The Apparition of the Virgin Mary was silent; upon ending, the visionaries related what had happened and what Our Lady transmitted.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, as you all saw, our Mother came very silently, just like in other Vigils. She came to accompany us, to protect us and to give some inner instructions, since we will carry out a very special week starting on Sunday.

Now, let us listen to what Sister Lucía and Friar Elías have to tell us in some brief comments.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, when our Divine Mother arrived, the first thing she told us was that she would be brief. She, at one point, showed us Her Immaculate Heart, which was pierced by a sword. Then, she began to explain to us what that symbol meant. She said to us:

"Dear children, a sword continues to pierce My Heart, because even though My Son no longer carries a Cross, I help Him to carry the weight of the Cross that all humanity carries in these times."

Then, She started to explain that the only way to relieve Her Heart, as well as to relieve the Heart of God and the Heart of Christ, which are Hearts that also continue to be flagellated, as Our Lady explained to us, is prayer.

She told us that she gave us very simple keys through Her Messages and that many times we do not give due value to Her words because they are simple things. She told us that we are not seeking reconciliation with many of those who are close to us.

And at one point I asked her: "How can we alleviate Your Heart? How can we live these Words?"

And she said to us:

"May you reconcile with your neighbor, with those with whom you still need to be reconciled; may you forgive all that which you have not forgiven; may you work on simple things such as unity among brothers and sisters, such as true prayer, the daily Rosary, which many are not praying."

They are simple things, Our Lady said, but it is the only way to transform this world situation.

She showed us many images of the planet, of situations in which some souls are to be found, and She told us this:

"Do not worry, because I will take you to Paradise, but many times I allow you to feel the pain that souls live in many situations of the world, because in this way you can ask for Mercy, and this clamor will be true.".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary arrived as the Queen of Peace and She radiated to us Her profound peace and serenity.

The first thing she said was the following:

"Dear children, I invite you to live the Sacred Week so that you can live the Passion of My Son. Therefore, you must feel the Passion in the heart.  In this way, I will be able to help you and heal you, because there are still many wounded souls.

Dear children, act and live on the path of prayer. Your commitment to prayer is constant.

Dear children, what remains for humanity is the path of prayer. Remember this commitment that I ask you to fulfill. Something very simple."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us reflect on these simple Words because we must renew this inner commitment with prayer, day by day.

Tomorrow, April 13, Our Lady will manifest Herself in Her monthly Apparition; therefore, we invite you all to participate with us, to gather again at this hour to share another moment of prayer when Our Lady approaches.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!