise your voices nor your swords, because who wounds with their sword and with their voice, will be wounded.

In this moment, use the third ray that governs this material universe and let Divine Intelligence, which is propagated by the Holy Spirit, place you in the right place and at the right moment, for the chance of giving more love where it does not exist.

But that test will not last very long. Argentina will be re-ignited by all its sacred precincts and the souls will feel it, and it will be the prelude to My coming to the world in an unexpected and inexplicable way.

Therefore, place you minds and consciousnesses in all the good that will come rather than on the tests that will take place.

I know that you will not be able to be indifferent to the reality of Argentina and of South America, but you must nourish your spirits in the fire of prayer so that you not feel that you lack something, but rather feel an inner strength that gives you the impulse to renew yourselves time after time.

I am here, on this day and on this afternoon, to prepare you for that moment, a moment in which you must demonstrate by yourselves that you have understood My words and especially, that you live My message even in the simplest and smallest of things. This will protect not only you but also your loved ones.

The crises of these times forge human fraternity in hearts, a fraternity that was never experienced in some other time, a human fraternity that will remove you from illusion, from ownership, from the control of all you think you have by your own means.

In this way you will awaken to love and you will be able to expand it in the world, just as I expanded My Love for you in each moment and in each passage upon this Earth.

Now, I need you to be like Me, that you be My example of love and of light, of peace and of reconciliation. Heaven welcomes your prayers with splendor and makes of them many miracles, graces, and mercies to be poured out in other places of the Earth, where no love or peace are experienced, where no goodness exists.

Be wardens of that living Love of God which, like the people of Israel, at this time I come to spiritually feed and nourish you with. It is that Love that will allow you to transcend the end of times, it is that Love that nobody will take from you because it is the Love of God that can enter into you and dwell in you forever.

While the doors of Heaven are open and the Heavenly Church descends to commune of the essences of God, this is the moment in which each one of your souls can make a new offering to the Celestial Father. In the deepest and most true sincerity that emerges from your hearts, through My Heart you will be able emit your offer and intention for some situation or cause, be it possible or impossible.

At this moment, just like the angels of Heaven that surround the glory and the divinity of the Son of God, your souls will bow down to the ground and from the Universe receive the sacred blessing, fruit of the Grace and Mercy of the Father.

We prepare this moment, not only for the transubstantiation of the elements that will change into the Body and the Blood of Christ, but also so that God may hear your pleas, may receive your intentions, and with His Love fill each one of those present.

Let us stand and give thanks, placing our hand on our heart, to feel the beat of our heart that is the beat of the Heart of Christ, which at this moment emits and radiates His Love to the world, dissolving the difficulties, transmuting the hells, freeing souls from oppression.

The Heart of Jesus beats in each human heart. Feel the beat of your hearts, feel the beating of His living Heart, this is the beat of the Heart of God that never stops, that never rests, and that renews all things.

And today, before the Celestial Church of the Father, receive His Love and commune of this moment that leads you into a renewal of life and consciousness.

In this offering of Love, let us humbly lift up our pleas so that the Heart of the Father may answer us through His Mercy.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated three times)

Eternal Father, God and Creation of Life, bless these elements that Your children lovingly offer at Your altar for the transubstantiation of life, the forgiveness of errors and the victory of Divine Mercy in the whole world. Amen.

At this moment, let us raise our intentions to God

God grants His Grace and His Mercy through the Love of His Son and this universal and infinite Love is what grants healing and the redemption of souls.

Today I return to institute and to establish the revelation of this mystery of love, through the consecration of the Body and the Blood of Christ.

And in light of the same scene of the Last Supper, let those who are able and can, kneel.

At that time, after having washed the hands and the feet of the apostles, of the first priests that would succeeded Me, I gathered them around the table of Love to celebrate the legacy of Christ that would remain forever in humanity.

And so I took the bread, breaking it and giving thanks to God for that sacrifice that I would experience, gave it to the apostles, saying to them with a deep love: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

And at the sound of three bell strikes, the angels transubstantiated the bread into the living Body of Christ.

Prayer: We praise You Lord and we bless You (repeated three times).

Then I took up the Chalice, giving thanks to God for that sacrifice of shedding every last drop of My Blood for My brothers and sisters, handed it to the apostles, saying to them with a deep love: "Take and drink, this is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed by your Master and Lord for the remission and the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

And at the sound of three bell strikes, the angels transubstantiated the wine into the Precious Blood of Christ.

Prayer: We praise You Lord and bless You (repeated three times)

We stand and hold hands.

As one people, as one humanity, and a single flock together with Christ, our Lord, the King of kings, and the Master among masters, as it was in the Last Supper, we will repeat the prayer that He taught us, expressing in each word His sweet and purest Love.

And let us do this prayer softly, slowly, feeling each one of the words that Christ left for us.

Prayer: Our Father

Let us place our hands on our heart and when the seven bells sound, the Body and the Blood of Christ, our Savior, will be established and instituted for the whole world on this day of Glory and of Mercy.

I am happy to know, companions, that day after day in your path of transformation and of faith, you are able to be part of My mystical Body, that spiritual and divine Body that assembles and unites all souls of the world, beyond distances, boundaries and nations, establishing a single people, a single race, and a New Humanity.

In the name of that sacred promise of the New Humanity, within the New Jerusalem, I give you My Peace so that you may live and feel it, share it and express it with your loved ones and with all those you encounter on your paths.

May this Peace, which emerges from the eternal Heart of God, free you forever and in that freedom you may find a perfect alliance with the Creator, until the one thousand years of peace are fulfilled.

May the Peace of My Heart be with all of you, in fraternity and unity you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having responded to My call.


May your hearts be filled by the Grace, Peace and the Mercy of Christ.

Today, children, My prayer is for you to find God, to live His words, His instructions, delivered to the world through His Messengers.

My prayer is for you to know how to overcome yourselves, each day, finding in your own surrender and in the aspiration to live Christic Love, the strength to elevate, overcome harassments and adversities and find peace.

My prayer is for you to learn to serve your brothers and sisters, learn how to say yes without conditions, in the spirit of patience and fraternity, humility and love.

Today, My prayer is for the servers of Christ to discover themselves as His companions and always aspire to give one step more, and become His friends, espoused souls of His Sacred Heart and faithful imitators of His Christic path.

My prayer today, before God, is of surrender. I surrender to the Father each word said throughout these last years, each impulse that I gave you with My word, with My silence and with My Love, so that you may seek in God the fruits of this surrender.

The door has already been opened to you. The way has already been shown. Today, My prayer is for you to walk without fear and tepidness of heart.

Be souls firm in Christ, renewed in God and willing to fulfill His Plan. 

For this I bless you and, with love, I accompany you, today and always. 

Your Father and eternal Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



As a Carpenter, I gradually molded the raw wood of you heart, so that you could discover the treasure that is within you.

As a Shepherd, I gradually conducted your paths, just as My Son taught Me, so that you could reach His Sacred Heart.

As a Father, I gradually polished your more human aspects, showing you what you are not, so that you could know the truth about yourself.

As a Friend, I was ever present, making Myself felt in each trial and bringing peace to your heart, to calm your anguishes and illuminate your abysses.

As a Companion, I gradually opened the doors of Heaven for you, pointing to the rocks on the path and accompanying your steps, so that you could make the Love of God triumph within your heart.

Now, child, I come, as a Servant of God, to show you a broader and deeper path, albeit invisible and hidden.

I come to show the path so that you may live My words, experience My instructions and thus, you may not only see how My Heart reaches the world, every day, but you may come with Me, enter the Portals and find your Celestial Father, Your Creator and Creator of all things.

I am Your Servant. He is your Lord. I have come here for you, so that you may accompany Me toward His Heart, and this path is trodden in silence, in the depth of your inner world, crossing the door of your essence that leads you to God.

Come, for the hour has arrived. Hear My silence and follow My walk. I come to make room for the voice of God within your heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Each day, elevate your heart a little more to God. Do not tire of persisting; do not tire of trying to be meek and humble in the face of all situations in life, keeping in your essence what makes you a guardian of the Divine Purpose.

Meekness and humility are not weakness and indifference. Be meek and humble and, at the same time, be firm in the silence within you, making the Will of God in you and around you incorruptible.

Emanate peace in your actions and words. Emanate peace in your presence and let God express through you. You already know, child, that this must be the expression of your being and, day after day, I come to remind you of these things because, while I speak, I give impulse to your consciousness so that it may take a new step and always go deeper into the living of higher teachings.

The mission of a companion of Christ is to be His living Word and to spread His Teachings with their own life. Thus, every day, My Chaste Heart comes to the world to form the companions of Christ and help them achieve the Will of God for their lives.

Let My instructions transform you. Let My presence inspire you so that one day, child, you also may transform and inspire souls by bringing the presence of your Lord into life, in all that you are and in all that you emanate to the world.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


O soul that has wedded the Lord, surrender to Him your being, body, soul, mind, spirit and heart so that, in this way, you may be in your Spouse, and He in you.

Be faithful to the One Who called you by your name and Who, among so many beings of the Earth, allowed you to hear His sweet Voice, His firm call.

Seek to be, soul of the Lord, an eternal companion of your Spouse, faithful in the graces as well as in the cross, giving Him all virtues and miseries, everything you achieved and also that which you have not even tried for. Place everything in the arms of the Lord and surrender your heart before His greatness.

Do not wait any longer to experience an alliance with your God. Renew your union with the Creator in each instant of your life. Understand the union with God, not like the marriages of the Earth, but like a spiritual marriage, an alliance that is made between your soul and God, representing that everything you are and what you have experienced, up until now, is placed in the Hands of the Most High, so that He may dispose of your consciousness and of your spirit to accomplish His Will.

Learn to love God more each day.

Learn to be faithful and dedicated.

Learn to always offer all of yourself, so that His Will may be accomplished.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Saint Joseph transmitted in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Welcome the Science of God that is revealed and allow it to settle within you. Do not try to understand it immediately, but rather feel it and experience it, little by little, until it transforms you and reveals itself.

Learn to know, by living. Learn to welcome, by loving. Learn to transform yourselves, by being companions of God, each day a little more, and not just His children.

Aspire to be the new in this world.

Aspire to experience the unknown.

Aspire to be precursors of a new time, manifested truths, a new experience for the entire Creation.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

Keep vigil, in prayer with your Lord, so that in these times He may find His companions and apostles awake, aware of the agony and the passion of the planet, truly ready to surrender their lives for Christ, through the small and big sacrifices that bring them closer to God.

Make an effort every day to offer something more of yourself to the Father, in the name of the whole of humanity. Let your prayer, your song and your surrender deepen and each day become more sincere and unconditional because of being the instruments and the vehicles of your union with Christ, of your service to His Plan of rescue in this world.

Pray and be in vigil with the Lord, because it will be in this way that you will be accompanying His steps. It is in this way that you will be consistent with His spiritual presence in this world. It is in this way that you will prepare His path of return to Earth and will be worthy of being with Him in the institution of His Kingdom.

Let prayer be the water without which your soul cannot live, and let sacrifice be the food for your spirit. In this way, child, every day you will be closer to God, and as a result, you will elevate this world and its humanity with you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Retreat your heart in the Presence of your Lord and enter into the living memory of His Passion so that each year you can discover the mysteries of His Love, and learn to love a little more.

Begin to feel with Him, that the night of His surrender is drawing closer. Feel how love and compassion are now beginning to be born within Him, because he knew that His hour was coming.

Feel His gaze upon His companions, emanating compassion and Mercy, understanding and forgiving them, even before they sinned, abandoning the Lord on the road to the Calvary.

Seek this superior Love so that you also may begin to go deeper into the Calvary that the Earth experiences, in the change of times, in the purification of the planet, in the awakening of a greater Love. And from now on begin to forgive the sins committed, not only by you, but above all by your neighbor. Begin to further understand human fragility and place your heart in the mysterious essence that makes you worthy children of God.

The road to the Calvary does not begin with the cross on your back; it begins in the desert and it is often experienced and deepened in spiritual levels before manifesting. Thus, child, from now on open your heart for the awakening of Love, for the cross of these times.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today, child, Not only prepare your heart to be before your Lord, Master and King. Prepare yourself to be truly His companion; prepare yourself to assume a deeper degree of commitment to Him; prepare yourself not to be a Cyrenian, but to carry your own cross, in the name of humanity.

