Dear children:

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who walks beside Her children to guide them and lead them to God.

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who illuminates the paths of the Children of God.

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who opens the doors and hearts so that they may be touched by the Love of God.

I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who protects the path of those who follow the Footsteps of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who assists and gives help to those who ask Me for it, I am the one who accompanies, internally, the path of the apostles and servants of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who silently sustains the transformation of the human heart, I am the Mother who contemplates each honest and true step of those who surrender to My Beloved Son.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother in bare feet. I am the Slave of the Lord, I am the one who offers herself perpetually to guide the flocks of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who diverts from Her children the abysses and traps of the enemy, I am the one who dispels darkness from the path of My children through the Love of Christ. 

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who, patiently and prayerfully, awaits all the companions of Christ to reach the goal of their inner path.

I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who accompanies you at every moment of life, because My desire is that all of you, through your paths, reach God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I receive all My children in My Maternal Heart, regardless of their condition and their inner state.

I am the Mother of infinite Piety, the one who contemplates, with eyes of mercy, the creatures of God and fills them with His Light and His faith.

I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the one who understands beyond all reason. I am the Mother who welcome the difficulties of Her children. I am the Mother who silently helps to resolve what seems to be impossible.

I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the one that listens to the pained heart, the wounded soul and the suffered spirit. I am the Mother who guides and shows the solution. I am the Mother who gives advice and supports the most difficult cases.

I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the Mother that helps Her most lost children. I am the Mother that protects the path of those that gave themselves to Christ.

I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the Mother that wants to take you to peace and to good. I Am who loves every child of God, just as they are, without preferences. I am the Mother who considers everything.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


Attain the serenity of your soul, by surrendering more each day to the Divine Will, which conceives all and transforms all.

Attain the serenity of your soul, by trusting that everything will be well and that your heart will receive the spiritual guidance, necessary for these times.

Attain the serenity of your soul, by knowing and affirming that you will be taking steps in Christ, because His Divine Blessing will always be close to you.

Attain the serenity of your soul, by confirming within you the fulfillment of this Plan of Love and Light, which will have to reach all the possible souls and corners of the world, so that the Work of Mercy may be fulfilled.

Attain the serenity of your soul, by having an absolute and inextinguishable love for all that must be concretized.

Attain the serenity of your soul, by knowing that in each phase God will triumph, beyond everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Breath of the Spirit of God invade you completely so that it may guide your steps towards the goal of the concretion of the Plan.

May the Breath of the Spirit of God permeate you so that, in the new times that are coming, the doors to the redeeming Mercy of God may open.

May the Breath of God enter your lives and turn every being into the spiritual model that God has planned.

May all be transformed in every stage that follows until the Plan is finally fulfilled in humanity. 

May the suns who are asleep awaken, and with the awakening of the soldiers of Christ, may the one great Brotherhood be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Light of the Mercy of Christ guide the path of the souls that surrender with trust into the Arms of the Redeemer.

May this unconditional surrender open the door to healing of the hearts and of the lives of people who fully trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus; may in this way a spiritual alliance be established between the redeemed ones and our Lord, and may this union of souls with Christ strengthen the development of the Work of Redemption and of Mercy in humanity.

Leaving the past behind, may souls find the meaning of the Purpose and may they always be able to see and feel it inside of them as the flame that guides all and protects all.

Opening the doors to the Mercy of Jesus, may hearts renew themselves, may they lose the fear of failure and may an unbreakable alliance be established between souls and the Creator.

May everything become renewed, may life be permeated by the spirit of peace and may, finally, everything be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Loving the Will of God and following it is only for hearts determined to follow His divine Precepts, even if they do not understand them.

Loving the Will of God means taking steps towards Him, even if at some moment there is no clear light along the way.

My children, allow the Divine Will to teach you, every day, to care for and protect the Plan of God, so that more consciousnesses may awaken to this call, to respond to a Will that they have never before applied in their lives.

Therefore, I ask you again, to love the unknown Will of God so that, in each new phase, there may be the support that will allow you to move forward in your lives.

It is within the emptiness of self that the courageous heart will come to know the mystery of the Divine Will, to understand where the Divine Will wants to lead it, until the promised goal is reached.

The Divine Will will allow each being to fulfill that which they truly came to fulfill in this world.

Following the Will of God, which may not be understood, will not let you fall into the same static state of things; on the contrary, by following the Light that the Greater Will indicates, you will be guided on the path of truth and transparency.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


Do not fear in this time to face the end of times.

We know that humanity is not prepared, but it will be necessary that it practice at this time for that which will come.

This beloved planet will face diverse forms of purification, the majority unknown to surface humankind.

So it is that in this cycle, everything that will happen or manifest will be an intensive preparation with the goal of gaining awareness, so as to know how to proceed and help the souls that will have to go through intense experiences that will generate an awakening and the necessary definition.

For this reason, when in the whole world the intense purification is unleashed, everything that is experienced during this time will help some consciousnesses to be assisted and redirected toward the school and the lessons the universe had destined them to live.

Now the time for experiencing this transition has come, in which, in spite of being intense, those open of heart will never lack the guidance of Our Hearts to thus generate the necessary relief that the soul needs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When your hearts show themselves as children, I cannot see your faults, because they are erased from the Universe the moment you enter into prayer.

It is for this reason that with that inner youthfulness, the Father loves you more and more, because you manage to express the purity of the heart and this is reflected in the life of each being.

Do not lose time and love being like children in the arms of your Heavenly Mother, because in this way, with your innocence, you will allow the positive action of the Law of Grace to be drawn to you.

In your inner youthfulness there is no error, no evil, and no pain. Yearn every day, dear children, to be together with your Heavenly Mother so that I may teach you to find the path of love and of peace, because as long as you attain this state of an inner child and of innocence before My eyes, you do not need to worry about anything, because your Most Holy Mother will guide you to the Celestial Kingdom.

It is this inner and sublime purity that I hope will be born in you every day, because in this time humanity needs these codes in order to purify itself.

My Beloved Son will always be your example and company to live these sacred attributes of upliftment and of union with the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you in the original purity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Doorway of Peace.

I am the divine and powerful current that draws the principles of Creation to the world.

I am that most pure ray that comes from God and awakens redemption in hearts.

I come at this time to announce the Coming of My Son.

I come to prepare the paths by which souls will find Christ.

Thus, this cycle is decisive for all; it is the moment to meet the Eternal Father to accomplish His Sacred Will.

It is the time to feel the future and the hope shaped within all beings.

As your Mother, I lead and guide you toward My Work of Peace, which not only embraces nations and continents, but also, throughout the ages, It has taught humanity to live the Plan of the Creator.

I leave everyone the Spirit of My Peace and an absolute trust in the Designs of the One.

I embrace each one of you, so that you may feel My maternal warmth and thus be vivified in the Lord.

May everything become peaceful in this hour, and may those who walk embrace their cross and carry it, for it will not be heavy; it will be the cross of the liberation of the world and they will be in likeness to My Son to the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and of the Greater Love


Queen of prophets

Through the ages, My Son has sent Me to the world to warn it and correct it about the imminent danger.

Thus, through the ages and as at this moment, My Maternal Consciousness has chosen the new prophets amongst all souls, who determinedly have announced the words and the message of the Heavenly Mother.

At all the moments when humanity was in gravest danger, the Queen of prophets awakened consciousnesses so they would render this greater service, which comes directly from the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spirit that fosters all celestial revelations for this Universe.

Thus, the Queen of prophets appeared in different moments of the history of humanity to awaken the lineage of the prophets in simple and selfless consciousnesses, which means a service of surrender to the rule of higher Laws that guide the consciousness that is summoned to this end.

The Queen of prophets has the mission of demonstrating, through the prophets, that Her message is universal, divine, and timeless; that it is able to serve all souls in their instruction, transformation, and change.

 The message of the Queen of prophets in all ages always tries to guide, warn, correct, and raise awareness in all of humanity, in a nation, or in an individual.

 The prophets have the task of subordinating themselves to spiritual principles that are not under their control, and cannot be manipulated by any consciousness. The gift of the prophet is based on their spirit of humility, on inner work with detachment, and mainly, in each day loving more the mission that the Queen of prophets has chose them for to accomplish with this humanity.

For the Divine Universe, there are temporal prophets and timeless prophets. It is something that leads directly to the Holy Will of the Spiritual Universe through the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 The temporal prophet is awakened for this mission by Deity itself; that is to say, by the Eternal Father through the Firstborn Son and the Mother of God, who have the highest authority to offer consciousness to a soul on this great and selfless service.

Therefore, the temporal prophet can serve as an instrument for a time in order that a specific purpose be accomplished, a specific spiritual end, which is guided by the Mother of the World. When this purpose is achieved on the surface of the planet, the temporal prophet or messenger of the Heavenly Hierarchy stops receiving the instructions or messages from Heaven in a natural way.

 The timeless prophet is that consciousness which came originally to fulfill a divine purpose throughout their life; it is something that cannot be under human manipulation or control, because it is the very Spirit of the Feminine Consciousness that guides this kind of spiritual mission.

Timeless prophets do not consciously know the moment when their task of service will end; only the Universal Father knows the moment, which is when His Will determines it.

 The prophets of the Queen of Heaven do not arise or awaken - either individually or collectively - for this mission, because it is the very need of assistance in humanity that causes the Celestial Hierarchy to choose and call any consciousness for this purpose.

The seed of humility and of acceptance of the Purpose are the primary foundations for the development of prophets, because their task in this field is not of their ownership, nor beneficial to them. The lineage of the prophets is focused on the fulfillment of Divine Will, which presents itself at each new stage.

The Queen of prophets is the ruler of these consciousnesses; Her impulses make the prophets of all ages receive the impulse to selflessly give of themselves more each day, and to learn obedience.

The prophets of the Queen of Heaven have the most difficult task amongst all the known lineages, such as those of the Governors, the Caretakers, the Guardians, and the Mirrors, because they must present the Divine Word to the world, which is to say, the message that the prophets receive will always mobilize and reverse the state of all situations.

For this reason, the instruction received by prophets at different times led the consciousness of humanity to make a change in its attitude before it was too late.

The message received by different prophets contacted by the Most Holy Mother at different periods has always shifted the position of the Church and all the consciousnesses that in many cases during Marian apparitions, considered the message to be false.

Humanity does not value the message that is sent through prophets, nor the gift of fraternal service that has been developed by other holy consciousnesses.

The human consciousness has always been in need of divine intercession and of mediators such as the prophets, to be able to correct planetary life. The message that the prophets of the Queen of Heaven receive causes these consciousnesses to shift their position, to transform, because the same divine message that emanates from the Celestial Hierarchy has a voltage and an impulse of spiritual energy that dismantles any structure, modifies and ennobles it when the consciousness is sincerely open.

The prophets of the end times have the task of bringing the world closer to the powerful currents that, through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, will come to modify the present direction of the consciousness of humanity.

For this reason, both in the prophets and in the other lineages, the consciousnesses that are most awake to selfless service to the plan and for humanity will be living receptacles of all the spiritual impulses that will reach the planet to transform it.

The Mother and Queen of prophets carries out Her co-redemptive work in these times through different prophets in the world, who faithfully show the fruits of the transformation of their lives and of their paths as a service to humanity, in an act of absolute renunciation and of adherence to higher Laws which help the human being of the surface.

The Queen of prophets is the spiritual administrator of the redemption of the world, and She announces Her message through instruments, to remind the world that the human consciousness can and must fulfill the Greater Will in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Lady and Guardian of the night.

I am the Lady in white that cares for and protects Her children from all evil.

I am the one who keeps vigil in silence and I am the one who during the night observes the sleep of Her small children.

I am the Lady and Guardian of the night, I am the one who follows the vigil of the souls that pray.

I am the Mother who guides the hearts through the path of the only Light.

I am the Lady in white, I am the one who watches the walk of Her children for them not to miss the path of Christ.

I am the Lady and Guardian of the night, I am the custodian of the door of the heart so that nothing bad will approach My little ones.

In My arms I hold My children during the night, even more when the hearts pray with Me and unite themselves to the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call! 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

The greatest expression of love is the acceptance and then the understanding of the Sacred Will of God, which manifests in a definite adherence to that Sacred Purpose, for which you were created in the image and likeness of the Father.

For this reason, children, in these times, to recognize the true Will and to experience it, will always place you on the right path, and, in this way, you will avoid suffering through your errors. But to recognize that Will and not experience it would be to allow yourself to be subjected to the models of life humanity built, distancing your lives from God, again and again.

Dear children, this is why I want you every day to copy the experience of My life, that which I lived in this world through obedience and fidelity, something that humanity has not yet firmly learned.

If you love obedience, the doors will open to lead you through new experiences and help you resolve that which through inertia you have not yet solved. Each indication the universe shows is unique. God expects you to experience His Will in a natural way, and that you not just go through His Will, but that you may understand there is a greater goal for each life.

The Father hopes to reflect His Divine Will in the life of all His creatures, but the freedom that characterizes everybody has fully demonstrated the abandonment and the choice that humanity has made for itself.

Thus, My children, be like your Heavenly Mother; let each one of you experience, understand and apply Divine Will as best as you can. Now, this will not be enough, because the urgency is great in this world, a world that goes through collapse after collapse because of its own wills, which lead to the loss of many souls.

Dear children, the coming times will be more demanding for everybody, regardless of the school you may be attending in this end cycle. Your sincere union with the great Purpose, without clauses or middle terms, will determine the world being able to receive the Infinite Grace it is so much in need of so as to not succumb.

Children, each of your hearts knows, in front of the universe, what it came to accomplish and does not want to escape from such an important mission, which you were lovingly called upon to live in this time.

Until the day comes when you, My children, become aware of what you are doing and by whom you are being guided, amongst so many millions of souls, up until that day, your Most Holy Mother will be praying and hoping for a specific position from you about the Plan of the whole universe. 

This will allow you to mature, and if you do not awaken, it will make you come to a standstill in time. Heaven hopes to place its treasures in open hearts; if this has still not happened, it is because the Divinity is waiting for everyone to give a little more to this Plan and to this Divine Project, and that you set aside less space for your own plans.

The true server of God is one that lives based on the instruction and applies it regardless of the school you are attending.

The universe hopes to make you worthy of receiving the keys that will open the doors for the emergence of the new consciousness of humanity.

My children, the decision rests with you. We, your Messengers, are here to guide you and show you the best inner path.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who lifts you up to a true Awareness of the Thought of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am this portal that will always lead you to Peace. I am this portal that will lead you to the beloved Heart of My Son. I am this portal that will teach you about humility.

The life of souls must be simple and joyful, it must be filled with the Love of God. Each one of you holds this potential to love, to forgive and to reconcile. Each one has imprinted the inner union with My beloved Son.

Therefore, seek Him all the time, He will give you the strength you need. He will help you transcend yourselves every day.

I am this portal that will lead you so that you may fulfill the inner mission God has entrusted to you from the beginning. I am this luminous Heart that will comfort you during the time of the dark night and whoever is united to Me will not be lost, will know how to walk with Me and to be by My side.

I am this portal that will heal you and liberate you from all evil. Whoever trusts in My steps, will be able to reach the goal. I am this portal toward the New Humanity, toward the sacred family that must awaken in the coming time.

