Monday, August 25 of 2014

Monthly Messages

My little beloved ones,

Today, from Heaven I bring Graces for all My children, Graces that God the Father has allowed to be poured out over spirits that thirst and that aspire to find a place of refuge and of renewal in My Heart.

For this reason, today, in a simple way, I ask in prayer that all My children present here and in your homes, again open your hearts to the Mother of Heaven Who comes to help you and bring you the Good News of the Return of the Redeemer.

My beloveds, who have been far from God without perceiving this, immersed in the modernity of the world and spiritually asleep, I come today to offer you My arms of the co-redemptive Mother, who wants to give you Her Heart so that the Love of God may be a fact in your lives.

I have come here to rescue My children from the dream in which you are immersed, a dream that does not allow you to see the Light of God in your inner worlds.

For those who want to come out of the lethargy in which they find themselves, I have a Grace for your lives and that of your families. A Grace that will turn you into a server of the Plan of God for this humanity; the Grace of becoming a Marian soldier, a soul that will pray together with Me and together with their brothers and sisters for the redemption of this Earth and all of your race, so that the act of Divine Justice that is written for this humanity may be alleviated.

Dear children, My tears express My pain in seeing how My dear children become lost every day, without even perceiving it, in ignorance and suffering, and little by little, evil takes ownership of your lives.

But while I am with you, you must fear nothing; you only need to be united with Me in trust, for I will place My maternal Mantle of love and protection over you.

I want you to understand, dear children, that this planet is becoming shipwrecked in the sea of illusion and that it needs a great awakening that will dissolve that illusion and give back to the hearts of My children that sacred union with the Creator Father, that union which you have lost.

Who among you will respond to the call of My Heart?

Who among you will open the door of your being to Me, so that I may love and protect you, interact with you and change you into a soldier of My Marian army?

Who among you will allow Me to take you by the hand to the blessed Heart of Christ, the Redeemer and Savior, Who is coming?

Who among you will dare to begin a new life, full of spiritual challenges and a great hope, one in which God can change everything?

Who among you will want to arduously work so that those who are coming behind will be able to live in a New Humanity, where true fellowship, love for God and all His Creation, may be the premise for the evolution for this race?

Who, My children, who will give a 'yes' full of trust to Me so that My liberating power may touch your soul and give you a new life?

Come close to My Heart, dear son, dear daughter, for here is your little Mother of Heaven Who comes to remind you that you are a child of God in service to His Plan of Peace and of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call of a Mother and for being here today with Me!

I love you and bless you always,

Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace