• Monday, March 23 of 2015


    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

    My Immaculate Heart is the planet itself. And that planet is what shelters all the creatures of God, everything that was created, which in these times has need of redemption.

    Let us pray:

    By the Light that Your Immaculate Heart poured out
    which changed the hearts of the world,
    Divine Lady, pray for us.

    (repeated ten times)

    I have come from Heaven to bring you a Message of hope, because through your offering and your singing, God has heard your pleas, and once again, My Immaculate Heart triumphed in many fallen souls, subjugated by the art of the enemy, by confusion and damnation. My Crown of Stars has descended over them.

    The very Light of the Celestial Universe, which springs forth from My most pure Heart, redeemed souls and uplifted all beings to the great Heart of God.

    Now, in glory to the Celestial Father for the existence of My Immaculate Heart, let us sing the Attributes of the Universal Mother to the world. My Heart listens to you and also protects you.

    I want not only the world to hear, but also the universes.


    Song: "Universal Mother."


    May the children believe in the existence of the Infinite, without having known it, because love will carry them to the great Heart of God.

    Sing once again for the souls that suffer.


    Song: "Universal Mother."


    Dear children, this is not an illusion, it is a promised truth. I swore to the world that I would return for a last time, to save My children and give you My Graces.

    We are in a celebration, in an infinite congregation between angels and souls, between pleas and prayers; the perfect union between the universe and Earth, through the power of My Immaculate Heart, because in each thing that I ask of you, at this moment, an opportunity is manifested for the planet and those that did not deserve it. This is possible, beloved children, through your intercession, united with My Chaste Heart.

    Now, we will invoke the Graces of God.


    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    Our Lady is asking us to sing.

    Song: "Our Lady of Graces."


    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

    When one works for the world, mainly for its salvation, and that assistance is conscious, spontaneous and selfless, coming from the heart of each being, the doors to the Heavens open, the invisible worlds descend to these material realities and everything is transformed by the Love of the Creator.

    Thus, dear children, by the power God has granted Me as Mother of humanity, in the Presence of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, today He will officiate in this Holy Communion, which once again will renew you in the spirit of faith, trust and Mercy, currents that will strengthen you in the times to come. For through the Communion with My beloved Son is found the invisible strength to be able to carry out all the works which come as a call from Heaven.

    Let us consecrate, My children.

    I will call some children so they may make this offering to the Altars of God.

    The perfect union between souls and God is what allows hearts to be awakened. They grow in the Love of God, in the Faith of God and in His infinite Wisdom. All this is expressed in the Sacraments and becomes more alive and stronger when the soul opens to avail itself of the Heart of My Son, in a real and simple way. For now, Saint Joseph with His Most Holy Heart, will consecrate these elements, in the name of humanity and of its future awakening, through the voice of Sister Lucía.


    Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

    Let those who carry the tray which holds the fruit of the awakening of humanity, place that which is purest in their heart at the Feet of God.

    It is in this way, My dears, that you must always be in light of the Body and the Blood of Christ, because these elements will always represent a unique opportunity for humanity of returning to the Heart of God, of returning to that which they were in the beginning, because this little piece of bread and this fruit of the grape will, after the consecration, contain that which is purest that exists in the Celestial Universe, which is the Code of Mercy Christ achieved in this world and what He left in the Communion as a path for all of humanity.

    By the authority God granted Me, I offer My Heart to My Most Holy Son, so that in this hour, it may be a doorway of salvation for souls, and that He, through My Chaste Heart, may be the one who consecrates these elements.

    Let us pray together.


    Prayer: "Our Father" (in Aramaic).


    It is in this way that I leave My blessing not only to you, but also to the future priests that must find the perfect example in My Heart for their lives. In this way, they will be able to know that Christ will always act through them.


    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

    Let us sing to Adonai and His Holy Spirit, My children.

    Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."


    Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

    With this celebration, My children, I want you to learn that each day of your lives there must be an inner celebration.

    At each moment of prayer in your homes, in your groups, you must remember the love with which you sang to God on this day; how you united with His Son, because it is in this way that you must be in each moment of life.

    Today, I re-consecrate you so that, in this way, you learn that every day you must find the source for your consecration.

    Be renewed, in each instant of prayer, for thus, just as I am here before your hearts, I will always be.


    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

    At the end of this meeting, I will ask something of you, dear children, that you recite the prayer of consecration to the Celestial Mother. But now, dear children, continue singing to God, for He takes you into His Heart.

    I thank you for responding to My call.

    Saint Joseph blesses you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Go in peace, carrying the Light to the world.

    I thank you.


    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    Responding to the request of Mary, all of us Children of Mary are going to do the "Act of consecration to the Divine Heart of the Celestial Mother":

    Dear Celestial Mother,
    today I consecrate myself to your Divine Heart
    and I give you my little heart
    and my patient soul,
    so that in Your glorious Reign of Peace,
    I am able to find strengths to walk through life,
    love for my consciousness,
    surrender for the giving of myself,
    forgiveness for the past,
    redemption for what I must still transcend
    and mercy for this world.
    I am united with You,
    Merciful Mother,
    in this mission of Peace for my sibling souls.
    I am close to Your Heart,
    Divine Conception of the Trinity.
    Let Your Will invade my soul,
    so it may recognize the Divine Call.
    Change my heart
    in Your Sacred Flame of Peace,
    so that in this consecration,
    It lift up my pleas to Heaven.
    In humility and reverence,
    I ask that You hear me,
    Mother of Peace,
    so that You,
    Who allows us to be born again like the morning,
    You, Who is the Messenger Bird,
    You, Who overwhelms our hearts with Your Immaculate Love,
    can teach us to live in the purity, the compassion,
    the absolute love
    that Your Son, the Redeemer,
    wholly radiates to us.
    Blessed are You, Bird of the Sun;
    sow in each soul
    the seed of forgiveness,
    so that enfolded in Your Mantle of motherhood,
    Your sublime eyes of Peace and of Love
    illumine the path of surrender
    that we are to travel.
    In Your loving
    and wondrous example,
    we see humility emerge.
    In Your Grace and in Your Mercy
    we see the manifestation of the Love of God.
    Hold in Your Heart,
    Sacred Mother of Love,
    all our faults,
    so that in the Return of Your Son,
    we are able to see the new world being born.
    May the Holy Spirit
    which comes from You,
    Mother of Peace,
    be the shield that protects us,
    as well as the prayer that safeguards us.

    Brothers and sisters, Our Lady asked that we tell the story in detail about today's Apparition, and of you as participants on the Celestial planes.

    From the very first moment in which our Mother approached, when She appeared, in one of Her hands She carried and supported a Monstrance, a Blessed Sacrament of Light. The center of this Blessed Sacrament of Light was reflected, expanded like a great ray, over the planet. Mary supported this tool, this instrument, with the Power of God.

    Afterwards, Our Lady approached as the Queen of Peace, dressed in a light blue Mantle like what we have here. Mary's gratitude was so special, because She said that when She lived here on Earth, She always liked gardens and flowers a lot, because for Her, they are a reflection of the inner contemplation of each being. Through the gardens, Mary said, we can as an inner being meet with God. Therefore, that was the reason, the motive for the creation and the manifestation of this garden for this meeting. But it didn't all end there.

    When we sang the "Universal Mother", a planetary task was carried out. She then showed something important as we sang: a choir of angels, at the request of Our Lady, descended from Heaven to this place and they were flying very fast toward someplace. And in an instant, we saw they had chalices in their hands and they were placing them before our chests. She showed that, from the heart of each brother and sister present, a light, a flame emerged, which in some was of various colors, and in others, it was only one color.

    The angels held that light, that flame, in each chalice, and they took them directly to the Thrones of God, which were manifested behind Our Lady.

    Today's movement was quite angelic. Everything through harmony, peace and love.

    Until at a certain moment, Saint Joseph appeared, dressed as a patriarch, which is to say, a priest, and He approached to also share in this meeting and radiate His Love.

    What was most interesting was that His Chaste Heart was exposed and the look He gifted us with was of pure serenity and tranquility.

    When Mary said this wasn't an illusion, it was because all those things were really happening here. It wasn't anything emotional; it was something completely devotional, it was something that They were building and guiding, step by step.

    When the brothers who carried the trays made the offering and Saint Joseph was speaking to be able to consecrate the Communion, the Altars of the Creator appeared again, and could be seen as great tables of white marble that were on several steps, at various levels; there the offerings were being placed which were carried by the angels that had the chalices.

    But things didn't end here. Today, Our Mother also worked directly with Africa, and showed how many souls and many Kingdoms there were being helped. To our understanding, it seemed that Mary was opening the paths for the Africa Mission; and on the spiritual plane, many souls were already being prepared, many situations that were in need of help.

    At certain moments, we saw Mary with different African ethnic groups, where She worked with the souls of the people. It seemed that Mary was preparing these consciousnesses that were going to meet with the missionaries, and through this meeting, She would be able to work and do the task She was asking us to carry out.

    This is only a summary.


    Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

    What a lot of things happen while we place our heart in Mary, right?

  • Thursday, March 19 of 2015


    As Father of all souls, today I bring the Child Jesus in My arms as a symbol of all the souls of the world, because today I want to reveal a mystery to you: each one of your essences is held in the Essence of Christ, and in this way, I have you in My arms at this time.

    As Father, I want to teach you each day to not waste even a minute of your lives. Thus, as We pronounce Our Words, remember all those places of the world that do not receive so great a Grace of being with the Sacred Family, before that unique principle of unity, fraternity and love; and in Our Presence, My dears, let each one of your souls avail itself of this example, of these codes We bring to the world and seek to ignite in your lives each day.

    In this hour, may your hearts be a bridge for those that most need it in all the Kingdoms of this world.

    Today, in your hearts, receive not only the most pure rose of peace, but also My most chaste lily, which must be given by you to all those who cannot find the purity in their hearts.

    Take this peace to the world now through the love and the joy you are able to feel at this moment. Let your Guardian Angels traverse the world, carrying that Grace that We gave you today.

    Sister Lucía de Jesús:

    Today, Saint Joseph came with our Most Holy Mother and with the Child Jesus in His arms. This time it was He Who held the Child Jesus.

    Just as our Mother had a rose of peace in Her Hands, a white rose, Saint Joseph also carried a white lily, and He was giving it to each of us. When that lily touched our hearts, in a way that is difficult to explain, it was as if our hearts became a doorway to a place of the world; in reality, to different places in the world, where that Love of our Mother and Saint Joseph could reach.

    While They were transmitting those messages, that Grace They were pouring out over us reached not only our lives, but also many other places of the world.

    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    Sister Lucía, Our Lady also showed us something important that we want to share with everybody.

    They appeared with the clothing They wore when They got married, as Joseph and Mary. They reflected a purity and a very strong inner and spiritual union.

    Saint Joseph's clothing was all white; He looked like an Orthodox patriarch; He had a turban on His head.

    Our Lady was dressed completely in white, and in Her hands She had designs as if they were of plants and flowers, like in the marriages of that period.

    The Child Jesus was in His arms, with His Arms and Hands stretched out to us, smiling.

    (Sister Lucía then reads the Monthly Message of Saint Joseph of March 19, 2015, and Friar Elías reads the Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, of March 19, 2015.)

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