I am what you allow Me to be.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Divine and Immaculate Pilgrim Soul that accompanies and guides the paths of the hearts that open themselves to be transformed through prayer and donation.

I am this Divine Pilgrim Soul that gathers all the essences and consciousnesses even though the distance exists.  My only maternal purpose is to unify you everyday in God the Father in order to thus break the barriers of inertia, of disunion and of the indifferences among the beings that belong to My Sacred Kingdom.

I am this Divine Pilgrim Soul that shelters the difficulties and redeems the causes that generate arrogance and pride, simply when the heart is open to Me like a flower is open to the sunrays.

There, in that principle, no divisions or barriers exist and the souls, by means of My Grace, can convert all the evils.

I wish, as a Divine Pilgrim Soul, that you learn how to walk with trust beside Me and that you allow Me to banish from you everything that generates distance between the souls and the Love of God.

For this I come to give you everyday this maternal love, a renewing love that defeats perdition and the fear of failure.  Whoever truly allows Me to guide them will lose nothing, but will only be free from this heavy luggage that tires them and does not allow them to walk, and will be able to fly like the condor of the mountains.

The time and the hour of your redemption is set, for this your Most Holy Mother comes to bathe you in the Source of Life of Her Son, so that thus your lives will allow themselves to be transfigured in Christ.

My deep wish is to convert you into what you have never been.

Surrender to Me and I will support you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who purifies you in the Divine Fire of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.

A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.

A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.

A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.

A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more.  I will call it reason of My coming to the world.

A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.

A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued.  I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.

My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.

With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.

When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.

On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing.   It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.

Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart.  Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.

On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.

I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.

Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.

May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages


May the pains be far away from your heart, because I, your Most Holy Mother, am with you.
May the arts of My adversary be far away, because My mantle protects your walk and your task, as well as those of your brothers and sisters.

May the sins of ingratitude and denial be far away from you, because inside of My Heart you will only feel peace and the eternal flame of the Creator's Light.

My children,

On this day in which I am with you by the Divine Grace that the Father has granted Me, I come to bring Peace, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy to My children of the world once again.

A new cycle begins to My soldiers, to the apostles of Christ and to all humanity.  My Son has announced the definitive beginning of His Return.  He returns, first of all, to the hearts of the children who are faithful to His Mercy, those in whom He prepares the path of transformation and of the emerging of the spiritual gifts that He sowed in each one of you, over two thousand years ago.

Such gifts will flourish in each soul, at each step taken in the sincere transformation of each being.  Remember that He does not need you perfect, only good and pure of heart, faithful to His Presence and to His Guidance in this life, which will be the step that will place some of you in Paradise.

At each step that each one of you takes in the discipleship of Christ, this world and this humanity take a step towards their liberation and their salvation.

For this, My children, beloved children, children who are strong and firm in renounce and in sacrifice, always remember that your path, the one you are traversing together with My Son today, will be the seed for the New Humanity, that humanity which is so much awaited by all.

Do not fear anything, because We, the Divine Messengers, have left inside of you the keys for the indissoluble union with the Heart of God, the ones that open up the doors of Liberation, of Redemption and of the eternal Peace for all.

In your stars of origin, today is a day of celebration because a cycle of the dissolution of debts, of redemption of the experiences and of the definitive pathway of the Christic life has begun.  In this cycle, you will learn that love which Christ taught to His Apostles, you will learn how to love and to be loved in the way He loved you.

Courage to those who shall see the next cycle as the best of their existences, the one that will prepare them to meet the Redeemer face to face.  In that glorious day, may you lovingly merge yourselves in His Gaze and be able to receive the Eternal Grace that the Supreme God keeps for each one of you.

Today I bless you, My daughter, in order for your path to be guarded by Me, your Celestial Mother.

I bless all the children who today, in humility and reverence, are in My Presence.

Who keeps you in Her Heart of Mother,

Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

