Friday, May 21 of 2021

Special Apparitions

 Let us sing "Hail, Hail Mary."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repair the Heart of the Mother of God, severely outraged by the indifference of the world, by all those who do not help those who suffer and face adversity.

My children, repair the Heart of the Mother of God, severely offended by the actions of the world, by the lack of consciousness and discernment.

Today, repair the Heart of the Mother of God so that God can grant you His Mercy and His Peace.

With special attention and care, I have accompanied the latest events in the world. I have especially held in My Heart, under the protection and shelter of My Divine Spirit, the children in war, the children in the oceans.

With the consciousness that humanity has acquired throughout the ages it is very serious that these things happen at this time. For this reason, today, My gaze and My eyes are downcast so that you can understand the Face of the Mother of God, the Mother of the refugees and the overwhelmed.

For a moment, place yourselves in the opportunity of being able to serve, through prayer, before all these events that need the special attention of My children at this planetary moment.

God no longer wants to think about Justice, but He wants you to live in His Mercy so that you stop suffering and enduring what each of you decide for yourselves or for the great nations.

At this moment, My Son is preparing Himself to be able to return, to be able to place a universal, spiritual and inner order, in the face of everything that is happening in the world and in the face of everything that many do not know and cannot see.

By repairing the Heart of the Mother of God, you will also repair the Heart of the beloved Son, perceptively wounded by the offenses of the world and also by indifference.

This is the moment when everyone must understand one another as brothers and sisters, and this goes beyond religion or your own beliefs.

Brotherhood is part of universal order. If humanity does not live this order, the planet will not stop suffering, because until hearts do not live the Laws, that is, the Commandments, peace will be lacking.

The universe holds many treasures and many gifts and it expects that its humanity be a partaker in all these Graces.

When My Son returns, He will start to work in the most unknown situations for you, in what you could not even believe that My Son, the Christ, could intervene, and also redeem and reconcile.

It is in the consciousness of each of My children where the great change must be lived so that the situations that are happening in the world today may no longer occur and that they can help each other as brothers and sisters, knowing that at the end of time everyone will need help, because it will not matter how much you have or how much you possess, if you are rich or if you are poor, that will not matter to God.

My Son will return to raise the people of Israel again, that people that today is present throughout the planet and that one day must be one tribe, that will live again and reintegrate in its consciousness the attributes of the Divine Project of God to thus give continuity to the New Earth.

You will think, My children, that this will be impossible, but today I tell you and I reveal it to you because I am the Spokesperson and the Messenger of God.

The Heart of the Father waits patiently for the change of His children, for the great life lesson that today many should already be living, especially those who follow Christianity, the path of My Son. That lesson is to love one another in a way that you do not yet understand or live.

But an important key for each of you is that this love, no matter how imperfect and human it may be, is a love that can be sublimated and transcended through the consecration of your lives, through the service of your lives, through absolute confidence that you and your brothers and sisters can unite mutually, beyond differences.

Today my Immaculate Heart opens to be repaired by the love and caress of Her children; because this is the Heart that suffers for humanity, that suffers today for the refugees and the exiled of the whole world, for the landless, for the enslaved and exploited, for the homeless and helpless.

I am the Mother of those who are discarded, offended and repudiated, not only because of their misery or poverty, but also in a spiritual way, they are rejected with great indifference and impunity.

At this time, who will give their hands, completely in donation and in service, to stop living the world indifference, and give of themselves as My Son entirely gave himself to you?

Who will give their feet so that My Son can step firmly, by means of their lives and souls, on the paths of this world?, carrying His Love and His Word, His Comfort and His Charity, despite what it may costs, even giving their lives for the repair of My Immaculate Heart so that Creation may be repaired of everything that the world does at this moment, due to the high degree of ignorance and indifference?

I call you to be comforters within My maternal Spirit. Which can also be My arms that welcome, accept, understand and, above all, love their neighbor, beyond everything.

You, My children, have no impediment to be able to love. If you love, as I need it, the world will be converted, even if it costs a lot; because on the surface of the Earth there will be brave spirits, redeemed stars that will shine in the abysses of this world to bring Light and Peace.

I want you to continue working, in what is left of this month of May, for the re-consecration of your lives to My Immaculate Heart. Because this, at this moment, is what widely justifies all the mistakes that the world makes today through wars, humanitarian crises, indifference and the dismissal of those who suffer, those who have nothing.

This is how you, who are by My side through an unknown Grace that you still do not understand, I invite you to live in greater depths, not only practicing the Love of God, but I also invite you and I call you to live gratitude so that you never forget that you have always been rewarded by the treasures of Heaven, through the Presence of Saint Joseph, your Heavenly Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I ask you not to lose hope. When the cross becomes heavier, that is when the victory can be very great.

Imitate My Son, in all that you can. Be generous, merciful and you will be able to love your neighbor, just as you would like them to love you. This is the time to practice human fraternity and that your lives be the example of the Words of Christ.

May Our Messages leave your minds and enter your hearts because that is where the Divine Work will be carried out in a hidden way.

And, time and again, you will confirm that I have always been here, not only for you but also for the whole world, as I am here today, for the entire planet.

God has asked Me, and today I ask you, that because of this Marian month, in which many souls still need to enter My Immaculate Heart, today the Eucharist be celebrated again, not only to repair the Heart of the Mother of God, but we will also celebrate the Light of the Eucharist so that the divine and unfathomable discernment inspires the governors of the world to establish peace and immediate assistance to all the refugees of the world, so that the spiritual attributes of the human family be re-integrated, so that exiled and displaced families may have the Grace of rebuilding their lives entirely.

This is why today, the three angels who accompany the Mother of God, representing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, will receive your offering, your most sincere inner offering so that everything may be repaired and the world receives more time of peace, so that the great change of consciousness may take place.

I will celebrate together with you and for your brothers in the world in the name of My beloved Son.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

From the depths of our hearts, in the presence of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is the cause of our constant joy and renewal, let us offer this Sacrament of the Altar, consecrating these elements that will be converted into the Body and Blood of Christ, so that the Source of His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon humanity and, especially, upon all the refugees of the world.

Lady of Light, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mirror of Justice and Wisdom, unfathomable Source of Love and Grace, make us partakers and deserving of this ministry through the Sacrament of the Eucharist so that Your divine and sacred attributes, that spring up like a flame of Love from Your Immaculate Heart, may strengthen and commit us more each day to serve Your Son, for humanity. Amen.

On the night that Jesus was to be given up, He gathered His apostles in the Cenacle and offered Himself unconditionally for each one of us.

Thus, He took the bread, raised it and offered it to the Eternal Father to be converted into His Body. After this transubstantiation, Jesus then broke it and offered it to His companions saying to them: "Take and eat it, because this is My Body that will be given up for you, for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Before finishing the Supper, Our Lord took the Chalice in His Hands and also offered it to the Father so that the Chalice would be transubstantiated into His precious and divine Blood. Then, Our Lord offered it to His Apostles, as He offers it to each one of us today, saying to us: "Take it and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in memory of Me, until I return to the world. "


We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.


The Body and Blood of Christ. Blessed are those who today avail themselves of this spiritual Sacrament, to live again in the Heart of the King.

United with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us pray together the prayer that Jesus taught us. And at this moment, united as one heart and one mind, we carry out, through this prayer of the Our Father, our act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for all the refugees of the world so that Light, Love and the Peace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus fill the souls that need it most.

Prayer: Our Father.

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary descend upon the planet.


"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word, and I shall be healed.


With love and reverence to all the inner Christs of our brothers and sisters, we announce, through three bell sounds, the spiritual Communion of all the souls of the world who follow Christ.


 My God, I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.


Let us feel in our hearts the Communion with Christ, and, thus, united to Him, in spirit and in love, we renew our vows of service, consecration and surrender, for the victory of His Cross and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.



