Saturday, June 4 of 2016

Daily Messages

For a nation to be consecrated to the Plan of God and for the seeds of a new life to germinate in the soil of the Earth, it is not necessary that all members of such nation be aware of that consecration or that they adhere to that Plan.


If only a few, but truthful of heart, surrender their lives to the concretization of the Project of God for humanity and if through their own examples, they leave within others that seed of the new time, many of those who are on the Earth will receive an opportunity, and nations as consciousnesses will be able to take a step towards evolution and towards the fulfillment of the divine archetype for them.

Therefore, We tell you time and again that it is not much what We ask from you. What happens is that the most difficult thing for the human heart is to be integrated into its offering and in total adherence to fulfilling one only Plan, the Plan of God, and not their own.

For the Creator to manifest His Will, it must be the only thing to reign in the human heart. As long as creatures are susceptible to their own will and to the influences caused to them by the will of others, the Will that is perfect and divine will not descend to the world.

In these times, it is necessary that the offering of your lives may be absolute, that you place your souls and spirits on the celestial altar as offerings to the Creator so that He makes you His instruments of conversion of the current planetary situation.

In order to convert the absolute perdition of some spirits and the total rendition of many to the forces of chaos, children, it is necessary that you be creatures completely available to become instruments of the Celestial Father, and thus the power of Light itself transform the human condition through the door of your hearts.

Children, today I encourage you to consecrate your lives to a higher purpose. I invite you to balance the darkness of the world with the light of your hearts.

May each moment of prayer deepen that surrender within your beings, and may you enter, more each day, into the understanding that you are in this world for a universal purpose and not only for personal evolution.

May the awareness of the true mission of humanity in this world make you grow and take steps in your own surrender and transformation, as an impulse for the surrender and transformation of others and, as a result, of the whole planet.

I love you and bless you so that you take true steps in your mission which, in truth, is the mission of all, it is the mission of God.

Your father and companion in the consecration of life,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph