Embrace your cross fully, carry it with the absolute conviction that someday you will be free.

Carry your cross, not as a punishment, but rather as the victory of being able to walk up to your calvary of redemption.

Carry your cross for all those who do not carry it today, for those who turned their back on the sacrifice that Christ offered to them.

Carry the cross, just as I did for the traitors and for those who abandoned the Lord at the most culminating moment.

If you carry your cross, it is for a reason, it is for a purpose that is still unknown to you.

But trust, just as I trusted in the Celestial Father, Who was with Me from the beginning of everything and did not abandon His Son.

Carry the cross, affirming the time of your redemption, the coming of freedom and the breaking of the chains of yesterday.

Cheer up and carry your cross. Do it for Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


To those who have already awakened - Part 2

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to sustain the flame of faith for those who do not succeed on their own.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to confirm yourselves before the Hierarchy every day, so that the impulse of constant renewal may never be lost.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to respond immediately, knowing that each lovingly offered assistance builds and manifests the Plan.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be humble and to empty yourselves a little more each day, so that the fire of service may separate you from convenience and indifference.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to always say yes, so that all that is in the Heights may descend completely upon the world, without obstacles or interferences.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be wardens and guardians of all manifestations, that is, of the Marian Centers and of the Light-Communities, because this will allow the Hierarchy to always be present, since this attitude of care and maintenance of the manifestation will be the reflection of what there is in each inner being.

To those who have already awakened, it is not for you to complain or judge. It is understood that those who have already awakened are considered souls in service and possible Christs of the new time.

To those who have already awakened, it is not up to you to lower your aim, but on the contrary, to maintain the aspiration on the Heights so that the treasures of the Father may continue descending upon humanity.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be patient, kind and persevering, and in everything to place the Love taught by Christ.

To those who have already awakened, it is not up to you to omit, lie or influence. A being who has already awakened to the Hierarchy works daily on their inner transparency and their constant purity.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be faithful to the Hierarchy and to eradicate any betrayal. This will help the treasures of the Hierarchy to be in good hands.

To those who have already awakened, God alone is enough and nothing else, for in God you will find all that you need and thus you will be free of self, totally donated and confident that all is in the Hands of God, a sincere expression of His Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I come to bring the Silence of God to the world, so that it may be felt, so that it may be received by hearts, by those who carry out the Work of God on this planet.

The Silence of God brings an important change for the souls of the world, especially for those who are still submerged in illusion and who cannot by themselves get out of it.

The Silence of God was what allowed the creation of the universes, of the celestial bodies, of the planets, of the suns, and of the stars.

From the Silence of God came the Divine Thought for all of Creation. From that Silence then came life, by the strength of the Breath of Spirit, who manifested essence, and then matter.

God thought of everything, of every detail, and took care of everything so that His children could be part of this Creation and could feel themselves to be participants in the fulfillment of a part of His Will, among so many humankinds, among so many universes, among so many galaxies.

But this Creation was to experience a great learning, which emerged long ago, in the Universe, with the Rebellion.

At that time, the Bearers of God had to decide, on the path of duality, for the good or for evil. And a weal, a wound, remained open. And the Silence of God, which regenerates life and consciousness, withdrew from the moment in which one of the Creator Parents did not obey the Source, nor the Laws of the Most High.

As from there, as from that universal Rebellion, the planet was chosen by the Father to carry out the maximum Project of Christic Love.

At that moment, the Silence of God withdrew into the deepest core of His Being and of His Existence. He thought, contemplated, and meditated on all the Creation, on all that already existed, to seek an answer to the great failure of the humankinds of the Universe.

Meanwhile, brave and unknown spirits wandered the stars like great angels of Light, carrying a message of Peace and being bearers of Peace that would unite all the Confraternity, in order to heal the wounds and erase the traces that were engraved in millions of consciousnesses that are here today, on this planet.

When God withdrew into His Silence and contemplated the Creation and the errors made by His creatures, was when the Shining Ones, the Elohim or the Helel, gathered before the Throne of the Creator to deliver a decision taken that, in truth, companions, was a petition of all the beings of Light, of all the angels, who sought a wise answer in Their Wisdom and Love.

That answer and that petition was the emergence of the Second Person of God, of His Beloved Son, so that the Spirit of Love-Wisdom should descend from what was most invisible of Spirit, into what was most material, and incarnate among the humankind of this world, carrying them into Redemption and into a learning of Love and of Forgiveness.

