In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Contemplate the greatness of God’s Love in yourselves, and how this Love is capable of going very far, just as My Son went very far, beyond the Cross.

Contemplate this Love in your essences, do it for the souls who do not contemplate God in themselves, so that tonight the Heart of God may be repaired from all the offenses and outrages that the world commits.

As Queen of Love, as the Mother who loves you, as the Guardian of your souls, I ask you to remember about the power of God’s Love, which is invincible and inexhaustible, goes beyond conflicts and wars, and works beyond all division and dissociation.

It is this Love that My adversary does not know, and it will be this Higher and Infinite Love of God that someday will also redeem him. Just as Christ, through His Precious shed Blood, redeemed each one of you, liberating you from sin and error, opening the door of His Mercy to you so that all could enter His ocean of Compassion and Love.

In the face of the terrible scenario of the end of times, return to the essence of Love that is in you and created you in the Source at the beginning. In this way, transcend your own obstacles. In this way, dissolve your own bitterness and sadness.

Joyously receive Divine Hope tonight, that Hope that My Son promises in His imminent Return. The Hope, filled with God’s Love and with life, that will renew the surface of the Earth, and will liberate souls from suffering once and for all.

Because in truth I tell you, My dear children, that when the New Humanity emerges, under the preamble of the Return of the Lord, there will be no soul on this surface whose cry will be heard, because the cry of souls on the New Earth will be of joy.

If you knew how much I love you, I assure you that you would weep with joy. Because the Love of God is not only invincible, not only profound, but it is also a transforming Love, a Love that grants you Grace and Forgiveness, that grants tonight a spiritual amnesty to you and your brothers and sisters who are listening, to all those who have turned to the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist today. It will be a full amnesty that will dissolve the errors committed up to the present day, and will allow your guardian angels to bear witness, before God, of this extraordinary event.

Thus, as I told you yesterday, My children, the Altars of God are open today. Because the doors have been opened by the holy angels of the Lord, so that the offerings of reparation and reconciliation made by souls may be honestly deposited before the Lord. Thus, My beloved children, together let us aspire to and invoke a good 2024, a year without wars, without conflicts or divisions, a year in which love may prevail.

Thus, this Love is what will renew the world, if souls unite to the essence of God’s Love and recognize themselves as His Children, the Children of the Source.

This, dear children, will allow more souls that are lost in the world to be contemplated by Mercy, rather than by Justice. For just as I have told you, My dear children, I wish good for each one of you and your families, a greater good that can allow you to understand reality, this reality of the end of times.

But pay attention, My little ones: do not observe the reality of the world with fear or fright. Although it is a terrifying and sad reality, I need the awakened souls to once and for all decide, through the prayer from the heart, to be bridges between Heaven and Earth, to be mediators of the prayerful word in the face of all impossible causes, which, with the intervention of the Divine Mother, will not be impossible causes, they will be possible solutions for all.

My second request at this special night is that you may invoke peace with greater strength. That your acts, words and actions may be of peace, so that peace may be received not only by the souls that need it the most, but that it may also be welcomed in those places that have suffered war, conflict and the physical destruction of spaces, that peace may be reborn in the hearts that are most thirsty.

And you, My dear children, who have been so much filled with Grace, may you, like your Heavenly Mother, be precursors of peace and believe in this peace, within yourselves and then outside of yourselves. In this way, life will not be a suffering, but rather joy that will emerge from you and your brothers and sisters, for you are responding to the Call of God.

My third and last request is that, through the Holy Eucharist that you will now celebrate, you may keep well in mind all the celestial hosts, who offer the Blessed Sacrament tonight and open all the Tabernacles of the Earth, so that the powerful Light of Christ may fill and bathe the whole world with His Love and His reparative Mercy.

For you, may this be the true celebration of the new year, that once again you may have the joy of living the Eucharistic Sacrament with My Son.

You should meditate and feel in your hearts what it means for the Kingdom of the Heavens that on each day you celebrate the mystery of the Love of Christ, through Communion, and all the saving and redeeming merits that souls receive through the Sacrament.

Therefore, My children, in this end of times, do not live Communion as something normal. May your souls exalt with bliss and joy for being able to confirm Christ within yourselves, as a symbol and a sign of hope for the whole world.

Thus, your little souls and little essences will be able to be this great mirror that reflects upon the Earth, so that the codes and merits of the Passion of the Lord may amend all the errors of the world, and grant redemption to the souls that have condemned themselves.

With special predilection and love, My children, I will accompany this Sacred Eucharist that you will celebrate today in the name of the Lord.

In this way, your Most Holy Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Humble Slave of the Lord, the intercessor between hearts and God, will be able to elevate all offerings together with the holy angels and the guardian angels, so that peace and the end of war may be attained in the world, not only the end of physical war, but also the war within families.

Because My ardent wish, My children, is that each one of the members of your families, and of the families of the world, may find again, in their inner worlds, the Love of God, which saves you, rather than punishes you, which liberates you, rather than condemns you, the Love that loves you just the way you are and impels you to the transformation of life and of the heart.

On this special night, when a cycle closes and a new cycle begins, let us aspire, through the Eucharistic Celebration, that all souls, especially the most lost souls in the whole world, may achieve the Grace of Mercy in this coming 2024.

I tell you and ask you to have faith, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Thus, I bless you for the coming year, and consecrate each one of your steps, the steps that you must take towards Christ, Our Lord, following the footprints of Light of the Great Master.

May it be a year, a new year, of more Graces and Mercies for all. My perpetual prayer is untiringly present for this cause.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary has taken the Immaculate Heart from Her Chest at this moment, placing it upon the palm of Her right Hand. She offers it for each one of us as an Ardent Heart in love, in Grace, in service and pity for souls.

Let us pray, renewing our vows for this coming 2024, and taking for ourselves the Immaculate and Ardent Heart of Mary, which burns in love for the souls and families of the world.

Holy Mother, we give thanks for Your Presence here among us and in the whole world.

Accept our life the way it is, imperfect, fill us with the strength of Your Love, so that we may concretize the aspirations of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, strength,
light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.
(3 times)

The Divine Mother is smiling, because She tells us that She gave us Her Heart and now She asks us to give Her our hearts, and not to fear, because we will not lose our lives, because She said that if we give Her our hearts, we will have life in abundance.

In the silence of our hearts let us give them to Mary, just as She gave Hers to us. And thus, our hearts and the Heart of Mary merge into one Heart, and we receive from the Divine Mother the gift of understanding, the gift of patience, the gift of faith, the gift of forgiveness, the gift of healing, the gift of peace, the gift of unity and the gift of redemption.


I thank you for responding to My call.

Remember My three requests.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Keep calm, so that the whole world may be calm tonight and, in the sacred quietude of the heart, it may find the path of return to peace.

Today, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of humanity brings, on the palms of Her Hands, the Creative Principle of the Child-King, that Sacred Purpose that the Eternal Father thought of at the beginning for the salvation and redemption of humanity.

I know that you will not understand what this means and represents, My children, but today, through the portals, I bring the presence of the Sacred Grotto of Bethlehem, where this mystery took form and incarnated through the little Child, the Messiah. Today I confess to you that, also for your Most Holy Mother, it was a revelation at that time.

This means that the mystery becomes unveiled and that the essence of the Child-King shows itself to the world, at this very moment, for all those inner worlds of humanity, for all souls without exception, even those that are lost and far away from the Father.

This was the Sacred Essence of Creation, which the Child-King brought to the whole world. There was no other way to concretize this so awaited mission, if not through a humble and poor place such as the Grotto of Bethlehem, where not only the Sacred Family of Nazareth, but also all those who participated in that event, beyond this planet and beyond the stars, were witnesses of this sacred revelation.

My children, in these critical times of the planet, when war prevails instead of peace, today, with My own Eyes of a Mother, I want to know, I want to see this Sacred Essence of the Creator, incarnated through Jesus, present itself to the world in the inner planes and through the Inner Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys. Thus, your Guardian Angels and all the angels of the universe may also be witnesses of this sacred moment. They may be adorers of this sacred revelation that once incarnated in the world through a Little Child, through God Himself, who made Himself man for your salvation, for the salvation of the whole human race, from that time up to now, and from this moment up to the end of times.

This is the inexhaustible and inner Creative Essence that My Beloved Son deposited as a Spiritual Legacy, not only here in the Inner Sanctuary of Lys, but also in all the Inner Sanctuaries of the planet, especially throughout all of the Americas.

My children, this is why I invite you to change dimension and frequency at this moment. Thus, you will be able to know once again that, beyond the suffering and chaos that reign on the planet, there is a Supreme Reality that awaits you, and spiritual treasures present for each one of My children, which wait to be revealed to all those who are pure in heart, to the pure of intention, to all those who do not want anything for themselves.

This would not have been possible if Saint Joseph had not embodied the Principle of Humility, or even if your Most Holy Mother had not embodied the Principle of Original Purity. This scenario, prepared two-thousand years ago, allowed in these times that this revelation could come to your consciousnesses and to the consciousness of all your brothers and sisters on the planet.

I bring you toward this Creative Principle today, in which your gaze must focus on the Purpose, when your spirits must aspire to attain the same aspiration that My Immaculate Heart and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph attained long ago.

In synthesis, My beloveds, through My Humble Hands, which reveal the Creative Principle of the First-Born, the Son of God, the Messiah, souls will be able, here and now, to find the emergence of the New Humanity, free from chains, free from errors, free from sin, free from suffering, from pain, from all that separates them from God.

I know that all that I say to you sounds symbolic, but I assure you that it is not so. The Living God, through the Little Child, has sent Me tonight, to reveal this Message to inner worlds and souls.

In simple words, My beloved children, the Creative Essence of Christ comes to remind you that all must return to the Source of Creation and that your own lives must be transformed according to what is thought of by the Father, because something wonderful awaits each one of My children, something that will be revealed upon your paths when you strictly follow in obedience that which the Primordial Source determines, although that seems unknown at this moment.

If souls do not fix their gaze on this Creative Essence of Christ, and if the majority does not do so in these times, what will happen to this humanity? What will happen to this planet and this surface?

We are at a moment and a time similar to those of the Birth of the Messiah, the Redeemer. The Living God incarnated through His Son in Body, Soul and Divinity, to demonstrate that His Powerful Presence is simple and poor, that His Majestic Presence is loving and wise.

These are the Attributes that the world needs today, not only to repair the endless path of its errors, but also to recover the purity and innocence it has lost. An innocence and purity that are being stolen, that are being placated and dissolved, not only through war, but also through all that happens in this humanity.

God has His Gaze placed upon humanity at this moment. He sends Me as His Portal, as His Messenger, so that the world does not forget that it must recover peace.

What My venerable companion Saint Joseph left to you on last December 19 was important. Determining and transforming Words for you to someday achieve the Creative Essence of Christ, and be united to this Essence.

Within all that Saint Joseph has said to you lies the beginning of your paths, paths of transcendence and transformation.

In this way, you will quickly achieve what I ask of you, because God is thirsty for souls that can radiate His Attributes and Principles, who can be a mirror that may reflect, on this planet, all His Commandments, especially those that were transgressed and violated by the very humanity of the surface, due to its ignorance and ironical behavior.

Through the Creative Essence of Christ, may this Birth of Christ, which once more presents itself and takes place in the hearts open to receive it, allow the world and humanity to find a path not only of lasting, peacemaking, impersonal and wise solution, but also of return to the House of the Father. Because this will allow the millions of souls present on this planet to resume the path of the Purpose they have lost for different causes and reasons, and through the guardian angels that accompany Me in this culminating hour, this also allows the ardent Aspiration of God to be attained, that aspiration of seeing all His Creatures in His Kingdom, just as the Sacred Family was in the Kingdom of God, even while living on this planet.

Today I will carry, within this Creative Essence of Christ, the intentions, supplications, pleas and all implorations of the pure and humble in heart that, at this hour, no longer seek anything for themselves, but rather the good and charity for others, and peace for peoples and nations.

Today I carry, in this Creative Essence of Christ, the offering of souls and each one of my children's Guardian Angels, which have managed to write, in their own Books of Light, the steps of redemption and love of those who keep attempting to take them, every day.

Although it does not seem so, all that I have said at this moment is that which maintains the doorways to Mercy open. It is that which still allows, at this end time, for the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy to be present in this humanity and on this planet, because Their Voice, the Voice of the Hierarchy, will never tire until It sees the fulfillment of what It has promised the Creator.

Through the humble and poor Grotto of Bethlehem, at this very moment and at this very hour, in any part of the world, anywhere, may all families and especially all children be touched by the Creative Essence of Christ. Thus, they will be protected from this madness of the planet at this culminating moment, and, in these little essences, not only will the Child-King be reborn, but they will sustain within themselves the purity, innocence, love and joy of being part of the New Humanity, of the One-Thousand Years of Peace.

I bless you and consecrate hearts to the Child-King.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Most Holy Mother, we will sing, accompanying the choir, the song “Silent Night,” allowing at this moment, through the symbol of the light of the candles, for the darkness of the planet to be dissolved and for the neediest places to receive the Peace of the Sacred Family.

Let us sing.


Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Like a great ray of Light, I come to bring the world the liberating Light that it so needs so the peace and the harmony in the consciousness of humanity is not lost.

I am finally here among you, dear children, once again fulfilling My promise, in the name of the Almighty, Who allows this Grace of finding you in My Heart so that you may feel My Love and the happiness of living in God.

I come here today to bring you good news, a very special reason for your lives and hearts, which is the path of redemption which your consciousnesses are experiencing today for the first time, together with the Glory of My Son that also allows this special Grace.

For the Celestial Father, this means that the doors of the Light in Central America will not close and that the Celestial Kingdom will continue to descend, together with all His Angels, to help humanity, especially those who are still not redeemed.

As I told you today, dear children, I come as the Mother of Nature so that you remember the importance of observing the lower Kingdoms as your siblings, as part of the great Creation of God, so that all of you on this planet are able to evolve.

Today I also come to give you My Immaculate Heart as a symbol of peace for the whole planet, as a profound healing for souls, as Mercy for all hearts.

My wish is that on this evening, dear children, each of you should inwardly confirm yourselves on My path of Light so that, besides your loved ones and family members, souls are able to be touched by the Light of Heaven that I bring all of you today, which is a redemptive and liberating Light that will bring you peace and trust in the Creator.

But I am not here alone among you today, but also with all the angels who accompany Me and with your Guardian Angels, that come here at this moment to remind you they exist to be able to guide your lives, as a non-material service they provide for all of humanity. Unite with them in heart and soul. Pray together with them every day, so that you may be freed from a spiritual captivity and thus the nations be constituted into nations renewed by the Holy Spirit of God, which comes in this time to pour out Its Seven Gifts into simple and humble consciousnesses that open to this great Mystery.

Today I feel a special joy in My Heart and in My Soul, on being able to consecrate new Children of Mary, seeds of light for the new humanity that are healed and protected by Me, that are bathed by My Divinity and from the Celestial Father receive the Infinite Love of His Heart and His forgiveness. For this reason, My children, with the trust which must incarnate in your lives, on this evening, dare to take that step toward God. You must not fear anything. I only want to see you in a life of prayer, if possible in family prayer.

You know, dear children, that not only children suffer from separation in the families of humanity, but also the adults. In this place and in all Central America, I want to constitute a network of family prayer so My Heart, through your prayers and all your pleas, may also care for the beings most in need of peace in this time. It is through this network of families, of praying families united with God, that I will be able to bring peace to the nations of Central America. And as I told you today, the wounds of the past will close and forgiveness established when your hearts and souls say 'yes' to the Forgiveness of God, to the establishment of love among all creatures and among all the nations of Central America.

Thus, on this day, I come to erase from your memories that which you have experienced since the beginning of the colonization until today, because by forgiving the white man and allowing the original purity to emerge in your hearts, the purity of the original peoples, in these nations the spirit of fellowship and love, of brotherhood and union among human beings and the Kingdoms of Nature will be able to emerge again.

As your Mother of Guadalupe, I come to unite what is separate in the core of your beings, motivating your hearts to be able to achieve the purpose. It is very simple, My children, the purpose of serving God, your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, protecting all that God created so that you could be in peace, united with His eternal Love.

Thus, what I want, dear children, is that on this day, this consecration awaken many more souls to this commitment with Creation, to this commitment to your peoples and nations to first come to peace and then to a love and unity among beings. In this way, I will happily be able to leave Central America, seeing that My Purpose was accomplished in your hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this evening, I come to imprint My Divine Aspect in your spirits, in your souls, just as I once imprinted it on the garments of Juan Diego.

In this way, I come to unite the peoples, to unite the cultures and the religions in the Love of My Son, which is the true path to finding God.

I come, My children, so that you may experience a re-encounter with Me, so that you know that I accompany you and brought you here by the hand, confirming the commitment of your spirits to God with the manifestation of His Plan of peace and of redemption for the Earth.

I called you to My meeting, My children, not only so that you could hear My voice, not only so you could feel My Peace, but so that you proclaim this Peace, so that you announce My Presence among humankind through a living testimony, through a peace-bringing example.

I come here so that you announce the Return of My Son, so you prepare a safe dwelling place for Him in your hearts and so that you clean and wash your spirits through the fire of prayer and the living water of the Holy Spirit; thus, in this way, My children, I am able to make you be reborn, I can bring to this world a new life through the renewal of your lives.

Today I come here as the Mother of Nature, as the Lady of Guadalupe, confirming to Central America this commitment to the Kingdoms of Nature.

From the beginning, My children, the Americas have had the mission of uniting with God through all that was created and of finding the Divine Presence in each Kingdom, of understanding the mission of each species created by Him.

The human heart, especially in the Americas, must understand it is part of a Law of life, must be a part of that balance, which is not only planetary, but also universal. And through that unity which you live with Nature, you be able to draw to the world a unity with the Heart of God; and in this way, children, open this door to the whole universe which unites creatures with their Creator.

Today I come to speak to you in a simple but profound way, because I hope to awaken your spirits for the mission you came to accomplish on Earth.

I come to erase from your lives all the errors you have made until now; so that, renewed by the Love of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to establish peace, love and forgiveness among human beings.

Children, as in other times, I come to ask for the establishment of peace so that wars can end, and just as I asked the shepherds of Fatima to pray for peace, today I ask each one of you to cry out for peace with the faith of your hearts, and that you draw this peace to the world; because it is possible, children, to stop the wars and conflicts that are precipitating on Earth and bring a truce to the places of the world that no longer know peace, which are permeated by hate and resentment, by rage and the need for vengeance.

With Me, children, forgive the past of this world. Forgive those who through ignorance, through not knowing God, subjugated their brothers and sisters and the Kingdoms of Nature, causing a wound in the consciousness of the planet that up until today needs to be healed.

Unite with Me in prayer for peace. Unite with Me through acts of forgiveness. And thus, just as I forgave those who scourged My Son, those who crowned Him with thorns, those who placed a cross on His back and crucified Him; forgive, children, those who scourged the world, who scourged souls, who crucified them with martyrdom and suffering, a suffering that until today many are living as souls on dark planes of the planet.

Free those dimensions of the Earth with Me, so that this planet may shine in the universe with the Light of Love that dwells only within it.

May this divine attribute be a living spring for the whole Cosmos and may all the creatures created by God avail themselves of this Divine Principle. And in this way, My children, may peace be established in all of Creation.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is through My coming to Central America, dear children, that I am able to bring My Grace to you. It is that Grace which will form the new armies of Light so they may correspond to My call.

Today, here in Costa Rica, I will consecrate new Children of Mary who will be part of that army of Light which will commit to praying for peace with Me, with the main objective of allowing My Heart to triumph in souls and in all nations.

With that Love of the universe that I bring you today, which is very unknown to many, I want the Children of Mary to come up here. Remember that all of you, in essence, are children of My Divinity, of My Motherhood and of My Love.

Today I come especially to consecrate you, for you have confirmed to My Immaculate Heart the realization of the great mission of bringing peace to the planet and to humanity.

Place your left hand on your breast.

Let us repeat:

My God,
I believe in You, I adore You, I wait for You and I love You;
and I ask pardon for those who do not believe in You,
do not adore You, do not wait for You and do not love You.

Feel the peace of the angels of the universe. Comfort your lives through My Holy Spirit, and thus, in this time, carry out the preparations for the glorious coming of Christ and the redemption of humanity before the Thrones of God.

With this Grace that emerges from My Heart like a spring, I consecrate you, My children, as sparks of Light of My Spirit, as souls in redemption, in profound rehabilitation, as examples of living prayer for the world, especially for those who do not know the prayer of the heart.

And thus it is that here today, in Central America, I establish the original purity of your hearts as the fundamental principle of God in your lives and in your consciousnesses, with the aim and the purpose that you always remember the purity of your hearts, for it will be the purity of the heart which will carry you eternally into peace and love.

Dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

And now sing the hymn of your consecration, as representatives of the armies of Light of your Most Holy Mother.

I thank Costa Rica for having responded to My call, in this first part of the Sacred Mission.

I thank you!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come from the Heavens to announce to you that peace is possible in the end of times.

I gather you together, around this Source of love and redemption, so that your souls and spirits can be baptized, and being freed of all sin and fault, you resume the path of rehabilitation which you lost.

As Queen of the Holy Spirit of God, today I pour out the seven Gifts upon this place, because Argentina has the spiritual mission of manifesting the Gifts of God in the New Humanity; and that will first begin in your hearts, My beloveds.

For this reason, today God has allowed My Voice to reverberate in your essences, so that it may echo within all those who do not hear Me; because My true mission among you, My little ones, is that you achieve spiritual healing in these times.

Many of you have already taken the great step toward My Heart. Thus, on this very special day, so sacred and blessed by God the Father, the Angels of Heaven and their armies of Light assemble all your Guardian Angels so they can help you to resume the path you have lost in this cycle.

I am building a pathway of Light among the shadows and the darkness. I Am the great Sun for this world, the great Morning Star that is announced every day, emitting a Message of Peace and a call to a profound redemption of the heart.

I need you, dear children, washed and purified by the Water of Christ. This will help you to resume what you have never done, which is to accomplish your true mission for the Most High Father, Who always waits and expects you to welcome you into His Kingdom of Love and of Peace.

God has given Me the last opportunity in these times, of announcing Myself here in the Americas, to you, as well as in Medjugorje for thirty-three consecutive years. By any chance, My dear children, have you understood what I am doing among you? I am sure that your hearts understand and that your souls can feel My call.

God begs all your angels to accomplish the mission among you, the true spiritual mission, of directing you toward the pathways of peace and the good.

On this night of Graces and blessings for My children of the world, My Immaculate Heart unites with all those who pray, all those who are linked with My Marian Spirit. To all those I want to also say that they should wait with joy for the arrival of the Gifts of God; because after they take the step in their purification, they will find the Gifts of God in their lives and they will be pillars of light for My Heart, carriers of peace, messengers of My Marian Word for all the souls that are going out in the world.

Throughout the times and the Apparitions, My real promise for humanity is to consecrate it as a single family, as equal and as similar to the Family of Nazareth.

In your hearts, you hold the potential to be able to love and forgive. Do not waste time, My dear children, forgive, love, be reconciled with your brothers and sisters. Dispel the punishments and the anger from your hearts; in this way, you will be deserving of My maternal Grace, and through this point of Light within which I assemble you all, I lift you up toward the Kingdom of God, in My Heart carrying all your pleas and intentions, which are always considered by My Immaculate Heart.

This is the Center of the Holy Spirit for the Americas; here, souls must find again the path toward God. As I have said to Sister Lucía de Jesús, here the Seventh Heavens can be opened, and these will not be a mystery to you, but rather a true feeling of love and of unity with the Divine Messengers.

While My Words are being proclaimed to everybody, in your hearts and essences receive the codes of My Divinity, My feminine Presence, My healing maternal Energy. Keep these codes in the depths of your beings. The enemy will not rest and will work with its cunning to withdraw the codes from within you.

For this reason, dear children, with courage and joy, embrace the cross and the sacrifice that My Son gave you. Remember you will not be walking alone. My silent steps of a Mother accompany you. My Heart is ignited in your hearts when you open the portal of prayer in your lives. Remember that when you carry the cross, which is so heavy, you will be doing so for many more.

You belong to a single humanity, to an infinite creator principle which must be invincible in your hearts, which cannot be defeated by anybody because the project of Christ must be fulfilled in your lives.

And so, My dear children, which is the path you will choose in this cycle? I need you to choose the path of the prayer of the heart. True spirituality is to be found in service and in charity. Thus, you will be purified very lightly and will not lose any time in being able to be transformed in this era.

Walk with confidence toward My Heart and receive this Grace as a last opportunity for this suffering and sick humanity.

Dear children, in your hands you have the master key of the universe, the true symbol of peace, which wants to fly in your hearts so the victory of Christ is accomplished before His Return.

Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I come to free your lives so you no longer carry the baggage of the past.

I want today to be the reason for the opening of a new cycle for each of your beings. Today, I open the doors to the redemption of your souls, which for so long have awaited this opportunity, and for this reason came to My meeting on this day.

My children, for this liberation to occur in your lives, and not be a passing act, it is necessary that you not only be reconciled with God, but with all the beings that are around you. Let there no longer be egotism in your lives, separateness and indifference, because I need your hearts to be a single heart beating on this planet.

Regardless of the history of each of your beings, I want to unite your essences so that in this place, an army of peace, an army of prayer takes shape that radiates fraternity to all those who are unable to live it.

For this, My children, I need you to study My words, that you contemplate each of them, drawing into your lives the codes I placed there.

Each time I come to the world, in My arms I bring Celestial Graces that are poured out over souls. Those Graces, My dear, will never perish, but they may be latent in the essences of those who did not open to respond to my call.

A year ago, I left an impulse in this place, which brought about results in the heart of some beings; but in others, this impulse remained latent, waiting for a new cycle to manifest.

My children, on this evening I ask that you no longer let another year go by, but rather, let the impulses, the Graces and the Gifts I place today in your lives, and which are unique in this universe, be able to come alive in each of your essences, be able to purify your cells, your atoms, your consciousnesses so that in this coming time you can become instruments of God in this world.

The past of your lives does not matter, what you experienced in this world or in others. From the Heavens I bring the opportunity for a fresh start when you simply say 'yes' to My Heart.

My children, I can turn the book of your lives to a blank page, ready for the writing of new words, the story of this humanity, the story of redemption of each of your beings. And for that, I need that you not only trust in My Presence, but that you aspire to live My Words and that, through the Ray of Will which I place in your souls, you decide on those codes growing each day and becoming pure and clear actions, thoughts and feelings, becoming a reason for change to other souls who approach you.

My children, on this day I ask that you not confuse the life of the spirit with all the false teachings that exist in this world, but rather that through your hearts, you discover the true celestial teaching that the Divine Messengers bring to the world; and you will be able to discover this truth through the experience of your hearts.

Live the Divine Words that descend to the world in this time. Discover the simplicity of these Words, the celestial treasures that God sends to the world, for in this simplicity, My children, is held infinite mysteries that humanity never discovered, but that the time has now come for the veils of ignorance to be removed from your eyes.

Do not be confused with all that humanity wants to know. Seek the Truth I placed in your essences on this day.

Cry out to the Spirit of God so that those Gifts, which today came into your lives, can manifest; and for that, work, walk, pray with the heart, and in the life of prayer find the doors to redemption and the rehabilitation of your spirits.

Do not let this Marian Center be a source from which you do not come to drink. I want your souls to quench their thirst in this place, that you not leave it empty, because Divine Graces find a dwelling place here and have need of the presence of your hearts so they can be poured out for the world.

Come and find the Water of Life here, and through your hearts, which are living testimonies of your essences, carry the Water of Life to all the places of this world in which souls suffer a thirst of spirit and of heart.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My sublime aromas envelop your souls in the spirit of forgiveness and of peace.

Receive from My hands the Graces of God and wait with hope for the Coming of Christ to this world so in need of forgiveness.

Today, My Soul will be glad for your song, which is an eternal song, a gift and instrument of God that opens the doors of hearts that are closed and can find through the song of God, peace.

Today, I am with you to consecrate you, because all are consecrated by My Heart. Follow the example of those who take the steps with confidence. In this way, you will manage to take the great step which God awaits towards the spiritual path, towards a Christic life, towards eternal life.

To this end, I will consecrate My children with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God and I will wait for each one to represent a spark of God, a light that dazzles the world and attracts other souls toward the path of conversion and of redemption.

Harmony also exists in this world. For this purpose, dear children, for all those who will be consecrated, on this blessed night when the universe unites with the Earth and its Celestial Hierarchies assemble their beings to fulfill the great mission, I will bless you with this Water of Christ, with this simple and chaste Water, through the Sign of the Cross, a glorious symbol of Christ, exorcist and liberator for the end times.

Come forward to this place to receive the Sign of the Cross, in a single line, as a unique army that hears the Voice of God in their heart.

While you are being blessed, I will be here; because I will not only consecrate your beings, but with My Light, I will also magnetize all the Kingdoms of Nature that also wait for a gesture of love and of service from you as simple as focusing your attention on them to perceive their need, and in this way, all will be able to enter into a perfect balance with all of Creation, as God expects from all of you.

Be happy, be healed, praise God forever!

I thank you for responding to My call and I will follow this meeting with all My children in the silence of the Heart; thus, God has allowed Me and all those who may want to renew their vows to the Plans of God, to do so at this moment; for My loving and maternal offer will be lifted up to the Altars of God after I am no longer here, on this sacred night.

I love you and I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am here. I have not left. Trust.

Prayer: Hail Mary and Glory.

While you are blessed, dear children, from here, on this sacred tree, I will pray for you, for the world.

Song: "Looking at You."

My dear children, Heaven will always wait for you so you can walk in search of Infinity. When someday you achieve that step, I will be able to say to the world that My Immaculate Heart has triumphed over the darkness.

I thank you for responding to My call. I bless all those present under the luminous Sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I come to the world to bring peace to the nations, the end of wars in families, in homes and in hearts, and in all peoples who suffer the great punishment of the end of times.

I come to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout America and, today, after having been in Medjugorje celebrating My world anniversary with the whole humanity, on this night of Graces, I come to meet you to pour out My Light over the world once again.

God wants the best and the good in your hearts; therefore, I invite you, dear children, to experience the path of charity and also the path of prayer of the heart.

If you experience these simple but important things, your debts will dissolve from the account of God and your homes will open up to receive My special Graces, those that I wish to establish in your hearts and souls.

As the Queen of Peace, I gather everyone in My Sacred Cenacle for through My Immaculate Heart, dear children, today you are celebrating with Me the Communion with My Son.

God has allowed Me in a special way, My children, to bring the Sacred Universal Monstrance, the Great Glorified Body of Christ, the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that must be contemplated in this definitive time.

With joy, go to your parishes and adore the Lord. He has waited, for a long time, to listen to you in detail, to listen to your hearts and problems. God wishes, through the Sacred Hearts, that humanity can once again save itself, and the Lady of Peace, the Universal Queen, wants to prevent the Law of God over the world so that humanity may emerge again from the Heart of God, and it enters the Heart of the Father through a profound communion that you must experience, dear children, in this time more than ever, so that evil can be removed from your lives and the same divine unity that the Sacred Family of Nazareth experienced, can be established in your families.

As the Queen of Peace, My children, I invite you to enter My Universe of Peace. Therefore, it will not be necessary, beloved children, for you to be able to see Me with your physical eyes. I wish that you can feel me within your hearts and remain in My eternal devotion.

I pray for you all, day and night. From the Celestial Kingdom, I send my Guardian Angels so that they may protect and accompany you; but, in this very special time that the world is living, I need you to give the great yes to the Lord, thus your lives will quickly change and your families will renew themselves by the loving action of the Holy Spirit.

Dear children, just like in other times in the past, when I appeared to other visionaries in the world, today I announce to you, beloved children, that you awaken to this last call of Mine, may your eyes be opened to the Light that comes from Heaven, may your heart hear My special Message, the Message that I have for the current time.

Live the Sacraments, My children, and if you have forgotten one of them, live them again promptly, thus you will be united to the Father and the Celestial Universe.

I desire, in your lives, a path of conversion, a conversion that will open the door to experience redemption, but in this time only the prayer of the heart will suffice.

I, as your Mother of prayer, come to teach you this so simple and sincere path, the same that I learned when I was with you in the world. While carrying Jesus in My arms, I did not stop contemplating the greatness of the Lord. Thus, you should understand, dear children, that in your daily chores you can contemplate the Lord. God contemplates, with greatness and love, when His children make a sincere effort.

May your hearts be mirrors of prayer, may you be lights for this world which is in darkness. This is possible, dear children; if you do this, you will not recognize yourselves in a short time, for the Light of My Son will shine on your faces and the Love of Christ will beat within your hearts.

Pray for all priests, for all universal religious life. I come to institute in this end time, a great request that My Son Jesus has made to Me: to unite all the peoples who are dispersed across the world through the heart and through prayer. If this happens in this way, through your permission and loving acts, new Laws of Mercy will descend over the world and it will not be necessary for you to suffer anymore, dear children.

I come to meet you as the Universal Mediatrix. I have desired for so long time that you may live in My Heart; but truthfully I tell you, dear children, that many of you have forgotten about My call.

For this reason, through the Maternal Love that I impart to all hearts, I come to remind you, dear children, about this important call to seek the peace of the heart. Thus, you will help yourselves and this special Grace that comes from Heaven will expand through your families and friends.

You know, dear children, that many of my children are suffering, at this time, spiritual problems that are aggravating in the souls, diseases that appear in the bodies of My children, which seem incurable.

Seek the path of prayer, in this way you will find the path of healing. The Gift of Science of the Holy Spirit will show you the path to experience redemption and, in this way, My beloved little children, you will free your hearts from all the evil you experience.

Today, I ask you, dear children, to not open the doors to evil. Heaven invites you to something special, the Infinite God comes to meet you through My Immaculate Heart.

I am the same from Nazareth, dear children, the same who appeared throughout the centuries.

Meditate on this special events that you experience today. Read about the events and thus, in the silence of the heart, in the profound prayer of the heart and in abiding faith, you will understand all that I say to you today and you will understand why I am coming into the world again. It is a great need of the Father, in His Majestic Will, that all His children turn towards His Heart.

Look with open eyes towards the horizon that is awakening, the light of dawn that is emerging. I am the Sun that shines in the darkness, I am your Guiding Star.

Hold on to My hands, dear children, thus I envelop you with My Sacred Mantle and thus, as I did in Guadalupe, I will unite all peoples as one, I will dissolve the evil of hearts for true faith will resurge within all children who have believed in My Word.

On this night of Graces, I will not fail to bless you. I come to pour out My Maternal Grace over you, placing My hands upon your heads, imploring My Son for His Mercy; in this way, your families, dear children, will be rewarded by My Maternal Light and you will be reunited in love.

Do not forget to seek the love of the heart, thus you will be liberated from experiencing human feelings. God said that, through your faith, all your brethren, families, friends and acquaintances will be reunited; and this will be possible when you live a life of permanent prayer, then your homes will receive the needs of other brethren and you will be able to envelop them with the power of prayer so that healing can be established in those hearts.

I know that many expected miracles. The true miracle of God, dear children, for this 21st century, is that He has allowed Me to return to meet you, especially in this part of America, announcing Myself as the Queen of the Sun, the Woman who wears the Golden Rays of the Father, the Wisdom of the Father and His Mercy so that they can be poured over the world.

I seek, from your hearts and souls, true sincerity. My eyes contemplate all your necessities. I wish that all My children can take a step towards the Plan of God through the heart, faith and prayer in profound communion with Christ because if you do this, you will receive the Grace that you seek so much.

God has many good things for you. He has already knocked on the door of your homes, but in this time He sends His Faithful Messenger in the name of Jesus, Christ the Redeemer, to awaken those who sleep in this world because of the strength that the illusion of this humanity has had and that, through modernities, hypnotized My children, making them lose the path of faith.

Therefore, today I come to announce that it is time to return to the House of the Lord.

I thank you deeply, dear children, for this preparation that you have made for My Heart.

On this sacred night of faith, I come to give you My Love, the faith that your hearts need and the healing that your souls need to be able to continue walking in the paths of the Lord, in the Plans of God and His magnificent and loving Will.

I announce Myself to you as your Mother, I do not want to do you any harm but rather that you feel the radiance of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, all this is true when hearts open up to faith. I need you as My servers and apostles of the new time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

Our Lady is praying for us and the city of Sorocaba.


Today, I tell you, dear children, as My Son has said, that the last will be the first and the first will be the last, those who will close the door for those who have been left behind, and we will all be together in the promise of Paradise, of the Kingdom of God.

I also come, on this night, to bless you, and I unite to the hearts of all My children, confirming your faith before the Most High Lord. This is the most important thing, dear children, that the flame of your heart never be extinguished. Therefore, today I ask you, that the children who are sitting in the last row of this room come forward for the blessing at this altar and all of those who feel it may do so. But I call in a special way, to this nearest altar, the new children of Mary, who again are the example of conversion and of the Love of God manifested by the power of faith and prayer.

Let us sing.


Song: "Our Lady".

When a soul sings it instantly unites to God and the Celestial Universe manifests in His heart, creating the perfect union between the creatures and God. In the simplest and humble things lies the true key that will take you to salvation.

My very beloved children, by the authority that God has granted Me and under the protection and shelter of the Archangel Raphael, of all the angels of Heaven who perpetually glorify the Lord, by the power of My Immaculate Heart and by the imperious force of the Mercy of Christ, I bless you on this heavenly night, pouring out the most pure of My Heart over your hearts; and I hope to promptly meet you in Heaven, after having lived the great experience of love and forgiveness on this Earth.

Unite yourselves, in this time. My Immaculate Heart will always help you whenever you open your heart to Me, which is the direct path to God, the eternal blessing of Our Father and the favorite Love of the Lord for all that He created since the beginning.

I am the Mother of the Beginning and the End, I am the one who waits with joy and love to strongly embrace you, so that you may rest your heads on My Heart and thus, with your inner ears you can feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart which is the only reason of your joy in this life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Pray the Rosary every day, peace is needed in this world and an end of the spiritual war as well. Thus, the Mercy of the Lord will descend and we will be One in the heart of the universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you little children for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

At the request of our Blessed Mother, to close this meeting with Her Immaculate Heart, let us listen to and sing the "Hymn of Medjugorje".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat,

And to close, let us together sing "Mary of Nazareth".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

I come to the world to give you Peace, mainly those who unite with Me through the Rosary.

The Lord has asked of Me that on the Earth there be new pioneers of Peace, new flames of Peace that can ignite in this chaos that exists in the world in order to transform it, to free it from the heart of humankind, so that all My children may also attain that Peace.

Today, I invite you to love the Law of God; no matter how unknown it is to you, you will be able to know it through the Commandments. If you live it in this way, you will be able to draw closer to the Justice of God, a Justice the world has drawn away from, because the Justice of God is Love, is Compassion, is Mercy.

As Queen of Heaven, I come to bring you the Universe of the Father. On Earth, new stars must re-ignite, new suns that are dark must kindle again, and this will be possible through prayer and the living of the Sacraments with My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I come to Brasilia to have you know the Justice of God, which many fear, because the Justice of God is a justice that repairs and restores hearts that have been lost.

The Justice of God wants you to come to know Eternal Life, the universal principle of Will; but, dear children, it is necessary that you truly aspire to love that Law, which is the law of Love and Truth, which has been unknown to many of My children throughout history because of wanting to live the laws of the Earth.

But today, I come to have you know the true Law of God that is to be found in the essence of your hearts, in the steps you can take toward the Lord through your infinite trust in His Love and the sure fullness of His infinite Mercy.

Dear children, before the Return of My Son, I come to open the doors of your hearts.

The New Jerusalem must emerge as it existed in the past among the sacred peoples of the desert who, together with Moses, obeyed the Laws of God; and some of them, in spirit, found the Promised Land.

This Land of which I speak is Paradise. That Paradise that lives in your hearts, that inner Temple that many do not seek because of being distracted with other things, which the world provides as a temptation and desire, that makes My children be separated from the truth of the Law.

All the Celestial Universes, where the Angels and Archangels are, want to draw closer to your lives.

Dear children, it is time, through the prayer of the heart, for you to be able to know your Guardian Angels, invisible presences that God granted you to accompany your footsteps toward the only definitive goal, which is that you are able to blend into the essence of the Love of God in the next world.

While the world still suffers, many hearts must find that Truth, seek it through prayer and faith so that your hearts may be healed and the redemption of your souls may come to pass, just as the Father has foreseen from the beginning.

All the Creation of the Father, including this planet of love, must live the new Project of God; those awaited years of peace that many seek and that, like an inner seed, will be able to be cultivated in your hearts, and that inner light will expand through you by means of prayer and peace.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to seek that truth. Do not look for a mystery unknown to you; love the Mystery of God to be able to know it. It is to be found in all manifested things, in your brothers and sisters, in your cities, on the planet and in the Kingdoms.

Look at how much need there is in the world and how few servers intend to serve God to help humanity in this definitive time through the Laws of the Lord. Those that the Sacred Family of Nazareth lived will be able to restore the Earth, but it is necessary that there are instruments that are able to accomplish this simple goal that I ask of you: to be souls in eternal prayer that can verbalize the Sacred Word of God so the subtle vibrations can transform the Earth and consequently, human beings who daily separate from God, following other paths that do not lead to Peace or Love.

For this reason, as Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, I committed Myself to Our Father in this last century, in this last XXI century, to open hearts so they are able to see the truth.

Thus, I invite you to unite with My Heart as I have already asked for so long in Medjugorje. Because after these Apparitions, I will wait for My children to be able to concretize the inner consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart. 

In this way, you will allow new doors to open so that the Laws will be able to restore humankind, so that new principles of Creation are able to emerge as new flowers in hearts and the New Humanity can emerge which, for a long time, God has so hoped can awaken.

Dear children, I do not promise you happiness, victory, or power; I promise you sacrifice, surrender, charity, faith and love, and much prayer for these so difficult times.

In your hearts, contemplate the needs there are in this world. It is time to do something, dear children, and help the Plans of the Father. In this time, you have the keys to be able to do it; unite with My Immaculate Heart.

Definitely proclaim that you belong to God so the false gods can fall away and the victory of the Heart of My Son be established in all the hearts of the world; but for this to happen, My children, it is time to awaken.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hope to not cause fear in your hearts, because it is not necessary to be afraid of Divine Justice. I only bring you an impulse from the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, through My Presence, you find a sure path of consecration.

My dears, today I tell you that prayer will activate devotion in your hearts, and through devotion and love, which is born in the depths of your beings through the Heart of God, you will discover how simple it is to fulfill the Laws of the Lord.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that it is necessary to be very willing and determined to follow this path, because you must knock down the barriers built so many centuries ago in the consciousness of humanity, barriers that feed the material world and make the life of the spirit be forgotten. Today you can see around you what you built with this aspiration of growing only in matter.

Today I tell you, My dears, that the world suffers and also the Heart of God suffers because of all the causes that humanity created in the world. Thus, on this night, I ask that you be willing to balance this evil, living this Law of love, fraternity and prayer.

Do not allow yourselves, My children, to feed the discord and the lack of love among creatures, but rather continue with faith and with trust on this path of unity, a path the Sacred Family placed in the life on Earth and left as an example and as a truth so that all human beings, throughout the centuries, could imitate it.

Today, My children, if you find the Sacred Family distant from the reality of your lives, do not sadden your hearts, because this is a long path, a path of definition, of persistence, a path that is built through the faith of your hearts, because faith will move all that is entrenched in your consciousnesses, and that which seems impossible to you to transform, through the Work and Grace of the Spirit of God, will be transformed.

For this reason, it is only necessary that you want to experience that transformation, that you aspire, with all the will of your hearts, to follow this path of conversion of life and that, through the conversion of your lives, the conversion in all of humanity can occur.

Today I ask you, My dears, that you also live in communion with the Kingdoms, as the saints and the blessed did on Earth, to balance all the destruction that humanity caused throughout the centuries.

The love you radiate to the Kingdoms repairs the Heart of God and transforms the destiny of humanity, so that Mother Nature does not need to go against the human heart to balance the faults caused by it.

My dears, today I tell you that there is still time to spiritually balance the faults caused, through fervent and true prayer, through fraternal and loving actions, which create unity with the Kingdoms and with others.

My beloveds, if you only try to experience this path, the doors will open in your lives and, step by step, you will discover how simple it was, from the beginning, to live the consecration of your hearts. Thus, I come throughout the centuries to tell you it is possible for the human heart to be able to create in love and in truth and change the situations of the world, transforming all the darkness that exists into a Light that expands over the planet, the Light of the Heart of God, which is radiated through His Creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I invite you, dear children, to pray this night with Me, so God in His Kingdom may receive the pleas of all His children of this humanity.

Through My blessing and My intercession, I will open the Source of Healing so it may deeply touch your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that today I invite you to Hope, that this invitation remain in your memories. If you seek Divine Hope, nobody will perish, but rather you will rise up from the ground when you fall, so that you are able to continue to walk firmly in Christ.

As I have said to Sister Lucía: a tree that is ripped, which dies through the hand of humankind, is the same as a mother who loses their child; minerals that are assaulted are like a crack that opens in the heart of the Earth; the water that is contaminated is like the purity that is lost in hearts.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to pray with devotion for the Kingdoms; because they are a part of the Supreme Life on Earth, and through them, dear children, you will also find Truth and Love.

Let us pray the prayer this night which I taught you yesterday:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(11 times in Portuguese)

Pray now, dear children, for the Marine Kingdom in the Pacific, which is extensively dying without anybody doing anything.

As Mother of all elements, as the Most Holy Virgin, I will contemplate the need of these children that are part of the loving Creation of God since the beginning.

Let us pray:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(eight times in Portuguese)

May the Will of God be fulfilled and salvation occur.

Let us pray, day and night, day after day, for your humanity.

Thank you, dear children, for attending to My call. The blessing has alighted in your hearts.

And before I rise up to Heaven and place My Heart in your memories, I ask that on this night, all those who have brought these images, representing My Aspects throughout history, hold them so that I may bless them.

And the Holy Spirit, dear children, will be your Faithful Intercessor in these times, the Great Helper of hearts and of the souls that truly seek to live in Its Gifts.

I will lovingly listen to "The Flight of the Holy Spirit".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will pray the Hail Mary.

Our Lady returns at this moment to do the blessing.

Prayer: Hail Mary (five times in Portuguese).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

In the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts: of Jesus, of Joseph and of Mary; dear children, in your hearts hold the Sacred Family. That Supreme Consciousness that is fully at your service to gestate the new beings in humanity who will celebrate an inner encounter with God in the Kingdom of the Father.

I bless these sacred elements on this night; may they be the perfect symbol of your union with Me, may they radiate the Light of My Immaculate Heart so My Love can expand in your homes and families.

Dear children, on this night, I bless you, in the Presence of My Son and of Saint Joseph, Who have especially come to visit you; because know, My children, that the name of Brazil in the Kingdom of God, means the door of Light that children open to receive the Mercy of God.

With hope and joy, may your hearts be uplifted; and remember, beloved children, that you can always count on Me forever and ever.

I love you and bless you.

Sing "Mary of Nazareth". Lift up your candles so the Flame of the Holy Spirit may permeate your consciousnesses and the Light of God is able to remain in all the spaces of this world.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Do not fear, dear children, because the doors of the universe are open.

Today, God sends Me to tell you that the long-awaited cycle in this humanity is approaching. This means, dear children, that I will be closer to you during all these times.

After 2,012 years, My Consciousness will strongly take action in this world and this will extend into the next year of 2013, in which a task in Medjugorje will be completed from the unfolding of secrets. Everything will be revealed to the world in a short time. The true revelations written by the prophets of yesterday.

And today I fulfill a prophecy, among many, the coming of the Queen of Peace, of the Queen of the Universe, Who announces the coming of My Son through the solar birth; this means, dear children, that the signs will be shown.

What I am revealing to you is important; for this reason, now I will ask your permission.  The hearts that are very close to Me, will better understand Me this way.

Dear children, I want to tell you that, as of now, the cycle that was written by God begins. The books open to write again in humanity, in the New Humanity so awaited by Our Lord.

Thus, do not fear the events that will occur. You were called in this time because you have already been prepared. Your hearts were prepared through My coming throughout all of this end time. That is the best sign that I show you today: that through My Presence, you practice prayer of the heart.

During all of these days, it will be important to offer God the small sacrifices your hearts are able to do, so that this new time be of appeasement, and many hearts that have need of being sheltered in Me are able to approach through the collaboration of the Guardian Angels. Your daily union with the Guardian Angel will be important; It will show you the steps you are to take during this end cycle.

As the Mercy of God is so infinite, dear children, My Maternal Heart will come to Aurora to be able to support you. And after so many events, which will happen little by little, I will return here, to Argentina, next year, beginning in March, so that you, now as adults, are able to be united with Me and help Me in this planetary task that will begin at the end of this year.

For this reason, dear children, direct your eyes to the sky so you may see the portals of Peace shine, and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by what could happen in this world. It will be the moment, dear children, to activate the powers of prayer and to hold yourselves within My Immaculate Heart so that you do not fear anything.

Today I do not come to reveal the miseries of the world to you, but rather to bring you the Grace of God, the Mercy of the Most High, so that those children who in truth want to listen to Me, are able to walk with Me, at My side.

It is time, dear children, you took My Hands, so that My Crown of Stars can surround each of you, as well as each of My children that has need of the immensity of the Light. Thus, you will be able to participate in this meeting with Me in Aurora.

And today I also want to reveal, dear children, that within My Immaculate Heart the other Communities of the Father are also kept. With this I want to say that I too will be in each one of them and will be able to be closer to each of My children when you carry out the practice of prayer; for in this way, dear children, you will be calling Me during this definitive time.

I want to leave all of My children under My Mantle. Thus, open your hearts in this definitive time, set aside differences, blame and bitterness; because if you continue in this state, you will be feeding the enemy. Thus, defeat your atavism through prayer; in this way, you will be able to transcend yourselves, and very close to My Kingdom, My Eyes of Mercy will be able to guide you.

I am calling, in this definitive time of 2012, all My soldiers of prayer, you and the rest of the soldiers that are in the world, all the Marian groups consecrated to My Heart, all those who attribute faith to the Universal Mother. Because as Mother of the World, dear children, I am calling the 144,000 flocks of Christ, that they may receive the Resplendent Redeemer, because He is very close to your lives, to this material reality.

But first, He must enter into your hearts as something living. For this to happen, My children, you have the Flame of the Holy Spirit as guide and protection.

In these hours that will take place, dear children, pray, pray without ceasing, pray so as to be very united with My Immaculate Heart. Pray so that Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste Heart, can intervene for all. Pray so that the legions of Angels of the Father are able to help the planet, and the portals of the universe can be projected toward this world so all the hosts of the Creator Fathers can come. That is My special reason for planetary prayer for December 21.

Dear children, today I must speak to you with maturity and awareness. You are not only My little children, My caring hearts of love; now, already adults, you must know the truth and take on the role that is due to each child in this time.

I am praying constantly for you and for all My children; taking care of the essences which can be deceived; the enemy will not rest until it deviates some child of Mine. Know, dear children, that in this time, everything is allowed; but with your prayer, united with My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to be united with the Divine Heart of My Son.

Unite as a single group of prayer. Let this end of year, this Christmas that is coming, not only be a reason for receiving the Redeemer, but also of uniting among yourselves as a single praying group in each nation.

Dear children, run, run to your homes and begin to pray, unite your families with the spirit of prayer. It is no longer so important that each soul not know how to pray, but rather, that it begin to practice the verb of prayer.

I promise to help all those who start on the path of prayer. And you, My dear children, can also help those who want to learn to live by prayer.

Do not think, dear children, that today I come to bring you fear, but rather to prepare you to find the truth in your heart, so your consciousnesses truly unite with the Heart of God.

The time of normalcy has now ended. It is time to go into prayer, to cry out and ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My Immaculate Heart will be grateful that each one of you is able to participate in this planetary prayer.

My basket of gold will gather the flowers of your prayer. What I need, dear children, is to offer a great number of prayers to God, and your prayers will become more powerful when you are united in groups of prayer and leave this normalcy the world is living.

Know, dear children, that many of My children will not know what will happen; thus, I ask you to pray for all of them.

Your prayers will multiply when you consciously pray together with your Guardian Angels, because they will uplift the prayer to My Celestial Kingdom and My Merciful Rays will be able to act in different parts of the world. For this reason, do not be surprised, dear children, if you see Me in many places at the same time; if you see the Saints of the Father acting in this humanity, multiplied over the length and breadth of this world to aid humanity.

My Heart will intercede for all of you.

It is important, dear children, that the Light-Network be activated as a Network of the Divine Plan of God, and this will take place through your intervention in all the practices of prayer that can unite all the consciousnesses of the nations into a single one.

My Heart will be in vigil for all the children that I am in charge of and for all those who have distanced themselves from God. I will untiringly do the best until the end.


Prayer: "Hail Mary" (6 times).


We breathe in.

Dear children, I want to tell you something at this time, especially all of this beloved nation of Argentina, that you never forget that My Heart loves you deeply and that, if at some time your hearts are disturbed or if your thoughts separate from the Love of God, do not fear anything; enter into My Maternal Heart, empty your burdens at My Feet, because My Heart of Light will console you.

Remember that I Am the Lady of Graces, the Queen of Peace, Who comes with the promise of much more peace for this world. And this will be fulfilled through the love of all My children, through faith and hope.

Also always know, dear children, that you will find Me in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, in Salta; where My Voice also spreads a Message for Peace. And the doors of My Marian Center consecrated to My Heart, which is in Uruguay, will be open, as well as the one in Brazil and the one in Cordoba. For this reason, lift up your hands to My Heart so that My Light is able to pour out My Maternal Love over your hands and you are able to feel it above all things.

Before My rise to the Heavens, I want to consecrate you with the water that I will consecrate today, as John baptized My Son Jesus. I want to carry out this very loving practice with you.

I will bless the roses that symbolize My Love for all of you, which will wet your heads with water, so that you may be protected and renewed in My Love.

May the water, which symbolizes Life for the life of souls, which is the essence of the Manifested Spirit of God, be able to deeply enter into your hearts. May the water that heals life, the water that cures wounds, the water that renews your consciousnesses and frees you of all sin and of all stains, be blessed by the power of My Immaculate Love and under the perfect union of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your hearts will shine forth in My Peace and you walk in this time under the spirit of faith and of love.

My Immaculate Love blesses this symbol created by God, this element of the nature of the universe which gives you eternal life, because it renews you and deeply heals you. May this water satiate the thirst of your hearts and nurture you with the love of My Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear children, for answering My call.

Meditate on My Words.


Song: "Luminous Bird".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, today has been an intense and special day for everybody. Our Mother made important revelations for this end of cycle, revelations to which we need to pay a lot of attention.

As never before, the Mother affirmed and confirmed this new cycle which is coming for our planet. She tells us clearly that, united with Her Immaculate Heart, we are going to be a hundred percent protected; and that there's no need to feel fear; on the contrary, we only have to do what She proposes, and we'll be under Her Mantle of Protection.

This end of year, through the Light-Communities and the Light-Network, we have scheduled a perpetual vigil of prayer. We're surprised by the response of all the groups of prayer of the world, about how people get organized in an incredible way to spend ten days constantly praying; of how the different regions and the different nations divide the hours of the day to be able to be constantly praying.

This says that our Mother has found a space in the heart of many people and the Light-Network is beginning to light up in all of South America, Central America and all of Europe.

So the response of our hearts is being loving to the request of our Mother. It's what we can offer Her after so many Graces, just gather together and pray. We will all be learning, through these praying groups, the true value and power of this prayer.

To all those who want to come to Aurora in these last days of the year, you are invited to participate, the same for Figueira Light-Community. And if we have to spend them in our homes with our families, as the Mother also invited us to do, let us invite our families to pray and let us discover a different way of living.

To everybody, we thank you very much for having accompanied us. And as Our Lady said, we will  see each other in March.

And now, we will say goodbye through singing.


Song: "Give Us Your Love".

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

