Music for Healing highlights songs and rhythms of regions of Africa

Singing in different languages, African choir members of various nationalities
will present a repertoire of traditional music and praises.

In November, the meeting of Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity will celebrate the music and devotion of Africa, which had much influence in the formation of the cultural identity of Brazil and of the Americas. In this edition, African artists will come onto the stage, representing just a fraction of the rich mosaic of musical styles and types produced upon that continent.

Interpreting folkloric songs and gospel-style praises, intoned in the Umbundu, Swahili, Zulu, Sotho and Kimbundu languages, the Angolan Choir of UNASP (Adventist University Center of Sao Paulo) headquartered in the city of Engenheiro Coelho, will be the special guest of the night. Established eight years ago by Angolan students, it currently has 45 members from various countries in Africa. In 2016, the group launched the CD Kumossy, which in Umbundu, one of the languages of Angola, means "Together."

The instruction of the Divine Messengers will be present in the sweet and melodious singing of a singer from Campinas, Patricia Marchiori, who since 2017 has composed music inspired by the Sacred Hearts. The will also include the participation of the choir members and instrumentalists of the Light-Community of Figueira.

"By integrating the beauty and transcendence, which is present in the music of different cultures and ethnicities,  into the programming, we hope to spread the meaning of fraternity and share the spiritual attributes that peoples and nations can manifest through art," declared Friar Benedetto, the director of Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity.

May this musical offering to the Heights nurture beings of love and peace, helping to dissolve barriers and borders, and uniting hearts and continents so that, in this way, a principle of equity may be established in humanity, and the longed for project of the universal family may be accomplished.