It is an unfathomable grace for the human heart to have the presence of God in its life.

It is an unfathomable grace for the human heart to carry within itself the Creator of all things.

It is an unfathomable grace for the human heart to always have, in spite of its miseries, the possibility of Divine Mercy.

It is an unfathomable grace for the human heart to be what it is, created by God, and carry within itself the Purpose of the Father for its life, even though it may be unknown.

Human life is an unfathomable grace for your souls and your spirits, a unique opportunity for the redemption of all Creation, an opportunity for the renewal of Divine Consciousness Itself.

But the human heart, unknown to itself, becomes entangled, every day, in distractions, deceits and in everything that it is not, but yet believes itself to be.

If the human heart would at times lift its gaze up above, not to cry out for itself, but to find God, life on earth would be different because God's own conscious presence would make it so.

If the human heart was lifted up to the Father in gratitude for His Creation and, just for an instant, if it recognized the unfathomable Grace that He grants with life, that which human beings manifest within life would be different.

If the human heart, just for an instant, meditated upon Truth and sought the Truth about the Plan of God, about life, about this planet and all others, its expression as a being would be different.

The things of God are simple and accessible to all beings, for all, in His Creation, were born from the same Source, multiplied parts of the same God, with the same possibilities to live Love, but with different possibilities of how to end this path, so that their evolution could be diverse and rich.

The differences between human beings are only seeming and superficial, this is why I speak to you of the human heart, which is what unites you and makes you a part of one Plan and one Life. For all, the Purpose is the same, and Its first Origin is unique.

This is why, today, as a human heart, you should acknowledge the unfathomable Grace of your own existence, and, raising yourselves up beyond superficialities, thank God for life and for what you are so that the Truth may be expressed, inside and out, of each one of you.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph