In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Draw near Me, to feel My Peace.

Draw near Me, to receive My Love.

Draw near Me, to console My Heart.

Draw near Me, so that your soul may be instructed by me and I may broadly show you all the treasures of Heaven that My Father holds with love for all created souls and essences.

See before you, in what is most invisible of life, in the innermost depth of your consciousness, this vast universe to which you belong, where no force contrary to Me can prevail or reign, because the Love of God is capable of dissolving any knot, it is capable of transcending any obstacle, it is capable of revealing the Truth.

See this inner universe that I present to you today, from which you and your brothers and sisters emerged, the place where lies the answer that many seek, in order to understand and accept that, in this world, each one must transcend their own duality.

Why do souls seek to suffer so as to be able to learn?

What is this very hidden mystery that souls must understand and live, through an infinite and unfathomable obedience?

Because if in Heaven there once was a creator angel that fell into the abyss, from this moment on evolution had its school changed, and all the essences that would be created in this Material Universe should learn from the school of duality.

But how to overcome and transcend that obstacle placed by one’s own consciousness? How to untie that knot that binds the consciousness and many times prevents it from taking steps toward spiritual freedom?

I repeat to you again, as I repeat to you today in person, that the first rule lies in the unfathomable obedience, in which your own being and your own soul will be protected and safeguarded from yourself.

All those who have decided to be with Me, throughout the times and generations, first of all accepted to live this unfathomable obedience, knowing that this would represent a significant inner effort to transcend their own human will, to become detached from the compulsive conditions of the personality and to be free from their own ideas.

To be under this unfathomable obedience to God is neither impossible nor unattainable. To be under this obedience to God is one of the greatest Graces that you can receive.

Today, I open to you a door that you might say that you already know; but I assure you that you absolutely do not know it. It is the door of the unfathomable obedience, which I present to you not as a rule or as an imposition, but rather as a Sacred Law that places the incarnated consciousness on the safe path of righteousness, of what is impersonal and free from any attachment. Because obedience, in its hidden and anonymous mystery, is a cosmic current of liberation, which no contrary force can bear.

If you have seen yourself, at any moment, outside of the Law of Obedience, did you wonder: “Why have I done this?”?

What is the reason, the spiritual, mental and human motivation to come out of this Sacred Law, which supports very few in this world, in the face of this chaotic planetary scenario, in which disobedience is the fashion that many follow in these times?

How would it be possible for more souls, on the surface of this planet, to understand the reason and the existence of their own incarnation?

There is only one path, which your Master and Lord, your Most Holy Mother and the chaste father Saint Joseph lived on this planet, through the sacred and unfathomable obedience.

Obedience does not mean only to respond; obedience is the first emanation of Love-Wisdom, it is a hidden science of the Holy Spirit, which fosters in souls and inner worlds the expression of the gifts and bestowals of God in hearts.

And this Work, which, during thirty-seven consecutive years, was conceived by the Will of God, was born, emerged and manifested through the obedience of a few souls who said ‘yes’ to the call.

Thus, thirty-seven years ago, a spiritual and anonymous door was opened in the world, because the very hands of the Hierarchy sowed that little Figueira in the sacred soil, so that it could grow through the sacred watering of instruction, through unfathomable reverence for the universal and inner knowledge, so that, after thirty-seven years, this Sacred Figueira, the Fig Tree, could yield its fruits in abundance and love for souls, for the manifestation of inner life in all the hearts that were self-summoned through My brother and friend José Trigueirinho.

You, throughout the times, have had the Grace of having a humble example in life; an example of abnegation, of renunciation, of loyalty, of love and brotherhood for all the Divine Consciousness, through your brother José.

Today with Me from Heaven, where he prays and implores for all his companions, he places, at the doors of My Heart, all this experience lived through Figueira and, by means of Figueira, in other Points of Light that have emerged in the world through the Grace of trust of those who have said ‘yes’.

All this will never disappear, because it has never been erased, because what God writes with His own Hand, through lives and hearts, can never be erased or disappear, even what He wrote with His own Hand through the humble life example of José.

Today, I would like you to be aware that you did not receive just any person; rather, you received an important Elder Brother who, with his anonymous life example, his service for the expansion of consciousnesses, always remained in righteousness and self-giving, knowing that the great commitment of your brother José was to take care of what was being sown in each heart that was touched by his voice, by his gaze or by his mere presence.

Thus, before this spiritual door that was opened in Figueira, throughout the times and generations, souls were touched by the impulse of the call, and this will not be deterred, because the legacy that was entrusted through the expression of souls in Figueira is something that will always be perpetuated on the inner planes and especially in all those who preserve it, first from themselves and then from the world, knowing that the treasures of Figueira that were entrusted by the Hierarchy are the values of fraternity and the evolutionary group life.

I want the bell towers of Figueira to resound in each inner world after this month of August, with the call of the Hierarchy that brings you hope and what is to come for all those who were one day called to be part of this Work of Love.

Because this Work is one of those that I have in the world, one of the many works in this world that, if it did not exist in obedience to the Hierarchy, the transition of the planet and of humanity could not be sustained without sacrifice, selflessness and renunciation, free from vainglory, free from the desire to stand out, free from any authority or power; because just as God has given you everything, He could take everything away from you.

Embrace the flame of humility that I offer to you today. May your lives be surrendered and be redeemed, so that the sacred treasures of Heaven may continue to be deposited, not only in Figueira, but also in the souls who say ‘yes’, because we are now in the preparatory time of My Return to the world, and nothing must be in vain.

I would like to publicly thank all those who, throughout the times, have remained in fidelity to the Hierarchy, learning every day from obedience, loyalty, truth and service out of love for Our Creator and for the redemption of this humanity.

This is something invaluable, because it cannot be measured or judged with the mind; the fidelity of a heart united to the Hierarchy is one of the greatest reliefs that you grant to My Heart.

On this day, may there be a rebirth for those who, through faith and fidelity, built with their own hands the foundations of this Work of the Hierarchy so that souls, regardless of their conditions, traumas or sufferings, might have a safe, simple and inner space to re-encounter God and the Heart of the Hierarchy.

Today it is My Hand that writes a new history. Happy will be those who are part of it, because My promise will be fulfilled in all those who say ‘yes’ to Me.

Oh, Sacred Figueira of Light,
which is anonymous, secret and internal,
give your fruits to the Lord,
the fruits of the conversion and service of souls,
so that, through the effort of your children,
disciples and brothers and sisters of José,
the fruits of conversion and service of souls
may be lovingly offered at the Feet of your Creator.

May the power of My Precious Blood sanctify you
to sanctify and liberate all faithful servers
that have been wounded or hurt.

Today, I come to repair what is broken.

Today, I come to rebuild, with My own Hands,
what has fallen to the ground
which is the dignity of all children and friends,
companions and servers of José.


On the eve of divine hope, may as many hearts as possible find the doorway of My Peace.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, August 6, My task with you comes to an end, after having walked 11 years at your side, learning from the events, learning from the life experiences, from the errors and successful moments.

Despite any circumstance, companions, I was by your side and will always be, when you simply seek Me in the simplicity of the heart, free from any opulence, free from any personal or material ostentation.

You already know that the Lord is not present in wealth, but rather in poverty, that My Heart is thirsty through those who suffer and those who have to endure in all parts of the world. This is what I revealed to Mother Therese of Calcutta; see in her example the carrying out of the work of My Mercy and My Charity.

This is what I always expect from you, as from many works in the world, which I attentively accompany, because it is the souls that I accompany, the souls of all My companions, servers in the world. It is there, in the pain, the agony, the suffering and endurance of the most discarded and vulnerable, the poorest among the poor, where you will always find Me.

The Lord of the Universe, your Lord Jesus Christ, did not come to govern palaces or any other human power, because, as I told you a little while ago, My Government has always been the Crown of Thorns, to assume what does not correspond to Me in silence, in selflessness and in anonymity, just as I demonstrated to you through My Sorrowful Passion.

As I told you yesterday, this is the path, the only path that I offer to My friends, those who decide to be with Me. For this reason, do not delay, divest quickly from all that you believe you have achieved or conquered. Because I assure you, companions, that if it were not through My intervention and Grace, you could not be here, because by yourselves you would not manage to achieve it.

Great are the contrary forces that strike the planet, but greater are the contrary forces that you yourselves must face in your own hearts. However, I have also already told you that the one who is truly with Me will not perish.

The wind will try to knock you down, the shipwreck will try to submerge you and even the darkness will try to absorb you, but the one who surrenders every day at My Feet shall not perish. For it is important that you may remember that what is foreseen for your lives is already written, and this, which was written by God Himself, will be fulfilled through your own decisions.

Many have been the treasures delivered, they have been incalculable and imperceptible.

I want you to meditate today with Me on those steps that you have managed to take, small and short steps, yet secure and decided steps. Because today, I want you to look, not to your imperfection or your miseries.

I want you, for the first time in each one of your lives, contemplating these eleven years of the journey with the Master and Lord of the Universe, to contemplate the Work of My Mercy timidly carried out in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.

In this end of time, while the Lord withdraws in the Kingdom of God, also living His own synthesis just as you do, is it possible for My companions to be capable of internally contemplating the fruits of redemption, the fruits of conversion, the fruits of perseverance and faith?

I want you to enter, before August 8, in this spiritual and inner state of consciousness.

Remember that for Me there are only victims of My Love, and to be victims of My Love means surrender, obedience and truth, transparency in your acts, humility in your actions, obedience before the call of My Heart.

Each one knows what burdens them, but it is time and the moment for each one to know what I have managed to do, through each heart and each soul.

Do not forget that you are travelers of the spirit. Therefore, meditate and reflect without shame, without guilt, without playing the role of victim. Meditate and reflect with spiritual adulthood so that, for yourselves, you may realize how much you have given to the Lord.

The self-giving of life has no limits, it cannot be measured by thought or by actions. The self-giving of life is a work of love and wisdom; of knowing every day that, despite how you are and how you find yourselves, there will be someone, there will be a soul and a heart incarnated that will always need more, that will always need to be listened to, that will expect relief and consolation from their fellow beings.

Therefore, I invite you, definitively, to remove the mask of arrogance, pride and pettiness. I want you free from yourselves. Although you may try it every day and, although you may fall every day and may have to stand up again, remember this that I tell you today; because true freedom from the prisons of life, the prisons of the heart and of the soul, or of all spiritual ego, is achieved with the surrender of oneself, absolutely devoid of any intention.

Imagine, companions, that if your Christ Himself, the Master Jesus, had not emptied Himself absolutely in the Garden of Gethsemane, how could He have carried His own Cross upon His Back?

Divestment is not something transitory, divestment is practiced daily. Is it, by any chance, wrong?

Is it a form of chastisement to divest of oneself, as the trees and even the flowers that lose their most sacred beauty during the winter to be reborn in springtime renewed and to give the best of themselves again?

If the flowers lose their petals during the winter, does it mean that they have been abandoned by the Creator?

Everything is reborn and dies. This is a Law in Creation.

If you could see, with eyes of joy, what this means, to be able to die to yourselves to be born again, evil would not exist in the world, and not even the power that many believe they have would exist. Because the Work of My Mercy is impersonal, but it is an infinite Work for souls, it is an inexplicable magnetism brought about by the Source of Creation itself, where all souls are called upon to become liberated from sin. Because the Ocean of My Mercy, which once opened on the Cross through My Heart pierced by the spear of the soldier, is an ocean that exists only for souls.

My task has been fulfilled with you and I expect that in you My Will may be fulfilled.

The path is now open for you to walk it. It is time to walk with your own feet, just as We have indicated. It is at this moment, of walking for yourselves, that you will understand all that I have told you throughout the times.

Nothing has been by chance, this does not exist for God. For God there is a Cause and a Purpose, which all are called to live in order to fulfill and accomplish, according to what was determined in the Heart of the Father.

Today, I bring in My Hands two scrolls; one represents the Legacy written in the souls, in all those who will be capable, in the end of times, despite My recollection and the end of My task, to fulfill the Purpose that was entrusted for your lives, souls and essences.

From the Heavens, and from all of the universe, I will be attentive to the development of this Purpose for each one, and I will ardently continue to pray for this cause, so that all can be consistent with Me, just as I have been consistent with you throughout these eleven years, in an uninterrupted way.

The second scroll that I bring in My Hands is the new cycle of this Work founded by Me, through determination of God the Father, and through the consciousness of José Trigueirinho. This scroll represents the starting again, as it was in the origin of Figueira, where the life of the spirit beat in the sacred ether of this Community.

And the Law, which at the beginning was respected, revered and loved, will attract again, as a magnet does, all the servers that have stayed in limbo and who, although incarnated at this moment, internally wait to start again and be able to resume the trajectory that was interrupted for different reasons, which, one by one, I Am repairing through My supplication.

For this reason, I ask you, companions, to give continuity to My Work, despite the fact that I Am no longer among you in the coming times, because God will be attentive so that you may be consistent and responsible regarding this Work of Love, which exists for one cause: the awakening of consciousness and loyalty, of simplicity and humility in life, without lacking anything.

Because, in spite of everything, thirty-seven years of the spiritual path and foundations made by many faithful souls of this Work will not be in vain. I come to acknowledge the value of self-giving that was faithfully delivered by My servers.

The Boat of the Lord is again guided by the Hands of the Shepherd Himself, the rudder is in My Hands and the souls are with Me.

Do not perish, renew yourselves through My Spiritual Presence, because I assure you that those who each one of the tears of those who have been somehow affected unjustly, has been counted by Me.

God is reborn in simple hearts, in those who faithfully respond to His Call.

Behold in this scroll, companions, the time of the hope and spiritual resurrection of the pillars of the foundation of Figueira.

May those who have always become silent rejoice.

May those who have been oppressed feel bliss.

May those who have been separated be reborn, because the Work belongs to your Lord, and to no one else.

Happy and blissful are those who understand through My Words, because they will be sitting with Me at the last table of the Eucharist and Redemption, when your Master and Lord returns in Glory as a Humble Pilgrim, to distribute the bread and share His Body with His own, with each one of His companions.

May the Infinite Creator bless you; and on this coming August 8, may the history that God determined be written again, without interferences, with an honest heart, free from superstitions, greed, or expectations. Because the Hand of God writes the way He determines.

Who is capable to deter the Pencil of God?

Who has done so, let them repent and amend themselves before it is too late. My spiritual petition is for a true and deep repentance.

See the Lord in the ocean of His Mercy, guiding the Boat toward the new direction, toward the Land of rebirth and hope that many will recover.

This is My promise for all the efforts that you have made throughout these eleven years, for each agony experienced, for each bead prayed, for each service offered, for each cry that I Myself heard in your loneliness. Everything is counted in this universe.

Now come to My Promised Land, be part of My Celestial Kingdom.

A good commencement for the brave!

My Peace for the suffering world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We revere Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

My path is for the brave and decided, because it is a path of inner divestment. You will feel this divestment within your being and soul, until it hurts you, because I come to deposit My treasures and blessings in new wineskins, in instruments empty of themselves.

I come to deposit My gifts in those who can fulfill them, and you have received all these treasures and Graces throughout the times. For this reason, I come here to remind you of them.

The hour has come, companions, for your Lord to testify, before the Creator, to each one of the Graces and virtues that have been received.

Therefore, I come to draw, with My own Hand, a line on the ground that distinguishes the past from the future. This line that I draw on the ground is this moment at which each one of you are now; it is the moment, companions, to make the last decision.

For this reason, on My path I do not offer roses, but rather, I entrust to Mine thorns and very deep deserts, because what I want and ardently wish is to see the Christs of the New Time.

Although your miseries are still abundant and present, although the path of perfection is very long, and even if each one has to go through their own dark night, I come to offer to Mine everything you can carry out to achieve My aspirations in this world, through the souls that live Me and adore Me.

Because through what is imperfect, and through what is impure, I come to renew all things and what I expect every day is that you may live it for Me; through a mature, responsible and conscious commitment, which may allow you someday to see and understand all that your Master and Lord sees and understands, all that He sees in this world and in humanity.

I expect that each one may take their last and great step, knowing what this means, although it may seem unknown and even if you do not know everything.

It happens that I come to deliver My Plan to you, a Plan that must still be concretized through the true and sensible decision of each one of you, knowing that you will not oscillate, although the storm may come, although darkness may draw near, knowing that your true decision, a mature decision, will define the next step and the next event.

Thus, I come to start the last synthesis, the last reflection that will define the next times, through the souls that adhere to transformation.

I come here, companions, to finish My task with you and so that, from the moment when I Am no longer among you, just as I was not with My apostles, you may be My own living Gospel in a real and true way, with My Words, all My impulses and all My Graces as part of your beings; because this is what God will contemplate at the end of times.

It is through this that the Creator will plan and project the coming time, that is, the New Humanity, in which many are called upon to participate, even in this time of transition and despite what is apparently uncertain. Because what must be written through each one of your lives is the Will of God, which has already been written since the origin in the Source, but which is a Will that must be fulfilled in these times, which must be carried out through you.

In silence, I pray for those who will try it. But also, in silence, I pray for those who will deny it. Because My path is for the brave and also for the imperfect, for those who do not fear to be transformed by My own Hands.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today.

I Am beginning to bid farewell to each one of the inner worlds, to all those who were blissful, throughout the times and the years, to have the Grace of being present before the Lord, as you are today.

Do you know how to understand what this means in this time, knowing that there are thousands of souls that cannot live this?

What does it mean and represent to be before the Lord?

What does it mean to be before His Soul and Divinity, which comes directly from the Primordial Source, and which, through the Divine Word, expresses itself to you and to the whole world, so that you may listen to what God thinks and feels?

May the sound of My Voice reverberate. May the echo of My Words be perpetuated so that you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world may always find the Guiding Star of the Lord, the Great Star in the dark night, the Light of Christ in the darkness, so that you may once again feel guided and accompanied.  

I have come to fulfill My promise, throughout these years. Have you realized this? The promise that I would be with all of you and your brothers and sisters every day until the end of times.

My Work, expressed here through the gathered souls, begins the cycle of its deep and inner transformation, to which everyone will be led.

My advice is that you may adhere and above all trust in Me, in My instructions and also in My decisions if in truth you say you believe in Me.

The cycles exist to begin, but also to complete. The end has now come in this month of August; just as the beginning had already been written, the end had already been written.

This must be understood with wisdom and above all with love, because the foundations of My Work will be raised again through the souls who, from the beginning, founded them and through all those who gradually joined My Path, which is the path of the solemn Hierarchy.

This is not just a change, this is a renewal, because your Master is renewal itself and you also need to be renewed, that is, to re-learn, just as many times the apostles and the disciples re-learned until they themselves managed to carry out My Work in the whole world, following the guidelines of the venerable Law.

I pray for all this and for all those who will live it, for all those who must face it for themselves. Because it is the test of faith, of the confirmation of those who say they are with Me. May My Love, which is not personal, but of the Eternal Father, help you at this moment.

From the innermost depths of My Merciful Heart, I thank all those who have prayed throughout the times and the years, all those who, despite everything, were present at each moment of merciful prayer.

I want you to know that all is counted by God, down to the last hair of your heads.

May this impulse multiply, may this impulse renew and bring hope to those who no longer have it, because I come to make all things new until the end of times.

Thank you, all beings who pray from the heart!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Although darkness embraces a great part of the planet, I Am now returning.

Although the tribulations afflict and disturb hearts, I Am now returning.

Although attempts are made to knock down My companions, I Am now returning.

Although the dark night may seem too long, I Am now returning.

Although division is seen in families, I Am now returning.

Although many already live their spiritual desert, I Am now returning; for there is nothing that can deter the Coming of the Lord.

Behold your Master and Friend. Behold the Lord of Peace and Mercy who has the Grace, once again, to gather you in this garden in Aljustrel. A place that is a favorite for Me and for My Most Holy Mother, where the souls that for such a long time have been seeking peace, can find it here time and again.

Just as I was so close to My apostles, today I Am close to you to give you, once again, My Life, the strength of My Spirit, the Love of My Heart, which comes to place meekness and serenity where they are most needed.

Now accompany the path that the Master is showing you. This is the path of the next steps in this month of August. Because I expect, in this culminating time, that My companions will finish preparing for the Coming of the Redeemer.

While the world agonizes, I Am now returning.

While innocent people die, I Am now returning.

While impunity is news in all parts of the world, I Am now returning.

The Lord will re-appear as a Humble Servant, just as He appeared on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to call the disciples by their names, just as I call you today, to follow Me and serve the Lord.

Just as the holy women did in that time, today My holy women of the end of times are called to accompany the Lord in this agony of the planet, so that each act, each gesture and each prayer may be an offering of reparation and healing of humanity, mainly of those who today are still prisoners of their own lives.

Thus, I come to dissolve, with My own Hands, the shackles of perdition. I come to remove from the hells of the planet, the many who are submerged in them, because I Am now returning. And just as it was written by Our God, it will be fulfilled by the intercession of the holy prophets and patriarchs.

Behold, once more before you, the Lord of Israel, who not only sees blood being shed in His holy land, but also sees slavery in many parts of the world, the impunity and agony that many consciousnesses now live for being imprisoned through the jails of society; however, I come to liberate you from the spiritual and material prisons.

There is no darkness that can oppose My Love, there is no fear that can oppose My Light, there is no suffering that cannot be dissolved by My Mercy. Because I gave you My Life on the Cross, just as today I give you My Life eternally so that you may have life in abundance through Me.

Companions, this is the time of the apostolate, just as it has been announced many times. It is time for each one to assume their part with Me, just as the apostles and the holy women did in that time.

The history that has already been written by the Hand of God, is being fulfilled again. The moment is different, but the circumstances are the same, because the Omnipresence of the Lord is uninterrupted and irrefutable, because it is an Eternal and inexhaustible Presence that, time and again, and from cycle to cycle, comes to give His Life, His Love and His Mercy for those who say ‘yes’ and respond to Him.

With a gaze of hope, see internally, before you and on your spiritual path, the Purpose being fulfilled, that Purpose that was thought from the origin of your existence in the ponds of the Love of God in the Universe.

Now, dare to walk on your own feet; and you and your brothers and sisters, do not fear. I Am the Lord of the next goal, the Lord of the Burning Aspiration of God for each one of the souls, for each one of the hearts.

Thus, tonight, when you receive Me and when you prepare for the last Marathon of Mercy with the Redeemer, receive again My Spiritual Anointment through the powerful Sign of the Cross, which liberates souls, dissolves suffering, liberates from prisons, heals hearts, makes life and the consciousness of each being be reborn.

Receive My powerful Sign of the Cross, the one upon which I was raised on the top of Mount Calvary as the Tree of Life, which surrendered Its own Blood and Its own Water at each moment of the Calvary, for the remission of all sins, for the liberation of humanity.

I want you to quench My thirst.

The Lord is thirsty for all those who suffer in this world, mainly those who are forgotten and discarded, those who are imprisoned in jails.

The Lord is thirsty for the women who sell their bodies in the streets, for the mothers who abort their children in the clinics, transgressing the law of life and maternal love.

I Am thirsty for those who are lost in wars, for the soldiers that fight, deceived to conquer an illusion that does not exist and which is unreal.

The Lord is thirsty for those who are sick in their homes and hospitals, for those who are moribund.

The Lord is thirsty for the forgotten elderly, for the disabled who are offended and kept at a distance.

The Lord is thirsty for the little orphaned children, for those who have lost their families, for those who fight and seek an opportunity in other nations of the world, crossing deserts, seas and oceans, and many of them losing their lives.

Who will quench this thirst of the Lord through their good acts of mercy, through works of charity and forgiveness?

Who will repent for those who do not repent?

Who will confess for those who do not confess but lie?

Who will be capable of protecting My Work from themselves, through the truth, transparency and justice?

The Lord of the Universe sees everything, nothing is hidden to God through His Most Beloved Son.

For this reason, you are in time to mend your acts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your thoughts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your feelings and all your intentions, for those who do not mend them; because My burning and deep desire is that all may be in the Law again.

For this reason, I remind you that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father if not through Me. This will always be so, because it is a Divine Law.

For this reason, in this month of August, may your hearts and lives be mended before God so that humanity may be repaired, healed and redeemed some day.

Happy are those who are true to themselves and to their brothers and sisters, because they will never lack spiritual happiness.

Happy are those who recognize their own faults and do not hide them, because they will be called children of the Redeemer.

Happy are those who try every day, although they fall and get up again, because they will be called servants of the Lord.

Happy are those who, in this hour of the recollection of Christ and of all Hierarchies, recognize the Graces and spiritual treasures they have received throughout the times and place them into practice through the example of a dignified life, because they will be called collaborators of the Plan.

Happy are those who draw near the Sacrament of Confession and do not resist, because they will be blessed by My Spirit and there will be no stain nor sin that may afflict them or disturb them, because by the universal priestly authority their sins and faults will be forgiven, and they will be called blessed of the Lord.

May this Marathon of Mercy not be just one more Marathon of prayer, but rather that each one of you may place, upon your table, just as the Hierarchy does, the difficult and grave situations of the planet so that they may be illuminated and filled by the light of prayer, and in this way also your lives and the lives of your families may be filled by the light of prayer.

I will be attentive once again to the voice of your supplications, because the world needs them and everyone needs them.

Feel My spiritual embrace. Feel the beating of My Heart, the Presence of My Soul and Divinity, and the power of the Love of My Spirit.

In profoundness, I thank you; receive My Peace, the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens and of the angels present here in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

That night, while I was with My apostles in the Sea of Galilee, a storm came and darkness embraced them, even though I was present in the boat.

Everything seemed about to precipitate, until they called the Lord because their fears were immense, and their faith was tested before the Presence of the Lord.

And even after everything I had taught them, at that moment they experienced their spiritual test, which is something that the world is experiencing today. This is the spiritual test that each one faces to understand within themselves how strong their faith and trust in God are.

The boat seemed about to break that night. The despair of My apostles was immense, simply because for a moment they had forgotten that they were in the boat with God Himself.

Where lies the limit between reality and appearance, between that which is true and that which is false?

For this reason, that night I demonstrated to them that the anonymous and secret Power of God was capable not only of stopping the storm but also of demonstrating how the faith of each one of them was.

In the face of the storm that the world is experiencing today, in the vastness of its suffering and agony, its traumas and aftermath, how will each one of you, in the boat of the Lord, go through this spiritual storm that is approaching?

Remember that, on the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, I taught you how to pray to the Celestial Father and, in trust, surrender to Him everything that happens to you or everything you experience. However, there is no cause with great victims here but rather an intention for each being of this planet to be aware and responsible for everything they have lived and caused throughout time.

Today, the King of Africa is here, with His sovereign and humble Majesty to deliver, to each one of His children of Africa, the treasure of the Reliquary of My Heart, in its spiritual and divine form, so that you may entrust your beings to the Heart of Jesus and so that you may know that, despite everything, there is nothing greater than My Love, because My Love vanquished on the Cross, it vanquished the sin and errors of the world.

And it is this Love that remains perpetually because it is an infinite, inalterable and immutable Love. It is a universal Love that comes to strengthen the souls that seek it, the hearts that, through the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, enter into communion with My Sacred Heart.

The time of captivity is reaching its end, the order has been given to the whole universe. And, through the hosts of angels and archangels, the shackles will dissolve, the chains will break, and souls will be liberated so that, renewed by faith and hope, they may joyfully prepare the Return of Christ to Earth, the Return of the Lord, which is announced today through the voices and prayers of the poorest and most simple from My entire beloved Africa.

I come to embrace with My Light all those who need it, especially those who agonize the most in this country and on this continent, because I Am there with them, just as I Am with you today as Jesus, the Nazarene, the One Who preached and taught on the shores of the Sea of Galilee; the One Who resurrected, healed and liberated hearts; the One Who gave His life for you and your brothers and sisters so that, through the Sorrowful Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, as many souls as possible could receive, in this time, the Grace of eternal life; the most important moment for you to be able to enter Paradise, at the end of your days, just as the one who entered Paradise and had been crucified by My side on Calvary and who was able to recognize the Face of the Lord. This redeemed him forever and allowed him to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, even being a great sinner.

However, here I do not come to point out faults but rather gifts and virtues, the power of the word which, through voice and singing, the sacred adoration to the Lord can express to the Earth and the universe, not only in the luminous form of the Eucharist but also through each inner world and heart that lives in Me and for Me.

Through Saint Isabel’s work of charity, I come to make Africa My new seedbed of Light for the world. Because where there seems to be nothing material or human, worthy or sublime, the Lord, in His Return, will reveal the spiritual wealth that has been delivered to the hearts of Africa;  a spiritual wealth against which attempts have been made to bury and marginalize, and even abolish; a spiritual wealth that will rise like the sun on the horizon, like a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun to show its most intimate beauty and devotion. 

These are the humble souls of Africa. How many important values the world does not know and marginalize! How many souls are incarnated here and have suffered so much, so much, just as your Master and Lord suffered on the Cross!

However, from the apparent defeat arises the power of victory, based on the authentic Love that resurrects life within the hearts that despite everything, and even despite the consequences, trust in the Lord.

On this day, may the promises that Christ made to Africa begin to be fulfilled.

Humanity urgently needs to learn from the spiritual dignity that dwells here, and from the precious, inner and sublime worlds that exist within each soul and each heart.

May the eyes of the world open to come out of blindness and recognize the spiritual universe that dwells and lives in Africa.

The faith of this people, honored and loved by Me, is what sustains the whole world today, and prevents the painful and grave wars from worsening in humanity and in nations.

For this reason, God made Himself humble and poor in a manger, and in this way He will make Himself humble and poor once more, showing His Power through simple hearts, those who perpetually live in faith.

The Call of My Heart to the whole world is reflected on this sacred mirror of water, in My African Galilee, a fertile ground for the seeds of God that will be sown in the coming time; because in Africa an unexplainable Fountain of Graces and miracles will spring, just as Our Most Holy Mother did in Kibeho, Rwanda.

May the voices of the most innocent be heard, may the most hardened hearts soften and open to recognize the need in each place.

It is time to share everything that each one has, because God did not make rich and poor, it was the world that made them. Because God is poor in His Essence, in His Spirit and Divinity, just as His Son is, the King of the Universe, the Bearer of Peace, Good and Mercy.

Although Our Work will be withdrawing in the coming times, know that I will always be able to return here, every time it is necessary and the Celestial Father allows Me. Because the Lord, Christ Jesus, also lives in this time and, in this time, He feels the agony of the world.

I come here so that you may quench My thirst through the love that you give to Me, through the adoration that you offer to Me in each new Eucharist, at each new moment of prayer and sacred praise.

Feel the embrace from the Heavens and from all its dwellings.

May the time of redemption be fulfilled, may peace be established, and may many more resurrect like Lazarus.

I thank you for your goodness and your charity; may these gifts multiply for the whole world.

I give you My blessing and remind you that the Lord comes to seek His dwelling within the hearts of Africa, to repose and rest, just as you can repose and rest in Me when you need it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will come as the Light of dawn to awaken the last ones, who are still asleep.

I will come as the Light of dawn to announce the arrival of the Kingdom of God.

I will come as the Light of dawn to dispel the darkness of the world.

I will come as the Light of dawn to open the last portals of redemption, and so that souls may surrender to the Love of God.

I will come as the Light of dawn to finish purifying the planet and give the last opportunity to those who are already condemned, so that, by means of My Mercy, as many hearts as possible may attain the awaited time of conversion.

In the Light of dawn, I will bring the renewal of the planet and of humanity, and I will not leave anyone without receiving what they need, because this is the reason for My Return to the world and, for this reason, we are all working together, for as many souls as possible to receive the Grace of the Light of dawn.

Because I Am the Sun of Grace and My Rays are endless, My Grace is infinite for the one who prostrates before it. In this way, they are blessed and consecrated, because when My Grace touches their life, everything is transformed, even if they continue to live this time of purification.

Therefore, you must trust in the Grace that pours out through My Heart and My Life. It is a Grace that comes to vivify hearts and souls so that they no longer feel lonely, but rather that souls may feel accompanied by My Love, which is the sustenance of all spiritual edification, which is the strength of all trials. Because My Love is the power of renewal, My Love is the Light that dispels the darkness, within and outside of beings.

On this last and third day of prayers and supplications to Divine Mercy, I come to consummate this moment through your souls, sealing a time and sealing a cycle, and preparing your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters for the awaited moment of the month of August, when, within each one of you, you must contemplate and recognize the fruits that have manifested after all that you have been able to sow through your actions and merciful works.

This will also renew the Earth. This will also purify humanity. If there are souls who live in My Mercy, Mercy will be able to reach all, without exception.

Be forerunners of this Work perpetually. Although your Master and Lord begins to close His cycle with you and the world, in your own flesh you will have to live the Instruction, in your own lives you will have to live the Word of the Hierarchy and be consistent with the Grace that you have received throughout the times, even at such a chaotic and difficult moment.

When the Grace of My Heart touches the Earth, when the Rays of My Heart touch the souls, all can be renewed and, from this moment, souls have the Grace of beginning a new cycle.

Feel My Words as if they were already the last ones, receive My vibrations as part of the fire of the Holy Spirit, and feel yourselves anointed by the Lord under the luminous Sign of the Cross. Thus, I hope you can continue to be brave, I hope you can continue to build the Plan on Earth, preparing the spiritual and fiery foundations of the Return of the Lord.

This is why I have brought you here, to the sacred and humble woods of Aljustrel, so that souls may remember that here there is peace, which is  perpetuated in the inner worlds and in souls, so that souls may remember that here there is a portal that contacts them with the angelic universe, where your guardian angels dwell and participate in the Will of the Lord, a Will that must be fulfilled in each one of the souls, Will that must rise through each heart.

In the last three days, I have been with you, and I hope that you will be with Me until the end of the times, just as I promised to you to be present every day until the end of times.

My unfathomable Presence is in the Eucharist and is in the hearts who adore Me and love Me through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar and, above all, I Am present in the heart that unites to Me and allows itself to the transformed by Me completely, surrendering their life, entrusting their life into the Hands of God.

Through this holy place, may the purity of Lys emerge, so that more souls in the world may receive it today, and be protected from temptation and perdition.

And just as I told you yesterday, may your souls be a definitive temple for God, where His most secret and unknown treasures may be kept through a life of consecration and sanctity, which you will achieve through daily service and the absolute giving of your hearts. There is no other way to achieve the Aspirations of God.

The Lord of the Universe gathers you, through the Presence of His Son, to encourage you to continue forward in the faith and confidence that all that you live and all that you learn has a reason, unknown to you. The reason that you may learn to love, just as I learned to love in this world and for all of humanity.

May the time of the apostolate be fulfilled and may the apostles of the end times decide to live this mission, because the Love of My Heart, My Love for souls, must reach everyone, everyone.

In the presence of the purity and innocence of the Kingdom of Lys, and of the sacred source of the feminine energy, may you and your brothers and sisters of the world be blessed, so that you may take firm and decided steps towards Me, even crossing the narrow door so that consciousnesses may be elevated through the higher impulse of Love and Wisdom.

Thus, receive My blessing so that your lives may be blessed, your families may be blessed, all of humanity may be blessed and may definitively decide to attain peace, and that so much destruction, pain and suffering in the world may end.

This Civilization of the Earth was created and manifested with a goal that has not yet been fulfilled. Therefore, this is the reason for the Lord to have incarnated among you to show you the way, the sacred path of consecration and so that My Truth may liberate you forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I meet you all again in the garden of My Heart, and open to you the most infinite doors of My Consciousness so that all may gather and unite to Me, not only for yourselves, but also for the whole world.

I open to you the doors of the garden of My Heart so that all may have rest within My Being and find, through My Spirit, the unfathomable but simple Presence of God. In the same way, the Eternal Father becomes present at this moment, through His Son, to sustain the experience that each one of His Children is living, as well as the painful experience that the rest of humanity is living.

But where is the response to God’s sustenance for each one of the creatures, which He expressed and represented in this world?

The response lies in His Love, and is something that I will not tire of saying, because He died for you on the Cross through His Son, not only to redeem all the sins of the world, but also to attract to Himself all souls, mainly those who most need His Mercy.

This is why I Am here once again. There is no other explanation and there is no other answer, but the revelation of the abundance of God’s Love for souls, mainly those who most need at this crucial hour of the planet.

I come here to elevate your spirits to God, so that all may be closer to His Kingdom, although you are incarnated in this world and in this material life. Because the Presence of God is unfathomable, secret and anonymous, especially in the hearts that receive it through the living testimony of the Sacraments, one of the most important legacies that I left to you.

The science that exists in the Sacraments is something still inexplicable to the human mind. For this reason, the one who lives it must keep in mind that they will still not completely know the unfathomable Grace that they receive through each Sacrament. And the life of My Sacraments, as well as the Holy Communion, exists to sacralize as many souls as possible.

This is what God expects in the Kingdom of the Heavens, because the world, in this hour, urgently needs it. God needs to see souls sacralized through the science and miracles of the Sacraments. Thus, they will be living temples on Earth, although they may carry their own crosses, although they may go, in this end time, through the cycle of the so-called purification.

However, I do not want anyone to become a victim of themselves, but I deeply desire, through My Merciful Heart, that you may be true victims of My Love.

And being victims of My Love means surrendering to Me completely, without anything in return. It is following the footprints that I gradually leave on your paths. It is fulfilling and concretizing My Will, just as it is written in the Heavens for each one of your essences and the essence of each one of your brothers and sisters and your loved ones.

In simple words, in this material life that you still must live and go through, I invite you to live sanctity in spirit and soul, in body and consciousness, just as your Master and Lord lived it so simply, through His profound dialogs with God, at the most important moments of His prayers.

I do not come to ask you for what is impossible; rather, I come to ask you, as I have asked you many times, for what is possible and what is part of your honesty.

Just as the Son of God many times bowed down before the Eternal Father, as He did in the Garden of Gethsemane, just as the angels and archangels do; just as the holy shepherds of Fatima and so many blessed ones and saints throughout the times did, in the same way you must prostrate on the ground for this world and this humanity, just as your Master and Lord did during His forty days in the desert of Judea, to defeat evil and all temptation, through the strength and power of the Love which surpasses and transcends all dimensions and planes, which vivifies and renews all consciousnesses, from their origins to what is most unknown in their existences.

The power of the Love of God continues to be unknown to the world. But the only thing that I need is for you to be in Me, as I told you yesterday, so that I may be in the world through you and thus, the Lord of Closeness may be closer to all, to those who suffer the most, to the poorest among the poor.

I come to remind you of the treasures that I once gave you, the virtues that I once granted to you, the gifts that I once entrusted to you for these times, so that each one of you may give life in abundance, just as the Lord gives His Life in each Eucharist, in the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine.

It is in this way that is possible to erect in souls the Sacred Temple of the Adoration of God, and thus souls may become liberated from their own ties and sufferings, when they trust and surrender their lives into the Hands of God.

I not only come here to speak to you and share My Word with you, I come here with you and for you, as well as for all your brothers and sisters in the whole world, as the Lord of Closeness, to withdraw in this sacred place of God where the angels dwell and help the souls that need the most, those who come here to seek the spiritual fountain to quench their own thirst, just as your Master was thirsty on the Cross and instead of drinking water drank vinegar, the bitterest drink before His last expiration.

And all this was lived so that today you could be here, so that your brothers and sisters of the whole world might listen to My Message, so that you may feel the inexplicable joy and the inexhaustible bliss that I hope you can live for being part of the inner preparation of the Return of Christ.

I repeat again what I once did in this world, just as it was on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, when I called My companions, the apostles, and also when the holy women were with Me at each step of the Calvary. Thus, I invite you to renew your vows, the innermost and most anonymous vows of each one of you for Christ, so that you may sustain with Me this crucial time of the planet, which continues to darken without seeing the Light.

Therefore, I come as the Light of the world, I come as the Light in the darkness, to dispel the obscurity of all disturbed hearts. But My Light will overcome with the power of Love, through all those who follow Me in obedience and fidelity.

Behold the Lord of Closeness, the Lord of the Light, the Lord of Peace.

Receive once again this Peace, which I grant to you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On a night like this, when the trees embrace you and the stars bless you, I will return to the world, as that Man, Master and Shepherd who was quite close to each one of you, to heal your wounds, to raise you from the ground, to express to you the greatness of My Love for souls.

Today I Am quite close, as you had never thought before; because in this way I Am close to Mine, to those who try every day of their lives to stand up from their falls and carry on, to recognize on their own paths the Footprints of the Lord, the Footprints of the Master, which come in this time to indicate the next path.

While the night in Lys prepares to revere and glorify again the Mother of the Lord, your Master, Christ, presents Himself in this place, just as His Most Holy Mother did to demonstrate to you, in this time, the closeness of Our Hearts, the presence of Our Spirits, the greatness of Our Divinity, which is at the service of Creation and the souls.

For this reason, today I come to this forest and this garden, so that you may enter, with the Lord, the last stage of the agony of the planet, when, for yourselves, My companions, you will learn to sustain for Me this heavy planetary cross, formed by all the sins of the world, by all the outrages and offenses that souls still continue to commit in these times, and mainly by sustaining the cross of the indifference and omission of this world, which I need My apostles to sustain with Me until the time and hour comes for the Return of the Lord.

I want to meet you here again so that you may live, for yourselves, the same experience that your Master and Lord lived in the Garden of Gethsemane, when, in apparent darkness and agony, He found the Strength of God, He found the Faith of God, to fulfill what was pre-established.

Thus, in the same way, there is something pre-established for each one of your lives, for each one of your paths; and this is the time for you to live it, if you wish, it is to accept to live what the Lord has foreseen for each heart of this planet.

And you are not separated from this, companions. Today you are within this request of the Lord, because you are aware, much more than those who are aware in the world. Because this is the very definitive, very culminating hour and moment, to start to prepare the paths of the Return of the Lord through the lives of the souls consecrated to My Sacred Heart, and through the mission that each one came to the planet to fulfill.

With this I mean that God has written already the destiny of each one of you, by means of His Sovereign and Most High Will and, above all, through His Most High and Powerful Love, before you and your brothers and sisters were essences in this Creative Universe.

However, I know that many souls today do not follow or live this Will of God. For this reason, I come to make of imperfect hearts, brave hearts. I come to make of lukewarm hearts, strong hearts that are decided to live the Will of the Lord.

I prepare each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as I prepared My apostles during Pentecost, so that the Holy Spirit might descend and continue to express My Work of Redemption throughout the ages, and also to prepare My apostles for the moment of farewell of the Master, which each one of My apostles had to experience in their own heart.

And you are at a similar moment, so similar that it seems equal, because after having been instructed and blessed throughout the times, and among so many, so many souls in the world, after having had the Grace of directly listening to the Word of the Lord, I can now tell you that, despite any situation, you are now ready to live what is foreseen by the Eternal Father.

Each one knows in their heart what God says to them, what God reveals to them, what God makes them feel in their deepest inner world.

Thus, I guide My last apostles to the last part of the path of the end of times, when everyone will have to be within the Trust of God and in the living experience of His Love, to help rescue what humanity has lost and, above all, for the great time of redemption that will be preceded by the time of Justice, just as it is written in the Sacred Bible.

Tonight, God hears the clamor and prayers of all His Children. And He hears them through the Heart of His Beloved Son, present in this sacred and humble place in Aljustrel, where souls can find true life, the Divine Life, in the absolute emptiness of their own intentions and expectations, because they can come to drink from the fountain of the purity of Lys, so that more souls in the world may help recover the innocence that this race has lost.  

Do you now understand the reason why I Am here today?

Not only so that, through Galileum, you may listen to My Call, but also so that you may see your souls, reflected here on the great mirror of the purity of Lys, where also the angels of Heaven and of the Earth avail themselves of the spiritual and inexhaustible abundance of this place, where the flame of faith will always be ignited and will be ignited again every time it is necessary, through the soul that surrenders at the Foot of the Kingdom of Lys.

In this new Marathon, which announces the end of a time, and which precedes the next month of August, may hearts open definitively, and just as My beloved spiritual father Saint Joseph has said, spiritual father of all of you, may you carry out a synthesis for yourselves, and realize for yourselves all that in which you have participated with Us throughout the times, and how many Graces and spiritual and inner treasures have been granted to souls.

Now the time has come, now the hour has come, just as it was with your Master and Lord, for each one of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters, to become a living and resplendent temple radiating the treasures of the Sacraments and of all the Graces that were granted to those who received them through a simple act of Higher Love. In the same way, today this simple act of Living Love allows this meeting between My Soul and your souls, between My Heart and your hearts.

Because I Am the Lord of Closeness, I Am the Light that comes to shine in this night of darkness so that those who have fallen may stand up and continue to walk through the Light that My Living Heart radiates to all. And above all, through the Light that My Eucharistic Heart radiates to you, which you can receive time and again as an inexplicable Grace, so that, more and more each day, you may be a part of Me so that I may, someday, be part of you and you may thus be part of God, just as God is part of His Beloved Son in Holy Unity.

Today, I also come as a pilgrim among you so that, in the seclusion of the Kingdom of Lys, the Lord may meditate with His companions upon the next steps that must be taken for the Work of the Hierarchy to continue to be materialized and concretized. And this Work will be concretized only through the souls that just say ‘yes’ to Me, every day of their lives until the end of times.

I come to fulfill My promise, just as I said to My apostles in the Holy Cenacle: that I would be with Mine until the end of the days, until the time and moment of the Great Return of Christ is fulfilled.

Today I Am here, praying with you and for you, and especially for those who must still take steps in this trajectory that presents itself before each human heart. An infinite and unknown trajectory, which I bring you today as part of the Will of My Father, your Father Adonai.

While the voices of the faithful and devout pilgrims rise as a great mirror toward the Kingdom of the Heavens, through the Sanctuary of Fatima, may a longer time of peace and mainly a longer time of inner peace be granted to the world, so that everything may be healed and repaired from the offenses that the world continues to commit.

Make room for the guardian angels to intercede before God for all urgent causes and mainly for those who most need help. This is the great time of the apostolate, do not forget it.

I thank you for honestly being with Me and from the heart, because honesty will always lead you to truth, and truth will set you free.

Today, the stars are witnesses of this moment, just as the universe is a witness of each Word of the Lord.

May the most suffering and needy beings be blessed.

My Heart is touched, because God has granted Me the Grace that I may be closer to My children of Africa, to be with those who suffer the most, with those who cry out the most, but above all to be closer to those who love the most in the world, through the authentic strength of their faith.

In the next times, may God grant the reconstruction of Africa, so that, someday, the whole world may know who in truth are the souls of Africa. I promise this to you.

May peace be within all those who seek it, may peace be within all those who cry for it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I do not have eyes to see sinners, I have eyes to see souls, what is beyond that which you cannot see today. This is why, on this day of glory, I Am here to reaffirm what My Father created and manifested through you.

I come to ignite in you the treasures of My Father, spiritual and anonymous treasures that are kept within each being. I come to value all that which is immaterial and sacred so that souls may find it for themselves someday.

And this will manifest, companions, through a life of consecration and service to God. Because when the Eternal Father thought of the Creation, He thought about what would come after all that would be manifested, and He, in His eternal silence, was ready to see for Himself the consequences, not the errors, but rather the fulfillment of His Divine Will through the souls of those who, in this universe and in others, would live the experience of Love and Unity. For there lies the principle of His Will for all that was manifested and created, there lies the principle of Love and Unity in souls, principle which today, in this time, many souls do not live because they are entangled in material life and because they distance themselves from the Truth.

But the Eternal Father sends Me as part of His Divine Manifestation, to make all of you remember this principle, the principle of Love and Unity in beings, which is something that can renew the Source of Creation, which is something that can renew evolution.

Thus, I come to place you in another dimension of consciousness, in the face of the planetary situation of these times, which you already know. Thus, I come to remind you of what is essential, what today, in this time, many souls lose track of, due to involvement in that which is superficial and because they distance themselves from all that which is spiritual. This is the cause of the human reality and condition, but you must know and remember that the door to what is Divine and Cosmic is always open.

I come to open this door for you and your brothers and sisters in the world, because there is still some time left for all to cross this threshold to the existence of the unknown, where souls can find meaning for their lives, where spirits can find meaning in the Purpose of incarnation.

Thus, I come bringing to you the divine and inner reality, the true spiritual wealth that lives in each being and soul, not for your vainglory, but rather to make you ever more humble, resigned to the Plan of God, and available to live the Higher Will.

Thus, I come to take you away once again from what is superficial, so that, being in what is immaterial, universal and cosmic, you may see the planetary reality with the very eyes of the Hierarchy, from a constructive and evolutionary perspective, in which all beings of this planet, under any condition or situation, may have the immediate Grace of finding this true path toward true spiritual and immaterial life.

But be careful, I do not come to take you away from the reality that you must experience, from all that which you must learn and go through. I do not come to leave you in indifference, but rather in the unconditional and immediate disposition of attending to this world reality. Because many are the precious servers that I have, and I know that, through the Ruling Center of My Heart, the souls, in their different schools and learning stages, are placed in the different rings of My Redeeming Work.

It corresponds to some souls to be in the ring that I need, but to other souls it corresponds to perceive and recognize if they are in the correct ring, that is, if they are in the correct place. And this does not mean or represent moving away from the commitment that each heart of this Earth made to Me before incarnating on the planet.

Do you now understand, through My Wisdom and Love, the difference between being in the reality and not being in it? This should not generate a feeling or discouragement, it should rather place each heart that offers itself to Me, in the true dimension that reveals the reality of these times.

I say this, companions, because there is still much to do, there is still much to project and organize to concretize it in this matter. Because this is how humanity needs it, this is how souls need it, this is how hearts need it, as part of the Plan of Rescue of these times.

This is why I come today with My Christic aspect of Wisdom; that spiritual, divine and inner aspect that in other times intervened in humanity to teach it, and at the same time warn it, of the time of correction and alignment with the Divine Purpose.

Today I make a request to My Celestial Father again. Because all, under any condition or situation in this time, are living their own spiritual judgment, the first stage of this Universal Judgment that many beings will consciously live.

This must not be compared to condemnation nor to a value judgment. The spiritual judgment which humanity is entering, means a great moment of revision and reflection, to come to recognize the Graces and spiritual treasures that have been received.

So that you may see that this moment is possible, the Celestial Father, through His Beloved Son, grants the world and humanity this revelation, which many were waiting for, so that they may go through this moment in peace, but also in consciousness.

I come to give you what is most sacred in My Heart, so that you may feel, in this time, and so that you may also live, the bravery of serving God, just as He has foreseen through His Divine Thought and through His Sacred Spirit, the Sacred Spirit of God that descends today upon the world and humanity to bless, renew and awaken you to the Truth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy foresees new steps ahead in the end of these times. It is not time to dwell on situations that you do not want to change, not only on a planetary level, but also on a human level.

It is time to transform all this into Love, into this Love that is capable, in an unconditional manner, of sustaining any situation, however painful or difficult it may seem. Because after all, the soul of each being seeks freedom from the chains and prisons of human life. And this will be possible through the Grace that I can mercifully grant through My Will at the most opportune moment, when the soul will be able to receive this spiritual impulse.

Humanity is moving towards its hardest stage, and I believe, companions, that you realize this, not only through what is happening in you, but also on the planet. This is why it is time to raise the consciousness toward the immaterial reality, so that you may live the learning experiences, the last learnings that the world will live, with neutrality, love and patience.

I Am here to sustain those who want to walk by My side, just as I need. Because it is not a personal whim, I need you to understand that it is part of a Purpose that goes beyond Me. Thus, you will be able to understand that it is nothing personal; but My Love as Master and Guide wants to lead you as a Good Shepherd who takes care of all Their sheep, mainly those sheep that are lost or were not able to follow My Path.

Thus, with an honest perception, such as the one that I offer to you in loyalty, you will be able to observe and contemplate that there is no Justice about every human condition, there is rather an infinite flow of My Love to transform as many souls as possible.

Today, the Spiritual Hierarchy closes an important stage in North America. Through the United States and Canada, the seeds that it was necessary to sow were sown, now it is time to water them through the impulses that have been given, and through all that needs to be concretized little by little.

For this reason, this is the time to manifest the concretion of the Plan, not only through the existence of the Light-Nucleus in Mount Shasta, but also through the door that it was possible to open in Canada, to also manifest a Light-Nucleus, a group and evolutionary life that is more silent and anonymous and which can help, in the end of these times, through the Points of Light of the Hierarchy, to sustain the planet at this final stage.

So, see all that was possible to build in these almost fifty days, when many challenges were faced, but many sacred impulses were received through the last Pilgrimage for Peace in the United States and Canada. A door that will continue to open according to what was announced by the Hierarchy in the region of Alaska, where more inner and spiritual realities will be revealed someday, when each one of you will be able to become aware of the treasures that are kept on the planet, immaterial treasures of the Hierarchy.

I want to thank those who trust, I want to thank those who support this whole mission that has experienced its change in the last two years.

Yes, now the moment has come to sustain different regions and continents of the planet. Therefore, through your hearts and, above all, through your conscious responsibility, you will have to open the doors so that the fruits of the Hierarchy may multiply on the planet, as an inexhaustible source of Graces for the souls that need them.

I withdraw from here, permeating your consciousness with a ray of My Wisdom, so that you may invoke it when you need it, so that it may illuminate you and give you discernment, so that it may strengthen your faith and trust in loving what is unknown.

I give thanks to those who truly strive to follow My steps, barefoot and divested, so that we may be nothing once again, with all those who follow Me and accompany Me.

May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit accompany you now and always. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You expired, Jesus,
but Your Death brought forth
a wellspring of Life for souls
and the ocean of Your Mercy
flooded the whole world.

Oh, Fountain of Life,
unfathomable Divine Mercy,
flood the whole world,
pouring out upon us
up to Your last drop of Blood.


Behold this ocean, which many do not know, vaster than all the seas and lakes of the world. The Fountain of My Love is so abundant and unknown that some souls are afraid of penetrating My mystery.

This is why, on this third and last day of the Presence of your Master and Lord in Canada for the whole world, I invite you to rise to the unknown again, through the spiritual and celestial staircase that I presented to you on the first day. And I invite you to patiently and calmly dare to cross the narrow door of God, which will liberate you from any human condition, the narrow door of God that will lead you to your own spiritual freedom.

This is why it is inevitable, companions, that, in order to find the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy, you have to feel, and at the same time detach yourselves from all that which is old, from everything that cannot be part of My Redeeming Work of the Return.

For this reason, I Am here to impel you and to encourage you, so that you may know that in the spiritual foundation of your lives, your consciousnesses and spirits, lies the Fountain and the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy. This Fountain of Love and Compassion was generated and spiritually manifested from the moment your Master and Lord drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, until the last moment of His expiration on the Cross, when I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of God to give Him all the spirits that would come to Me throughout the times and generations, and to give Him, through My offering, in the deepest pain of the Cross, all the groups of souls that would come to My Heart throughout the times and events of the planet.

This is why you are today before this spiritual and celestial staircase, you are ready to take the first steps of the ascension, of the total detachment from what you believe, from all that which you could question or doubt.

Because by taking the first step on this spiritual and celestial staircase of divestment, I assure you that if you walk in trust, you will no longer remember nor will you feel or think all that which can humanly press you.

You already know that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one can reach the Father but through Me. If I remind you of this, it is because you must keep it in mind at this moment and in this time, given the events that the planet lives and suffers today, throughout the nations and peoples who are subjected by war, conflict and pain.

Be very much aware that ascending through this celestial and spiritual staircase is not something personal or individual; it means elevating through a mature and responsible consciousness, and doing so not only for all your ancestors but also for all of humanity. Thus, you will help your Master and Lord to elevate all that which is being corrupted and is darkening, within and outside of the human consciousness.

At each step that you may take, through this spiritual and celestial staircase, you will also help your Master to have humanity detach itself from every human condition, from everything which acts as an obstacle to the evolution of consciousness.

But it is inevitable, companions, that when the moment comes for each one to cross the narrow door of God, they must recline their head and spine to cross the door of humiliation and humility, just as the Holy Mother did as She entered the Grotto of Bethlehem, so that in a humble and simple space the King of the Universe might be born.

Therefore, learn through the Humility of Mary and the absolute trust of Mary in the Plan of God. Even today, being a Glorified Consciousness, She continues to be a Slave of God, so that all Her children on Earth may attain the great day of redemption and conversion, through an act of repentance for all the offenses committed against God, so that all of the human race may be reintegrated into the universe of the Laws, of the experience of Values, Attributes and Principles of the Father, which in this time all of My disciples must practice in their daily lives, as these Values, Principles and Attributes of the Project of God in some regions and nations of the planet are gradually dissolving.

Thus, you will be able to understand, with a conscious, ready and whole gaze, that climbing this spiritual and celestial staircase is not only for yourselves, but also for the world, for all those who, in this time and at this crucial hour of humanity, for the suffering generated in wars, persecution and death, cannot even raise their heads to implore God, due to the very traumatic and miserable conditions in which they live.

Are you aware that you are working with Me for something greater?

It is time, companions, to abandon all that which is petty and arrogant, it is time to abandon the action of manipulation and egocentrism.

Your Master and Lord has taught you the way, but all can be Christs of the New Time if you submerge into My ocean of Grace and Mercy.

Have you learned to wash your faces, hands and feet in the fountain of purification that I offer to you?

Behold, physically before you, this mystery that does not hide to remain secret, but which reveals itself to the pure in heart. This is the Fountain of My Heart, which never ends, and that few, on many occasions, visit or look for.

God thought of everything before you existed as race and civilization, even as souls or essences.

Do not think that you are in the wrong place; rather than think, try to feel: where has God, through Me, placed you in trust? Because if this were not so, even within your material or even concrete reality, you would not be here before Me today, listening to Me.

I do not come here to waste the time of God, I come here to seek the response from the hearts of those who once walked by My side, from those who were healed by Me, those who were liberated by Me, those who were forgiven by Me many times. Just as Mary Magdalen was liberated from sin and converted, until today, into a sanctified consciousness.

Do you believe in the power of conversion that I grant to souls as a Grace?

To all those who still do not manage to surrender their hearts to Me, but wait to do so, I Am here for this. It is God who sends Me as His Messenger, as His Bearer of Peace and Good for humanity.

In these three last Messages of your Master and Lord lie the guidance and also the keys to live this stage that I present to you today, the last preparatory stage of My Return to the world.

Do you want to participate in this? May your answer not be immature, but rather a conscious one.

I Am here to help and bless you through My Sacraments, inexhaustible Source of renewal for those who believe in them, just as the holy women did from the beginning, professed them and lived them in themselves, later on being the witnesses of the Resurrected One.

Will you be the witnesses of the Return of Christ, first being witnesses in your inner world, in your life example, and in your coherence with what you profess and all that you believe?

This is what I expect with infinite patience and with loving dedication.

The narrow door of God has been presented in these days for souls. Now is the moment for each one to walk with their own feet, because all has been consummated, just as all was consummated on the Cross.

May those who are tired and oppressed come to Me.

May those who doubt and those who are lost come to Me.

May those who seek the truth come to me.

May those who are anguished come to Me.

May those who seek peace come to Me.

May those who aspire to liberation come to Me.

May those who seek to have their wounds healed come to Me.

May all come to Me, because here is My Heart, the secure door for your spiritual protection.

I also thank all those who walk with Me today, by My side, and who, despite everything, continue and trust in the Lord, in his Unfathomable Presence, but also in His Word, and who. even at the most difficult and darkest moment, continue to walk in trust until they find the embrace of Jesus.

May Peace be in the oppressed, afflicted and lost so that Peace, which is the living presence of God, may be in the world, just as My Peace is in you today if you believe in it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A King is the greatest slave of God in the universe. There is no crown that exalts him, there is no power that brings vainglory to him, there is no authority that sustains him, because a true King is a king that gives himself from the heart.

Do you now understand what My Government is?