Prepare yourself to no longer be Mary at the Feet of the Lord or purely Martha, serving Him tirelessly. Prepare yourself to take your own steps upon the Calvary of these times and renew the sacrifice of the Lord with the offer of your own life.

Prepare yourself to be another, new, to finally allow to be born within you this love that humanity hopes to feel and receive, but needs to learn to give.

Prepare yourself to be humiliated and silenced. Prepare yourself to be judged and not fear. Prepare yourself to be flagellated and to renew yourself. Prepare yourself to walk with the cross of this time and understand with love those who you find on your path. Prepare yourself to love unconditionally and forgive the unforgivable. Prepare yourself to live a Love that does not fit within you. Prepare yourself to renew the Love of God.

Then, let the Thought of God be expressed within you. Renounce your wills and plans. Renounce your wishes and aspirations, and listen deep within your heart to the Voice of God, which will guide you to this new human.  

Pray, and prayer will be your greatest strength, mainly so that you can overcome, in yourself, the temptations that come from your mind and emotions, from the old human that will shout within you in order not to lose their reign.

Pray, serve and love your brothers and sisters. There you will find your safety, your protection and, above all, there you will find the Purpose of God for you. 

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I always like to return to the home of My good friends, because in spite of what happens, they never lose their favored place in My Heart.

As in the past, today I visit My old friends, friends of the path, friends and companions in service, in charity and in the fidelity that must be achieved through faith and persistence.

When I visited the families, during past times, it was in those places where I felt better, in the home of My friends, in the households of My apostles, because with them I could share the depths of my heart.

In the house of My friends, My Heart overflowed with an immense and immeasurable love that was capable of freeing and redeeming all things.

In the house of My friends I shared My Peace, and I left this peace so that they would always remember me because, as I said to you once, I could not stay any longer on Earth because I would be returning to the House of My Father.

That is why, today, I return and visit one of the homes of My old and well-known friends to feel My Heart and the ardor of the devotion of My Soul for those who have walked with Me from the beginning.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you and fills you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part I

Companions and brothers and sisters of Mine:

It is not by preference nor any other reason, but it is necessary that you do not forget that Aurora still has not finished materializing on its surface and, in order for this to become possible, you must be aware and collaborate with this sacred space which, with humility, receives you to shelter your spirits in the essence of healing and of love.

This was one of My main reasons for coming to Aurora and to carry out the next Marathon of Divine Mercy in this beloved Marian Center, if it had happened.

My reason and spiritual motive was to tell all of you who have come to Aurora about the importance that this manifestation has to Me, since Uruguay as a country has already lost its spiritual character, and this principle has so far been sustained by My faithful companions who live in this village and who, day after day, with effort and hope, pray for the triumph of love in this homeland.

After the first few years, in which Aurora made itself visible to all on the physical plane, it stopped its manifestation; from there, pending needs remained for the permanance of Aurora.

The first need is the finalizing of its Marian Center which, as it does not have its physical bases finished and its needs supplied, will not be able to mirror nor receive certain treasures of the Hierarchy that will help the liberation of souls.

Within the communal area of Redención 1, the construction is still pending, with the help of all, of a large kitchen and a dining hall to welcome all who need to eat; this is also a part of the manifestation of Aurora.

It is still necessary, in Redención 2, to improve and build a set of lodgings that can be available for the moments of large meetings; as well as improving the bathrooms, given the requirements for visitors.

The areas of Redención 2 and Redención 1 need to develop a sustainable system for the maintenance of the plantations and the alternative collection of water for irrigation.

In Redención 3, it is necessary to improve the spaces for co-existence with the Animal Kingdom since this is one of Auroras tasks for the future; also needed is fraternal and supportive maintenance and labor for repairing and rebuilding the houses which already exist.

The presence of people for longer periods of time in Aurora is necessary in order for everything previously described to take place. There must be servers who understand, beyond the material aspect, what the spiritual and physical presence of Aurora means in a country that has already condemned itself to a violent purification.