Dear children, I leave you My Peace, so that Peace may abound on Earth and, above all, in the hearts that most need the spirit of My Peace to reaffirm their commitment to God and His Plan of Love.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

I love you and I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of the Divine Mother, we withdraw through a song inspired by Saint Teresa of Jesus, so that she too may be our model in the example of service and perseverance, of absolute faith in our Redeemer.

We will sing with devotion: "Let Nothing Disturb You."

Thank you all.

Saturday, May 8 of 2021

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to a world still hurt and disturbed. For this reason, today I am here to be close to My children, to all My children of humanity.

More than ever, I am within the nations of the world, in those places where brothers and sisters confront one another for reasons without reason, where evil takes a part in all this.

This is the time that I had announced in Fatima, when My children, all My praying children, should be in their homes praying the Holy Rosary, lighting a candle for the Mother of God; and, even more, without leaving their homes, in the face of everything that would happen in the streets of their towns, in all nations.

Today I do not want to confirm these events, even though they are happening. My Heart feels an indescribable pain for everything that My children live throughout the world, especially for those who are more innocent and still continue to be punished by indifference and by everything that is happening, not only within their families, but also within their peoples; wounds that have not yet healed and that should be contemplated by the light of prayer.

This is the moment, My children, when you and your brothers and sisters must be a mirror of true prayer, of a prayer that transforms and redeems, of a prayer that is constantly offered to God, in reparation for all the sins of the world and for all the injustices that My children experience in this time of adversity and chaos.

For this, just as it was on Pentecost, I bring you the Light of the Holy Spirit so that you can receive it within your hearts, so that your souls can feel and recognize it, so that you may be bathed by your Divine Gifts, which, in this time, you will need to take your steps in these ranks that My Son is forming, of His armies of the end of times, in preparation for His expected Return.

Today, I also show you My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to pulsate out of Love for humanity, a Heart that offers itself as a refuge for your lives and souls, a Heart that surrenders itself in sacrifice in the face of everything that is happening in the world, in the face of all that every heart feels in this moment of planetary transition.

I want you to see My Heart as a safe refuge, as a door that will lead you to the House of God so that more and more praying souls may amend everything that is happening in the world through the living of the Commandments that My Son gave you, which today are the new Beatitudes.

My children, I need you to be aware of this planetary moment, I need each act and action of your lives to have a reason for reparation and healing for all humanity because within the smallest and most simple is where the Plan of God is carried out. This has great results for the spiritual planes of humanity.

Today I also send, before My Presence, the Angels of God, so that they can help the nations of humanity, above all, those peoples who are currently experiencing confrontation and war, the struggle for survival, for food and the essentials to continue forward.

This is the time to attract towards the Earth fraternal unity, called human fraternity, so that all My children learn to share what they have, since, at this moment, there will be no other way if you do not unite to be strong in Christ, in My Son, the Savior.

In this unity, you will not only share your life, but you will share everything you have and everything you possess, without being fearful that you will lack anything, because God will send you what you really need and not what you want.

It will be a while before humanity understands that it is only one family, that in addition to the existence of different races and peoples, all are ruled by the same Love and the same Source; and that in the Divine Source there are no differences or recognitions.

Today, I invoke for you the sacred attribute of humility, so that more hearts can resign themselves and surrender to Christ; so that, as empty hearts, they may be filled by Codes of Light; attributes, virtues and gifts that My Son will give you to prepare His Return to the world, to awaken the new apostles, that which My Son is still waiting for, in order to carry forward His Plan.

Thus you will see, beloved children, that at My feet I not only have the whole world, the consciousness of a planet that suffers and agonizes due to the destructive causes of My children who do not yet live in God, who are far from God, who live the ambition and out of control power, and who just want more and more.

As your Celestial Mother, I want that you place the planet in your heart, that your prayers, songs, sacraments and services help heal the consciousness of the planet, that everything can be repaired so that the Light of the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Son rescues the souls and the paths open for all those who have them closed so that, in this planetary abyss, the Light of God may shine.