Although I died on the Cross for many of you, and even died for those who I knew would not be consistent with Me, the King, in His celestial glory, was not crowned by powers or riches, He was received by the angels of Heaven, with the same human humility that your Master Jesus was able to live while still incarnated in the world among you.

The Power of God is so humble, that He sent His Son to Earth so that all His Creatures on this surface of the planet, regardless of any condition or situation, could learn about the power of God’s Humility.

Because He would not be able to be present in Three Persons, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, if His Humility were not the premise of His Existence. And it is the very Humility of God that is expressed by His Law, the center of universal and divine life, ruled by Love and Unity, Source and manifestation of all that was created, infinite Light that guides consciousnesses regardless of any condition.

Therefore, in this time, through My example and the living example of God, seek the humility of life. Because the world has lost the simplicity and innocence that allows it to love under any condition.

Thus, I lead you along the path that I always expect, the path of the Christs of the New Time, those who, despite everything, have clarity about the proposal of life that I offer to you at this planetary moment, in which all is in danger.

Do you now understand the importance of souls to Me?

Each one brings something precious to God, to contribute to this experience of the Earth. And this something precious which each souls brings, which is a gift and a Grace, must not remain in vain, must not be wasted or lost.

This is why My silence becomes present when My chosen ones do not understand My Ways and My Will; because you have to remember every day that I offer to you the path of sanctity, perhaps not the way you understand or comprehend it.

The path of sanctity is the path of simplicity, of being free from any or all arrogance, of any or all pride, of any or all greed that you may have in this life.

At the end of this spiritual and celestial staircase that  I have presented to you, you will see the narrow door become visible to you, that door whose time has come for it to spiritually present itself to humanity so that souls may decide what they will do with their lives.

My aspiration is for all to cross this narrow door, which nothing personal or spiritual will be able to cross, but an absolute and unique emptiness of yourselves so that, after crossing this narrow door in the universe of the unknown, you may receive what God has in store for each one of you, which is nothing material, but rather deeply spiritual, anonymous and secret. Treasures that the holy angels guard, until souls find, on their paths, this sacred and narrow door that liberates them from their own ambitions and arrogance, the narrow door of God that converts you into nothing.

As the end of times draw near, the approach of the narrow door of God will be more evident in the life of souls. It will not be long before souls find this narrow door of God before themselves. At this moment and in this hour, each one of you, before God and the infinite, will have the chance to take the step and decide the next step.

In the face of the moment of humanity and all that the planet is suffering, will souls realize that they are before the narrow door of God?

How is it possible to turn back before a wonderful mystery that awaits you? A mystery that waits to cease being a mystery, to become a revelation, through the power of the faith that sustains life and existence.

I want you to know that your Master and Lord Jesus Christ, in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the hour of His most crucial and deepest agony as a human being just like you, as a being of flesh and bones just like you, as a soul just like you and as a spirit just like you, was before the narrow door of God.

How does God place Himself before His own mystery? The Living God Himself, through His Son, before His own narrow door?

How is it possible to understand this greatness of the Love of God, who only tries to impel the souls and consciousness of the Earth to increase the degrees of their love and forgiveness?

By any chance, did God see Himself before the narrow door in the Garden of Gethsemane?

How was it possible for God Himself to drink from a Chalice that did not correspond to Him, but it was God Himself, through His angels, that was offering it to His Son in the Presence of the Living God?

What is this mystery of the Eucharist? Why commune with transubstantiated bread and wine? Why is it necessary to avail oneself of a sacrifice that has already been carried out?

Why did God give Himself to all of you through the Body and Blood of His Son?

Why did God, through His Son, justify all the errors of the world until the end of times?

What is the reason for a Guardian Angel of His Eucharistic Body on the eternal levels of Divine Life?

Why did God forgive what He had created in His image and likeness?

What is the essence of His eucharistic mystery?

Why did He come to teach you, through His Son, about Love and Forgiveness?

I have the answer, companions. The mystery of the Eucharist, of the Last Supper, including the Garden of Gethsemane, the Sorrowful Way and the Death and agony on the Cross, is the great key to the self-giving of souls, for something that you absolutely do not know and, by themselves, the souls and lives of people cannot control.

Behold the mystery of loving the absolute and the unknown. Behold the mystery that ceases to be a mystery so that the life of souls may be ruled by the Holy Will.

Thus, all the signs have been given, from the Birth of Christ to His Death and Resurrection. Just as today the signs are given to the souls that seek Christ.

In Heaven, there is no such thing as what is ideal to you. In Heaven there is only Love, Unity and Sacrifice. Heaven is where the Love of the Father is vivified, expands and multiplies infinitely for those who seek the Truth. 

For this reason, I have always told you and tell you again that the Truth will make you free. Behold the living Truth of God, materialized in the Divine and Spiritual Consciousness through the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

This is what I have to offer to you at this moment; that your beings, and above all your souls, may know how to drink from this Fountain and not waste it; because just as the Fountain of atonement springs from the Earth as an inexhaustible wellspring, in the same way the Fountain may become dry and disappear, so that souls may live the stage of their spiritual desert, just as your Master and Lord, Christ, did at each step of the Calvary.

Canada must be the country of rebirth, the spiritual rebirth for the New Humanity. I know that you will not understand this today, but it is written in the Heart of the Father, just as it is written in the Heart of the Son and just as it was written in the heart of the angel of this country, the Angel Sariel, the guardian angel of the elements that create life, the angel that protects Creation, and rules Canada.

I hope all My Words are not dissolved from your consciousnesses, and that you do not listen as you have always listened, because the time and hour has come for Me to close My task with all of you.

And at this hour and at this moment will be the great time of the apostles, those who, through their own Inner Christs, will walk to fulfill the Will of God, just as I have patiently taught you in these times.

I thank you for attentively listening to My Words.

May God bless you on this path of constant transformation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the immaterial staircase to the Heavens. This is the path of ascension that I offer to the souls that decide to be with Me in this time, a preparatory preamble to the Return of the Redeemer.

Do the souls that follow Me perceive this spiritual offering that I make to them?

Because to climb the first part of this spiritual and celestial staircase, the first step for the souls that follow Me is the divestment of the self, the total emptying of any intention and absolute humbling, in order to understand, under the Humility of God, what your Master and Lord offers to you in this time as spiritual steps toward the ascension of consciousness.

Even while you live on this surface, even while you still live known and unknown experiences, this celestial staircase towards the Heavens, I offer to the souls that have understood the Path of the Lord and have decided to follow it under the precepts of My Divine Will. Because this spiritual and celestial staircase will always lead you toward the unknown, to all that which you cannot touch with your own hands, it will lead you to all that which you cannot see with your own physical eyes, but which each being will be able to understand with their heart and essence.

These are the abstract mysteries of God that are presented to the souls of the world. The choice of following this path of ascension depends on each heart and soul; for what awaits you after the portal that leads and guides you to the Heavens, is something wonderful and unknown.

For this reason, companions, souls are looking at this time, and through different paths, for an answer that does not exist externally, but in the interior, they are looking for a solution in what is material, whereas in truth, the solution lies in what is spiritual. There lies the answer that many times you seek and cannot find.

But in truth I tell you that not all will understand, because you will never know it all until you definitively achieve this divestment that is so expected by the Eternal Father, which will lead you to understand, with a different awareness and perspective, the same spiritual and material reality that the Hierarchy lives.

It is in this universal and unique view, in the view of the Spiritual Hierarchy, that souls will be able to understand and learn in what direction the Hierarchy has decided to walk, and what is the path drawn by the Will of God for these times. But unfortunately, in this end time, souls decide to place their minds and hearts on other paths that are not My Paths, but rather the paths of the world.

Each soul and heart of this humanity has their place to live their experience, but also their path, which is already written by the Eternal Father Himself.

As long as souls do not decide to follow the Path of the Lord, they will not only be wasting time that is precious to God, but you will also miss the opportunity to find for yourselves the treasures of Heaven, those spiritual and inner treasures that I keep in My Sacred Heart as an abundant and inexhaustible Source for souls, a Source of Graces and Mercies.

Do you now understand where the gaze of the world is, what the eyes of this humanity observe?

Because while the events precipitate on the planet, the guardian angels, sent by the Celestial Thrones, wait for souls to decide to take the first step and climb to the first part of this spiritual and celestial staircase.

The angelic procession is ready for this moment. But time has an end, just as time has a beginning. This is the moment not to delay and not to miss the opportunities of the universe. Because these opportunities, granted to souls, pass as a sacred impulse just once, expecting that many more may give a response.

This is why I come as the Lord of the Universe and Life because, by the Grace that the Eternal Father has granted Me, I can know the Purpose for each being.

Meanwhile, I will be here, waiting for the last ones, who were called to ascend through this spiritual and celestial staircase, to understand that we are at the preamble and at the great moment to prepare the Return of Christ for all the Inner Christs of this humanity.

And this will not take place through a miracle. This will take place through the cooperation and collaboration of souls, all those who can open up to learn to recognize the need for service and surrender at each place, especially in the places where you do not even imagine, or even where you least expected, because God writes just as He has determined.

Nothing is by chance for God. For God, there are only causes and motives, there are determinations and reasons for Him to concretize His Will through souls, through those who have decided to follow Him in fidelity, in Love, without conditions.

Today, the Hierarchy starts its second and last stage of pilgrimage in North America. This is the moment when the effort of all apostles will be seen. An effort that is not measured nor is it a constrained effort; it is a mature effort of someone who understands they are with Christ and for Christ, because they know that their life is a path of constant self-giving, to unite and merge with Christ, into His Essence of Love-Wisdom.

This is what I need from all My disciples, each one knows the ring that corresponds to them within the Work of Redemption.

My Heart will always be your center and guidance, the Source of all inspiration and Grace, the relief for all needs, the Light for the path, on the only path.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy elevate to the Heavens all intentions, through the prayers of all those who are consistent with Christ, those who no longer allow themselves to retrogress, but rather advance, those who clearly know what I need in this time.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy contemplate, through hearts, the sacred intentions of Christ for those He needs to take their steps in this constant quest of the live of consecration and service, so that someday, on this surface of the planet, the apostles and followers of Christ may be ambassadors of peace.

Let us pray, in this Marathon, for Canada to protect and safeguard its spiritual archetype and purpose, especially through the Kingdoms of Nature, which are the living and authentic expression of the Creative Love of the Father, which exists to heal and redeem you, which exists to impel you to self-giving, just as the Lower Kingdoms of Nature have done since the origin of this planet.

My blessing of Peace to all, from Canada to the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I waited for so long to come here, to this precinct of God’s Creation, where the souls that find and visit it, without quite perceiving or noticing it, return to the beginning of their spiritual and cosmic origin.

Through the witnesses of the Creation of God, and by means of these giants of the Plant Kingdom, see how much history is kept here.

It is not necessary for a being to be so spiritualized to notice it. When contemplated with an open heart in gratitude, the subtle spheres of Creation can reveal to the human being of the surface, through the Plant Kingdom, realities of inner and spiritual healing that this Kingdom, despite its giving of self, has not managed yet to express to the humanity of surface, due to all that which this Kingdom receives from the Human Kingdom as transgression and mistreatment.

In the silence of that which is apparently motionless, in the silence of that which apparently is still, God mirrors and reflects His Consciousness through the consciousness of the angels and devas, so that in this Human Project on the surface, returning someday to its original essence, returning someday to its Essential Purpose, this race may recover the code of Creation it has lost throughout the times.

When I tell you that I was waiting to return here, it is because there is a part of My Consciousness that visits this place on the inner planes, by means of the expression of My Hermit Consciousness. In this place I find, not only for Me, but also for all My companions, an opportunity to return to the inner world and come out of this superficiality of the end of times, which only confuses and deceives souls, leading them along an uncertain path.

Through this place of God’s Creation, at one of the extremes of the United States and very close to the Pacific Ocean, a special spiritual conjuncture presents itself to souls and consciousnesses. Because in this place, through the Plant Kingdom, there is not only a history that has already been written, but also an opportunity as a door that opens for consciousnesses, so that they not only may return to their essential origin, but also that, by returning to it, they may begin again from scratch, evolving as the Lower Kingdoms do, evolving just as the angels, devas and elementals do. Because they do not know the Law of Suffering, because they fully live the Law of Giving and, despite what the human being of this humanity has done to the Lower Kingdoms throughout the times, the whole memory of its giving cannot be erased by anyone.

For just like the angels, the giants of this region only have the mission of rising towards the Heights until they find the Light, just as a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun, in the same way should be the opening of the consciousness of the human being in these critical times. Because what exists on the other side of the portal is so wonderful, but many still fear to face the unknown.

But what is there beyond what you can control or retain?

How is it possible for the group soul of the Kingdoms, despite the transgressions of all times or even the contamination that they experience, not to stop giving of themselves for the evolution of this Human Project?

Where is the key to this constant and permanent self-giving of the Lower Kingdoms? Why does the Human Kingdom not manage to live it or achieve it?

This is one of the reasons why I will return to humanity, so that the Genetic Project in its origin and in its DNA may be reconfigured, because there is an atom and a cell that have been lost.

Therefore, the effort of humanity must be very great to live a self-giving that someday may be unconditional and true, without expecting anything in return, just as the Lower Kingdoms and these giants do not expect anything in return.

If Humanity looked at the Kingdoms of this Creation in a different manner, how wonderful it would be for the souls of this world to receive the attributes of the Kingdoms of Nature: strength, self-giving, surrender, silence, reverence, devotion to what is sacred and silent transmutation, as well as liberation!

You have the Mirror of God before your eyes. You have everything, more than other planets and more than other constellations, you have it all,  more than hundreds of suns and stars in this universe.

Open your consciousnesses, just as the Spiritual Hierarchy opens these spaces and dimensions so that the devas, angels and elementals may become present at this moment and commune of the Second Person of God, just as you can commune with My Body and My Blood.

This is the reason for My Return, this is the motive of one of My important works for the redemption of humanity and the planet, in honor of the silent, true and immutable sacrifice of all the Lower Kingdoms.

Would you, on this surface, also be able to achieve it?

If in truth you knew what the soul of the Lower Kingdoms sees from the Human Kingdom, I assure you that your response would be different and many, really many, would be tormented for having wounded and hurt the Kingdoms of Nature, which today, through this humanity, bear the blame of the climatic consequences and the catastrophes.

But what was the first Kingdom that disturbed the balance of the planet?

My Words are clear, companions. Assume the time of surrender, but also of reparation.

This humanity and this planet could already leave the third dimension with the spiritual help of the great angels and devas of all of the Kingdoms, because they were created for this great moment in the history of this planet and civilization. They expect, in this end of times, not only for the human race to love the Lower Kingdoms as if they were their own life, but the Kingdoms of Nature, through the angels and devas, as well as these giants of the Creation, also expect to open the door, the last door to the Real Time.

Do you now understand that the material consciousness does not end here?

When you are before these giants or any space or manifestation of God’s Creation on this planet, when you are before the Sun, the Moon or the stars, do you not feel anything?

There are many who are losing this sensitivity, because they give strength and power to artificial and modern gods. The soul trembles in the face of this situation, because the soul of each one of the Children of God emerged from His Cosmic Sources not only to evolve, learn and live, but also to be in communion with all of Creation. As you today, before these giants of God’s Creation, can be in communion with a great mystery that is unveiled today by the Words of Christ.

When My Mother would go through the forests, when Saint Joseph would work with wood, the Kingdoms would revere Them when they were before Them, because of the reflection of Their Holiness and above all Their resignation before the Laws of God and the Laws of Nature.

Why is it not possible for the humanity of these times to live the same thing?

The healing of humanity is present through this Creation. I come to remind you of this so that the heart and essence of each Kingdom may not continue to be destroyed. This is what will raise the souls of nations and peoples: that the humanity of the surface may love, protect and respect what is most sacred that God has granted to them.

However, I want to tell you that My Word is not that of an ecologist. I bring humanity the impulse of something greater and cosmic, because a small door is still open for the return to the origin, toward your own inner nature, which is not human, but rather purely spiritual.

Remember that through these spaces you will find the Hierarchy.

Remember that through these spaces you will find the inner answer that you seek so much, an answer that is not outside of you, but rather in the deepest silence of consciousness, anonymity and service.

Regenerate, at this moment, your cells and atoms. Liberate your consciousnesses from forms and obstacles. Allow at this moment, through the giants of Creation that this Human Project may be repaired, through the impulse of Love and Light of the Kingdoms. Angels and devas accompany the Great Master.

Today your Master and Lord, by means of these Words, is before the origin of this humanity, before the first Adam and the first Eve, so that the original sin may begin to be dissolved from the human consciousness, so that most essences of this world may someday achieve the immaculate of this Project and what is purest in this Project of God.

When this happens through My Return, I assure you, companions, that the Project of God will be resumed as it is written in the Books, but above all in the hearts of the Lords of the Law of the Universe.

Be aware that you are participating in this and do not forget it, because all the Kingdoms will be praised in Heaven and on Earth, just as God praises them through His Love and His Spirit.

Let us pray not only for the Human Kingdom, but also for the other Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure the Apocalypse of the human civilization.

We ask for all the Kingdoms of the planet, through these giants of God’s Creation, to become peaceful and neutralized at this moment, for the forces of discord and disunion to be dissolved, for the telluric powers of this planet and universe to establish an inner and external balance in all the forms of the Creation.

May the Laws of the Great Creator Fathers Gabriel, Raphael, Michael and Uriel establish a principle of peace and neutrality so that souls and also the group soul of the Lower Kingdoms may receive the impulse of silence and internalization, which will reflect the condition of each being, so that, under the flame of love, light, reconciliation and healing, unity may be re-established.

My Spirit is pleased in the Lord, because His Love reflects and expresses itself in the silence and reverence of all creation. This nourishes the faith of the one who grasps and recognizes it, the one who perceives the inner realities as an abundant universe that never ends, that is infinite and raises the consciousness to the state that God expects so much, a principle of peace, love and unity.

May all one day find this path.

May all walk by My side, just as the angels and devas of God walk in silence and surrender.

May the hearts no longer retrogress in their steps, but rather may the spirits advance toward the goal and purpose that awaits them.

Today, on behalf of humanity, as part of this civilization, as a Being who incarnated in this world to guide and teach you, I repair the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the outrages, mistreatment and indifference that they receive in these times.

May the essence of the spirit of Peace rise again.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold a Heart that was pierced, but a Heart that is still unknown.

Who would be able to penetrate this mystery and know it?

Who would launch into the void without knowing where they might fall?

Because in the great abyss of My Mercy there is no perdition. There is abundance, accomplishment and merits. For this reason, I show you My Heart for you to live it.

I come to seek this from good souls, but I also come to seek this from imperfect souls. Because I would have no reason to carry out a work on this planet, if it were not for souls.

Do you now understand the meaning of My coming to the world in this time?

I have to ask you many questions so that you may reconsider your paths, because a good Master and a good Friend would give His Life for His companions. And this life that I give for you is abundant and infinite, it did not end with the Death on the Cross.

Have you ever wondered what I gave beyond this, even after My Ascension to the Heavens?

What mysterious door exists, which no one has yet opened to know what there is on the other side? What is this, so unknown, that even you do not know?

But if the people of Israel knew it in depth and in spirit, why can you not know it?

I come to remove you from the superficial dimension, in which many are found in this time. I come to elevate you to the dimension of My Love, above all of My Cosmic and Divine Love, so that you may understand and above all feel the Celestial Spheres that descend and embrace you.

Have you wondered how I arrive here, knowing that the time of the Hierarchy is precious?

But I do not come here only for you and your awakening, I come for a greater and unknown cause, a cause that is waiting to make itself known through consistent and available hearts. Because the projects of the Hierarchy must not be wasted or lost, not even Its Word can be wasted, as in the Word of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy there is a decree, a purpose, but also an accomplishment.

Therefore, you must keep in mind, each time you listen to Me or even each time you receive Me, that in each one of My Words and in the Words of the Hierarchies there is a  Higher Purpose for you and your brothers and sisters of the world. In the same way, this has also been done by the Divine Mother throughout the ages and by means of Her Apparitions and Messages in the whole world.

The Hierarchy needs the human condition to draw near, but not the stingy or rebellious condition, it needs the availability of the human heart to carry out the Spiritual Mission in the world.

This is how the Spiritual Hierarchy can deliver Its projects and aspirations to the creatures, who are preciously chosen by the Eternal Father Himself, as is the case on this occasion, here in the United States.

Therefore, I ask you again: Can you understand why you are here and why your souls have brought you here, to be before the Lord of the Universe and of Peace?

What do you have to do with all that which is happening?

Christ does not need excuses, because He knows human error and misery. Christ needs true, although imperfect hearts, hearts that can give more and more, until they feel, in their own being, the essence of God’s Project.

In this month of May and on this coming May 8 that is drawing near, today the Lord brings in His Hands many seeds of Light, precious and incalculable treasures for each one of the souls of the world who listen to My Message. Seeds that wait to sprout in the coming months, through the sensible and balanced decisions of souls permeated by the Discernment and Wisdom of God.

Where will the seeds of the Lord fall? Where is the fertile land of the human heart?

There is something that must happen here, I hope you will comprehend and understand it.

The cycles exist in humanity so that you may learn to take your own steps.

It is time of the New Christs, the world can no longer wait, because it agonizes. This is the time of the emergence of the Inner Christs, those who can succeed the Lord of the Universe to prepare this Earth for His Return, for the reappearance of Christ in humanity.

I come with this Message from Heaven, so that you may remember Heaven and no longer become lost in what is superficial, but rather abandon yourselves in the profound abyss of My Merciful Love.

Many among you, in this month of May, must make a synthesis, and from this synthesis obtain an inner response for your lives.

The signs have been given, the Message has been revealed, the impulse and the cosmic current of My Love has been delivered. All has been said, now it is up to you to give a response to the Universe, so that you may give a response to the Law.

For this reason, I will be praying in the coming times. There is a lot to do, and I hope that the sensible hearts will accompany Me, hearts that no longer only want to receive, but also to give of themselves.

Meditate and think of what I tell you. I Am here to help you, for you to grow in a Higher Love and in the Truth, so that with each passing day, and each approaching time, you may no longer justify yourselves, so that you may no longer deceive yourselves. Thus, you will assume the Plans of the Redeeming Lord.

Meanwhile, I will continue to work with the angels, who are here with Me for this special task in the United States, trying to help and aid those who are lost in vices, in indifference, in evil and even those who are lost in death, in spiritual death.

I come as a Sun, invisible and immaterial, to cause the rebirth of the hearts who accept to see My Light on the horizon, in the deepest universe of beings.

God hopes that all His Children may be worthy before Him.

So that this may be a reality and not something so distant or even impossible, we will have to go through many challenges and some of them are dangerous challenges. Because the pathway is very long until you can reach the goal that God expects.

But the strength in the hearts that believe in Christ and live in Christ can be an unbreakable and I might say unmovable strength, a strength sustained in faith and trust in God.

Thus, I prepare you for the new sowing.

What will you offer to the Plan?

I will patiently wait, but do not forget that we are in a time of emergency, the answer must be now. But not a superficial response, it must be a mature response, from a being that understands what it means to be converted into a Christ.

This is all. Go through these times in My Peace.

I thank you, once again, for truly being with Me.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There are inner realities that the Lord alone knows. Not even to the holy angels are these realities visible.

But I, as an emanation of the Second Person of God, can see beyond all inner realities, and also beyond all that which is invisible; for appearance is what has deceived the world throughout the times, and souls have become lost in all that which is superficial and petty.

This will be one of the main reasons for My Return to the world: that souls, on the surface of the Earth, may recover their communion with the inner worlds, recover the connection with their inner and spiritual universe.

However, while this still does not happen, great will be the sorrow of those who do not repent from the heart; because I come to give the world the Source of My Unfathomable Mercy, a Source still very little appreciated by the souls of the world, because it is an unknown ocean of Redeeming Love.

While I do not return to the world, even though I Am already preparing for this event and moment, it will only be up to those who follow the Shepherd and Lord of the Universe to make the correct and true effort.

You have learned with Me, throughout the ages and mainly through My Word, what the path is, which I offer to Mine.

Do not wait for any sign, other than the one I will give you, because there will still be many appearances in this world, many will continue to be taken to the path of deception, and many more to the path of indifference.

Therefore, take care of your inner world, as a temple that is precious and immaculate to God, where what is essential is kept, where existence dwells in the eyes of those who truly pray from the heart and do not become confused.

Thus, the Lord not only comes for souls, but also for the nations. The Lord comes to seek the talent that is in the human heart, and the gift that is about to manifest within the spiritual life of each being.

My door to opportunity is open. How much longer will souls take to cross it? It seems that many fear what is unknown.

However, where lies the true control of life, in one’s own inferior will?

My Will comes to liberate you from yourselves and thus liberate the afflicted hearts. Because My silent Power is still unknown and this is what you must seek within yourselves, to know My Will, so that you may know the incalculable power of My Love.

As a Good Shepherd, I come to seek the sheep that are lost, and many of them are in this nation. Therefore, I come to raise again the meaning to the life of the souls that live here, so that life may no longer be interrupted. Regardless of the greatest suffering that hearts may live, regardless of the greatest error or sin that you may have committed, life must not be interrupted.

Life is precious to God, because He is the One Who has created it in His image and likeness, and the values of life must be preserved in every one, values that will lead you not only to spiritual, but also human dignity. Values that, in this crucial time of humanity, are now lost.

Therefore, you must hold on to a life of prayer and, above all, of unconditional service, so that these self-same values, which the people of Israel lived in their essence, may be preciously kept within you as a treasure and and may be shared with the rest of souls.

Meanwhile, I will be here, waiting for you, waiting for My companions to take the step, because there still is a Plan to concretize and carry out, not only in the United States, but also in the whole world.

This month of May is a month of definition for all. But watch out, do not see it as something repetitive, as if you already knew what to decide and what not to decide. Be humble and selfless, just as the saints were, who, even recognizing their own deep miseries, could not understand why the Lord was so close to them. Because life may be imperfect or miserable, but the soul may be in the Glory of God when the effort of the human heart is true.

But if, in the face of these events on the planet, you impose conditions, you cannot understand what the Plan of the Return of Christ means. I understand, because I know that you cannot see it, but this Return of the Lord is a promise that will be fulfilled and concretized.

What should you true intention be in this end time?

Are you truly available to prepare the path of My Return to humanity?

Are you ready for Me to knock on the doors of your homes and, above all, for Me to give the impulse of My Heart to your consciousnesses?

My Words must not be wasted, My Time must not be wasted.

I come to seek what the Father has promised to Me. I come to seek the sinners and the most imperfect. Because from the ashes the spirit will emerge, and I will raise it through My Love and My consolation. However, you need to have faith in Me, before having your consciousnesses occupied with other topics.

It is not that I am alienating you from material life and from the spiritual debt of this world, only it is now time, companions, for you to be attuned with the reality.

Do you now understand the inner realities that the Lord can see? Because while time continues to pass, souls continue to be lost and need Mercy.

How many hearts are there to be healed in this world?

Who will take care of the innocent?

Who will take care of the suffering Kingdoms of Nature?

Who will be sensitive to the suffering of others?

Who will no longer condemn? Who will no longer criticize?

Who will no longer close the door to the one who is calling?

I came to the world to teach you this, so that you might be merciful, just as the Lord is Merciful to you.

Today, My Hands are empty, but they might be filled with the offerings of hearts.

What is happening, companions?

Evil cannot be greater than Love, darkness cannot be deeper than the Light, indifference cannot be greater than charity, ignorance cannot be greater than discernment.

All has been given to you, although you do not believe it, and today you have the immeasurable and unknown Grace of being before Jesus.

Come to Me, decidedly. Come to Me as available beings. Come to Me denying yourselves. Does that mean you will suffer for Me?

Will there be another Christ who surpasses Me in Love and is capable of going beyond themselves?

I do not ask you for heroic things. I ask you for simple yet true things. I ask you for acts done with love, so that this world and this humanity may stop suffering.

The time of hope, of healing, of love and peace is here in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and it will descend if you create the conditions for this, because the Law is wise and discreet.

Tell the world not to forget the Commandments.

The world needs peace. Humanity needs good to reach the unity that has been lost, to reach the wounded hope.

I thank all those who pray with Me so that the United States may fulfill its Spiritual Purpose and its angel may spread its wings and consciousness, to attract to this country the Spiritual Treasures of God.

I thank you for being with Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time of Justice is coming, but there is still time for the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I come here as your Intercessor and Mediator between souls and God, between the Divine Plan and this nation, which is so much in need of love. I thank you for having come here to experience this encounter with Me.

The Spiritual Hierarchy, at this moment, contemplates all the needs of the world; especially, the deepest and innermost needs that this country presents before God, which I contemplate with a gaze of Mercy, rather than of Justice.

Because remember, My companions, that the cause that I lived for you in My Sorrowful Passion, was also for this nation, knowing all that would later happen in the following generations of humanity. That is why, companions, what humanity is living in this cycle is written in the Book of the Apocalypse, in this imminent cycle of the Armageddon.

However, through a Light of hope and peace that springs from My Heart, I come as the Lord of the whole Universe and of the entire Earth, as the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, to offer the Father, once more, the merits of My Life, My Birth, Death and Resurrection, so that this nation, and especially its soul, may have an opportunity.

But I want you to know, companions, that the Lord does not fail to contemplate the errors that this nation has committed in the world. This is why I spoke to you, at the beginning, that the time of Justice is drawing near, a Justice that is still unknown to the human being.

But I have also told you that there is still time for the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy; because as long as the door of My Heart remains open to you and your brothers and sisters, the most hardened sinners will be able to reach Me and place themselves under the Rays of My Heart, under the Rays of the Blood and Water of Christ, so that what is darkest and most corrupt may be transformed and redeemed.

If your eyes did not see the events with a gaze of love and mercy, I assure you that your own indignation would drown you.

Therefore, I come to place you in another dimension and on another plane of consciousness; on the Plane and Dimension of God, where, through a gaze of love and mercy it is possible to go through the end of these times with compassion, rather than with a gaze of wrath or indignation.

I know that this, perhaps, may not may not make up for what your hearts are feeling.

But do you remember what the Sacred Heart of Jesus may have felt on the top of the Cross, knowing that all His enemies were against Him and the only one He had was the Eternal Father and His spiritual solitude?

Where is this very powerful key of the mystery of Love, which, through the offering of the Divine Son, was able to transform the whole world?

Through the Celestial Power that the Father has given Me, do you believe, by any chance, that I could transform it all, even this nation, which has lost its Spiritual Purpose?

However, once again, I tell you that the Spiritual Hierarchy works through Its silence and anonymity. There lies the magnificent power of the Work of God’s Mercy, that is where everything slowly begins to transform itself.

For this reason, I Am here in the United States once again; and at the foot of this Sacred Mountain, I try to illuminate the consciousness of the United States, so that it may achieve its great moment of awakening and repentance.

These coming days of the Marathon of Divine Mercy will be decisive and, even before the next May 8, it will be a turning point for the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy itself, because the next cycle of this nation will be decided, its spiritual debt being contemplated.

And do you know how this could take place?

Through the manifestation and concretion of a point of Light at this place, the expression of a living and fraternal community, a community that may reflect and represent the Presence of Christ on Earth; a community that will be formed by the experience and presence of the self-summoned, who will later form the spiritual bases of this Light-Community.

On this preparatory day of beginning of a new Marathon of prayer, not only does the Sacred Lord of the Universe, at the foot of Mount Shasta, come to once again raise the human consciousness, the consciousness of the planet, the soul of this planet, but your Master and Lord also comes to give you His most ardent aspiration for the United States, so that the so expected healing may be established in the souls of this country.  

I will also pray for this, just as I have been praying in the silence of My Heart and just as each one of you, on these days of Marathon, will be able to pray for this cause, which is so important to Me. Because in truth I tell you that you will understand in depth this spiritual cause of Mine for the United States and the souls of this country, when this aspiration materializes on the surface and especially manifests through the souls that will congregate in My Name.

A new plan can be presented for this nation and for this people, so that, knowing the greed and consumerism, you may enter the school of self-giving and true service for those who suffer. Even those who have been suffering here, in this country, for a long time, for those who suffer the trauma of experiencing wars, of serving in wars as if they were something important or victorious.

See where the path of this nation has concluded. But the great and deep miracles will take place in the hearts that hear the Call of the Lord and, above all, in the hearts that are mediators of love and healing on this planet.

Extending My Arms and My Hands in the Sign of the Cross, I come to bless this nation in the name of God so that souls may fulfill and live the Spiritual Purpose, so that they may come out of the endless chain of suffering and agony, of the incessant guilt for having lived wars.

I deeply aspire for peace to be established here, and for this peace to fill the thirsty hearts so that these thirsty hearts and souls, on these days of supplication and merciful prayer, may be anointed by My Spiritual Light.  

Let us truly and wholeheartedly pray for this. Let us pray for all that must be transformed in the United States, so that it may glimpse redemption, on the horizon, during the Glorious Return of Christ.

Once again, I thank you for being here with Me, on this day, and for making the true effort of following the steps of the Hierarchy, because what awaits everyone in the coming time is wonderful, something renewing and healing for souls.

Receive My blessing in this long journey of pilgrimage with the Sacred and Divine Hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Feet of the Resurrected One touch the surface of the Earth to bless, heal and redeem it.

Today I also have the special Grace of spiritually contemplating the path of those who have decided to follow the Footprints of the Redeemer anywhere on the planet, carrying My Presence in the human heart that is transfigured by My codes of Light and Love.

I would like you to contemplate with Me the greatness of the miracle of Love in your lives. Even if you still feel imperfection, contemplate for a moment, beyond all this, what the eyes of your Master and Lord contemplate.

Behold, behind Me, the Kingdom of the Heavens, with its angels and archangels, especially the celestial choirs that today surround the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, as well as each one of your consciousnesses, so that, through the Book of Life, which is preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the experiences of love may be written, those which you were able to live in this last Sacred Week and, above all, the reconciliation and forgiveness between brothers and sisters.

Because in truth I tell you that if no one reconciles and forgives themselves or others, what will become of the destiny of this humanity, in the face of so many disasters and wars and so much suffering?

I come here for the last time, on this last day of the Sacred Week, so that you may be witnesses of My Presence in the world and in hearts.

Very great and unknown is the debt of this current world, but greater and more powerful can be the work of Mercy in hearts that respond to My Call, such as your hearts.

Today, the Lord of Israel, the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, cries not only for Jerusalem, as it was in the past, but He also cries for the innocent and those who are tormented in spiritual, moral and human captivity.

My tears become Light for the innocent and today your prayers, not only of this day, but of this entire Sacred Week, including the Spiritual Trilogy of Devotion, Contemplation and Prayer, have become an important spiritual cause for the marginalized, innocent and poorest among the poor, so that they may be helped in this next cycle. Thus, your prayers become roses at the Feet of the Creator.

Your souls prostrate themselves before the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the holy angels do at this moment, so that the Son of God may be glorified in Heaven and on Earth, and especially in the hearts that seek relief from suffering and peace, just as it was at the doors of Jerusalem.

Today, in the face of the painful scenario of the world and humanity, I come to remind you again of the importance of love, and I come to pray for those who need it the most, so that My healing and redeeming Hand may touch the head of all those in need of love and redemption.

Carry My Graces of this Sacred Week in your hearts and lives. You can now be witnesses of My redeeming Love.

The Lord listens to the prayers of those who cry out. The Lord contemplates the pain of those who suffer, and His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy placates the human miseries so that everything may become redemption and forgiveness.

Today, I come to leave to you the spiritual seal of your union with Me and the union of My Heart with your hearts, so that you may hold on to the Presence of the Lord, who wants to lead you along the path of peace and goodness.

My spiritual task does not end here, in this Sacred Week. The coming times will bring challenges to all, but also promising opportunities for growth, surrender and self-giving, so that the grave errors committed in this time by humanity may be justified by the self-giving and surrender of the consistent ones, and Mercy, instead of Justice, may be poured out.

As an example of all of humanity, there are souls present here today who fulfill an important parable, the parable of the prodigal son. Because the Eternal Father is not severe to the one who makes a mistake out of ignorance or unconsciousness; His Mercy and Love transform the mistaken heart.

Just like the father of the prodigal son, the Father, with His Arms open, places His miserable and mistaken Son on the path of return toward His Heart, where all offenses and errors are diluted, the soul attains forgiveness and Mercy and once again starts from scratch, as each one of you does.

On all the days that will come, you must have the courage, the bravery and the strength to begin anew every day, just as your Master and Lord did at each step of the Calvary. At each moment, although I could not, I started anew, because the power of the spirit united to God is very great, there is no evil in this world that can overthrow the ardent aspiration of hearts.

However, everything has its moment and its time. The triumph of the Love of God in souls has its time and moment. Therefore, you must no longer become bitter or sad. You must cross the door of this place renewed by the full conviction that you have glorified the Lord of the Universe and of Peace, and entrust your lives again in the Hands of God, just as I Am Life in the hearts that surrender to the Lord.

I want you to carry with you what is most precious that I have, the most precious among all treasures, gifts and Graces. I want you to carry with you, in Spiritual Communion, the Love of the Redeemer, which will help you to continue on in these unknown times. It will bring you the hope of renewal. It will help you even in your self-esteem, because your souls and those of your brothers and sisters of the world must no longer be depressed.

Although this difficult time does not help humanity, because humanity becomes compromised outside of the Law of God, you must feel the renewal that I bring, and the absolute certainty that you have found Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I want to thank all those who made the effort to prepare these meetings. Everything, on all planes of consciousness, even on the material plane, must be aligned with the Purpose of the Redeemer.

The prize that awaits those who have truly surrendered to collaborate with this Sacred Week, is very great. But what is greatest, companions, is that My Love may transform you into what I so much expect and aspire to.

Therefore, before I close this Sacred Week, through the Holy and Divine Communion, I come to give you once more, the Anointing through My Spirit, so that you may carry within yourselves the visible sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will accompany you until the end of your days, until it is the moment to conclude this experience on Earth.

Remember that what I give you is inalterable and unchangeable, because it is an eternal and incalculable Grace.

May My Peace encourage you to live in My Peace, so that My Peace may be in you, and My Grace may be in you, so as to be in your brothers and sisters of the world.

Feel yourselves anointed by My Light.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, at this moment we will conclude with that with which we began this Sacred Week: confident and renewed by His Presence, transformed by His consoling and redeeming Love, purified in soul, spirit and consciousness, anointed by His Grace and His Light, and by each one of the merits of our Redeemer.

Thus, we will unite through the song of María de los Inocentes (Mary of the Innocents), asking, from what is most intimate in each one of us, that the Grace of the Anointing of Jesus may reach those who most need it and those who suffer the most.

At this moment Our Lord says that each one will know, in the silence of their heart, what soul known by you needs the Grace of His spiritual Anointing.

For this, we will sing as one voice and one heart, giving thanks for the Presence of the Lord in these eight days.

The Lord will draw near His friends and companions.

Let us sing.

Song: “Healer of my soul.”

May Light, Grace and Mercy accompany all hearts as a special Anointing of Light.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the Kingdom of Heavens the supreme reality of God lives, something that God Himself has tried to have humanity understand, knowing that after this material life and this experience on Earth souls must return to Him.

Therefore, everything you do here, in the experience of the Earth, will represent the evolutionary or non-evolutionary result of what you will later on live on the higher planes of consciousness.

Through the revelations made to the holy visionaries, you have come to know a part of the mystery of My Resurrection, which is the same Law that rules this material universe.

I would like humanity not to forget that it has a soul, and that this soul exists on the inner planes, to finish living an unconcluded experience.

Nothing of what you live here on Earth could be transitory. God always indicates the path to the one who seeks it. With His Hand, God guides the path of hearts, and We, through Our Divine Presences, have offered to the world time and again, for it to be guided, believe and have faith.

For this reason, I granted you the Sacraments, so that you may remember that they are there as inexhaustible and inextinguishable sources of Grace, for the soul that truly seeks the conversion of the heart.

This is why it is so important that you may live forgiveness in this experience on Earth. Remember that you cannot leave this world without having forgiven and without asking for forgiveness.

The soul exists to conclude an experience, and I want you to know that for the majority this is the last experience. Therefore, you must think of the existence of the higher planes of consciousness, the Kingdom of the Heavens or whatever you want to call it, where your experiences after this life will undergo a synthesis.

I do not come to speak to you of the bodily death. I come to speak to you of the opportunity that you must not miss in this life, because the step is unique, just as is unique each moment of surrender and offering of your hearts.

I come to tell you this, companions, because I know that many who are here today and others who are not here, have submerged on the path of suffering and guilt. But God demonstrates to you, through the Presence of His Son in this time, that the door of His Divine Mercy is still open for the world, especially for those who have little time left to repent.

I want you to always keep in mind that God loves you, under any situation or condition. God does not have anger, God has Pity, Grace and Mercy; and this, in many cases, is completely forgotten, because the souls that are incarnated in this time easily become involved with indifference and that which is superficial.

But I also come, in this time and through each meeting, at the request of My Eternal Father, to place the redeeming Christic code in the innermost depth of the government of your souls and essences, the code of love and redemption that must be cared for and protected by yourselves. Because just as God gives all, He can also take all from you.

Not even the minutest particle of His Divine Grace is wasted in this universe; if that happened, it would be an offense to His Heart. For this reason, I call you to value this moment and to learn to read what I Myself Am writing through your lives. On this will depend what will happen to each one later on.

Imitate the example of the angels and saints who adore, love and revere God, Our Creator. Thus, your lives will deepen their spiritual and human dignity, and those virtues that God holds in His Heart, and are preciously chosen for each one, will be delivered in due time, when your hearts are ready, and that moment is drawing near.

The time of preparation is ending, the time of action is beginning, because the emergency in the world is very great. Misery, suffering and illness must be placated and many, really many hearts are waiting for the great day of their liberation.

You, by being here and by responding to My Call without My directly asking you, are participating in the preparation of this great moment, when I will return in Glory and with all the Power of God, to establish in this world again the universal order and the true Spiritual Government.

Do you understand that the Law must be re-established? And this will take place through the attitude of your hearts, through merciful actions, because Mercy will help you to perceive the necessity in any place, even in that apparently silent and anonymous heart.

I come so that your souls may open their eyes and perceive, for themselves, what they are participating in. It is not just a moment of Grace, Pity and Mercy; it is a moment to make the new apostles emerge, those who, in the end times, will re-write the history of humanity and the planet, just as the Hierarchy itself has re-written the history of all its inner and sacred centers, such as this place, throughout the times and above all through souls.

Not all will be able to live the same model of evolutionary life, you must be very clear about this. If this is forced, it might have irreversible consequences.

You must learn every day to perceive the need of your fellow being. In this way, you will truly help the growth of each brother and sister, by sustaining and supporting their being without condemning them, because I Am here so that hearts may find Me again.

But so that hearts may find Me again, may feel and live Me internally, the consciousness and, above all the heart must be open here, because I will send souls and though these souls I will go and test you, to know if My degrees of Love have been correctly sown in you.

Therefore, take advantage of this Sacred Week and release all that which binds you to the past and, above all, become liberated from yourselves, because you can now do it, it is just a matter of trusting Me more. Thus, the future plans and those not so distant will be visible to all, and God will place His Hand upon you so that, through your souls, He may write His Will.

If that happens just as God expects, I assure you that the errors of the world will be justified, including the errors that are committed with the blood of the innocent, which is still shed in these times. Thus, you can understand that this is nothing personal, it is a way similar to that lived by My Apostles.

But now we are in a definitive time. All decisions must be premeditated, discernment might not be enough, it is necessary to ask for Light for each matter, so that the path of the Law that I Am drawing, which is the Law of My Love, may be trodden.

Thus, I make you participants in all My designs, projects and operations, because in this way I will be able to find available and authentic hearts, capable of giving everything. Likewise, many more will be called to give everything, so that God’s Aspirations may be concretized.

Under this reflection, companions, which you must not forget and that you must know by heart, I prepare you for the next three years of your time, when very decisive events will present themselves, and all, in some way, will participate in these events, because humanity is one and one is the Project of God for humanity.

These next three years will define the reappearance of Christ, your Master and Lord, who will make His incursions in some places of the planet. And this will not be just spiritual, but also physical. As you know, I will not warn you in advance, because the Plan that I have foreseen must be fulfilled just as it was proposed and thought of by the Great Creator Fathers.

Whether you want it or not, whether you accept it or not, and take the step you must take or not, all will participate and be witnesses of this. Therefore, it will be important that, before My hour is fulfilled, your intentions, attitudes and forms be already purified.

In truth, I tell you that not even the holy women, who ardently waited for My Resurrection, were able to withstand the vibratory Presence of the Lord. I ask you: what will you do when that happens?

The Lord will come as a stranger, but through His garments will be the Presence of the Lord. You have to be attentive to recognize Me and also when I call you by your names, because the history that began in Israel must be completed, and this is the time for this to happen.