From that moment on, the Project of God and Creation were recreated. The Archangel Saint Michael, the Archangel Saint Raphael, and the Archangel Saint Gabriel committed to reaching humanity to prepare it for this great event of the Birth of Christ.

The Son of the Father, the bearer of Love-Wisdom, came as a Sun, brighter than all the suns, bringing in His Essence and Divinity the experience that humanity was to live, through His Birth, through His Public Life, and through His Death.

Even the most fallen spirits of this planet, during the existence of Christ over this humanity, learned and experienced redemption, the forgiveness of errors. And a cycle was closed in this way.

That is why Judas, the old apostle, was the before and the after for this humanity and this planet. It was he who offered himself, in his greatest ignorance and indifference, to recreate this Creation. Thus, as part of the human condition, he led the world to the school of forgiveness and of reconciliation. And although the fate of Judas was not very good, his Master and Lord, in spite of knowing of his betrayal, forgave him, as did His Mother Mary.

Why do I tell you this story today?

Because humanity does not yet know the essence of My Gospel and My Existence in this humanity.

From the Rebellion to the present, many errors continue to be made. That is why the manifestation of the Work of Mercy in all nations and in all peoples is so important. This is the last lifeline given to you by God, for all the creatures of this world.

A part of humanity was redeemed during the time of the Presence of the Lord. But another part has not yet been redeemed, which is this last civilization of the end time, which has a chance of experiencing redemption and forgiveness.

From the Silence of God came the Source of Love-Wisdom, which throughout time and the cycles gradually descended from plane to plane, until arriving here, with the Birth of the Messiah and Redeemer.

Humanity needed to have Love-Wisdom itself incarnate, so that it could understand, feel, and experience It. Otherwise, the redemption of the most resistant spirits who committed errors in former times would not have been possible.

This planet and this humanity are still the school chosen for the expression of Love-Wisdom between beings and souls. Until New Christs arise at the end of these times, this school of Love-Wisdom, of forgiveness, and of redemption will be open, so that souls can experience it and are able to learn how to love more every day, without conditions, just as their Master and Lord loved, the greatest outrages, the fearful indifference, the great errors of all of this as yet not redeemed race.

I still tell you this, companions, because I see in your hearts the potential of a Christ of the New Time, who must dare to be nothing more for themselves, but rather everything in the unconditional giving of self for others.

Through these last times, I have taken you by the hand to the experience in the school of Love-Wisdom. And just as it was in the ancient East, at this time My great desire and aspiration is that in the West a race of New Christs may emerge; of beings open of heart, of souls in offering; of tireless spirits at the service of the Plan of the Creator.

The Christs of the New Time, who will emerge from different religions and paths, and who will find themselves in the same state of consciousness and of vibration, are the last saints of the last days, who will prepare for the Return of Christ for the most difficult moment of humanity, which is already approaching.

You are part of the transition of that event. Your story of redemption and of love is being written in the Books of Love of the Lords of the White Vestments. If this story is concretized and finalized, an important event will take place, so that more consciousnesses can be participants in the Return of Christ, and the transfer of those consciousnesses to other dwelling places can be avoided.

My wish is that with your ardent heart, which I have seen during this Marathon, that ardent love that leads you into finding Love-Wisdom, may remain in you, especially in this cycle, where the tests will be greater and the challenges will be more unattainable. But whoever is in Love-Wisdom will be in Me, and My Father will be in you, so that He will always guide you on the path of Truth and of Love.

There are many things that humanity does not know about the Universe nor of Divine Existence. Today I have only told you of less than one percent. Imagine then, companions, how much history is written in the Mirrors of God and in all the Source from which emerges the life of essences, of souls, and spirits incarnated in this and in other worlds.

No longer think that this Earth, that this planet, is the only one that is alive, with a humanity. Open your consciousnesses to the infinity of the Universe and see that within it there exists much more life than it seems; that consciousnesses exist that love you and that you do not know they silently serve the Project of God, so that Creation, and in this case, the universes, remain in perfect equilibrium and harmony.

I invite you, in the spirit of joy and of motivation, to penetrate the Laws of the Universe, into that which is intangible and cosmic. Thus, one day you may have the wisdom and understanding that everything is part of a Hierarchy.

In this time, companions, obedience will be unpredictable. Obedience will also be a school for My apostles, because it will be the way of remaining in the Light, or far from it.

Obedience to God and His Plan are not restrictions or rules, nor laments or resistances. From the point in which one of the Creator Fathers disobeyed God, He decreed in this Universe the test of disobedience in all creatures, regardless of their evolution or awakening. You, with your commitment and adherence to My Merciful Heart, must help me to definitely defeat this duality, so that this local Universe may live the cycle, the cycle that awaits it, of being recreated as the Father thinks in His inner Silence.

That is why I will return to the world, in Glory, Light, and Power. And no one will be able to escape this so important event, in which laws, doorways, and sublime energies will be moved, so that the Solar Son may return to this humanity.

Each fulfillment of the Plan and its stage is vital. That is the significance of the importance of fulfilling My requests and with the convening of the Heavenly Hierarchy. This will give witness to the Father that it is possible to carry forward His Cosmic Aspiration, not only on this planet, but in the Universe.

And when the Return of My Glorified Heart comes to pass, many things will end. And as I have said, there shall not remain one stone upon another, but rather, triumphant hearts.

Each detail, each act of love, each prayer, as well as each charity that you offer, builds the Plan of the Father in this humanity, and activates through pulsations the Christs of the New Time.

My Purpose, My beloveds, is to create a cut in the time and space of the history of this Universe, so that it may be purified, transmuted, and liberated. And that as from My return to the world for the second time, the history of the redemption and the awakening of the New Christs to Christic Love is finally rewritten.

My Heart grieves for those who could not follow My Purpose and who today cannot hear this message, where I have revealed to you, with total openness, a small part of the history of this Creation, of this infinite life that calls you to an upliftment of consciousness, so that all races, all peoples, and all of this planet may rise up in plane and liberation and form part of the Confraternity.

I come to say this outside of My Church, which is spread throughout this Earth, so that many more hearts, regardless of their religion or their creed, may know that I Am Love-Wisdom, that I Am more than Jesus. I Am the Only Begotten, the Firstborn of the Father; the One announced by the lips of the Archangel Gabriel, to bring to the world the redemption and mercy of all creatures.

Today, as Prophet and Shepard of our Most High Father of the Universe, I come to expand the story of the Apocalypse. I come to expand what John has written in the book of Revelation, because as the Christs awaken and confirm themselves, history changes, and the possibilities of redemption in souls is visible and is concretized.

I invite you, companions, to persist in this new time that is coming, to endure the clashes, to transmute the interferences, and to suffer bravely the dissociations and the tests, knowing that My powerful and invincible Hand, that My glorified Ray, will be extended towards you, to always safeguard you, and help you in the face of each test.

For humanity to be worthy of a new opportunity, groups of souls in different parts of the world will, together with Me, offer to support this humanity, so that at least a quarter part of it is redeemed and will be what will repopulate the New Earth and will experience the beginning of a new and fraternal humanity.

Meanwhile, do not stop bearing with your hands the Sword of Fire that the Archangel Michael has given you, so that in battles, your prayers may be the great victors against evil and everything that dissociates the human mind.

May your Protective Shield, given by the Archangel Raphael, be faith, which will move events and will generate inexplicable opportunities in consciousnesses that even today you cannot imagine.

May your Helmet of Light, given by the Archangel Gabriel, be the protection of your wisdom and of your discernment, so that you always know what to do and where to be, when the Hierarchy convenes you to the great mission.

With all these testimonies of Creation, I come to bless those who today will take of the Sacrament, knowing that behind each Sacrament there is still a mystery that was not unveiled. Therefore, whoever lives a Sacrament with complete openness of heart, will unveil that mystery and will penetrate into the essence of Divine Existence.

Most High Father, Creator of all that exists, I ask you, in the name of Your Love-Wisdom and of Your Grace, to bless all these elements, so that they may serve as joy and fulfillment for the souls that cry out for Redemption. Amen.

Most High Father, Sovereign of Mercy, through the Sacrifice of Your Son, grant a reparation for the sins committed against Your Divine Heart and Your Plan of Love for this planet. May the souls who make use of this Sacrament vivify the Love-Wisdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Feel like you are sparks of Light of the Father in this moment, and no longer miserable beings, but rather, spirits that can, in Christ and through Christ, radiate love to all that exists and to all that vibrates, seeking as an aspiration to bring healing, love, and forgiveness to this planet and its humanity.

I am always glad when I can come back to Aurora, because here I can tell the world what I always want to say, and I do not have to take care of what I should say for souls and their awakening.

Aurora is that Light that sprang from the Source of the Creator Parents; the same Source that manifested the Second and Third Person of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

So, My brothers and sisters, you are facing a great mystery, full of love and of wisdom. Aurora is that Light that leads you to reconciliation and inner healing, and that makes you free beings forever.

When you want to find My Forgiveness, come here, to Aurora, for I will wait for you. And when you are not able to come, connect with Aurora, and in this way, you will be fully linked with Me.

I am grateful tonight for the offering of all your prayers and of all your songs. I have been filled with joy by the consoling voice of the souls that persist on the path of consecration.

May your voices, one day, be consoling for this world, which suffers and is ill.

May your voices never tire of proclaiming the Name of the Lord, because thus, the Lord will be with you and among you, bringing you Divine Life.

Withdraw into the Silence of God and everything will be healed. Commune of His Divine Silence and everything will be understood, even though it may have been unjust.

Do not suffer anymore.

Do not endure and retreat anymore.

Follow My Steps, contemplate My footprints, because where I lead you, no one will be able to lead you. Where I will take you, no one will be able to take you.

I was born of the Source of Love-Wisdom of God, so that you, as souls, may experience true Love.

May the consoling voice of souls be heard, and may the deepest wounds in souls be healed, so that the Love of the Father may be established in hearts.

I bless you, children, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My convocation. Amen.


Offer every difficult moment as a sacrifice and as reparation to the offended Heart of God and of His Beloved Son, for the indifference of those human beings of the Earth and the religious who secretly outrage the Laws of Creation and life.

Although the internal and external pain may be unbearable, offer yourself in sacrifice, reparation and prayer for those who, having received everything, demean the Name of Christ with their outrages, falsehoods, and their insults.

Offer yourself in sacrifice and reparation for those who will deny the Glory of the Father and His descent into the holy places chosen by Heaven.

May nothing surprise you or bother you. Offer yourself for those who will betray the truth behind one's back and for those who will join the essence of lie and show their puppet faces, moved and manipulated by the hands of My enemy.

Offer yourself for those who will not be able to offer themselves, for those who will not manage to forgive; have at least a little pity for those who are miserable of spirit and for those who do not live poverty of heart.

Offer yourself without conditions, again and again, for those who will betray the Heart of Christ and His Work.

Even if you do not understand it or do not accept it, offer yourself, because when the time of your dark night comes, you will ask for someone to offer himself or herself, out of mercy, for you and, at that moment, you will receive consolation, because the Father never forgets the sacrifices and renunciations of His children. He rewards them all with His Comforting Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Holy Mary, Pure and Faithful Mother

Dear children,

In these times of great challenges and tests, may you learn to live through the example of your Pure and Faithful Mother.

May a healthy and true intention that faithfulness reign exist in you, just as the faithfulness of My beloved Son and of His Heavenly Mother reached the foot of the Cross, only aspiring to fulfill the Sacred Will of the Father.

In these extremely harsh times of transition, may sacred faithfulness motivate you to guard the Plan of God and all the souls of which it is composed, obeying each spiritual and inner decision that is made by the spiritual and planetary Hierarchy.

In this way, in humility, you will learn, as the Sacred Family did, to follow in adherence and union all the steps that are indicated for the fulfillment of this Work, which is worldwide.

Dear children, I wish the sincere aspiration to awaken in you of respecting and following to the limits of consciousness and matter all the decisions that are made, because behind something apparently incomprehensible to the human mind, a divine and sacred Purpose exists.

In order that each one of you in this time fulfills the aspiration of your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to lovingly respect the Law of the Hierarchy and to not step outside of that precious Law through your actions, thoughts, and assignments.

I invite you to lean upon the faithful example of Christ and of His Universal Mother, which leads all of humanity into finding salvation and the Mercy of God.

For that reason, My children, may your consciousnesses and especially your hearts be awake and more attentive so that the doors to betrayal and to indifference among beings of the good not be opened.

I only ask that you have enough maturity and love to behave in an evolutionary manner, as souls that are within the path of brotherhood and of unity.

I do not wish to see any other Judas in this time with My eyes of a Mother.

Learn to forgive injustice and you will be able to be wise in spirit rather than in expertise.

Know that each one of the servants and of the consecrated of Christ, our Lord, is spiritually responsible for this Work, which is a miracle of infinite love of the Hierarchy, being able to gain results and thus be fulfilled.

Dear children, today I speak to you through My Aspect of faithfulness and of purity so that you believe that, in truth, it is necessary to protect the Work from yourselves.

Seek in each new decision the purpose of Higher Love and do not remain in the superficiality of things.

You were born to reach faithfulness in the end of times. This causes this Work to be purely true and transparent before humanity.

I wish that in this cycle of changes and of renovation, you may take steps towards a deeper unity, because this way, you will be protected in the desert, along with your Heavenly Mother, escaping from the claws of My adversary.

Evil does not know love and fears christic love. Evil does not know unity and fears the unity among souls which congregate in Christ.

Lastly, be merciful, and you will not lose discernment.

Love the divine and human decisions that are made, because if you accept without understanding, judging, or betraying the Work, you will have the same discernment that My beloved Son had during His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Do not challenge the adversary, be meek in all things and you will always achieve peace.

With My Spirit of Faithfulness, I ask you to unite with it so that you are not so unprotected.

The divine Work has not yet ended, and you are a part of a new story that is being written.

Meditate in humility, and My maternal words will resound in the depths.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If My Son allowed Himself to die for you to be able to save you and for you to have eternal life, act and fact realized for love, why would you not forgive those who have betrayed you so many times?

Love is an act only for the ones heroic of heart, because this is the form to transcend the mistake, which is human and indifferent.

Therefore I invite you to love those who are indifferent, who omit themselves and are evil; pray for them because in them God is not completely realized and they are unhappy because they make so often the same mistakes without being able to liberate themselves from them.

The Christic love is gestated in transparency, in renunciation and in sacrifice for all those who are not transparent, for those who do not renounce and for those who do not sacrifice themselves and accommodate themselves according to their earthly expectations.

My Son still works for all of those because behind the hard rock there is a precious crystal that has not been found yet by their own consciousness.

Be in this life like Saint Paul, who having done all the evils of the world, touched by the Light of Christ converted himself into a faithful follower of Your Lord.

Above all indifference that you receive, do the goodness you cannot live and banish the evil of separation and omission from one another.

What will you gain?

Help the world to conquer its redemption; for this, first be this manifested redemption through a true transformation.

Your real aspiration must be surrender to afterwards live renunciation and at last humiliation for those who do not humiliate themselves for lack of conscious love.

Dear children, My Son drank this bitter sip of negation and, knowing that this was unfair, love came in first place.

As Our Lady of Piety I still have in My arms those who for several reasons distanced themselves from My Heart; in piety I contemplate and hope for your prompt rehabilitation.

Let us pray for those who lost the path for them to find again the light that used to lead them.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

If you have thrown yourselves into the prayer for all souls, it is a sign that you must continue on the path. May no one lose the hope of sharing the path of sacrifice so that in this way each child may recognize that the salvation of the heart is in true surrender.

Each step that is taken must be in the Hands of the Will of God, thus your lives will be able to recognize the signs of Mercy that He, in His Glory, will send you.

I am here among your hearts and the world to heal you from all evil, disturbance or pain. Therefore, believe in the power of forgiveness that God has given Me as a Grace to be poured over you, My little children.

Rejoice your lives before each test that the Whole sends you. It is necessary to mature to be able to expand humility in the heart. Thus you will be protected from the world and, with the loving act of prayer, you will be able to correct the indifferences of life so that it may be consecrated to the Creator Father.

The Most High has all of you in His Kingdom, but it is necessary to forgive and to be forgiven among yourselves as humanity, as a family and as beloved beings. This will relieve the burden of betrayal that many hearts live, due to the prevalence of competition.

If you were in constant prayer, Heaven would see it all as settled, and if you trusted what God dictates to your hearts, you would be spreading My Kingdom of Peace.

All My children must come to live the conversion of the heart. If you convert that which still has not been converted, you will convert the whole world into Light and thus My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I love you deeply.

Do not fear, I am the Mother of Peace.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