I wish to avoid the chastisement that Uruguay deserves, before the Universe, by means of the offer of Aurora on the surface because, if these needs are not met, souls will not awaken nor be healed of the past and, even further, Uruguay will not be able to have a new opportunity.

I leave everything that the Kingdom of Aurora needs for 2019, not only for the Uruguayans, but also for the whole world. 

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart and for considering Aurora as a door to your redemption!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing the Grace that God grants you, every day, of not being alone on this path of transformation and healing.

Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing that each one of your brothers and sisters and companions on this path are chosen by the Father so that they could be with you, because, through their presence in your life, you will be able to learn to love more each day.

My child, open to know how to thank God every day for what He manifests in your life. Give thanks for the challenges, give thanks for the difficulties, give thanks for the moments of frustration and the moments of weariness.

Give thanks for moments such as this, in which Heaven opens before you to listen to your pleas, and God, in spite of being in all things, at this moment places His eyes upon you and attentively receives your prayers.

Give thanks because, in a time so difficult for the planet, the Creator granted you a spiritual family so that, like the Sacred Family, you may be able to walk together toward Bethlehem. Give thanks because your brothers and sisters and companions made themselves available to overcome the difficulties of this time with you.

Perfect days will not come, and the time that has past will not return so that you can again experience what your personality already knows and wants to continue living.

In Bethlehem, everything will be unknown, and after the birth of Christ within you, nothing will be as it was. Each day will surprise you, not because they will be days like what you want them to be. The events will surprise you because, if you give permission, this New Child within you will overcome all the challenges through love, one after another, and each day, the love will be renewed within you. This will be the difference between that which will be experienced by those who allow Christ to be born within them, and that which will be experienced by those who do not allow it.

It will not be outside of yourself where love will reign. The time will come in which this world will unite with what is real, with the Time of God. But until then, it is within you that this Kingdom must dwell, just as it dwelled within Christ, from His birth until His Holy Cross.

The cycles are renewed, until humanity is able to achieve the Will of God. For this reason, today, child, I come to call you to a spirit of gratitude so that, through it, you may allow yourself to be surprised, again and again, not by the life of the world, but rather by the love that is renewed within you and overcomes all things.

That same love lives within your brothers and sisters, because the Father granted you the Grace of walking with a spiritual family, so that whenever you lack love, you are able to look toward your brothers and sisters, and a simple smile may renew you.

So, open yourself to live this that I tell you, and so it will be. This is what God builds in your life through days such as this.*

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

*Message transmitted during the Saint Joseph Group Effort, in the Light-Community of Figueira.



Today I come, carrying in My Hand the Scepter of the Light of God; this announces that the times are defining themselves, first in the reality of each being, to then take place in all of humanity.

For this reason, I come with the Scepter of the Light of God in order to be able to guide My last flocks to the eternal stable of My Heart, so that My flocks may follow the steps that My flaming Voice announces for these times.

We are already in this definitive moment in which the souls will decide to be with Me or not, so that, after these definitions, the Plan may continue its course of concretion, even if the factors or the events change.

For this reason, I come with the Scepter of the Light of God to preach that the final time is approaching and that there will no longer be time to delay, nor will there be time for mediocrities.

As of now, it depends on what humanity will want to live from this next cycle on.

Be attentive to My Words, they will need to be registered in your memory, for they will serve as a net of salvation for all.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Listen, in the silence of your heart, to the answer of the Lord and try to feel the immensity of His Love for His companions.

Listen, inside of you, His Sacred Word echoing beyond forms and movements.

Learn, humbly, to listen to your Lord and to see Him reflected in your brothers and sisters. Enter into your heart, with conscience, through prayer and through the path of faith.

Listen to the answer inside of you and feel, beyond all, how love will open you the doors to great opportunities. Empty and let yourself be guided.

Listen to the voice of your soul in each moment and feel as it follows the steps towards the Purpose of the Lord.

Be in peace and listen to the answer beyond the word, the feelings or the forms.

Listen, within the most intimate of your being, all that your inner world wants to tell you and, opening your inner senses, receive the awaited answer. But, first learn to listen and not to have to justify yourself evermore.

Listen and you will know all, and in this wisdom you will guide yourself by the impulse of My Love towards the purpose.


I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you.

Your Master Jesus Christ


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