Therefore, My Spirit, Soul and Divinity gather you in these end times and through the Sacred Week, with the higher intention to prepare you. But remember that there is a part in all this that corresponds to each one.

Do not wait for a response. Position yourselves in the way that a server and an apostle must position themselves. Offer to come out of yourselves and thus the clarity and guidance of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus will come to you.

I want to celebrate this Holy Communion today for this cause, especially for those who are awakening and for those who will awaken, so that your brothers and sisters of the world may receive the same Grace that you have received more than once. And through an act of true redemption and repentance, may all receive the Grace of Mercy.

I have destined, at this moment, seven guardian angels for this Eucharistic Celebration, so that, during the moment of transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, your most honest and true intentions may be elevated to each one of the guardian angels, so that the Holy Spirit of God, by means of His gifts, may guide the steps of the souls that will walk toward the Purpose.

So that your souls may receive these impulses and may hold it in the innermost depths of the spirit and the consciousness, I come to raise, elevate and offer, to all those present and those not present, the principles that founded this Light-Community and made possible for the  humble and tender Gaze of God to contemplate this simple and humble space, so that His Word might descend to Earth and from here to the whole world.

Feel as part of this greatness of God and, above all, of His infinite and invincible Love.

So that these principles may flourish in all souls and hearts, as a preparation for this moment of Spiritual Communion, we will honor and glorify the instrument that inspired this expression of God’s Plan on the surface, your brother and instructor José Trigueirinho, who was the secure door who offered himself for the awakening of souls, and who opened the door of his heart so that the Sacred Hierarchies might be here today, speaking to all.

Let us revere this moment.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing “Breath of the spirit.”

I bless you so that you may reflect and grow internally, knowing that My gifts, in this time, are unique and unrepeatable.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The mothers of the Order may draw near the foot of the Altar.

 We will ignite our candles for this moment of encounter with Christ, seeking to maintain quietness before the Presence of Christ.

Despite all that which you already know that I lived, there is something that humanity does not know up to the moment, which was a deep experience that I lived for you and for the world. It was what sustained Me so that I might have the courage to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, so that I might have the strength to kiss the Cross before carrying it and take My steady steps to the top of Mount Calvary, where the Tree of Life would stand for the first time, totally surrendered and self-sacrificing for His own.

This experience of Love that I lived in a tender, deep and spiritual way, was that of being able to feel the intimate Love of My Mother and of the holy women, the women walking on Earth who revered the Precious and Beloved Son. Even after all that I did for the world, even being rejected, humiliated and severely martyrized, after so many miracles and prodigies, so much liberation of souls from impure spirits, after each one of My Words pronounced in the Gospels and, above all, through My Parables, despite all that happened and was lived by Me and by each one of your brothers and sisters on Earth at that time.

The sacred Fidelity of the holy women and the Mother of all Her children, was what elevated the Will of the Lord so that, under the Omniscience and Omnipresence of the Father, I might do what you know I did for you.

Despite the suffering and the pain of the Lord, not only in that time, but also in these times in the face of the planetary situation, in the face of the grave lack of love in humanity, I return here today, in the name of God the Father, to deliver to Mine the codes achieved through the merits of My Passion.

Today, when My five main Wounds of Light radiate to the four corners of the Earth, I come to try to transfigure your paths and the paths of your brothers and sisters, transforming them through the power of My Precious and Divine Blood, carefully held and watched in the Ark of the Holy Covenant by the four angels that guard the Sacred Ark.

But today I want you to dwell on something very important, beyond the fact that you know for yourselves My pains in the Passion. I want you to dwell on the important teaching that I left to you about Love, because I know that each one of you carries your own cross, with greater or lesser weight upon your backs.

But what should encourage you to continue, despite the consequences and traumas, just as the Lord, in His Calvary, continued without doubts, fully trusting in the life of the spirit that the Eternal Father was granting to Me, at each step of the Calvary, through Archangel Michael?

My Friends, My children, in these times I want you to keep very much in mind this first teaching that I gave you about Love. Because the redemption of the human race, in that time of My Cross, would not have been possible if your Master and Lord had not given His ‘yes’.

Because the power, and even the authority that I could have made use of to overcome all evil, was collected and secretly kept so that, after the Death on My Cross, all the spirits and souls of the world could be rescued and saved.

But your feet, companions, as well as the feet of your brothers and sisters in the world, after the experience lived with Me in the Holy Land, walked on other paths that were not My paths.

Thus, through this Sacred Week, I once again make you return to My only true path, which is the path of Love, so that you may be anointed by My Spirit and My Divinity, and your deepest and hidden traumas may be dissolved, and the healing of the soul and spirit in each one may take place according to how the Law of Grace and Mercy grants it.

Just as today, the mothers of this Order, on behalf of all mothers of the Earth, carry a lighted candle, representing the vigil and adoration to the Lord during His most painful agony on this Good Friday, I want you to remember, through this powerful flame of the Spirit of the Lord, that you must keep vigil, pray and watch for My Love in the world; first in yourselves, so that then you may preserve and take care of the Love of Christ in others.

When in truth, companions, you have lived the deep experience of Christic Love, preciously permeated by the codes of the Blood and Water of Jesus, I assure you that I will not need to repeat this to you again, because through your own experience of love day by day and, above all, with your brothers and sisters you have by your side, one of My many promises made to the Eternal Father will be fulfilled: that you love one another, just as I love you. May God come first in your lives, before everything.

Why do I say this to you?

Because humanity is changing the course of its path, through the events and even modernities, in which there is an attempt to replace the Living God with artificial gods, in which all human sensitivity is blocked and paralyzed. For those who make contact with this, I need that you may keep this very much in mind, so that you may not be deceived.

God wishes and aspires to govern your lives through His Son, just as He silently tries to do it every day by means of your paths of transformation and redemption, love, service and charity.

This is what will maintain your spirits alive on Earth and, although there are currents contrary to God’s Love and divine life, I assure you that, if your consciousnesses keep these attributes alive, there will not be anything contrary that could make you falter, because God’s Love will guide you, just as God’s Purpose guided His Beloved Son, until He died on the Cross, pierced and disfigured by the sins of the men and women of Earth, so that, as from the Sacred Death of Jesus, humanity might have abundant Life.

Some wonder: why is it necessary to relive the Passion of Christ every year?

It is because humanity forgets, in just one instant, Who I was for you and the world, and what I represent as a living part of the Creator, as an intermediary and mediator between souls and the Eternal Father.

If no one follows My Path, My Truth and My Life, and does not even remember Me once a year, what result will come from the life of those who have chosen other paths?

It is not necessary to be a visionary to understand and comprehend it, for the signs of the times will be clear. And it is the legacy of Christ, in the hearts and intimate life of all the souls that have faith in Me, that will perpetuate the Love of God and of Christ in the world, regardless of what may happen in this difficult planetary transition.

Therefore, remember that, just like the flame that you carry in your hands today, so must the flame always be ignited in your hearts: the flame of the Purpose, the flame of Love, the flame of the Truth that will make you free.

Thus, at this sacred moment, when Heaven and Earth unite in communion and life, through prayerful hearts and through God, I come to deliver to you, through My Spirit and Divinity, the Spiritual and Sacramental Communion, the same that My Most Holy Mother received through the hands of Archangel Gabriel.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us place our hands in a sign of receptivity. Let us open our hearts even more, to receive from the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, the same code of Divine Energy that Christ received in the Garden of Gethsemane in a luminous and resplendent way.

Let us take our hands to our hearts, and commune spiritually, in gratitude and love. Let us commune for all those who, at this hour, forget Christ, so that God may have Mercy on these souls, and that they may awaken to the truth.

Let us pray:

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee

the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ

present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,

in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
by which He is offended.

And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


And just like this rain, which falls at this moment to purify, wash and nourish the earth, just as the elements, devas and angels, the Kingdom of Figueira, commune in the Presence of Christ, in the same way I bless all the crosses that you have brought to My Feet, and I mainly relieve your spiritual cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be brave and have faith. I Am here to help you.

On this day, when we celebrate the victory of Christ, your Master and Lord, over all evil and adversity, I come here to institute the blessing of the Sacrament of Marriage, because families in the whole world are being attacked and divided.

On behalf of all the families present here and those not present, I have chosen some couples to bless them today with My Spirit through the anointing, blessed water and incense, so that, in this unity between souls that love each other and live together, the Purpose of God may be re-established in the cell of the families.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves now for this moment, at the request of Christ, Our Lord.

He will withdraw, but He will come back to bless those He has chosen on behalf of all.

While we prepare ourselves, we will sing to Our Lord, remembering the power of His Most Precious and Divine Blood, so that it may bathe and purify us, like this rain that falls at this moment, and may liberate us from prisons and pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing and proceed to an interval.

Song: “The power of the Blood.”

Brothers and sisters, we will accompany this moment of blessing and consecration that Christ has asked for.

We will profoundly unite to all that which Christ said to us, keeping very much in mind what families and above all marriage mean to God.

I want to clarify that we will carry out a blessing and a consecration, which is not a marriage. I am clarifying this at the request of the Lord.

Brothers and sisters, you may come.

We will pray together one Lord’s Prayer, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be in Portuguese, so that the Lord may bless and unify these souls in one spirit, in one heart, in one love and life, so that His Attributes and Graces may become present in their families.

Now we pray in English.

Now, consecrated to Me, your families and, above all, your matrimonial and spiritual union must be a nucleus of Light, understanding and above all love, so that the values and principles of the Sacred Family may descend upon you and upon all those who have united their lives to live together.

Through this simple yet profound moment, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, comes to bless you with His Spirit and His Peace, so that the nucleus of the human family may be rebuilt and sheltered, and protected from all influences of evil, for the triumph of Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in all families.

May your hearts rejoice.

May the union between your souls grant to you evolution, the experience of love and charity for your fellow beings.

I bless you, consecrate you, under the Triune Unity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My silence reveres this moment, because you must not lose any moment of it.

My silence will open the door of your consciousness so that, once again, the codes of redemption may enter your souls, the innermost depths of your spirits, for you to participate with Me in this sacred moment of celebration and Communion with My Body and My Blood, a moment at which, just as it was in the Last Supper, the hells will be paralyzed, souls will be rescued by the authority that the Father has granted to Me.

Today, I dedicate this important moment to all the mothers of the consecrated ones, who have given their children to Me, without knowing if this path of consecration would be fulfilled.

On behalf of all the mothers of the consecrated of this Order, at this moment I ask for the mothers of the consecrated who are present here at this place to come closer to the foot of this stage and light a candle that I will consecrate for you.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may draw near.

These are the mothers, among so many others, who have entrusted to the Sacred Lord what is most precious that they have, renouncing the life that the world offers to them, so that their sons and daughters may know the life of the spirit.

Behold the mothers who have given their lives for you, consecrated ones, so that all of you could be here today listening to the Lord. Because a good child will never be able to live without their mother, because the mother is God’s protection for all the children to walk safely toward the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

How much the hands and feet of your mothers have had to work to bring food to the table, for you to have something to eat so that you could grow strong, mainly nourished by their maternal love, so that someday, as it is today, on this holy day, you might be before the Lord.

This is why I ask all the sons and daughters of the Earth to remember their mothers with love, that you may forgive each other, reconcile and above all love each other, so that the Most Holy Mother of God may be glorified today in Heaven and Earth. Thus, as in Her deepest silence and anonymity, the Slave of the Lord was glorified at each step of the Calvary, for Her fidelity and obedience to God, upon surrendering, without anything in return, what She loved the most in Her life, Jesus.

Today, your mothers have surrendered what is most precious that they have. Did you know that?

In this way, know the truth that is hidden in the reality, to the eyes that would see appearances.

Therefore, I bless these candles and, with My Spirit, I come to ignite this flame, so that the mothers may continue to pray for their sons and daughters of the Earth and, especially, for those who have consecrated to Christ to attain the sanctity that may justify the grave errors of the world, of all of humanity, just as many saints and blessed ones have done throughout the times.

In what is imperfect, God makes Himself perfect. This is the essence of God’s Love.

This is why I have called the mothers of the consecrated ones so that, just like the Most Holy Mother and the holy women, they may closely accompany, also from the heart, this moment of Communion and priestly ordination, so that you may remember that all that you will give Me, especially your families and loved ones, I will take care of, so that souls may live My Will, just as the holy women gave their husbands and apostles for them to follow the path of Christ in the apostolate and priesthood, so that God might be glorified.

Just as God is glorified in the Heavens, God is glorified in each soul that is consecrated and ordinated, regardless of life’s imperfection and even sin, because God has the power to transform everything through His Love, in the same way that your mothers made their children grow up to attain the Dignity of God in all consecrated life, in all families. 

Let us celebrate this Holy Eucharist in the special company of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, who once again is a victim of the sins of the world, so that all may attain liberation and reconciliation with the Law in this spiritual amnesty that I grant to you.

Thus, I absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us accompany the Lord in this celebration.

We will begin, then, with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, by reliving and remembering this important moment of the Last Supper, when, through the transubstantiated bread and wine, Our Lord surrenders to us for our redemption.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gathered with His apostles as a humble and faithful servant of God, washed the feet and hands of His companions for them to purify their intentions with the sacred intentions of God and live, as from that moment of the institution of the Eucharist, the priestly ordination and the apostolate of Christ on Earth, thereby being ambassadors of peace and of the Divine Word, of the announcement of the Good News.

Thus, Jesus, calling His companions to the holy table where the Paschal Lamb would be immolated, He took the bread in His Hands in thanksgiving, and in sacrifice He raised it to God, asking for the Eternal Father to transubstantiate the bread into His Glorious Body, through angelic intervention.

Then, Jesus broke the bread to share of Himself with all His own, and passed it to His companions, saying to them: “Take and eat of It all of you, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for humanity, for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


We revere at this moment, just as the holy angels, the presence of the Body of Christ.

And on that holy night, before finalizing the supper and departing for the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would live His agony in the deepest silence, Christ expanded His offering for humanity and the whole world, through the transubstantiation of the wine into His Divine and Precious Blood.

So it was that He took the Holy Chalice in His Hands and raised it to God, asking for the Eternal Father to convert the wine into His Precious and Divine Blood, through angelic intervention.

Then, Jesus passed it to His companions, saying to them: “Take and drink from It all of you, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


We revere the presence of the Precious Blood of Jesus, just as the angels revere this moment.

We stand up.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Source of all inspiration, love and healing; united to the angels, archangels, blessed ones and saints who are in Heaven and on Earth; united to our guardian angels and all beings of goodwill, we will consummate this consecration so that the Christic codes become present and descend upon souls.

We will make this consecration through the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, by singing it.

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend upon the Earth.

With the same faith of the centurion, we pray:

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


Christ told us: “I leave Peace with you, My Peace I give you.”

May Our Lord not see our sins, but rather our faith in His Presence. In fraternity and brotherhood, we give one another the greeting of peace: Peace of Christ.

And we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls of the whole world with Christ.

The mothers of the consecrated ones and also the mothers of the Order will commune. You may draw near.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Lead us along the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And after this Holy Communion, we will now prepare ourselves for the priestly ordination and then for the Sacrament of today.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
