Friday, March 17 of 2017

The Sacred Call
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come among the clouds of Heaven to bring good news.

Happy are they who will prepare to spend the seven days with Me, reliving My Passion, bringing the new codes for them, which will transform their lives forever.

The codes that I will bring for this cycle are not the same as what I have brought you in previous times.

I will come with the codes that will illuminate your cells; because it is the cells that will first be prepared for what is to come to the world.

I come with the good news of bringing you more hope, so that your spirits may be still and may perceive the frequencies of the Cosmos, which My Rays will bring from the Universe to the Earth during the seven days.

I will let there be silence between the words so that you may attentively listen to what I say to you.

My Words must not only sound in your minds; they must vibrate in your hearts so that the prophecy may be fulfilled.

 You are part of that prophecy, of the prophecy of John on the resurgence of Christ, on His glorious coming to the world.

For now, companions, I can show Myself in Divinity to you, for My Body is still Glorified and My total Consciousness is also.

It is until you achieve new vibrations that I will show Myself in Divinity to the world. While you have not achieved a transcendence of terrestrial energies, I will come in Divinity to talk to you, and then show Myself in glory to everyone.

In the same way that I ascended to the Heavens, so I will return, when the seven trumpets of the angels sound, which will announce the seven new cycles that this humanity will experience on its five continents.

It will be the new tribes of Israel, which will be called by the sounding of the trumpets; that is why what you experience today is a preparation, the prelude to a great event.

Thus, avail yourselves of this, drink of the Fount that I bring you today so that your hearts, at the most crucial time of Earth, not be indifferent in the face of all that will happen; but, rather, let them take on all the human events and those of this planet, that will unfold in these new seven cycles.

The Sacred Week will be an inner preparation for everyone. A portal will reopen, just like in each previous Sacred Week. But this portal will be different from the previous ones. You will have the chance to vivify My Spirit, to feel new things that you did not feel before, to experience new lessons that you never experienced before, to take sure steps that you never dared to take before.

These are all the possibilities that I bring you today, for those who are happy and are preparing their hearts for the Sacred Week.

The revelations of these times are part of the awakening of the consciousness. Nothing will remain hidden, all will have the possibility of knowing everything, outside of and within beings, in humanity, and on the planet.

We are in the time of the prelude of the coming of Christ.

I Am that Consciousness that is reemerging in these times, and that is written in the prophetic books of the sages.

All of humanity will be able to know that I am here, and although My Church may be mobilized, do not fear, for if your Lord was not accepted in the temple of Jerusalem, do you believe that you will be accepted?

I come to build the bases of My Spiritual Church in souls.

I come to revive what is dead in beings, I come to ignite what has been extinguished in beings.

All of these are the offers that I bring you today. Do not allow the spark of your love for Me to be extinguished. In spite of what may happen, be brave.

The Kingdom of God is drawing closer.

I bring you My sincere Heart, so that you just may feel it.

Today I will call a group of women who have served Me in other times, just as I will have the opportunity during Sacred Week of calling many more souls to meet Me, so that they may receive the treasures that I want to give them with so much Love; non-material and invisible treasures that will make souls joyous because, through that treasure that I will give them, they will be able to be in the Sacred Glory of God, and by the Father will be considered as possible merciful souls.

This is why, companions, I need you to definitely awaken to these gifts because the world and humanity need it.

Each impulse that I bring you is definitive, it is the opportunity to take a great step, and to dare to cross the abysses, to be able to find the Ocean of My Mercy.

I still hope that you can enter this Ocean so that I may transform you, and convert you into My brave soldiers that will not be afraid to proclaim My Word, to announce My new gospel through the instructions that I have brought you in these times. They are only words of salvation and of love.

It is that light that I need you to distribute in the world. That is why I will always send you on a mission so that suffering may be alleviated and your hearts may awaken to unconditional service within the Plan of God.

While I speak to you, I leave you many keys, so that you may penetrate My Message, be a part of My Message, and live it in these end times, for in such a simple way you will help Me to carry out My Work of Redemption.

Through My Love, I come to teach you to be able to resurrect to the impossible, to be able to bring into your lives the mercies you have lost.

This is the spring that I offer you.

That is why I am sending My soldiers two by two; because I need, companions, for you to distribute and share the mercy that you have received from My Heart for all the hearts of the world that are shipwrecked in their suffering, that cannot find the way out, nor can they find peace.

You were deserving of My Peace, and what will you do with the peace that I have given you?

Be carriers of this legacy, for many souls in the world that do not have it.

When you are about to abandon My Work, remember these words, regain your inner strength, and continue onward, without looking back; just observing the horizon of love that I bring you and, in this way, the forces of evil will be defeated, because the very evil consumes itself by not knowing the power of the Love of God.

You are sparks of that invincible love, believe in this and you will never perish.

Around Me contemplate the inner universe. That is what I seek from you all the time, to be able to build the foundation of My Work in the world.

It will be through your inner universe that My Work will be carried out in humanity.

I do not come to make you materialists of My Plan, but rather spiritualized beings under the Love of God and of His infinite Mercy.

Again, I come to open the doors for those who have them closed.

I come to bring you the balm of My Love because it will be the flame that will comfort you for the times of darkness all over the Earth.

The Sacred Week is the refuge for My soldiers, it is the manna that will come from Heaven to give an impulse to the consciousnesses to carry onward the banner of peace that I give each one today.

Through the Sacrament of Communion, a union of souls with God, Heaven and Earth, like a single consciousness, is established through the adoring exercise of the angels.

Show Me the bread and the wine, so that they may convert into My Body and My Blood, divine codes of rehabilitation for consciousnesses.

Friar Elías: Let us softly sing "Christ, You are love."

Today I consecrate them, My daughters, as the first helpers of My sacramental ceremonies.

As servants of My Mercy, through their giving of self, they build the altars for My Work in the world.

I want them to be the first servants of My Mercy, because you will be who testifies that during this time I was among you, to have you know the power of My Love and My Grace.

My servants, be consolers of My Passion. Prepare to serve Me during the Sacred Week, just as the Holy women served Me in the Sepulcher and to the foot of the Cross.

Be like Mary Magdalene, who, with her tears, washed My Feet, and I drew her toward My Mercy.

Be in likeness of Mary Magdalene, be the new Marys, for this next Sacred Week.

I want you to be around your King, contemplating the love that I have for you, for each small step that you have taken in this manifestation of the ceremony of My Heart.

Thus I consecrate these elements, that in your hands will be signs for a new life.

Today you, My servants, are being witnesses of the last legacy that I give to humanity.

From your lips must come divine words of praise and prayer; from your hearts, consoling love must be radiated for your Sorrowful King, Who suffers the indifference of the world in His most silent agony.

I consecrate you as Helpers of My Divine Mercy; as the first women, of your Glorious King, who will be an example for all the rest who will be inwardly called for the concretization of the divine ceremony at each new altar.

Today God brings you this merit, so that many more merits may be distributed in the new holy women that I will call by name.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From your lips I want to hear the song "Sincere Heart," so that you may be like Me, in each new detail.

I thank you for serving Me, may peace be in you. Amen.

Monday, March 6 of 2017

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I come to be close to those who have been consistent with Me, within My Plan of Love and of Redemption for humanity.

Today I come to be with My Own, with those I most prefer for My Plan, for here is where the New Church will rise, so that new souls may assemble under the spirit of faith and love.

I Am your Holy Heart of Love, that has come to give its all for all at this crucial time of the planet. That is why I bring the Universe around Me, so that you may contemplate it within yourselves, in what I call the "inner Christ."

Today I come to ask you, companions, that you allow your inner Christ to emerge at this moment; the Christic Flame of love, which was placed by God since your origins. There is nothing more important at this time. Let this inner Christ be able to appear and be the governor of your lives, to guide you on the path of evolution and peace.

Through the merciful prayer work that you have done today, My Sacred Heart has been closer to you, more than you can imagine. For God, in His Purpose, this means that on the inner planes the Kingdom of God is being etched in those creatures who have been self-summoned to live it for many, many more.

Place your hands in the position of reception, so that I may consecrate all of you today, knowing that this blessing is the greatest that I can bring to My disciples, after all the Sacraments that I have instituted in the world. Because in the presence of your King, everything is possible.

I want the consecrated to bow down to ask for an ungrateful humanity, for all your brothers and sisters that still cannot find redemption; in this way the great portal of Mercy may open for each one of them.

Today I come with an extremely important symbol for the world: with the Holy Grail, which has travelled through many spaces of this humanity after My Resurrection.

It was your Master of Love that summoned His chosen; more than seventy-two, to carry this mission forward, until the Holy Grail should reach one of the most forgotten corners of the world, where My adversary would never find it; where souls, at the end of times, would be able to drink of that majestic energy, which is My glorified and divinized Blood.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At this moment, the Master is placing the Holy Grail in suspension.

The chosen for this mission were seven, who today are among you and have this experience stamped on their spirits. They represented all of you, so that in today's time, this conjuncture could occur, at this very instant, at this same hour, and under the congruence of many stars and planets.

And so, today I also show you universal life in this sacred tool of the Holy Grail, with which I have asked all humankind, to the ends of the Earth, to imitate My last Supper.

In this sacred instrument of Light is kept the most precious transfiguring code that is capable of releasing the human condition forever.

I want you to understand this mystery, companions, that My Sacred Heart causes to levitate over your consciousnesses.

In this Sacred Chalice is placed the maximum expression of the Love of Jesus, the man, and of the living Christ, as spirit and divinity.

Today I invite you internally to drink of this sacred Covenant, each in their own timing, in their awakening, and in their deep adherence.

This is the Chalice of Reparation. Happy are those who drink of It without weariness, for they will never cease to be renewed by My Christic codes of Love.

This is the Chalice that is now to be found in the north of the planet, vibrating in light for souls and for all the consciousnesses created in the image and likeness of God.

This is the Chalice of Renewal and is placed in the hands of the simple, in the pure hearts.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Now Jesus is showing hundreds of angels that have chalices in their hands, as if multiplied by a thousand. Over all this scene, those angels appear, glorifying the Son of God.

The angels are repeating a phrase: "Hallelujah, hallelujah, He is alive in the redeemed."

And so I also come to break the bread of fraternity, so that you may eat of it, in perfect communion, My glorified and divine Body.

You have opened the doors for this to happen. It is the door of your hearts that allows all things, grants all things, and renews all things, until the end of days.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Now Jesus is holding an open book in His Hands, an open book. And He has also left the bread in levitation, beside the Chalice.

He is over a celestial altar, surrounded by white and blue light, surrounded by all the angels. He said that these angels are our Guardian angels, that are honoring Him, are praising Him.

The angels are saying: "Holy is the Name of the Lord forever. Happy are those who live in Him, for they will never lose hope, until He comes in His Glory. May all the beings of Earth be worthy of hearing the trumpets of Heaven; those that announced the coming of the glorious King for all the Universe."

The angels request that hearts open in light of such a majestic Presence: "Adonai is here and Yahweh prays for you, hallelujah, hallelujah!"

Now you can stop bowing down, but continue in the same attunement with Me, for My Word has not ended. Happy will be those who hear it with the ears of the heart, in which the Work is sown and is carried out in the world through all souls.

I want you to peacefully light a candle. Bring the candles of the procession here so that I may bless them for each one of your brothers and sisters. And each one will light it at this moment, so that the Glory of God and His Kingdom may descend to the Earth.

While I wait, let us praise the Name of God through the following song: "Supreme Love Descends."

Adonai, grant Your children the Light of the world, the light of the world that was created by You in the beginning and from the depths of Your essence. You manifested all things.

Adonai, let that Light never go out in Your children. May they always know how to find it within, so that they may live in Your Grace and the eternal wholeness of Your Love.

Adonai, receive the offering of Your children that is born of the deepest core of each being.

Receive the love of Your creatures so that the Plan on Earth may be renewed and all fulfill Your Will, until You, beloved Father, indicate the hour of My Return, in which I will live among Your children forever; to continue to praise You, exalting You, and adoring You, just like the whole Universe adores You.

May this Light multiply in the souls of the whole Earth.

May each soul be able to recognize Your path so that it never feel lost in the hands of evil.

I ask you, Holy Father, that you separate My disciples from perdition.

Let each soul find their help in My Heart, that for all time gives of Itself so that consciousnesses no longer feel alone at the moment of their redemption.

Over the hands of Your children, who today cry out to You, place the greatest wonders of Your Work.

Let each soul, with this Grace, be purified so that it may finally achieve Your Peace and a final alliance with Your Divine Spirit.

Consecrate each heart, just as each heart offers itself at this celestial altar that today I show to My Own.

May your Guardian angels definitely guide your steps so that humanity, as a race, be freed from the planetary indifference and love reign, Mercy reign; so that peace may reign within each one.

Father, today I Am Your Priest. I offer My Heart for Your children, because I know that many more are able to trust in Me. And although they do not have the grace of seeing Me, they have the Grace of being able to feel Me within themselves.

May all the beings of the world, like the children that are here today at Your feet, love divine Will and trust in everything I have shown them, because in the hidden place of the spirit, the purpose for this humanity will be revealed.

Let it be so.

You will use these candles that I have consecrated until they are finished and you will pray with them every day, for the intention of a peer or for some Kingdom of Nature, that also suffers the slavery of humanity. In this way, you will learn to love all that God has created from the beginning of this Cosmos, in which the Greater Purpose emerged so that all souls could live it until the end of their days.

On My altar I receive your pleas from these two days. Bow down before the Lord and rest in My Arms. Trust that all will be well. Do not fear being tested, because if I experienced the test for you, I come to teach you how you can defeat it through love.

Today I dignify you before the Father.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

He is lifting His right Hand, and placing His left Hand over His Heart.

I dignify you before the Primordial Source so that you may return to It and thus the Universal Project be fulfilled. Let it be so.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The angels have also bowed down before the Redeemer. On His hands are the Wounds, almost closed, but the flesh of His Hands can be seen. From the Wounds comes light. His Heart is also lit up, as is all His aura, more brilliant than a sun.

This light that I show you today is the Love that I have for each one of you, beyond your errors, your imperfections.

It was I Who gave My life for you. I will continue to give My life until the last days, until I am finally in you, and you in Me.

While I consecrate the elements, I will bless each one of you, as well as those who will receive them.

I want you to sing Me a song, that is universally ecumenical, in which souls can feel exalted in a profound joy, with your Guardian angels.

Today I come to tell you, companions, that you are more than two and that through this Sacrament, not only My Prophecy is fulfilled; you are also regenerated with the Fount of Love that expresses through this Sacrament.

Never tire of praising God, as you are doing in this moment. You cannot imagine how many sorrows are erased in your hearts, how much suffering is released when your hearts open to recognize the love that beats in all the Universe. Be glad of this love and you will experience peace forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While I rise up, continue singing.

Sunday, March 5 of 2017

Marathon of Divine Mercy

May peace be in this place and everything that does not belong to My Father be dispelled. So be it.

I have come from the Universe to bring you My Message, for it is time that essences awaken.

That is why today I manifest My Sacred Heart to all, the human Heart of Christ; which received the spear to spill the Mercy of God throughout the ends of the Earth and to remove the enemy and its surface reign.

And although its forces move in this planetary sphere, My Heart will always triumph, and you will make It succeed when you adore My Spirit and open your consciousness to My Call.

