Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

It is time to ask with the heart for the help of the Lord in your lives. It is time to cry out for forgiveness and for the conversion of the world. It is time to unite to the Divine and the Sacred to maintain the thread that unites Heaven to Earth.

My Son Jesus once said to you: "Ask and it shall be given to you." And so it is, up to the current times. The Lord expects that the hearts of His children cry out with fervor for the salvation of the world.

If your hearts, for themselves, do not approach God, nor can God, for Himself, approach you. In the Laws of Heaven, dear children, it is necessary to ask to be given, it is necessary that your call for it to come, it is necessary to open the door for it to enter.

Therefore, I ask you today to open your eyes and hearts to perceive if you are really crying out for the Presence of God in your lives.

Perceive with the heart if you call the Name of the Lord daily and ask Him to approach and to guide your little hearts. If you open to delve deeper into this understanding of yourselves, feel if your hearts, through action, feelings, thoughts, aspirations and intentions of the heart, are opening the doors for the Lord to enter, in Consciousness, into your lives.

My Immaculate Heart, for many centuries, dictated to the world holy words of reconciliation with God, so that souls could find the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, dear children, it is the moment for your eyes to turn to the Heights, for your hearts to allow yourself to discover the new, out of love for this unknown Universe of God. 

My last call comes to renew the knowledge of the world, it comes to awaken the divine life in all those who are tired of walking in circles in the path of Evolution.

My Heart comes to embrace the old world, so that under My Mantle it is transformed into the new and reborn world. But, My Beloveds, for many it is not simple to give up one's own knowledge to open oneself to the endless Mystery of God.

Therefore, those who are encouraged to respond to this celestial call must do so without fear and without delay, in order to give impulse to all human consciousness in this new step towards the infinite Heart of God.

Walk with faith, My little ones, without fear of making mistakes or suffering, because mistakes are ways of discovering humility and experiencing new learnings in the heart, and suffering will come, according to the Will of God, for those who must to render service by living it.

Simply open yourselves on this day so that a new impulse of transformation enters into the world. While you pray, ask for the help of God and for His Presence in the life of all beings. Do not forget that when the Voice of God sounds in the hearts, it will be necessary to respond with promptness and faith, for you and for the world.

I thank you, little ones, for being in prayer with Me on this day and in all the days of your lives.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Peace for all the hearts.

Weekly message, transmitted by the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to Mother Shimani

My beloved children of the world:

Glorified and blessed be Christ Jesus among you!

Today I come to visit as your loving Queen of Heaven and Earth to bring you the good news that My children in the world have started to fill their souls through the Portal* that you, My children, collaborate with so much love on a daily basis.

Through this means, many solitary and suffering souls have met Me and, thus, this Voice and Echo of My Heart has reached places where My maternal Love has been able to enter into hearts that were distant from God.

For this reason, beloved children, I want you, with the same love that you have placed in this instrument of peace and redemption until today, to begin to cultivate the idea of expanding this task, because in this instrument I will pour out more instructions for a future time that will come.

It will be necessary, as you must have perceived, that the loving instructions of My Son, Jesus Christ, have a special space, as well as the ones of the Most Chaste Joseph, who will instruct this humanity about how to recover the original project that God the Father designed for the human race.

Through this instrument, renewed in light and love, the Divine Messengers who are arriving today in the world to bring peace and hope, we can be closer to this humanity that needs, at this time, to be accompanied very closely in the definitive steps towards salvation.

This instrument that can do so much damage to the consciousnesses when it is used with banal and destructive intentions, has been able to bring a light to the whole world, in the midst of so much darkness, through the task it performs for the Universal Mother and the Redeemer.

My children, soon we will be working together to concretize the steps, for the new Face of My Son who returns to the world to be known by all and for His Mercy to enter into the hardest hearts, until there are no hearts left that do not know the infinite Love that God, Our Lord, has for His creatures.

Rest today in My Peace, because starting tomorrow there will be much to be done.

I keep you within My Immaculate Heart. I love and bless your wills, that have surrendered for love and in love to the redemptive task of My Son, Christ Jesus.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of God and yours, My little children


(*) The Divine Mother is referring to the webpage Voz y Eco de los Mensajeros Divinos


Special Message

At each step taken by each one of My Companions I, as Son of God the All Powerful, conquer many souls, those that through My Redeemer Love find the path of Reconciliation with My Eternal Father.

Today I want that you open to Me the door of your consciousnesses to be able to enter and, through each one of you, to arrive to more souls, above all those which lose themselves in the midst of illusion.

I want that those who already let Me inhabit their inner worlds follow Me in all, without fear, without vacillating, because it is in them that I am depositing the inner strength that will give the sign so that other children of My Flock may be encouraged to walk with Me through the paths of this world.

I need those who do not aspire to anything else but to live of My Love in this Celestial Fire that My Father ignited in Me and that burns eternally in the Universe.

I want that you learn to serve this Fire that redeems, that forgives, that transcends all of the barriers of the minds and finds real space inside of the essences of humans.

I want that you burn in this Fire that is My Fire of Love which comes from My Father.

I do not offer you tranquility, only the infinite and glorious security of My Love.

I do not offer you a future, only the eternal present to eternally serve together with Me the Universe and the Plan of My Father.

I offer you sacrifice, renunciation, surrender, so that in this way you may help Me to save this, our humanity.

I only offer you My Eternal Love, My Love of the Master, of the Elder Brother, of the Friend, of the Companion in this sidereal task.

Here I am, present before all of you so that you may feel Me, so that you may surrender to Me what you are, so that you may follow Me for all Eternity.

I believe in you because I love you and I call today those who want to be My Companions.

I wait for you in My Sacred Heart.

Thank you for listening to My Words and to guard them in the heart.

Your Master, Christ Jesus. 


I Am the Universal Star and I Am the Greatest Sun that comes from Heaven to save, up to the last minute, the greatest number of souls.

For this, at each moment I need faithful and dedicated servers of Peace and of Good that may be able to be transmitters of My Merciful spiritual impulses. I hope that through My daily Words of love many souls that are asleep and far away from My Blessed Heart return just by having been touched by My Redeemer Love.

Companions, a new time approaches and each day that passes in you accelerated time My Light descends to embrace the little hearts. Be bearers of My Simplicity, Humility and Pacification. Be firm bridges in prayer, that may sustain in this time all of those who forget to look towards God.

May the faith in your essences never end, may it be the true fire of devotion that elevates you to the Kingdom of My Father. Never forget that I am here to help you to find day by day the path towards My Temple and My Heart.

Pray for those that still do not look at My Merciful Heart and today I tell you again, My dear friends, with a few I will row the Boat of the New Time. For this moment prepare yourselves from the heart. I thank you for listening to Me.

Under the Mercy and the Peace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 

Message for the apparition of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Sister Lucía

By the Power of the Holy Spirit, praised be Jesus Christ.

My children,

In eternal Glory, the Lord has sent me to bless this city and its nation. My feet rest today on Earth to confirm My Kingdom in the heart of My children and to show how infinite the Mercy of the Lord is, who sends His Servant to announce the glorious Return of His Son and to prepare the flock of this Great Shepherd of souls.

Dear children, I thank you eternally for the effort done by each one of your hearts to receive Me on this day. I thank you for the love and joy with which you prepared My arrival and I tell you, from the depths of My Immaculate Heart, that today Heaven observes Earth with special attention.

The angels of My Kingdom held back to accompany My maternal task. The saints and the blessed who live in the Kingdom of Heavens pray with fervor for the conversion of the souls who meet Me for the first time.

I welcome under My Mantle all who approach My Heart and allow Me to touch their essences with Love.

Do not fear, My children, to stand before the Blessed and Most Holy Mother of God. I am the same of Nazareth, who returns in spirit, from time to time, to renew the human hearts. This is the cycle of My last call.

I come to awaken those who have not yet heard My Voice that calls them. I open My arms for all to be able to find refuge in My Heart. I am the Mother of all the creatures of this Earth and I am here, at this time, before those who see Me and feel Me in their hearts, so that all My children of the world may have the opportunity to know My call to conversion and to prayer.

I ask nothing more of you, but that you pray with love, sincerely confess your faults to God, commune daily with My Son Jesus Christ and open your hearts so that I may be able to reign in your lives.

What I ask of you is so simple and great is the repercussion that happens in Heaven and on Earth when you respond to this call!

Each one of My requests, My children, has the sole purpose of saving souls who suffer in the darkness and preparing those who will walk beside the living Christ, who will return in Body, Soul and Divinity to definitely redeem the world.

My Voice echoes in the hearts that recognize Me for they were summoned by God to be part of My Marian army of prayer and to work tirelessly with Me for the salvation of souls.

For those who accepted to follow this simple, but great call, I am awaiting them in prayer.  For, in the same way that I present Myself today to those who call Me with their hearts, I aspire to reach their homes, cities and nations whenever sincerely cry out to Me, so that My Peace may expand throughout the world.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I come to spread My request of Peace, for the world, My children, needs to find peace in the hearts of the human beings.

I leave in your hearts this request and this call, so that you may follow the Blessed Virgin Mary in the rescue of the most lost souls.

There is still much to be done, and My children wait for your prayers.

By the eternal Grace that God sheds upon the world, I always bless you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


I intend day by day, with My Merciful Power, to remain alive in the imperfect hearts.

My Redeemer Spirit is present in the true outskirts of the souls with the aim of saving them, as once I did when I was amongst you in the world. For this My Hope for the salvation of the world, for the salvation of the most asleep and sinful humanity, still does not end.

My Ocean is unfathomable and I still have much thirst for those who, having shown Myself to them, turned their backs to Me and this because they still do not know My Merciful Love.

It seems that for many it was not enough that the Son of Man had given His Water on the Cross and had poured His Blood for all. My redeemer Task has no end until the hell in which many live and the dreams that many construct will be finished, waiting for the glorious moment of My return to the world.

For this I prepare those who may want to wake up for an unknown life, those that want to wake up to the beyond of the ordinary and normal. My achieved Universe, the one which is not from this world, is coming, and in this way  the Spirit of My Father is coming to reveal to the world the phase that you do not know, that you ignore by placing your eyes in other paths that are not celestial.

My Light presents itself again in Spirit for those who may want to see Me and for those who are very distant from God. Look beside you and observe with attention because the Son of God is returning in Glory and this Glory will be near those who may open themselves to recognize It.

For this I will not be distant from each sheep. I will return to  to give you My Body as a food and I will give to drink My Blood, with the New Covenant constructed between the Universe and the Earth, the Covenant of the Son of God that will give you eternal life.

For this be consistent and vigilant at the end of these times. I Am giving My pearls to those who still do not know how to manage My Celestial Goods, I Am giving the fruit of tree of wisdom to those who need Me the most.

I gather you again in My Redeeming Supper to unmask the wolves and, in this way, to redeem them because I want that all may be in My Kingdom of Light.

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 

Message for the apparition of the blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

Praise be always Our Lord Jesus Christ.

My beloveds, I thank you for responding with promptness to My call. The trust of My children allows My Heart to reach the most distant souls. Each time that your small beings take one more step in the commitment you have to Me, you allow the Lord to open the path for My Heart to be  among you for a longer time.

Therefore, My children, I ask you day and night to trust My Words, My guidance, that you follow without fear the path indicated by My Heart, because you will soon understand where I am taking you with My steps of Pilgrim.

The trust in My Heart will lead you to a total transformation of the heart, mind and spirit. I lead you to the redemption of life and teach you to be intercessors before God, as I am for the souls.

I am forming in your hearts a fortress of faith, for when My feet can no longer rest upon the Earth and My Word will not be so near to your beings.

Through faith you will always find Me in your hearts, and this same faith will lead you to pray for your brothers and sisters, so that, up to the last moment of your lives you will be fighting for the salvation of the most lost souls.

For My Heart to be able to bring to the Heavens even the last of the souls that are in this world, I will need many intercessors with a flame of devotion ignited in the heart. This is built now, when My feet are still on the Earth, when My Word, through My visionaries can directly reach your hearts and your beings.

Build in this time, in which you live so near to Me, the full trust in My Mother's Heart. Trust My Presence and My Words and do not fear to respond to My call, wherever it takes you.

The Lord observes you and, through the answer of your consciousnesses, I may intervene, more or less, for the world and for the souls. Your love, your prayers and your actions dictate My steps. If you understood the importance of these words you would change the course of your lives and you would have the focus of your hearts on My Immaculate Heart.

I leave this simple reflection so your beings may meditate on the actions of your own lives, on the love you are capable of living and on the word you emit. Observe, from the heart, always from the heart, if you are capable of taking the steps in the transformation of your being, for the salvation of souls, of the Kingdoms and of the world.

My Heart accompanies you with Love and will always be beside your beings.

Thanks for listening to My call to the trust of the heart.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


Children and companions of Mine:

I love the bravery of those pilgrims that with faith in the Higher and the heart surrendered to the Lord accomplish the celestial call of the Divine Mother from Heaven.

In this first special Apparition, together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I want to pour over you My Blessing; especially to all the pilgrims of My Holy Mother who, on this 25th day of February, in conditions of effort, prayer and sacrifice have corresponded to the divine call of Our Father.

Today I say to you My Companions, that the merciful rays that sprout from the Most Holy Heart of Jesus have been able to touch the heart and the essence of many souls that suffered agony in the hells of this world.

With this I want to say that the Merciful Christ embraced your sincere offer of prayer and of ascent to the Hill of Salta during these two past days, and the day of today has culminated with the divine accomplishment of the redeeming task of Christ before the souls in agony and perdition.

The Heavens, My children, will be touching with love your hearts, because I will pour My Graces over those who today, during the peregrination of the heart, gave Me an absolute yes. I share with your souls My Gratitude and Divine Graces, because you have received for this task the absolution of the possible offenses that wounded the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

Out of Love to the One and Only Father, the Divine Mercy is in this moment pouring itself victoriously not only over you but also over those who, condemned to hell and to purgatory, have received liberation and the tablet of salvation.

For this I say to all: “By their fruits you will know them and by them you will be saved, because they will be called servers of Christ…”.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed by My Restoring Love.

Thank you for answering and for listening to the divine call!

Christ Jesus


Dear children,

This morning, I come to announce that My Heart will be amongst you throughout the day, accompanying the vigil and the prayer that you will join together with Me. Therefore I expect from your hearts a total openness to the Lord, so that His Kingdom may come to Earth and remain on it, for the rescue and salvation of souls.

This is a week of special Mercy because the Lord has allowed Me to be even closer to My children and, together with them, work for the salvation of souls.

On this day I gather the offer of everyone, so that you may place at My feet, not only the talents of your hearts but also the miseries. And to find, together with Me and through Me, the path of conversion; I tell you that the shortest path is service, prayer, confession and fasting.

When you pray for souls with the same fervor with which you pray for yourselves, when you cry out for the world with the word that emerges from the depths of your being, the lord turns his eyes to the earth and sends his hosts help, bringers of redemption and Mercy.

When you serve with gratitude, peace and reverence for souls, Divine Mercy finds a space within your hearts so that, through them, it may be poured out to souls.

When you confess to God and to Christ, removing the sin and bitterness of the heart, when you are able to forgive your neighbor and yourselves, you are releasing the sin of the world and are giving an impulse to the souls that are unable to do it.

When you fast with sincerity and feel hungry on behalf of those who truly have nothing to eat, you balance the evil of the world and you give an opportunity to those who have nothing, to receive what they need one day.

It is necessary that you know how to practice what I ask of you with a broader consciousness, with the intention of the benefits that the world will receive, far beyond what each of you may receive.

If you act this way, acting for the good of the world, and may the good of your beings be a consequence, you are taking great strides towards Heaven, and soon you will be by My side.

Count on My Presence, My help and My motherhood.

Listen to My Words with love. I come to instruct you and accompany you, tracing a path of humility for your hearts.

I love each of My children.

Mary, Queen of Peace.

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

On this day of prayer for the nations of the world, together and united with the Eternal Father, let us especially pray for the nation of Argentina, which must definitely be taken into account of salvation and redemption.

Dear children, this is why My maternal Heart announces itself daily in your lives, to remind you of the importance of praying the Rosary every day, in a spirit of conversion and peace, throughout the whole world. The more groups of prayer fulfill the simple but magnificent divine requests, the more circumstances in humanity can be avoided, many souls will find peace and the conversion they look for so much.

As Mother of the universe, every day I bring you the only guiding Star that will lead you into finding love and peace. This guiding Star is called Christ Jesus, the saving and redeeming King of the universe.

Seek Jesus, aspire to be within the most beloved Heart of My Son; He has His Divine Heart of Light perpetually and eternally open for those who say 'yes' and dare to enter the redeeming Temple of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My children, for this reason, today I call on you to convert into true disseminators of My call for peace and for redemption; the most correct path will be through your hearts that will be able to transmit the love that many do not possess, the peace that so many souls search for in the world, the serenity and the faith that many hearts have lost in this time.

My children, through your pure, humble and simple hearts, Jesus, the saving King, will be able to radiate His Gifts because, He once said: "By the power of the Love of God, My saving Spirit will be present among My companions, laborers and servers of Mercy."

So, My beloveds, let this meeting in Salta with the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, bring you closer to the meeting with the Savior, with My beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth, now King Jesus of the universe.

Dear children, as pilgrim Mother, I will accompany your steps every day of your lives. For this reason, you will be able to unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and all the prayers that proclaim the Light and the Peace of the Lord.

On this day, may your hearts be renewed through the prayer of the heart, because from your hearts can emerge the flame of life and peace that represents My Son, the Savior of the world, Christ Jesus.

I thank you for attentively listening to My new call!

Who always loves you from Heaven,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Special message received of the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.

Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.

Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.

Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.

As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.

I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.

Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.

I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.

Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.

I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.

I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.

Who loves you, mercifully,

Mary, Queen of Peace


Dear children,

With the Rays of the Mercy of God upon the world, I invite you to feel the Love of God in yourselves, because humanity, in the end of this time must heal and redeem itself so that the Divine Plan may be fulfilled on Earth.

Today I need you to have total trust in God, absolute trust because He knows you well, He knows you since your birth and He also knows the steps that you have taken in your lives. The Lord is inviting you to live in Redemption, a fundamental principle for the end of these times.

Dear children, today I am here among you to show you the Love of God and to tell you that many souls need your devotion and fervor in this time.

My dear ones, today I am calling you to become conscious of the time that will come. Know that My Son needs apostles and disciples strong in prayer. I want you to understand how important the salvation of souls is. Know that you, together with My Son, have this task in this world, in this humanity.

Little children of My Father, that on this day your hearts be in the Heights and that Jesus may prevail in your essences so that you may find the faith that will strengthen you and permit you to take the secure steps towards the Lord.

For this, My children, you have the key of prayer and this prayer of the heart must expand itself through the world, as well as the love of your hearts.

As the Queen of Peace, I invite you to enter into My Kingdom every day because it is necessary that souls convert themselves and that they may reach eternity. And within you there is a precious potential of reconversion through your love of God.

Dear children, I am pouring My Light upon the world again.

I ask you to pilgrimage with Me praying with the heart, during all the hours of this day, because not only will you be accompanying Me in My Maternal Task, but also your hearts will be united to God opening the Doors of Heaven to the Earth through your loving response to My requests.

Dear children, may the Fire of the Holy Spirit be ignited in you so that, united to the Redeemer, you may praise God eternally while your hearts are upon the Earth.

My dear ones, I thank you on this day for responding to this important call for the Redemption of humanity.

I thank you!

My Spirit is in your hearts whenever you allow Me.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As the Lady of Faith, I intend that your hearts be vigilant when the awaited moment of rescue of hearts and salvation of souls arrives. Your path of prayer will allow you to find the essence in each one of My children, and especially to discover that which their souls are in need of.

My children, opening the Fountain of Mercy, I bring you to My Son to conduct you through the paths of Peace.

Dear children, as the world moves rapidly, much prayer is needed to support the changes that will arise before the eyes of everyone, changes that will define the “yes” or the “no” of all souls.

You are called to walk close to My Son so that you may see the need in all hearts that await the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

Dear children, it is time to continue praying because this will alleviate the Heart of Christ, and thus you will be close to His Universal Love. Now you must follow the steps of the Return of Christ so that your dwellings may be united to His Sacred Heart.

Many hearts are waiting for the New Christs, and My ecumenical order, the Grace Mercy Order, forms part of the soldiers of prayer, because today all are called to share the Christic path of the end of times.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Opening the Source of the Universal Mercy of My Son for the world, today I call you to unite to the Creating Principle of Love, because humanity needs to awaken and go to the encounter of this Love in the heart.

You, My little ones, have in the daily prayer, the fundamental key so that this Source of Love, which is born from God, may be poured over humanity in this cycle.

My children, as the Mother of Forgiveness and Peace, today I ask you that, opening your hearts, you may walk towards the loving encounter with My Son, because thus you will allow His Redeeming Grace to make Itself present in the hearts of all humankind.

Through the exercise of prayer you will participate with Jesus in the salvation of the hearts and, just as it was with the disci- ples of Christ, your hearts will pray two by two, to make Light shine in the essences.

Dear children, today I am calling you to walk in prayer because many of My children must recognize that without the prayer of the heart we are nothing in this time. I intend, as a Mother, day by day, to teach you to love the exercise of the prayer of the heart, because in this way many of your brothers and sisters will be able to see the powerful effects of inner prayer.

My children, for this reason you are called to participate with consciousness on the path of consecration that will begin through your inner commitment with prayer, and consequently, a perfect union with the Sacred Heart of My Son will come as a result.

Dear children, you can be on the eve of the birth of a new fruit that, in the Hands of the Creator, may serve to help and support those most in need.

Your goal in these times is inner donation. Walk towards this purpose of the heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

May today your hearts be able to understand and venerate the Special Grace that your lives are receiving by means of the exercise of prayer and in the name of the Love of My Son.

Dear children, this is why I invite you to pray more with the heart so that God the Father can hear you and My Maternal Heart may continue to come into your lives. The mission that God entrusts to you is to pray for the salvation of all souls, because, in this time, dear children, everyone will have one last Grace: to live the Conversion.

Before the Divine Universal Judgment approaches the world, you, My little ones, must be in deep and true prayer so that the willingness to pray every day may be born in you.

For this reason, dear children, the renovation of the groups of prayer is so important, by means of monthly meetings that allow the strengthening among the groups and the encour- agement to serve God and to be less invaded by the realities of the world.

Each group of prayer must be the Light of Christ in the world, and for this Light to shine in the darkness, the flames of Christ that are each one of the souls must be united in the mission and be humble from the heart, because in this way the Holy Spirit will be able to guide and bless the existence of each praying group.

My children, today I communicate to you this important mission of the end of times for all of these praying groups. Know, My dear children, that My Maternal Heart will be among you, accompanying you at the moment you begin your exercise of prayer.

Dear children, it is now time for fraternity to be born from hearts so that the task of praying in group among sister souls may have universal repercussions. But for this to happen, it is necessary to have much humility and to be empty of yourselves, because in this way your meetings of prayer will be victorious and you will be united to My Maternal Purpose of salvation.

Today, dear children, I thank each one of the praying beings and devotees for being responsive to My urgent call for prayer and peace.

I thank you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Embracing the Star of the Universal Peace that announces the new time, today I call you to include in your task of prayer all humanity so that it may walk within the new cycle; the whole planet so that the Light of God may continue illuminating; the whole Universe so that together we may commune with all Creation.

My children, a special request is that you pray for all of My children in India because My Maternal Heart has now begun the path of salvation in all the world, before the return of My Son.

Dear children, for this reason today your hearts must focus on these important maternal requests so that the Plans of God manifest themselves in each sector of this humanity.

My children, your prayers will collaborate with the cycle of the New Time that is coming. Thus your hearts and your souls will be able to prepare themselves for the Good News of Christ that emerges for the second time.

Dear children, I invite you to enter into the cycle of deep changes in consciousness so that your true spirit of peace may awaken in time before the events.

Little children, for this to happen your life must be united in prayer to the Creative Universe of God and thus, your aspiration for the Infinite will be true. From there comes the Holy Spirit; from there the Source of Wisdom for all Creation is born.

Therefore, dear children, may your hearts open themselves for the new because the moment has arrived to unite the hearts in love and in the task, preparing your beautiful Inner Temples to receive My Son, the Savior.

I thank you for responding day by day to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.

For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.

In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.

Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.

Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.

When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


If each soul accepted to be in My Maternal arms, humanity would be guided and accompanied by the Light of the Spirit of God in each little heart.

For this, dear children, pray so that the Holy Spirit may bring wisdom to the consciousnesses. Pray so that the Spirit of Love may nourish the hearts that are empty. Pray so that the redemption of My Son may vivify each one of the essences.

If you pray, dear children, there will be a Greater Grace that will act for the salvation of humanity. Dear children, today I pour over you My Merciful Rays so that you may be guided by the Unfathomable Spirit of Peace.

My children, My voice can expand itself as Grace and as a call, by means of the good examples of charity and love that your lives may express. Therefore, little children, remember that you have come to the world to live the teachings of My Son. Accept to live in the Priestly Love of Jesus and in joy commune with His Celestial Presence.

Dear children, each act of love in the name of Jesus will help to heal the ignorance and the pride of the hearts that are blind before the Presence of God.

For this reason I invite you to pray because you must know that all can receive the Grace of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Dear children, we are in a time of immense works by means of the infinite power of prayer. The prayer that is born from your hearts will be the foundation for building the bridge through which humanity will be able to elevate itself towards God, the Eternal Love.

Extend your arms and through your hands give charity, give without restrictions the Love of My Son, the Redeemer.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Remember that you live in this world for your redemption and for your salvation. Do not detain the steps that My Son is manifesting from your hearts. In the moments of test and confirmation, do not look at the past, strengthen your spirit by means of the prayer of the heart. Unite your essences to the One and Only Essence of God so that My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus may be able to rescue you. Dear children, today I invite you to live in hope, hope of being reborn as redeemed souls, that ardently desire to be in God. I will guide you.

My children, while your lives are in this world they must learn to forgive, to transcend and to love above all things. Remember, My children, that this is the lesson for the disciple of My Son: to love above all circumstances.

Dear children, today I call you to trust in Forgiveness and in Mercy, I invite you to reconcile your existence with God. My Maternal Heart knows you very well, It knows what it is that you feel, think and do, because as Mother I come to the world to correct the mistakes of the hearts through My message and My Maternal Love.

If you fall due to some obstacle, dear children, get up as Lazarus got up when he was called by the Love of Jesus. Receive in your lives the Redeeming Love of My Son so that, in your dialogue with His Divine Heart, He may heal you from within.

Dear children, begin this day praying for the Redemption of humanity.

Go forward, My little ones!

Trust the Almighty God because He loves you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Contemplate the divine beauty of Creation

Dear children, may the essence of love and truth spring from you so that your hearts may be open to the essence of giving. My children, never stop contemplating the Love of God in your hearts. Embrace the essence of forgiveness in your inner worlds so that the new spirit of Love may be sown in you.

Dear children, never give up, raise your aspiration towards the Infinite, aspire to live in the Kingdom of God and also aspire to live the Reconciliation and the Mercy of My Son.

Little children, never lose the joy of being in Me and of glimpsing in yourselves the power of My Immaculate Love. Accept to be on My path. Your souls recognize where My Maternal Heart comes from, they recognize My presence before your consciousnesses do.

I am the Lady of the Heavens, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Mother who helps the pilgrims and I am the Immaculate Heart that gives Itself to you in order to love you and to forgive you.

Dear children, My voice announces Itself to the world once more so that My children do not lose the path to salvation, to the rescue of the heart.

I am with you on this path of pilgrimage towards eternity. May pain, bitterness and desolation not be a burden in your lives. May your hearts, filled by the Holy Spirit, receive Peace, a Peace that comes from the Universe, a Peace that the suns and stars emanate, a Peace that is radiated from all galaxies, a peace that comes from the Infinite and that you do not know.

From there My Maternal Heart comes in order to show you the path that leads to a humble and peaceful life, a path towards the Universe, towards everything that the Father, Adonai, created out of love for you and for His Glory.

Dear children, glorify God! Love God! Search for God in your lives because in this way your little essences and all the essences will be in the Celestial Kingdom of the Universe.

Beyond your earthly life there is eternity, the eternal present, the Omnipresence of God in all the universes.

Therefore, My children, pray, pray and pray! May your lips not tire of praying so that the Mercy of Christ may aid humanity.

I thank all My children for the loving welcome in this nation of Paraguay.

Love and peace for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
