Friday, February 24 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Keep on deepening into the mysteries of your inner world, where there are no walls, barriers, borders or limitations; only thresholds which you must learn to cross so as to find the truth of your heart, the purest expression of your consciousness. 

Keep diving into the deep ocean of your consciousness.

Keep going into the mysteries of your being, and there, where the deep silence is revealed, you will also find the Voice that speaks in silence, the Voice of God, which does not emit sound, but rather responses, feelings, certainties, strength.

Keep moving into the deep ocean of your own consciousness. Give yourself time and a place to silence your mind, emotions, words, and dive into your inner world as an observer.

Observe your goals, your desires, and your aspirations.

Observe where your energies flow, what are your endeavors, your efforts, what do you dedicate your life to?

Observe, child, if your life is still only upon the surface of the ocean.

Observe whether your goals are in the midst of the confusing waves breaking on the surface of the sea, without being able to consolidate themselves within you; whether your consciousness is able to go deeper and dive beneath the superficialities and chaos, the conflict and confusion.

Observe with neutrality and peace. Your task now is not to judge nor criticize but just to notice and know where you are in the ocean of your own consciousness. How deep is your inner life and how can it express itself within you? 

If you are still on the surface, repeatedly breaking with the waves of the sea, give yourself the opportunity to find peace and realize that beyond chaos lies more.

Beyond the conflicts of life, beyond the confusions of the mind, beyond the demands and labors, beyond the efforts to fulfill the Plan, beyond everything you do and perceive in life on Earth, there is still the depth of the oceans.

There is still the depth of your inner world. There is still a hidden life, an inner universe, an unknown truth, a reality invisible to the eyes that see only the surface of all things.

Therefore, give yourself time and space to visualize your inner ocean, as if diving into a deep sea. And there, where there is only silence, emptiness and absence of all senses, allow yourself to find the meaning of life, your center, your being, the Purpose for which you were created.

I will not tell you, child, that which dwells within you, you must discover it for yourself. I will only show you the way and remind you that within yourself there is still more, within yourself there is still a hidden truth, a veiled history, a latent destiny.

So then dive into the deep ocean of your being and discover yourself.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Sunday, February 19 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In your Hearts, contemplate the planet and all life that dwells upon the Earth.

In a special way, contemplate the oceans and how they try day by day to re-create life within you.

In your Hearts, contemplate the deep sea, unknown species, plants, animals, the elements, and for an instant express gratitude, because there, in the depths of the seas, there are beings that are silently in sacrifice for the balance of the planet. Beings that, in front of human ignorance, offer their lives, seemingly small and insignificant lives that no one sees, so as to balance the planet, so that life may continue to exist within each one of you.

For an instant, just for an instant, express true gratitude.

On this day, I come to bring each one of you, in consciousness, to the depths of the oceans, so that in this way you may also learn to plunge into your own inner world, to come out of all superficiality, all appearances, all deception: when you are deceived, and when you deceive yourselves.

Plunge with Me, children, into the depths of the ocean. Feel its silence. Feel its peace.

Despite the agony of the Earth, the oceans generate peace for the world and, even during great storms, even when its waters become agitated, there is peace within them.

Learn to be like the oceans. Learn to serve like the oceans: in a silent way, deeply, in a transparent, true way, without seeking anything in return.

The ocean suffers from the greed and selfishness of humanity, it silences the bombs, the machines that drill its interior. The ocean silences its own pain, which is the pain of the Earth’s heart and, in exchange, it offers its life, air, purity and spiritual depths to the world.

If you want to go through the end of times, the transition between the old and the new human being, if you want to learn how to be before situations of chaos, if you want to learn how to come out of life’s superficiality and know who you truly are, contemplate the oceans.

In your prayers, be grateful for the life that dwells in the oceans, feel yourselves submerging into it's deep waters and, within them, where there is peace, cry out for your own peace.

Know how to endure the humiliations of the world. Know how to endure moments of solitude by contemplating the oceans.