As your Lady of the Holy Rosary, I once again invite you, beloved children, to continue praying with Me, not only for peace, but for the end of the pandemic. Not only this pandemic that you live or that you know of today, but for many spiritual pandemics that cause souls to submerge into the hells of Earth and that are worse poisons than the current pandemic that exists.

You must be aware, My children, that the power of prayer must be expanded, not as fanaticism or uncontrolled fervor, but with the awareness that prayer needs to have within you so that the portals of Peace may open and the souls be brought out of suffering.

Today, as My soldiers, soldiers of the prayer of Mary, I invite you to join Me, heart to heart, so that this situation be reverted and souls do not lose the love, faith and hope that will make them persist and get through these difficult times.

This is why, at this moment, in the face of the compassionate Gaze of God, I bring the power of the Light of My Mirrors, of the sacred tools of God so that they radiate to the world and to everything that is within it, so that terrestrial life not only be healed, but be made sublime, so that souls may be filled with the Love of God and reawaken in them the trust of living in Christ and for Christ, so that the Divine Will be fulfilled.

In this month of May, I come to walk by your side as the pilgrim Mother, as the Mother of the Holy Rosary, who on this day places Her feet upon the Earth to walk together with Her children towards the sacred Promised Land.

This Earth that must emerge within you is called the Kingdom of God, where everything will be renewed and lovingly shared, until My Son can return and make all things new, not only within you, but also in the whole world.

Affirm the promises that He has made to you, be part of His promises so that His Plan can be carried out.

Also, at My feet, I receive the intentions of My children, and today My Mantle opens and spreads over South America, and I call upon My children from this sacred continent so that, from the top of the Andes to the oceans, they may sustain this crucial moment with Me, in which souls urgently need to affirm themselves in God so that mass perdition may be avoided.

My children, help the claws of the adversary be cut by the sword of the Archangel Michael and the nations of South America free themselves forever from inequality, injustice and suffering, because the sacred seed of God must still germinate so that the New Humanity may one day grow and awaken. For this reason, we work. For this reason, we pray. For this reason, we transmute and for this reason we live in the name of Christ, because I know that My children still do not understand what this means and the amplitude that this has for the Consciousness of the Eternal Father.

But today I remind you of this commitment because if one day you aspire to live the Will of God, you must know that your lives are given for what God needs to carry out in this end time, with nothing in return, in absolute emptiness and in absolute trust.

I invite you to meditate upon what I tell you, because the apostles of Christ will be placed where He needs them, in places they have never thought of, so that love and unity not be lost in those places, and souls and peoples will not continue to be swept away by evil.

Thus, in Christ, I renew you in this divine and sidereal commitment.

On this day, I bless you so you remain firm in Christ and not lose sight of His Footprints because My Son is stepping hard upon the ground of this world, because His Power is invisible, His Love is inexhaustible, His triumph is eternal.

Be part of this moment, for all those who cannot be, so that all may have the Grace of redemption.

This day is also special for Me, for My daughter, Mother María Shimani, since the Divine Source has the opportunity to renew, and to renew the origins of many consciousnesses that emerged from the sacred Lakes of Creation to be able to someday live their commitment with Christ, to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, today, together more than ever, we offer this moment to the Eternal Father so that He may receive this moment with love and thus we continue to fulfill His Will, a Will that time and again renews all things.

Today, My blessing is not only for you, My child and My Mother, but it is also for those who could not follow the steps towards My Son and did not surrender to His Heart to be invaded by His transforming and redeeming Love.

Today, the origins are amended by maternal Love, the Love that gives you the strength for the children of the Father to walk firmly to His Celestial House.

Today, this rose, just as it is open in devotion to God, opens in devotion and love in the hearts that suffer and that need the Light of My Son to continue forward. This is the flower of motherhood that for all eternity will be present at the service of the children of the Father, so that His children are understood, accepted and welcomed by maternal Love.

I want to send My Spirit of protection and shelter for My children of Colombia.

May My children of Colombia know that the Mother of God, the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, will be with them, walking silently, until they return to peace.

Pray that this peace be established in Colombia and in all nations of the world, so that humanity becomes aware and awakens to the truth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