Pay attention to what I am telling you, because they are not only words, nor decrees; they are also energies retransmitted by the Divine Source through the Verb of the Son of God.

So I come to separate My flocks from evil, so that all enter the stable of My Heart, because there, will always exist the way out which My powerful Hand will indicate, to the Kingdom of the Father.

What colonizes humanity is not evolutionary. That is why I come in this time to demystify everything, because the heart of each one of you, as that of each one of your brothers and sisters, must be in the right place, according to its freedom and its choice.

Yesterday I told you, companions, that in this time everything is permitted, not only on Earth but also in the Cosmos. We are at the peak of a great Armageddon.

While the doors of the Light are opening to be able to prevail, My enemy also prevails in the defeated.

I come for those who are becoming lost, because I know that they can be in Me and I in them, until someday, they achieve the unconditional spirit.

You, who are present, who over time have followed so many marathons, already have the key to open the door to the unconditional spirit that is within each one of you, because it will be that spirit that will unconditionally concretize My Project in humanity.

I have attained new genetic codes, that are waiting to be placed in consciousnesses of the surface.

The Passion that I lived allowed this. Thus, it was not only a Passion, a transmutation of the suffering and the sin of the world.

God created those conditions in that time so that humanity could learn about love, and how, through love, it could achieve a Christic consciousness.

You are the bearers of a primordial essence that comes from great reservoirs of the Universe, where the Creator Parents, beyond their seventh dimension of consciousness, work to recreate this Creation.

Today I invite you to remember your origin, because only in your origin will you achieve Redemption. Everything that happens around you will be superfluous, it will have no importance in the face of the need for the Project of Christ to prevail.

Awaken those codes in yourselves, not only through prayer and adoration. Elevate your consciousnesses to the Divine and you will be bearers of new gifts that are waiting to wake up in you as new talents; those talents of which I once spoke in the parables.

It is this, My Heart, that gave Itself for you in that time, which in this same time and in this same Era not only prepares for Its Return to humanity, but also the return within you, beyond the soul and the spirit; beyond the essence.

If you, companions, feel encouraged to commune of these divine codes through the practices of the spiritual life, you will be on the correct path to be able to find Me and find Me again as many times as necessary.

This is why I come to awaken your right-side consciousness; that is the great veil for your consciousnesses, which the Master of Love comes to withdraw with His own Hands so that you may awaken to the true reality of these times.

Abandon the superficial life and move toward the life of the spirit, because it will be your spirits that will not perish and will not let the body perish under the terrestrial energies, but instead will be firm so as to be carriers of the new codes that I bring you today, from where all of life, the life of the infinite has emerged.

From the Source, from Abba, I bring for all what many lack.

Believe that this inner transformation is possible, for in this way, the new doors will open so that you may tread the inner enclosures, where your bodies will be alive, full of the Love of God and His Grace, guided by once your brothers and sisters, who only wait for you to stretch out your hands to them, so that they may uplift you to the Consciousness of Universal Love.

I want you to listen more than once to this message that I bring you today, because only My Mercy allows a great Grace in this hour, unknown to all, and which is conceived of by My Love in light of so many sins in the world, so much indifference and omissions.

Thus I show you that My Being is not only Jesus, or a Heart that can only love.

My Consciousness has expanded for you, since the Ascension.

Many say that I went to Heaven, but I was always among you, manifesting the power of My Love and the miracles of life.

If you believe that I am in a Body through the bread; if you also believe that My Divine Blood is to be found through the wine, after being consecrated, why do you fear inner transcendence?

I give you the foundation so that you may experience the impulses and always be renewed under the spirit of faith.

In the Universe there are dwelling places that are waiting for you all, there are spaces in which your souls may be happy, because it has been the Will of My father to create all those expressions of Love in the Universe.

That is why My intent, companions, is that your consciousnesses be uplifted and moved out of the inertia of these times. Inertia will only lead you into suffering. Be brave, My friends, and unite from the heart with My Great Portal.

The archangels show the way to those who aspire to experience their transformation.

All the Holy Creator Parents hope that a large part of humanity wake up from their deep sleep, so that this Project on the Earth, as well as so many others in the Universe, come into real time, the eternal present in which there is no pain, or suffering; what you call "eternity."

So, companions, think for a moment: why does your Master of Love today give you so many keys?

I still wait for you to climb the mountains of this world to be able to find me. Did God then create them through His personal desire? For you, they are the symbol of your upliftment, of the constant persistence and of deep faith, of always being able to achieve the goal that your spirits came to fulfill on this sacred mission.

So today I bring you the Cosmos, that it not only be contemplated in the Material Universe, but also in the essence of the Spiritual Universe.

The Laws are active at this moment, in an inexplicable and mysterious way, so that souls may be uplifted and find again the path they lost to the Great Light.

God expressed many attributes in these Marian Centers.

Those attributes were the basis for this great awakening.

Do you remember when you used to invoke them, when you pronounced them from the heart?

Did you ever, companions, at some time think that through the singing of the attributes you were uniting with new laws?

That always happened here, in this Marian Center, in this community, which is the mother of many others on the plane of the spirit.

It is for that reason that God sent His Messengers here and not to some other place in the world.

In essence, I am showing everybody what the real Church is, the one I taught about two thousand years ago, the blessed Celestial Church, that is spread through all the creatures of the Earth through their inner essence.

It is the Church that I need to rebuild; but I know that the race still needs something formal to understand it.

That is why I bring so many symbols and signs throughout the times, through so many Apparitions of the Divine Messengers, so that each being, in their school, experience their evolution according to the degree of their learning and awakening.

Through these words I want to give you the true teaching that exists in the Universe.

You are not in this world just to suffer or perish.

Be more intelligent than My adversary and move off this stance of being victims.

Reactivate the Ray of your inner intelligence so that the Ray of Love-Wisdom may emerge, and have a thirst for discovering the Universe beyond yourselves; the Universe that exists within you, that is wise and rich, generous and most prodigious, just like the Universe that exists in this Material Universe.

Are you prepared, companions, so that during the Sacred Week you may come to know My true Aspect? Respond!

Those present say "yes".

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

He says that we don't know what we are saying.

I am not only a fisher of souls, but a caller of essences, of essences that came to fulfill a Project and carry out a great mission at the end of these times and after so, so many experiences.

When I tell you to be more intelligent than My adversary, I invite you to move off the point of suffering, so that you may enter into the Universe of the Great Consciousness, in which everything can be uplifted and liberated beyond matter as well as spirit.

You have asked Me for time to reveal these matters to you.

My Father knows it all, sees it all, to the point of knowing how far your hearts can expand with this knowledge.

I Am that glorified King that comes to show Himself to the world, so that through My Heart, all may come to know their inner Universe and all that exists in this Cosmos.

You are stars that descended to Earth, that were deported to this world to experience a Project, but not like what you think.

All of Creation is contained in the Love of God and everything that exists within this Creation is blessed, although any consciousness, in this Universe or another, may be in its deepest affliction or in its great test, to struggle against the forces of chaos, prevailing through love and truth.

Duality is present in this humanity. That is the reason, companions, for your having free choice, and that this law defines your destiny forever.

Thus, before making a decision, meditate. Invoke the powerful wisdom of My Heart, so that after, you not suffer unnecessarily.

Be adults in the spiritual life and you will be receptacles for the new.

For today I have already said much.

Aspire to expand this knowledge in these days.

Continue to pray from the heart and with fervor, so that not only your consciousnesses are worked upon, but also the consciousness of humanity, which is one and  cannot lose this last Grace.

Meanwhile, I will consecrate these elements, so that souls may be vivified and find love again.

I want you to sing to My Heart.

Plead for My help, because the King is with His Reign in you and hopes that this Reign may be realized in the end of these times.

Here is the Glory of all Creation.

Happy are those who participate in this Sacrament, for they not only feed their spirit and their consciousness with the divine energy of Love, but also the matter shines forth when the Holy Communion enters their mouths and communes of Universal Love.

Be happy and believe that this is true, for if I am here, companions, it is because God has sent Me so that for a time, which has been set by Him, I may be among you expressing My Divine Mercy and My Glory.

I bless these elements under the celestial authority of God, of all the angels and archangels, of all souls of goodwill that inhabit this planet, so that love, mercy, compassion, and peace may triumph in all consciousnesses of the world. So be it.

Together, companions, and responding to My request, we will do the Holy Cross, the glorious sign of our Redeemer.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (x3)

Glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth for all beings of goodwill.

I thank you.

Sing to Me as if you had found Me for the first time.

Saturday, March 4 of 2017

Monthly Messages

Today My Sacred Heart is among you to begin a new path of renewal that will lead you into My Sacred Week, in which we will meet again every day to remember the value of My Passion, and thus, re-live the codes that have made of this humanity a possibility for awakening new Christs.

I still wish that this Project may be fulfilled in this humanity, that the doors to My Divine Mercy continue to open so that millions of souls may drink from My Fount of Love and of Truth.

I have come here to meet you again in faith and in the certainty that you love My Merciful Heart, present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth and in all the Most Blessed Sacraments of the world.

Happy are they who drink of these codes to strengthen their souls in these times.

Happy are they who persist in working every day with My Divine Mercy, until finally, My great aspiration may be achieved of being able to return to the world in Body, Soul, and Divinity to cause all that exists in this world and beyond it to shine.

Today I come with the meekness of My Heart so that you may imitate it. Because it will be in the meekness of your hearts that you will be able to live the purification, and you will not fear the tests that will come because you will aspire to meet them to demonstrate to the Eternal Father that you will be able to go beyond Me in love.

I want to find on your paths, companions, the possibility of being able to be on it, and through your essences, bring the codes of Grace that the world needs.

Thus, through the adoration, the contemplation of My Holy Face, you will be worthy little by little, companions, to receive all the codes of the Universe; those sublime energies that will make of these times, in each one of you, full servants of God.

Because of this, today I also find Myself here in order to find these virtues in your hearts.

I wish that you could penetrate this mystery, that through the adoration of the Son of God and the contemplation of His Holy Face, you may cross these portals that I have established in this humanity throughout time, so that souls may be satiated through My merciful Love and My absolute Peace.

It will be these bases that I offer you, in a simple way, that may make of this humanity a sacred race in the future.

Today I also come here with My agonizing Heart, from still seeing the indifference of humanity.

I want you to fill this need of love, this thirst of love that I have from each one of you.

In this way I will be able to keep coming to the world to bring you peace, trust, hope, liberation, and the renewal of consciousnesses.

From this day on, companions, a new path begins for you, which is illumined by My Sacred Heart so that in the coming Sacred Week, you may be firmer in your decisions and choices.

Because, from time to time, My Heart comes to ask you for something, which each one of you knows already what it is; because at some point you were able to discover it in your prayer or through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

Do not be afraid of knowing what you must give Me in this time.

I have great treasures for everyone, many unknown to everyone, which are kept in My Sacred Heart, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, where truth and unity reign.

My wish is that you may leave here, companions, with a deep reflection in the heart, that you are invited to take new steps to fulfill, in this race, the so anticipated transcendence of the times, which will make the rescue of this humanity and of all its lesser Kingdoms possible.

I wish you to walk by My side in trust, just as you walk by the side of My Mother in prayer.

We are in a time when everything is allowed, when Grace is possible and when Divine Justice is also possible.

I invite you to live in the strategies of the Plan, so that you may be on the correct path and at the right moment, of knowing the correct step to take; in order not to go back, but to move forward through love, through devotion, and through faith, which may emerge from your hearts.

That is why I offer you Communion with Me every day, not only through the Eucharist, but also through the contemplation of My Holy Face, and the adoration of My Most Precious Eucharistic Body.

There are the answers for your lives, the clarity for your confusions, the peace for your distress.

There is found the wisdom for your spirits, and Eternal Love can deeply blend with you, beyond your essences.

Thus you will be able to understand, companions, how great the infinite mystery of My Love is that I have for each one of you, in order that the New Humanity may be fulfilled.

Come to meet Me spiritually barefoot, leaving at My Feet all that grieves you, everything that separates you from Me, that makes you fragile on the path of spirit and matter.

Trust that it is possible to do everything through My Heart, because I wish the best for each one of you, until I see the Law of God being fulfilled in each creature.

Today, I come to bring humanity, for all who do not hear Me, the Gift of the fear of God.

The fear of being far from Him, most especially from His infinite Love. The fear of moving away from His Path, because the path that the Father offers you is a victorious path, full of His Mercy and of His Grace, so that you may also live it eternally in Heaven.

This Gift is still not understood by humanity because it is indifferent to this Gift.

You who are here, dear companions, who know what the Gift of the Fear of God is, help My servants who are lost, so that they may find again the meaning of their lives.

Therefore, in this Marathon offer Me all the best you can give Me, which I call little sacrifices, which are considered by God to be great goals in brave souls.

This Marathon must be dedicated, companions, to all who are far from God. To all the essences that miss the opportunity of being part of the new race.

Today I dare to ask you, companions, to imagine what it would mean that all those essences that are lost in the superficiality of the world become aware before their death of all the Grace and the love that they missed for such a long time.

Where will all those consciousnesses end up?

Only the intervention of your prayers will cause love to win, that the Law of My Divine Mercy may be fulfilled in each one of them.

Because I have Mercy for all, except that the majority still is not encouraged to let My Divine Mercy penetrate into the depths of your beings.

While that Source of Salvation is open in humanity, I also invite you to be merciful with your peers, and to offer acts of reparation for all those who do not do it, and mainly, who forget what it is to truly love.

Today I come as the Greater Priest, as the Holy Heart of the Son of God, to invite you to move forward in faith, in persistence, in courage, and in the joy of knowing that you will find the path towards My Heart.

Have all of your problems, tests and challenges be outside of this Marathon, so that the action of My Divine Mercy may be fulfilled in you and you leave here as others, not recognizing yourselves, as you never have believed before.

If you trust in what I tell you, and you offer a reparation to God, My Mercy will not only be with you in these days in order to give you universal atonement, but will also be with those lost essences that in this life have not yet found the Love of God.

In order for this work to expand in the world, you must take new steps.

Today I show you the stairway towards the Universe, so that you may cross towards new destinations, where the renewed Will of God awaits you that wants to become flesh and spirit in your consciousnesses.

Today I come as that Greater Priest that offers all for the salvation of souls, so that they may always find the meaning in their lives and may be separated from the illusion and the error.

Because My single objective, companions, is that you may be happy forever.

Today you have offered Me a priestly altar, for the flowers inspire the awakening of My Grace. The simplicity resounds in the Universe as a new musical note, which is emitted by the souls that adore Me and love Me.

Here is the eternal testimony of your salvation: the Divine Essence, becoming Body and Blood, came to liberate the world from all its sins, so that peace, Mercy, and the good may reign. Be participants of this renewing supper.

Happy are they who are present here today, who believe in My Words, because they will not only drink from this Fount of Love through the Body and the Blood of Their Lord, but they will also be blessed during these days by My great impulses of Love, so that at last, the true essence may be born in each being that is present here today.

Remember My Last Supper, and today, when you commune, re-live it, feel how My Hands give you My Most Precious Body so that you may nourish yourselves of My Spirit.

And also how My Hands give you the Chalice, so that you may drink of the Fount of Love and leave forever renewed.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
