10 Sep

How to help a world in need of peace?

Every day we wake up and face a world that needs peace. In face of this, what can we do?

Prayer is a mystery whose importance can be felt or glimpsed only by those who live it, due to the simple fact that by praying we awaken faith in our hearts.

By praying we awaken in our hearts an understanding of Life that simply is, without explanation, without our being able to understand.

By praying we start to approach what God has thought for humanity; we start to transform not only our hearts, but the human heart.


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13 Aug

Praying for Peace in the Nations – Mystery of the Rosary

Complying with a request of the Most Holy Virgin through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on a daily basis, hearts from different parts of the planet gather together through Internet to pray for peace in the Nations of the world.

We pray a Mystery of the Rosary with intention for one or more nations so that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may reach and intercede for each one of those places and all the souls that live there. At the request of the Divine Mother, we also dedicate a Mystery for the Kingdoms of Nature and the Angels of the Nations, for the Indigenous...

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29 Apr

A story of selfless love

“The great conquests of the world are achieved through the most simple, and yet true, actions; actions that are done with the heart and with the intention that they be radiated to the whole human consciousness”. Virgin Mary, 25th of November of 2013

“It has been said that the great triumphs of God take place in the small things. And that small acts, made with love and anonymously, could transform the world”.

At the Marian Center of Aurora, this stopped being a theory, and transformed into an example, since a group of sisters from the Assumption and Divine Spirit Monastery have dedicated part of their time taking care of the kingdoms: geese, cats, dogs, sheep, rabbits, and even a little turtle walk about the house and receive special care from the sisters, who with charity and love, give themselves to the lesser kingdoms, as a simple way...

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24 Jan

Project “Heavenly Little Box”

“Spread, beyond yourselves, the holy word of the Hierarchy, so that the most un-awakened and distracted can be touched by My Maternal Love”. The Virgin Mary, 19th of november of 2016

"A Little Piece of Heaven reaching new hearts"

Responding to the request of the Virgin Mary that the instructions of the Divine Messengers reach more people. It was created so that “seeking souls should feel attracted and that it should work as a shortcut that would bring them to an encounter with the Divine Messengers”, according to the explanation of its originator, Luiz Sérgio , pilgrim and coordinator of a group of prayer.

It consists of a simple and endearing little box made of sky blue wood on a pedestal of the same material, containing brochures with an image...

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15 Dec

Pilgrim Dulce de Leche

The sweetness of the Virgin Mary expanding in Argentina

Let us remember that on May 21st, 2015, the Most Holy Virgin transmitted a special message about Her mission to bring Peace to the world.

She then invited us to carry out the "Campaign for Peace ," for the purpose of raising funds to make the visit of the Divine Messengers to South America and North America possible, and above all, so that Her children could experience love and fraternity between languages and sister nations. She tells us:

"I want each group of prayer to carry out the donations campaign in a...

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31 Aug

Niterói, RJ, Brazil

On a sunny day on the São Francisco sidewalk, one of the city's main beaches, with beautiful almond trees, about 85 people gathered for a Walk for Peace.

With the participation of the children and members of the Nova Terra Community, also from the Light Network groups of the entire State of Rio de Janeiro, was distributed informative leaflets from the Campaign for Peace, flyer with prayers for children, "Peace in the World" bracelets and white balloons.

According to the collaborator Fátima: "The task of difussing the Campaign for Peace has only begun!".

"It was full of...

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18 Jan

Campaign for Peace in Guarujá, SP, Brazil

On the morning of November 21st, 2015, around 100 people, in a beautiful ecumenical encounter, held a Walk for Peace in Guarujá, Southern coast of the State of São Paulo.

Members of the Light Network groups from the cities of São Paulo, Santo André, Guarujá and Santos, as well as brothers from other philosophical and religious perspectives, wearing the Campaign for Peace t-shirts, walked approximately 3 kilometers along the shoreline, distributing campaign leaflets and chanting devotional songs.

The avenue of the beach was closed during the event, and the officials of the Department of Transit followed the course of the...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
