Friday, November 4 of 2016

Monthly Messages

Opening My Arms over the Americas, I show My Sacred and eternal Heart to all.

I unite the Americas for a sole aim and purpose, and I do not leave anybody behind, even those who have not followed Me, and who for so long have forgotten Me, knowing that I Am your King and Savior in this definitive hour of the planet.

My Heart is here today with you and with all the missionaries in Roraima.

My Heart multiplies in Spirit and in Omnipresence, and again brings an opportunity for humanity.

Today I am in Costa Rica, as I have been in other places with you; some time ago in a desert, today in an exuberant forest, which also suffers the consequences of surface humankind, without perceiving that the Kingdoms love, just as God loves you all the time.

I have come to raise those who are fallen in their spiritual essence.

I have come to bring a Light that you do not have and which you have not conceived of in this lifetime, not even through merits.

I come to bring you My Divine Mercy, because it is the lifeline that is still available to all in this short time that you have left.

Today I show you My Sacred and eternal Heart on My Breast so that you may contemplate it, so that you may remember it, and not forget it.

This is the Heart that is loved by all in differing degrees of love, but without it mattering what degree it is.

This is the Heart that vivifies in you and that brings you peace, the peace that many need.

I have sent you into the darkness so that you may proclaim My Name and may give life to the souls that do not even think of Me.

Thus you will see how the Grace of God is, which reaches this place so distant from South America, where, in truth, My Work is to be found, and that today I hold out to all My children and disciples.

I would like that in this time, companions, you could see the Works that My Immaculate Heart carries out, because My Heart is pure in God, just as is the Heart of My Mother.

The two of us come from the same Fountain of Grace that is multiplied for the whole Universe.

It is this Immaculate Spirit that allows us to be here among you, and to give you the impulse to serve the Creator.

In you, as well as in your siblings, is this seed, this seed of Light that God has left you. This seed of Immaculate Light that many here have forgotten, due to the material life and its influences.

Thus I come to rescue what is essential; because of this, My Heart is eternal besides being Sacred.

Because of being eternal, It brings that which is Immaculate and is purest for all, which is Love, which redeems and vivifies.

With this revelation, I want you to become aware that in truth humanity cannot lose its purity despite all it lives.

At least in small groups, by means of prayer and of Communion with Me, you must preserve this spirit, so that it is not erased from the planet or from your consciousness.

This is what some great nations want to cause to disappear through their actions.

Do you understand now why I am here, and why you have helped Me arrive here?

I extend to all My Gratitude and My Trust, because of your fulfilling this first stage of a great task that has just begun.

Today I come not only as your Jesus, the Nazarene, the Shepherd and Master of Love; today I come as the Consciousness that I Am.

I Am that I Am, and it is that Essence that reveals itself, that Immaculate Spirit of God, alive in His Firstborn Son, that gives impulse to consciousnesses for attaining the illumination and the redemption of their lives.

I come today with My Arms open, to open the paths of those who have them closed.

I come to take away what is not right and to place what is new and what renews, from time to time.

May this Marathon be the fire that always multiplies, that motivates souls into continuing to move ahead, in spite of what happens.

My Mother has given you these two missions, which fulfill a fundamental task in the Plan of rescue. And you, all of you, are part of this Mission.

While My Mother guides you and also accompanies you in the humanitarian Mission for Venezuela, bringing relief to human suffering and to the decay of all consciousnesses that suffer the chaos, I am also here today among you, to renew this proposal of praying and invoking Divine Mercy.

Yesterday you were the ones who needed of My Graces; today, it is your siblings who need My Intercession, My Immaculate Spirit, which will renew them and awaken them to the New.

I come in this way, to unite consciousnesses with the Kingdoms of Nature, with their origins and their principles.

I come here to ask that you not forget God, and that He is observing you, hoping that all of you look at His Heart, to find a refuge of Peace.

I come to value those who are marginalized and simple, I come to take away the power of those who believe they are more than others and that are not humble.

I come to show My Kingdom to all, and to give testimony of It among you.

I come to tell Central America and specially those who colonize it, to not intervene in this Eden, which is of God, and which is for the New Humanity the true one.

I ask all of those who visit these nations, that you not make the same mistakes that were engraved in the history between the Indigenous Consciousness and the white man. Do not do it anymore. Do not look for something that does not belong to you.

Leave the Kingdoms and those who co-inhabit with them free, because today it is My Mercy that comes to aid you, but tomorrow My Heart will give you Justice.

Love one another, that is the first rule, even for those who do not live Me, nor feel Me.

We have not reached North America, because it is still not prepared to receive Our Presences.

And even though We have been trying in other times to awaken a sleeping and so human consciousness, We watch over the souls and good hearts that are to be found there, asking for an opportunity for that entire nation.

The things that are done today will not last for very long. And this is not a warning, but rather an opportunity for correction, for alignment, and for balance.

Today I come as the Master of all that created by My Father, so that it is no longer usurped, hurt, or flagellated.

Today I come as the Shepherd of all Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom, that so needs this to keep moving forward.

May we pray in this Marathon for those who have been sleeping for a long time, for those who are not waiting for God, and for those who do not love Him, for those who forget Him, for those who have ambitiously separated from Him.

See in this way, how My Arms are still open over the Americas, to signal the redemption.

May Love, Peace, and the Good unify you.

And I unite with each prayerful heart that, in their home, group, or nation will accompany Me in this task, to leave and to sow seeds of light that will germinate in a near future.

Thank you for being with Me, in the way you can be.

The important thing is that it be real, for the good of the planet and of humanity.