Dear children,
I come, on this day, as Mother of the life of the oceans, so that humanity may hear the cry of the oceans, so that the human being on the surface may become sensitive and abandon cold indifference.
I come as the voice of the oceans, so that it may be heard, so that My children may pray for one of the resources that is at risk throughout the planet.
Let us pray, children, so that pollution may no longer be the threat to all marine life.
Let us pray so that no more oil will be spilled into the oceans, so that the blood of the depths of the planet may no longer be extracted for the benefit of the same few.
Let us pray for the life of the oceans.
Let us pray so that the life of the oceans may no longer be the largest human graveyard in history and that the nations may commit to helping in the rescue of the lives of refugees.
Dear children, this is the painful scenario of the oceans, it is the faithful witness of the unconsciousness of humanity and, above all, of the lack of common sense and discernment.
I ask you, more than ever, to do something for the oceans and for the majority not to stand by and watch the life that the universe has granted you self-destruct.
It is time to become aware, dear children, because there is no more time, and afterwards there will be no chance for you to lament.
Let us pray for the cruelty suffered by the oceans and all marine beings, so that the suffering, which is caused by the bloody hand of man today, does not go unpunished, and this does not return to humanity through more people missing in the seas, or in the inexplicable drought of large freshwater reserves in the world.
Stop harming the oceans. Today, they cry out through the voice of Mother Nature.
Start doing something first in yourselves. I will be very grateful to all those who relieve the silent pain of the oceans.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Oceans.
My dear children,
May God always be worshipped and His Unfathomable Presence acknowledged.
Dear children, before the Most Blessed Sacrament, on Mount Tabor, your Heavenly Mother calls you to enter into the preamble of the coming Sacred Week, in which My Son will give Himself for you so that you may be redeemed and have life in abundance.
Dear children, before Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem, you, His apostles of the end times, may give your offering to the Creator, for His Celestial Church will be open and the offerings of your hearts may be deposited at the Feet of the Lord.
I speak of a sincere offer because, in this coming Sacred Week, souls will have to make their offering in order to alleviate the suffering of the world, in order to eradicate the indifference in the face of so many unexpected situations that humanity is experiencing.
Dear children, as your Heavenly Mother, I will accompany you on this path of beginning to accept the Christic path of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Like this rain, which today falls upon My blessed Fatima, so today the Angels of the Queen of Heaven cry for all My scourged, wounded and persecuted children of the Ukraine.
So that there are no longer wars for morbid interests, I ask you not to stop praying every day, because the worst is yet to come.
In order for this moment to be as smooth as possible, I also come to tell you to remember all those who experience other conflicts throughout the world, even though the attention of the nations is focused upon the suffering and feared reality of the Ukraine. Those who communicate and, even more so, those who work with impunity through the media, have removed from the stage others who also suffer so that their voices of pain and suffering could no longer be heard.
For this reason, My children, during this next Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary, at a distance, but very close to Me, I invite you to consecrate yourselves as the praying apostles of Christ so that His Priestly and Divine Ministry may intervene in this harsh planetary reality and, even more so, so that the rest of humanity may not forget those who have already been discarded and exploited, without any value and respect for their dignity as souls.
As long as the established impunity continues to act fiercely throughout the world, by means of imbalanced tyrants, humanity could be facing many wars throughout the world, and society could be moved by indignation, that is, My children could be driven to commit acts never seen before up until today.
Now, do you understand the cry of the Angels of the Lord?
Pray, offer true sacrifices, especially those sacrifices made out of love, and thus the imbalance will be balanced and justified.
Meanwhile, foster peace, dialogue and compassion. No longer be stains in the consciousness of the planet, be children of the Mercy of Christ.
I am grateful to you, and now I ask you to do another Novena through the prayer transmitted last Saturday, March 5, the “Prayer Against World Impunity”.
Pray with spiritual conviction.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
While on one hand, the greater part of humanity is submerged in suffering and pain, on the other hand, there are souls that clamor to the Heavens, and this request, which comes from the heart, is what allows the maintenance of the spiritual and mental balance of humanity.
Although there are painful events, the requests of the praying souls allow the attraction of the divine, angelic and cosmic intervention towards Earth and, in that way, souls are benefitted.
I come today to thank the wonderful work that each praying soul, each group of prayer and each country is offering to My Heart through the Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
In recent times, the hearts that sustain this work of prayer have managed to establish in themselves a spiritual affiliation with Me; this also allows the defeat of many evil plans and also strengthens souls in the fulfillment of the Purpose of God.
For this reason, My children, I send and pour out My blessings upon each child of Mine who each day strives to relieve My heart of all that it sees in the world, as well as strives to open the door so that I can intercede for all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I bring a lot of infinite Graces to the world, but only a small part of humanity receives them with joy and plenitude. For this reason, I will not rest until I am able to give My children all the opportunities that I have for this suffering humanity.
My Graces allow very powerful conversions and redemptions in the hearts of the world, as well as great chances to be able to revert the spiritual and material life of the beings.
This is the time when the souls of the Earth should have, even more, their attention directed toward Heaven because from there will come the so needed help for these critical moments; from there will come what each being needs for their different phases of purification and redemption, until they reach the total consecration of their soul to God.
May humankind know that My Heart is full of Graces for souls and that I wait for you to ask for them through sincere prayer.
I wish that this petition may not be personal, but planetary; that it may be a request of Mercy for hundreds of souls that, day by day, walk towards the portals of perdition.
I thank you for the dedication in praying for the nations of the world; they are, in these times, very much in need of intervention and spiritual help.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the voices elevate today in a single intention and for the same purpose.
By means of the meeting of music, may cultures and peoples, nations and continents unite.
May everyone feel in their heart the Love of the Mother of God, so that the souls awaken to their purpose.
Today, may the Temple of Compassion elevate within each one and, through the voices and instruments, may the incandescent flame of the devotion for the Plan of God be lit in the inner worlds.
Today, may you unite hands as brothers and sisters, so that the world equality may be established, for the Source of Love to nourish the beings with hope and joy.
May everything that will be given today by My singing children, reach to the Feet of the Almighty as an offering, so that, as the most sincere donation, the souls of the world receive inner healing and elevation of the consciousness.
May the music of today close the doors to human suffering.
May the melodies that will resound today in the singing hearts, establish the peace that millions of human beings need in order to move forward.
May each piece that will be lovingly presented, through the effort of each of My children, attract to the nations the Wisdom of God, so that noble decisions be made, which will benefit all peoples.
In this gala night, may each singer be clothed with their best inner energy, so that everything which will be offered may shine beyond the inner universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Seventh Day of the Novena
For having placed within the Source of My Mercy all those who are tortured mentally and imprisoned in the spiritual life, they are giving Me inner permission to rescue and help these souls who are in most need of Mercy and redemption.
Therefore, in the Source of My Mercy these souls are liberated and receive the Grace so that in the next phase of their existence they may be loved and considered by all others.
In these times, the consequences of the human ill-treatment provoke great suffering in humanity which generates lack of love and piety in the souls.
I invite you, in this cycle, to consider through Mercy all these souls, so that the Grace of God may reach them, as this same Grace once reached their lives.
In this way, I require My companions to submerge themselves with Me in this universe of human suffering so that through the merits of their Lord all may be repaired, just as it is necessary for the most innocent souls to be repaired in the profound planes.
Through the Glory of My Heart it will be possible to help the humanity of these times, especially that part of humanity that does not place its attention on God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Second Coming of Christ
The day will come in which human suffering will end and souls will come to know the full joy of being in God and God being in humankind.
False beliefs will fall and, in the depths of souls, the temple of the heart will be raised and will receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Gifts that will repopulate the Earth with true and evolutionary principles.
In that hour, the Return of Christ will be close. In the most critical moment of humanity, while Mother Earth is in her birthing process, bringing the New Human to light, the moment of the Return of Christ will come.
The times will stop and the cycle will stabilize so that the Son of Man may enter.
The real time will absorb the illusory time and a new time will begin after the Beloved Son has come to seek His followers of love, and judge those who, for a long time, have done evil.
In that moment, all will be revealed and the souls of the Earth will no longer have veils over their consciousness.
Many will realize all that they could have achieved, but it will be too late.
Others will repent, and on their knees before the Beloved Son, will ask for forgiveness and for Mercy.
But, in that moment, it will be God Himself Who will judge through the mouth of His Son, and the Beloved Son will only proclaim what His Eternal Father dictates in that instant.
Meanwhile, and with a little more time, repent from the heart and you will be safe, because those who accept living the school of Redeeming Love will manage to become a part of the New Earth.
When My Son comes for the second time to this world, everything in humanity will be unleashed, with the power of more than one thousand horses.
Nature will speak for itself and will come out of its constant silence.
The Kingdoms of Nature will express themselves and in each part of the Earth they will leave a significant message that no human being will be able to destroy or erase, because what is shown to them will awaken the consciousness of those who are asleep.
In the same way, many more things will happen. The Sun, the Moon, the stars and all of the firmament will give definite signs.
Natural and spiritual phenomena will show that Christ is returning to humanity.
The most asleep souls will awaken. Others will define themselves for the rest of eternity.
The majority of the men and the women of the Earth will realize that they had been lost and asleep for decades.
One last Grace will be granted to the world, a Grace that will arrive without anybody knowing it and will come unexpectedly to the world at the moment in which the seventh Celestial Trumpet sounds.
In that hour and at that time, that extraordinary Grace will come to men and to women in order to save them and, in this way, the Woman Dressed with the Sun will open the last door so that the last of the redeemed may enter, in consciousness, to the Sacred Enclosures of Love.
When the last door closes, everything will happen and it will not be controllable.
There will be no system, government, nation or people that will be able to stop it, because it will be the higher current itself of the Universe that will remove everything that exists so that the planet may become free of the weight of its atoms generated by the majority with their human and spiritual density.
For this reason, children, let us pray so that the majority of the non-believers and of the non-redeemed may repent from the heart and reverse their painful lives.
Let us pray so that the nations of the world convert to the Plan of the Creator and carry forward real actions in an equality of conditions.
Let us pray and not stop praying, because the unexpected Return of Christ is close and your hearts, in this hour, must be uplifted in worship in order to be able to recognize it.
May God bless you and grant you sacred discernment.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more