Friday, June 5 of 2015

Marathon of Divine Mercy

At the beginning, the video is shared in which Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón receives the Special Message of June 4, 2015.

Today My Feet will walk on your pathways to correct your paths.

Revere My Heart, which is the Heart of the Living God.

And thus, I want to see you always prostrated like the angels so that you may accompany My redeeming task in these times of chaos.

Sacrifices are the best petals of light that souls give Me and place at the foot of My Kingdom, like an offering of love and of restoration for the souls of the world.

These times that will come will be more demanding and thus, you must not fear. I need you united with Me every day so that you not miss the footprints that I leave you on the path.

In this way, you will know what direction to take and will not become lost over mundane things, but rather will be awake to perceive all things, all the needs to which you must respond in the name of sacrifice and for the sacrifice that I made for you at the beginning.

When I am here with you, I am with the world, contemplating you, observing you, feeling your hearts and lives, ardently waiting for the moment of your surrender to Me, for the hour is determined for each one of you. This is what My Father has determined through the Will of His Heart.

In spite of the tribulations, you will easily recognize the path I will leave for you and you will be open to finding the emergencies of the end of times, which will be revealed in hearts, in all the inner worlds of the beings, so that later, that great planetary need may manifest itself in all of humanity. Who will be prepared for that?

This is why I come in these times to comfort you, so that you may recognize My ancient Word in the Gospel and My new Gospel in these Words, which I write with My Lips of Light for all of humanity and the universe, pronouncing the Word of God, which you must know how to distinguish from the false words of this humanity.

My Heart is consequently with you, but at the same time, is very patient.

My Love can always help you. My Love understands all things, because it is the Love of God, which must be in you, just as it was in My Heart during the cruel hours of the Passion.

You will experience new passions through the sacrifice that God will send you.

In that so awaited hour, you must take the great step toward the Creator, without wasting a minute in all that He will give you during these difficult times, for the one who has trusted in Me will receive all the Graces they need from the universe to be able to meet Me again in the Paradise of God, the Paradise of the Lord.

Carry My eternal Light imprinted in your hearts. It will be useful to you. It will be very necessary and urgent for facing the transcendence of the times. The universe will register that universal hour and humanity will not escape seeing these things, for the universe will show itself just as it is, and all will be able to come to know it as it was in the beginning and as it is now, in this eternal and present time, in which all the Hierarchies of the Light congregate in order to be able to concretize the expected Project of humanity. 

You are part of this Project, although you may often not believe it. Every part of your beings is a part of this greater Creation. Every cell of your body is a part of this divine spark, which allowed you to emerge in the origin, at the beginning, when everything was created and manifested by God.

This same beginning will have an end, and you must thus return with a true experience of love to the dwelling places of Adonai, where all the experiences of redemption will merge into a single one to concretize the great desire of the Father, that you be redeemed through love and forgiveness.

Lift up your hearts to My Kingdom. I am waiting for you.

While I am here, My adversary is with many. Who will help Me to remove evil from humanity with the fervent prayer that transforms and transfigures all things, as God foresees?

On this afternoon, I come to speak to you about the importance of returning to God, because when you leave here, having received My Graces and Mercies, I know that My adversary will tempt you.

There you must be strong and invincible, demonstrating to the world what I have taught, what you learned through My spiritual energy.

In this way, you will be saved and will have the dignity of belonging to God, because God wants to belong to you. He wants to be the great space in your lives, this divine science that transforms your lives among these so confusing paths humanity experiences.

While I am here, confess to My Heart. I listen to you in the silence of the spirit, in the depths of the soul, where in truth, all things are lived. You are clear to My Eyes; I have know your inner worlds since before you came to know Me.

And in the same way that I am with you, I was with the apostles and with all those who followed My Word in trust, in faith and in love.

Let us lift up the offering to the Creator on this afternoon of Grace, while the world succumbs due to the action of its own evils.

Who will risk knowing the grandeur of My Love and being conquered by Me, without the fear of losing the personal structures that this superficial humanity creates?

For if you are in My Love, you will help the planet and I will be able to tell you that this Project was worth it for this world.

If you do not change, who will change?

I come to announce this Message to you because I know you listen to Me and that at some time you have listened to Me, in spite of the circumstances of your lives.

I come to awaken the new disciples. The armies must already be prepared for the battle. Commanded by the archangel Michael, the ranks of the evolution are forming so that the Resplendent Ones may descend to the world and can guide the new souls redeemed in the Lord, in the Heart of Christ, the Redeeming Master.

Let us make the offering with simplicity. God hears you and will hear you even more when you open your heart to live His Supreme Will.

And in this way, as infinite Mercy allows it, I will descend to give a part of My Love to your spirits and to all those that, in these moments, in the place where they are in each part of this world, are truly open to hear My Message and understand My Christic energy, the same energy that redeemed the world during the Passion.

I come to give you these gifts so that your lives no longer be the same, but rather be totally open to respond to the Plan of God.

In these holy places, where I have appeared and come to visit you, there must be true Light-Nuclei. God has entrusted this work of the Communities to you.

Your signature is written in the Books of Light, in this sacred commitment to this part of the Plan that I come to remind you of in this difficult time. Because when things become tempestuous, you must be fully aware of what you have received. Thus, you will be able to correspond to God.

Support and help this Work.

Here your true inner dwelling place exists. It is what God needs you to live. Nothing else exists. It is what God destined for your spirits from the beginning.

Woe to those who left here without having perceived this!

God asked Me to descend here to remind you of this sacred commitment, which is not an obligation to Adonai, but rather an inner fusion with the true purpose of this sacred task of the Light-Nuclei, of which the Divine Messengers avail themselves to help humanity and mainly you all, perfect models for redemption.

I appear in this sacred Cenacle to remind you of the vows, the same vows that the apostles made in the past and that, in this life blessed by God, you also must make, giving a testimony of your absolute trust in My Most Sacred Heart.

Lift up your lives to My Spirit. That is all that is left for you to do. In this way, I will be able to work through your lives, amidst an intense purification.

I will not let you go, I will cover you with My Mantle in the most urgent moments of the world. In this way you will know, companions, that I have always been with you, just like with My apostles, in spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Master, we will consecrate the elements. He will do the blessing on this afternoon, among all of us. Some brothers will hold up these sacred elements for the consecration.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

And in this way, I am over you and the world to consecrate you, and My priesthood is for everybody, for those who may wish to live My Christic ministry, renew their spirits through My Heart and My sacred Words.

In this moment of Mercy, in which My Rays radiate to the world, and under this priestly ministry of your supreme King, we will bless the elements and your lives, renewing the vows for the Divine Plan of God.

Song: "Pater Noster".

And just like at the Last Supper, I renew you, giving you My glorious Body and My precious Blood, sacred gifts that wait to live eternally in the tabernacle of your souls.

I bless you and again absolve you, under the power that God has granted Me, out of Love and Mercy for this humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen (twice in Portuguese and once in Latin).

Go in peace and I wait for you tomorrow, because your spirits will be renewed through the sacraments that I so lovingly have given the world, that it may always return to the Kingdom of God.

Song: "Prayer for the Restoration of the Heart of Christ" of the Prayer of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, through this consecration of the Communion done by Christ today for us, He took us to a part of the Last Supper and brought new codes for each one of us.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!