Thursday, April 28 of 2016

Daily Messages


The Planetary Missionary Network emerges as a way of awakening humanity a little more for the active balance of the evils that permeate the world. This Network was created to unite the teaching with the prayerful spirit in the daily practice of everything you have learned.

The regional missionaries will slowly acquire the experience they need to carry out broader activities.

As a first step, you must make your consciousness and heart available for service and, from that point, look for the needs of others—beginning with those beside you—from the most simple and small to those that require a greater effort.

Then, you will deepen your own training with the experiences of service in the House of Saint Joseph, which will be completed with the services done in the House of Light on the Hill, the Francis of Assisi Park and the Crer-Sendo Service Nucleus. Those four branches of service will complement each other, giving the consciousness ready to serve, the tools it needs in all spheres of the being, from the basic training to spiritual openness, so that it may be a bearer of love and of mercy in its acts of service.

The groups that have not had contact with the core and secondary missionaries during the official missions, before becoming part of the Planetary Missionary Network, must go through a minimum experience in the places cited by My Chaste Heart, since these places are not just associations of altruistic service, but rather places in which the Divine Hierarchy has deposited Its trust and Its Grace for the awakening of love and of Christic charity in the hearts of humankind.

After having these experiences, the groups of the Planetary Missionary Network that are trained under the guidance of the Fraternity–International Humanitarian Federation, will begin their activities, which will be coordinated according to the availability of each group.

As part of their learning process and their training, the most experienced and pioneering groups may unite fraternally, in service, with the groups that from then on will be formed.

When there are more than one group in a specific region, they may carry out group service tasks under the guidance of the Fraternity–International Humanitarian Federation, uniting the different groups of the region. They may also unite to take a specific course together, deepening their training.

The services will be according to the region, according to the needs of each one. The universe will make use of the openness and the readiness of all to have you face the tests you may need to experience for your own growth.

As you gradually grow in fraternity and love, your service will radiate to other consciousnesses and will awaken in hearts an interest in more deeply knowing the roots that move you to serve with so much love. This example of true service is what will be the greatest healing for souls and what will really aid humanity.

Therefore, children, it does not matter if you do great or small works, because the repercussion of each action is measured by the degree of love you bring to what you do. Even if you do very little, let it be true and from your heart, may you be whole and willing to be bearers of the Divine Presence. In this way, the merit generated in Heaven will be great.

It is from the small and sincere actions full of God that will be built the great fortitude which will sustain the world.

I leave you My blessing and My vows of the awakening of the missionary spirit in all the suns of the Earth.

Your father and companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph