Monday, January 6 of 2025

Special Apparitions

Just like the rain which falls on My beloved Figueira, so have your hearts been washed and purified through the Sacrament of Confession.

Thus, I give you My blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remember you will always be able to see your hearts purified and cleansed. You must not fear expressing what you feel or what you are enduring.

Through My Sacred Word and My Unfathomable Presence, I come to seek in you sincere, although imperfect, hearts, hearts that are capable of saying yes to the path of transformation and consecration.

And so, through My Grace, today I pour out upon the world the deepest Light of My Heart, so this indulgence may encompass the whole planet and all possible souls, especially My smallest brothers and sisters of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Everything, absolutely everything, is touched by that Grace of God which unites and reunites them again in My Presence. Because just as I have told you in these days, there is no other reason and no other motive at this moment for your Lord and Master to present Himself here, than for the reason of Love and of Peace.

Work through this Love and labor through the Love that I give you.

Now that your paths have been purified, do not allow yourselves to go back, do not allow yourselves to return to the past; rather, decide, now and always, to cross the doorway of hope that is opened by means of My Heart, so that all may enter the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I know that you do not know what this signifies. 

How many times have you stood before the Kingdom of the Heavens? How many times have your guardian angels allowed you this opportunity to you?

And this does not mean that you do not continue to experience the afflictions of the world. Because a true Christ on Earth, a disciple of the Master, is transformed and is redeemed through their afflictions, not so as to be imprisoned by them, but rather to know how to become free from themselves every day. This is so simple, but for many it seems difficult.

For this reason, you must not forget the Grace that assembles and unites you, that special Grace that I have shared and extended to everybody during these days of confession and reconciliation.

Now it is time that your lives be affirmed through My Heart, present in the Eucharist, as a symbol and Sacrament that renews life and consciousness in each moment and at each opportunity you have to receive communion.

Will this attitude of reverence for the sacred, which must be reflected at this time in your lives, before the Holy Communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ, you will be communing of the same code and the same essence that the holy apostles experienced in that time; a code that transformed them into ambassadors of peace, into heralds of the Gospel of Love, into saints on Earth.

For this reason, you must ask yourselves at this time and in this hour, if you are truly willing to follow this path as many, in other times, followed it and accompanied it through the Call and the Voice of the Master.

For this reason, remember when My Life and My Presence touched your hearts. It is what My Heart wants to feel from you in this time of tribulation and of darkness.

Let your transforming love, let your consecrated life, let your reverence for the Hierarchies be able to again and again touch My Heart, not only through the life of the Sacraments, at the important moment of your Communion with Me, but also through the works of peace and of charity.

This is the time, this is what I expect from each one of you, to see your hearts burning, feeling and experiencing, before yourselves, the blazing flame of the Divine Purpose which I bring to you and which renews you.

Because how many times have I had to break your very chains? How many times have I had to dissolve your very restraints and also untie the knots of the consciousness?

But how many times have you and your brothers and sisters faced the Greater, the Infinite and the Non-material?

That is the path you must decide to follow in this time: that your material life should become a non-material life, in correct communion with the Law and the Purpose. Because in this time, companions, many things will be offered for everybody, but they will be hollow and empty things because they will not have the essence of the Christic Love which I convey and give you.

Thus, I need you as ambassadors of peace rather than of conflict. Have you not seen enough conflict in the world, that there should be more?

I want your lives to be lives of reconciliation and of peace, of reverence in light of the Sacred Instruction received, from the beginning times when the little Figueira began to grow, to mature and bear its first fruits.

I want to see you together with Me before this origin of Figueira, before the solemn energy of the instruction and of the Hierarchy. It is time that each one of the seventy two attributes(1), which were received here, be lived so that your lives may ardently live the consecration of spirit, mind, and heart.

In this way, your consciousnesses, in a simple but true way, will deserve the fruits of this Kingdom of Figueira and you will allow this legacy to reverberate and beat in hearts, above all in those who are called to awaken.

But you are awake, you are aware, you are responsible for this spiritual legacy which was selflessly offered so it could expand and grow in the world through small Islands of Salvation.

It is always good, companions, to return to the essence of the origin, again and again; for great are the threats present in the world and in humanity, great is the spiritual, mental and moral confusion.

God has given you an instructor who was incarnated in this world, whom you should always recognize and give thanks to as your master. He was and will always be a special disciple and friend.

Have you seen in his eyes the Kingdom of Mirna Jad reflecting time and again on his countenance, in each spoken word and teaching, as well as in his heart, which always radiated peace and solemnity?

If My friend José was able to live it and do it and offered himself for you so that you could also live it, do you truly believe that He opened the door for you to the world of reverence and of peace, to the Sacred Kingdom of the Greater Hierarchy? I can tell you that he did.

For this reason, I Am here once again to confirm it and state it, because today, while the internal bellfries of Mirna Jad are resounding in souls, the blazing flame of the sacred and the reverence for the Divine Purpose can once again beat in everybody.

Recognize now the Graces you received from the beginning and the blessing of the unfathomable and infinite Hierarchies that are here today, together with your Master and Lord, to testify to and record this moment in their Sacred Books.

Could it be that in these Sacred Books you saw your original names? This is what I was contemplating today before arriving here for this encounter. In this way, just like Our Names, your names can also shine in those Books like stars in the firmament. Could it be that you, through My Love, will be able to shine like stars on the Earth and decide to live the virtues that God granted you from the origin?

Everything has been given to you, everything was entrusted to you. It is time to give honor to this unique Legacy, silent, anonymous, and imperceptible to the majority of humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Christ is saying if you can ask the children to go and play in the woods, where the angels will entertain them. 


The little ones are already in My Kingdom. Will you come to be small like those children, so as to enter, in innocence and purity, the Kingdom of God?


Those present say 'yes!'


Now, first receive the Anointment of My Light, before you receive this Sacrament. Hold your hands in a sign of openness and of reception.

You Who knows Your children in Heaven and on Earth,
You Who dwells in the inner worlds and in each heart,
cause the principles to be revived and reborn
that were sown by love and service,
through the Sacred Tree of Figueira,
nurtured by experience, surrender and the giving of self
of the pioneers of this place.
May the treasures of this Sacred Kingdom
today be able to emerge for all consciousnesses,
in order that healing and peace
may come to each heart that needs them.
Lord, through Your Grace, may
Your children be able to be anointed with My Light,
that is the Light of Your Kingdom,
that is the Light of Your Grace and of Your Mercy,
which can regenerate each cell and each atom,
to grant them peace.
Lord of the Universe,
for having heard the Voice of Your Son on the Cross,
by the merits achieved
with the sacrifice of Your Beloved Son,
grant this Spiritual Anointment for whoever needs it
and may this Grace multiply
in all those who wait for it,
so that Your Will may be done
in each soul and in each heart.


By the merits achieved by My brother José, receive the balm of his spirit at this moment when, as a father and instructor, he encourages you to continue onward so My Plan may be accomplished.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the Presence of Christ, Our Lord, while we prepare for the Sacrament of Communion, we will intone "Breath of the Spirit," placing ourselves before the Kingdom of Figueira, before all this legacy, before all this spiritual treasure, which was born and sprouted as a source of instruction for hearts.

And at the request of Christ, we will sing this song, radiating a profound gratitude and reverence for José.

(1) Christ refers to the main seventy-two attributes, of a total of eighty-four that were received.