Saturday, May 6 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be God and blessed be this place for the centuries to come. Amen.

You have knocked on the door of the greatest Relic of My Heart, a spiritual and inexhaustible treasure for all of humanity and the planet, conceived through the life of Jesus on Earth for the whole universe and the Creation. Many places of the universe learn from this treasure.

This is My Spiritual Retreat of Galileum, the call that echoes in the human heart to awaken it, the revelation that presents itself in the life of souls, the mystery that unveils itself before the spirit.

This is the Great Center of Christ on Earth, with which your souls commune today and in which they participate, and the sublime life of the Holy Spirit descends through this impulse that My Spiritual Retreat brings to you.

Feel united to all the Masters at this moment, to all the Hierarchies and Consciousnesses in this universe, which, for a brief lapse in time and space, participate in this spiritual communion with Galileum.

Thus, its deepest Fountain opens, through the Sacred Sea of Galilee, and with the Higher Priest gather those Priests of the past, those of the ancient people of Israel and of the sacred Essene community, who brought to the world in those times the concretion of God’s Will through the Lineages, the expression of Christic Life in souls and in hearts.

These Priests of Israel are here with Me today, opening the doors of the Sacred Temple of Galileum so that souls may receive the impulses they need in this time, which will lead them to a victorious and culminating redemption, to an encounter with Greater Love, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This is the Sacred Space of Christ, which, as a Sacred Reliquary, exposes itself to the whole world today, especially to the souls who have faith in Christ, who love mystery, who enter the unknown without understanding it. They receive, from this Sacred Spiritual Place of Christ, all the Rays that Galileum emanates today to transfigure the surface of the Earth, through the clamor and supplication of the Priests of Israel who are part of the Great Christic Council of the planet, expressed in the Middle East.

The time has come, companions, for the blindfolds to fall from the eyes so that all eyes can see the truth, the true task that your Master and Lord carried out through Israel, just as it was done by all those who participated throughout the times so that this could be possible, from Abraham to Moses and the prophets.  All were partakers of the great preamble to the Birth of Christ, just as many on the inner planes were participants in the very Resurrection of Jesus.

Galileum brings to the world the principle and attribute of Resurrection, turning that which is corrupt into incorrupt, making impunity pure within each human heart, for one reason; that when souls unite to Galileum, they attract from the universe the currents it channels to the planet, ruled by the Higher Law of Love-Wisdom.

Galileum is not only a Sacred Space of history and facts. It is also a Great Mirror of God  through the Sacred Sea of Galilee, which receives impulses from the Source, reflected as an inner call in souls, in those who decide to follow Christ.

Today, I offer to you this Sacred Spiritual Retreat as a synthesis of all the impulses that you have lived with Me throughout the times, regardless of the deserts, the tests, the challenges or tribulations, regardless of that which, apparently, seems uncertain or not to have a solution.

Today, you have come to the doors of Galileum to receive the Master and Lord, through the presence of the Priests, the Priests of the past, the Greater Legacy of Love and triumph of the Redeemer.

Remember that this sacred mantra of Galileum is immaculate. In this way, it must be contemplated and adored, because you are calling the Names of God, the Sacred Presence of Adonai, Who conceived and expressed them from the origin, from the emergence of your Christic molecules from the great ponds of the universe, to where someday your spirits must return.

With this, I want to tell you, before the solemnity of the Creator, that Galileum is this Sacred Space in which each one of you will be able to find the answer to this call, find the meaning and reason to respond to God, find the response to live the Divine Purpose.

Today, your Master and Lord, surrounded by the Priests of Israel, ancient Essene Masters of Qumran, who are here to contemplate and register this moment in the Books of Light.

They pray for the fulfillment of God’s Project, for the expression of Christic Life on Earth, for the awakening of the New Christs, for the fulfillment of the mission of each being and, above all, for hearts to listen to the call of Galileum, sacred vibratory melody of the Cosmos, brought during the Birth of Christ, and elevated through His Resurrection and the great moment of the Ascension of the Lord.

In this passage that I bring to you today, you will be able to understand, beyond that which is mysterious, the importance of the Spiritual Retreat of Galileum, which is the heart of the Heart of Christ: eternal temple that holds the Relics of the Passion, the Relics of the preaching, the Relics of the conversion and redemption of all of you, as well as the legacy of the patriarchs and prophets, and the divine experiences that the people of Israel have lived.

In Galileum lies the key that each one needs to be part of the New Race, and also the inner impulse of its call for you may learn to go through the end of times with bravery and courage, so that you may acknowledge within yourselves that you are not alone and that God’s Grace is broad and infinite, greater than all errors and sins.

You are before the most ancient Priests on the planet, those who announced the Coming of the Messiah, those who spiritually prepared His coming and rebuild today, with their presence, the priestly life of the planet, so that the communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may always perpetuate itself throughout the times and generations, even within the time of the Apocalypse.

Once again, I will allow My Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant to be spiritually exposed to the whole world, so that souls may receive the Grace they need at this moment.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing "Galileum" again for as long as the Lord indicates.


Song: “Galileum.”


And before the Master celebrates with us the Holy Eucharist, and withdraws from this place, let us accompany a special moment, which is the consecration of a priest as a father.
Friar El-Shaadir, you may come here.
Make your offering to Christ internally, and we will internally pray.
You may put on the ring.


Father El-Shaadir, you are My little gift, who untiringly works for My Plan, who has yielded fruits of Mercy for My Heart through your patience and momentum.

Receive today the Grace of being a father for all souls, of bringing them toward My Heart until the end of days, and of giving them the Grace of knowing My Spiritual Church, which is in the Heavens, of conducting sacraments, of blessing and forgiving sins in My Name, just as of exorcising the demons of this world.

May all accompany you at this moment, for the renewal of priestly life on the planet.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us prepare for the moment of Eucharistic Communion, which Christ, together with the Priests of Israel, will celebrate today for us in an extraordinary way.
Through this spiritual exercise that He will offer to us again, let us allow the priestly and religious life in the whole world to be repaired and all the Graces that we have received today to be deposited in the priestly and religious life on the planet, so that the apostles and followers of Christ may continue to represent Him in this humanity, in obedience, humility and service.
While we prepare, we will sing a song that Christ has asked us, which reminds each one of us that His Word is Living Water.
Let us celebrate.


Song: “Your Word is Living Water.”


Eternal Father,
we celebrate this moment for the priestly life on the planet
which unites Heaven and Earth, unites souls with God,
Our Most High Lord.
I offer to You again this mystery of Love,
which expands in Mercy and Redemption for souls.
Accept these elements that are offered at Your Altar,
and accept the offering of Your companions,
so that everything, at this moment,
may be renewed and redeemed.


The night I would be betrayed, I took the bread, raised it to the Father in thanksgiving for His Eternal Presence, and asked Him to convert it into My Glorious Body, which I then broke and offered to Mine, saying, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, which will be given for humanity for the remission of sins.”


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us revere the Body of Jesus.


Then I took the Chalice in My Hands, offering My Blood for the redemption of all the human race, from Adam and Eve until the end of times.

Thus, I offered it to the Father, asking Him to transubstantiate it into My Precious Blood, so that each drop of Blood to be shed could be an impulse of redemption and renewal for all consciousnesses that, throughout the times, would have contact with Christ.

So I then passed it to My apostles, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the pardon of all faults. Do it in Remembrance of Me, until your Redeemer returns to the world.”


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the presence of the Precious Blood of Jesus.


This is My Body and My Blood. Happy are those who avail themselves of this Supper, for they will always be renewed in spirit and essence, by simply trusting the Lord.

United to the Priests of Israel and all priests that guide the flock of God, we will sing the Our Father in Aramaic, so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may complete this eucharistic consecration through the divine intervention of the angels.

Let us sing in praise and jubilee.

Song: “Our Father” (in Aramaic)

May the Peace of My Heart descend to the planet, where it is most needed. Amen.


Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word and I will be healed.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of the Lord, we give one another the greeting of Peace.
We will now commune among the priests, but before this moment of Communion, we will announce this Spiritual Communion to all those who accompany us in the different nations of the world, this Communion with Christ, the Redeemer.
We will accompany the song: “Primordial Source.”
Song: “Primordial Source.”


Sun of God,
that illuminates the darkness of our lives.

Spirit of God,
that liberates the faults of our beings.

Come, Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus!
So that, united to You, we may reach eternity and paradise.



May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always accompany you. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord!
Now, we will prepare for the moment of the Sacraments, for this moment when the Source of Grace of the Heart of Jesus opens to bless souls.