Saturday, July 27 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

In the Universe and in the Whole exists the Good and in the Good exists Light and in the Light is present Wisdom. This belongs to the Creation of God.

When Your Father ordered the universes to be created the suns and the stars did not exist yet and God wanted for the Light to illuminate the spaces of the infinite cosmos. In this way was born Light from the great explosion of love that God radiated to the universes.

Afterwards God created the species and the creatures and from the creatures emerged the generations and from the generations awakened the devotion and the love of God. God wanted that all of the creatures of the universe have a great Being made in the image of the Divine Spirit and in this way His Holy Spirit sent to Earth His Most Beloved Son who came to the world to redeem it and protect it.

But once upon a time, in Heaven a server of God rebelled and closed forever his heart to God. God allowed this son to learn and work so that someday the Maiden Dressed of the Universe-Sun would also arrive to the Earth to rescue all of those who had fallen from generation to generation from the deceiving actions of this pained son of God.

And in this way Christ saved the world and humanity and He defeated error through the Love of God and, again, through the centuries of the centuries the children of the Father were saved.

Now My Son will return in Glory and in Spirit to establish the years of Peace. For this God now wanted that the Woman full of Stars and of Light return one more time to the Earth, because She, together with Her Beloved Son, will save the great son of the Father who is very hurt and when this happens all of the universe will change.

If now, dear son, dear daughter, you are crossing the threshold of a challenge or of a great test for your life, direct your pleas towards My Heart because I Am Your Mother, Your Beloved Mother who shines out of love in the firmament to elevate towards God the fallen souls.

Find in all this mystery the presence of the Love of God and, above all things I ask you to love the Will of God because if you love the Will of the Father all will change from the beginning until the end and you, My dears, will find the Light that you need so much.

Today I come to heal your hearts and your inner beings so that in trust, you may assume in this time what God wants you to learn. You will not be alone, you will never be so. My Heart is retreated into the hearts of My children in order to radiate to them the strength of the Spirit of God and much peace. May the peace not escape from your hearts. Remember that each moment for you is single and favorable for learning and experimenting.

Courage, My little ones! Courage! Courage and hope! While you redeem yourselves other hearts wake up to God. Remain in My Son and call Him so that He may always be amongst you. He will never fail you, He will always be at your side because He loves you deeply.

I thank you, My beloved ones, for living in My call!

Who blesses you and guides you always,

Mary, Your Little Mother of the Eternal Peace.