The ocean speaks through its life. It speaks through its silence. It speaks through examples rather than through vain words. You should learn this from the oceans, for in these times the disbelief of humanity will not be healed through words, but rather through examples. The only way to teach, guide and lead beings will be through example. It will not be by speaking about peace, it will be by being peace. Therefore, learn from the oceans.

In the face of confusion, chaos, evil, silence your own interior, plunge into the depths of consciousness, remember the oceans and then, children, be peace.

In the depths of the oceans, the song of the whales and dolphins; the song of the oceans’ soul, which express themselves interiorly, are heard, where no one sees them. But those who plunge into their own depths can be healed by these vibrations.

In the same way, each one of you should express your own song, your own praise to God. Allow it to not emerge from the mouth, but from the depths of your being, and then, in these depths, allow those who listen to be healed.

May your prayer be just the same: may it emerge from the depths of your inner world, and may those who are touched by it be healed.

Does it seem impossible for you to be like the ocean?

If you are beings in likeness with God, all of Creation is mirrored within you. Do you believe that these are mere words, or are you willing to delve into this mystery and experience that which I am saying to you?

This is where humility manifests itself. Not in human efforts, but rather in the depths of consciousness.

Humility is not about thinking you are useless, that you are less than others. This is not humility, children. Humility is about plunging into the depths of your own consciousness and allowing the whole expression of your being to come from that which you truly are. And then, you can say to the world: “I am a Child, created in the likeness and image of God, as great and profound as He Is” and even so, your words may be full of humility, because God is the One who is great within you. He is the One who made you similar to His Heart, to His Consciousness, and to His Creative and Renewing Power.

Humility is to know who you truly are and to live from this truth. You are being called to this today.

Do not live on the lies of the world, on that which diminishes you and only manifests the human ego; its superficial aspects. Do not believe in the lies that resound in your own being, do not deceive yourselves. Live on the deep truth that dwells in your essences and, so that you may be capable of discovering and living this, meditate on the oceans.

Nature mirrors greatness, because it mirrors the Divine Presence and, even so, it is full of humility.

Have you ever been before a great valley, a sunset before the ocean, and felt how you are small compared to the greatness that they express?

They are Mirrors of God, just like you.

Have you ever been before a human and mortal being who expressed greatness, even in their silence and humility?

They are a Mirror of God.

Be Mirrors, be that which you were born to be.

Your professions, your skills, your chores, are mere expressions of human life, situations that are experienced on this path, on this trajectory to express God. But what you truly are does not end here.

Be servers, be excellent professionals. Do everything with the excellence of the heart and consciousness, but do not end here. Plunge more deeply, just like plunging into the oceans.

You may look at the sea and be charmed by its beauty, by the reflection of the Sun and the Moon on its waters, but within it, there is more. This is the way you are.

Just as you look at the oceans and your eyes have a limit, your vision is not able to reach the whole sea; so it is for the human consciousness. Up to today, your eyes have had a limit, they can only understand that which they can see, that which their sight can reach, but this does not mean, children, that this ends here. There is more… there is a lot more…

There is more within you, there is more within your neighbor. Do not be deceived by what others are like, do not enclose them in their personalities, if they speak loud or low, if they tidy their bed upon rising or not, because there is more…

To help the human consciousness express this depth, you must also be able to look at your neighbor and know that they do not end here, that a consciousness as infinite as the Divine Consciousness itself, that a Universe dwells within them. And a great mystery, as deep, perfect and full of life as the oceans, also dwells within you.

Help one another overcome superficiality. Do not decree the defects, miseries or peculiarities of your brothers and sisters. May your eyes gaze upon that which is spiritual, that which is Divine and must multiply, and that which must be revealed, I should add, because in these times everything already exists within you, the mysteries are there to be revealed, to be discovered by those who dare to live this. And the expression of this mystery lies in the talents and gifts that the Lord will come and seek within each one of you.

This is why, day by day, at each one of My opportunities to come to the world, I ask you to come out of life’s superficialities and, even if only for an instant, contemplate the oceans. Contemplate the infinite ocean that dwells within you and, from it, children, discover who you truly are, find the likeness with God and allow Him to express Himself through your lives.

The more that this life grows within you, the more talents can be expressed, and this is how they multiply. Through a Word and a Grace that you receive, allow them to resound within you, and allow for the emergence of a little more of what you are. Then, the talents will multiply.

I know that you will leave here and meet your lives again, with your families, your difficulties, your inner miseries, your idiosyncrasies, but I only ask you to always remember My Words: even if just for a moment, think of the oceans, and remember what you truly are.

In this way, you will find keys to deal with life's situations in a different way, and thus, little by little, build a new life within life, and a new being within your being.

This is the greatest service that you can render to humanity in these times.

When you contemplate the agony of the world, wars, natural disasters, the lack of respect between hearts, the violation against the Kingdoms of Nature, children, remember that the greatest service you can render to the world is by plunging into your own inner worlds and by being who you truly are, allowing the Creator to express Himself, to see through your eyes, to think through your thoughts, to speak through your words, to act though your hands and to feel through your hearts. And in the deep ocean of your inner world, may God manifest Himself and make Himself felt on the surface of these seas, on what they can express on Earth. This is the greatest service you can render in these times.

In this way, your volunteer work will be more than just volunteer work. Your prayers will be deeper, they will reach farther places and generate more merits. Your presence on Earth will make more sense, and you will go through this world while living with plenitude, even if you have expressed this ocean for just one second.

This is what I wanted to tell you today. This is the state of consciousness toward which I would like to lead you.

Stay in it, plunge more deeply, and you will find the answers you are seeking, you will find the Graces that you are asking for, you will find healing, you will find peace, because peace is not in that which the world offers you, but rather in that which you can offer to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, February 17 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Child, healing is diving within yourself and finding peace in the deep oceans of consciousness; going beyond what is in conflict within your body, in your mind, in your emotions, and above all in your spirit, and finding the internal space where you can see yourself face to face with the One who created you and dwells within you.

There in the depths of your being you will discover the roots and reasons for all suffering; you will discover where the disconnection lies and where the offer for the rescue of perfection in human consciousness begins, and in all levels of being. You will discover that everything has a reason and that, just as the nature of your body is perfect, so is your consciousness and the Laws that govern your life.

Imbalance and illness signal to you that it is time to seek spiritual life more deeply, it is time to go beyond what is superficial to find the perfection that naturally inhabits your body, mind and spirit.

Healing begins in consciousness, in the act of humbly stopping to listen to the Voice that speaks within your body.

You are a life made up of many lives: your body speaks, your mind speaks, your emotions speak, your soul speaks, and, entering into the depths of your material composition, you will find spirit, because there too, inside of you, your cells speak.

Your conscious being is like a mother, who shelters unknown states within her, in which you need to dive into so as to one day know who you truly are.

This is why healing begins with silence, not an indifferent silence, but an active silence, which gives space for life to express itself; a silence that is seeking to listen to the depths of being and find answers; a silence that speaks to the body, mind and heart, which does not want to silence the pain and imbalance, but wants to listen to them, and find the real reason for their existence.

Therefore, listen to your own consciousness; there you will begin to be healed.

Go deeper and listen to your heart.

Go deeper and listen to your spirit.

Go deeper and find God within yourself.

So you will discover, child, that within illness also lies perfection. Within chaos, inner and outer, dwells a Voice that calls humanity to return and heal.

Healing is being able to hear and follow that Voice that cries out within you. Therefore, listen to your Creator. 

You have My blessing for this. 

Your father and friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Friday, February 10 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Empty your heart and your mind of every concept of holiness and spiritual life and just pray, child, so that God, in His Grace and through His Spirit, may mature your consciousness and show you the path that you must walk in your inner world so as to fulfill His Will and be His instrument.

Empty your heart and your mind of all the conditioning that you yourself imposed on your own consciousness to live the spiritual path, and consider yourself a being who truly walks this path.

One of the great deceits that the enemy deposits within souls at this time is dissatisfaction with yourselves, the inability to perceive the fruits of your own effort and the constant sensation of not being able to reach the goal that God proposes to you, albeit material or spiritual.

Throughout time, humanity has built and cultivated the sense of perfection and achievement, the concepts that make a being a true instrument of God. But today I tell you, child, that no concept will fit the experience of the end times and that the current day saints will be known not for their perfection, but for their ability to love and persevere, despite all the harassment that they live in each level of consciousness.

While the eyes of humankind are not able to see and perceive the immaterial levels of their consciousness, they live confused by the battles that are fought in the astral, mental and spiritual planes. And, even if they do not see it and do not realize this, these battles continue to happen more and more intensely.

And one of the ways of fighting that the enemy has found in these times is by making human beings distance themselves more and more from their potential and feel incapable, unworthy, imperfect, dissatisfied with their own being, with their own effort, with their own life.

And in this way the inner truth that dwells within beings is gradually buried, day by day; in this way, their ability to overcome, their divine essence, their possibility to go beyond the deceits of the enemy, is gradually buried, day by day.

This is why I tell you today, child, to start walking the path of Christ's victory within you; empty your heart and your mind of concepts of perfection and holiness.

Empty your heart and mind of everything you believe you should be. Do not seek a goal for yourself within this world, just pray that the Purpose that God has for you, the unique and immutable, unalterable Divine Will for your consciousness, may descend upon you and, with what you are, perform His miracle and become fully made manifest.

Child, allow the unknown to embrace you and, in times when no one has an answer or a solution for what will come upon the world, may the living Purpose of God within you show you what to do, how to act, how to live and how to be a true instrument in His Hands.

Do not suffer any longer for what you are not, for what you cannot be, but just let God build upon you that which only you can manifest in the world, that a particle of Divine Love and the Divine Gift of His Creation in life be renewed through your being.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 

Friday, February 3 of 2023

Weekly Messages

So that humanity does not forget the importance of the Kingdoms of Nature, it must constantly be reminded of their existence, not only so that they may know how to contemplate a landscape, properly care for an animal, cultivate plants or respect the Kingdoms but, above all, children, so that they may understand the meaning of the evolution of life on Earth.

The ascension of life walks in unity. There is no human evolution if it does not walk in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature. 

Each step taken towards the Purpose of humanity’s existence also symbolizes a step for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Each capital energy overcome and transcended in the human consciousness also symbolizes the possibility that the Kingdoms may transcend their densest energies.

Each time a consciousness is willing to be closer to God, it carries planetary life with it, and with planetary life, comes the Kingdoms of Nature.

However, children, human consciousness at this time is immersed in a great mental, emotional and internal dispersion, which prevents it from focusing on its evolution if it is not constantly reminded of the essence of its life, its purpose, its goal.

I tell you all this to ask you to continue with the studies "For Love of the Kingdoms," so that you do not fail to remind yourselves and humanity about the importance of nature, and so that you may continue deepening into the spiritual meaning of contact with the Kingdoms.

In a time when nature agonizes, in which the Kingdoms manifest their imbalance through climate, suffering, natural disasters, it is very important, and I would even say primary, that beings learn to be in communion with nature, learn to generate balance in life, in the soil, in the waters, inside the animals; learn to collaborate with the balance of species, learn to restore life in the oceans and, above all, learn that their internal steps are reflected in all planetary life.

May you, in communion and by studying, encourage the love for the Kingdoms in one another by respect, service, peace and fraternal life.

This is a Higher Will of God for this time, because there will be no new life, no new Earth nor a new humankind if there is no love for the Kingdoms of Nature.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
