My dear children,

As Virgin of Carmen and Star of the Sea I meet you again in the sublime refuge of My Immaculate Heart. 

Today, I come to you to raise all your prayers to God, especially the prayers that I know are important to your hearts. 

I ask you to continue praying with Me for peace and for the end of the senseless war, so that My children, immersed in the illusory struggle for power and for the conquest of nations, can come to their senses and convert before it is too late. 

Therefore, I come as the Eternal Star of the Sea to lead all of My children to the safe harbor of the Heart of God, and to try to withdraw from the stormy and troubled planetary sea those who no longer manage to persist.

My Son sends Me as Mediator and also sends Me as a Supplicant Mother, as the Mother who cries out to humanity for the end of war and the use of weapons and nuclear tests. 

Dear children, in My prayers and supplications, I desire that humanity no longer regresses, that it does not close its heart to God, to love and to life. 

Therefore, we must pray and make sacrifices so that those who are already condemned may receive the last table of salvation. 

Dear children, I am united to all My prayerful ones who, day after day, support with love and faith each of the different weekly prayers. This is very important to Me, because in this way your Heavenly Mother has spiritual means to intercede, rescue and save.

My children, with your eyes fixed on My Immaculate Heart, renew yourselves every day.

I am with you and I wish you peace, peace for the world. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Star of the Sea

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

If the souls of the Earth obeyed from the heart the requests of God, there would be no reason nor motivation to experience suffering, sorrows and pain.

Lack of obedience means lack of unconditional adherence.

Until today, the human being of the surface has strengthened its characteristic of being disobedient and indifferent toward the divine, or to the call of God.

This is also the reason why souls take so long to be able to find the way and the purpose that brought them to the Earth.

And even when souls finally find the way, and the door of purpose is before them to cross it and walk on the path of obedience to God, even then human beings undervalue that opportunity, that grace, and respond to such a unique moment with great disobedience.

The root of disobedience lies in the abuse of power, of authority or of the "permission" human beings believe they have on this planet and within this Universe.

There is nothing more distant to humankind and to souls than believing they have power or authority in any situation.

The key that reverses this primitive state of consciousness is humility; humility that must be free of interests and free of self-benefits.

Nevertheless, to triumph over disobedience, it is not enough to only say "yes" to the Divine Will; it is necessary to learn to embody obedience in oneself, in order to perceive how many times the human being does what it thinks or what it believes. 

In this time, disobedience could place the evolutionary path of souls at risk. Just by looking around, one can see how the planetary reality is due to so much disobedience.

Again and again, we must return to the path of humility until the consciousness manages to get out of the belief that it can carry out it's life without God; as well as get out of the belief that leads the consciousness to place certain requirements, even from God, which make of spiritual life a destiny full of trials.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The time will come when your faith and trust in My Son will be tested.

The time will come when your lives and consciousnesses must truly confirm how far you will give your life for Christ.

The time will come when it must be known if you will truly hold to faithfulness to the Lord, beyond yourselves and all circumstances.

That time is already coming, and you must unmask those characters of the ego that put your destiny and evolution into play.

For that reason, prepare, pray, and never again try to place responsibility on something external.

Take on your purification with transparency and no longer wish to hide the power you want to exercise on others; because once again I will tell you that stone will not remain upon stone, and it will first begin in humanity.

No longer will anything be gained by your justifying yourselves, that you run to another place or even that you blame your fellow beings with your thoughts or your words.

Assume that you need to change something, if you truly say you are with Christ.

Be humble, considerate, and above all, have great gratitude for each correction and lesson learned. If not, if you try to change your destiny, in a short while you will see the result of your choices.

It is no longer the time to tempt God, because manipulation will be the first stone that God Himself will break.

Be grateful and lovingly receive what your eyes cannot see.

No longer convince yourselves of what you believe you are.

To surrender your life to Christ signifies yielding.

I thank you for obeying Me, because I do not want you to suffer anymore because of yourselves.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

This is the key that I give you today: if only all the beings on this planet offered one day of fasting, in truth I tell you that wars would cease, conflicts would disappear, diseases would be healed and there would not be any interior or exterior cause left unsolved.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain spiritual forces would be dismissed from their earthly powers and more than a thousand swords would be defeated.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain unexplainable situations would not be manifested and no one would lose their awakening and evolution.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain earthly forces would not act because they would not have a place nor way to proceed.

Imprisoned souls would be liberated, more sinners would be forgiven and the planet would be relieved of the serious outrages it receives every day.

If in truth a day of fasting was offered, the innocent souls that were aborted would be taken to limbo and, above all, the soldiers of Christ who became lost by their own will would not go to purgatory to pay for their debts.

Fasting is the second spiritual weapon against the enemy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Like the Breath of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles of Christ, today that Divine Breath floods your spirits, so that on experiencing the cycle of inner rehabilitation, you now confirm your union with Christ, Our Lord.

Thus, My Son will find apostles ready to serve Him above all else, because truly, your purification is the prelude for entering into a state of Divine Consciousness.

Between your terrestrial beings and the soul of each of My children there must be no abyss that will separate you from the Purpose and the fulfillment of the task My Son entrusted to you from the beginning.

Now, this Divine Breath will carry you to a discovery of everything whose time has come to go through its death, so that, crossing the portal toward the Heavens, your cells become divine in Christ, the Lord.

Between one cycle and the next you will find the abysses of consciousness, abysses that must be illumined by the power of the love and unity among souls. This is the key that will open the door of freedom from the self for you and believe that from now on, you must allow yourselves to be loved and must set aside the calvary that through a lack of understanding you are experiencing within yourselves.

Your souls must be in constant unity and fraternity; views and concrete ideas can no longer reign in the collective thought of souls. Your source of renewal must be the Love of God, a Love that bears all things, forgives all things and understands all things.

In this way, you will be free of always seeing imperfection and will awaken to the virtues of the unity and love that My Son taught you. For this reason, children, you are in time to reconsider and of not allowing the ideas of My adversary to completely invade your consciousnesses.

The spiritual battle of the end of times has now begun which will come from the hand of the accelerated and intense purification that many will face, to then be able to enter into the Kingdom of God.

During the battle will be the moment when you must be more united than ever, so the Divine Breath of Wisdom may always place you on the correct path. In this way, you will be able to collaborate and help all those who will be lost, through ignorance or deceit, to be placed on the right path.

Be witnesses of all the Divine Legacy which has been given to you. Nothing occurs by chance; that Legacy will be your fortitude and your knowledge, as Our Sacred Hearts will also be.

I thank you for responding in consciousness to My call for peace, in this time of the spiritual battle of the end of times.

Who assembles you in the Luminous Heart of Christ,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

