Surrender your heart in the Hands of God, oh soul so small and fragile!

Let your life be suspended into the Hands of the One who created you so that He may place you on the correct point of your evolution.

Live, being an expression of the love that you receive every day from your Creator Father.

Let your desert be fertile, like the deserts that, through the Grace of God, blossom and express the miracle of life, even in the aridity of the world.

Let your little soul be a source of faith through the persistence of your heart in the face of the challenges and trials of life.

May it not matter to you whether you are last or first.

May it not matter to you whether you are hidden or elevated in the eyes of humankind.

May it matter to you to serve and love more each day, to close your eyes to the illusions of the world and open them to the universal Truth that is revealed to you.

May it matter to you to enter into the depths of your heart and there find not only a Living God full of Graces, but also a Crucified Spouse who calls you to be like Him, every day, with the full surrender of your heart.

May the pain of the world matter to you, the pain of those who suffer and who do not find relief, and may the Grace of God upon you make your little life a fount for those who are thirsty;  even though you will often drink,  you will feel thirsty and empty.

May your emptiness not be filled by the world and its illusions but rather by God and His mysteries, by the faith that He places in your heart, in times of desert and solitude.

Seek relief in service; seek support in charity, in those who will always be in a worse condition than your little soul which, in spite of being so fragile, was chosen by God as a chalice for His spiritual Gifts.

It is not for you to judge the Will of the Lord, but simply to accept it, just as your Mother Mary did who, being small and simple, made Herself a Chalice and a Tabernacle so that the Living God could come into the world.

Be you, beloved soul, like your Divine Mother, and every day surrender your smallness into the Hands of God, because in your nothingness He will do everything.

You have My blessing for this. 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Heavens open before your eyes, first give thanks to God and raise your deepest reverence to the Father; then, child, let this Heaven not only be before you, but let it enter into you, and you into it, recovering, even if for an instant, your unity with God.

When the Heavens open before your eyes, after giving thanks, then think about all of humanity, about all the Kingdoms of Nature, about each small and secluded space on this planet, and place all the life that dwells upon the Earth in the Heart of God. Cry out to the Father for each heart and feel that He responds to your supplications, pouring out Love and Mercy upon the world.

When the Heavens open before your eyes, give thanks, cry out for the world and then cry out for yourself, so that, as a part of a whole, which is life, you also may have courage and perseverance, enough to fulfill the Will of God and remain in it.

Recognize yourself as a unique piece in the fulfillment of the Plan of the Creator, in the renewal of His Love and of His Grace, and in this certainty, also understand the importance of each being, of each heart, and call for unity among beings; pray not only for the neighbor to learn to love you and accept you as you are; pray, above all, for all to know how to mutually love one another, respect one another, and understand the importance of each being within this Plan. Even the most sinful and lost being is important to God because their conversion is a great victory.

But you, who are also imperfect and are on this path of learning, consent yourself to pray for the neighbor and to open the path so that this Heaven that opens before your eyes may pour its Graces on those most in need, on all the children of God so that no one remains in the world without having received at least one opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.

With this, child, placing Life everyday, in the Heart of God, you will be fulfilling a part of the Will of the Father for you, because your prayers will be true.

Pray, and when Heaven opens before your eyes, cry out to the Father for His Unity to live again within the beings.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

Today I ask you to not judge the attitudes of the human beings of the world, but to transform inside of you the roots of all evil actions of humanity.

When you judge something, even though it may be an atrocity, your consciousnesses only feel that you are separated from that evil; they feel that it does not belong to you and, thus, you lose the opportunity of changing the human consciousness through you own transformation.

Countless times we have told you that the human heart is unique and that what happens today in the world is the result of an evil planetary construction, that has counted not only with the cooperation of the Middle East, but of all the human beings, that – in their small or big evil actions – collaborated for the human heart to distance itself from God.

My Chaste Heart now comes to help you to heal humanity and this healing starts in each one of you.

Very simple and comfortable is to point out the mistakes of the nations and judge those who fight and those who do not accept the emigrants, without realizing that neither do you accept a brother or a sister that comes close to your lives with an inner, physical and spiritual condition that is different from yours and that will make you change completely to be able to shelter them with love.

You must seek within yourselves what separates you from those who are different; you must seek to heal the fear to transform yourselves in order to shelter, even if it is internally, those who do not fit to the standards that your minds accept.

Because, in the same way that it is happening to the emigrants, many souls have been through your lives and did not find in your hearts the love they needed in order to be sheltered and transformed by the Presence of God.

Understand that, if you learn to truly love, you will deposit in the human consciousness a code of love that will be able to change many events of the world.

No longer judge, do not separate yourselves from the human mistakes, as if they belonged to others.  Recognize within yourselves what must be transformed and allow that compassion gives you the wisdom that you need in order to not judge, but rather to make judgment become transformation and love.

I love you and I lead you, as your Father and Instructor.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

