My silence proclaims the victory and the renewal of souls.

It is the triumph of your King in the silence of His Sacred Heart, where the Mystery of God is kept for all the consciousnesses of the Earth.

Through My Heart you will find the Portal that will lead you to God, so that you may be in Him and in perfect reconciliation.

It is the silence of My Heart that renews all consciousnesses, that brings peace, love, and light for all beings that surrender before Me.

I have come here to ask you for your collaboration, following the footsteps of My Holy Mother and of My Father, Saint Joseph, in perfect Trinity with the Almighty.

We pour out Our Graces over those who would not deserve them, because it is all My followers that have allowed this greater and extraordinary Grace over this people of Brazil, and beyond it.

See then, companions, how it is that the divine Consciousness works where there are no limits or boundaries, where new doors are opened for all the hearts that seek an opportunity for redemption and conversion.

I ask you, companions, to not harden your heart, for My All-Powerful Heart comes to bring you transformation and peace.

Your Master of Love is grinding the hard grain, the most difficult aspects of the consciousnesses of this planet. What will come of all this? If you allow yourselves to be shaped by My Spirit, nothing bad will happen to you.

I Am the Sacred and invincible Heart of Jesus that comes to unite consciousnesses and nations, in this Universal Spirit of Peace, that comes to the world so as to be able to rescue it from its profound illusion and indifference.

I bring you, companions, the last chance, moments before My Glorious Return.

I bring you, companions, the possibility of loving and of forgiving yourselves and your peers.

Do not wait any longer, companions, love and forgive, and in this way, you will achieve freedom.

Doubts and all the confusion will dissipate from your hearts and minds; because you will be able to enter My Divine Mercy, which comes to banish the old being so that the new human may be born, the new consciousness, in the soul that is still asleep.

Through My Presence, I bring you Pacification.

I ask you to believe in My Message, in My New Gospel that I come to dictate for simple hearts; because if your hearts live in simplicity, you will not suffer, you will be strong, you will have inner strength and faith to overcome all barriers of this great planetary inertia.

Again, like two thousand years ago, I come to bring you the Word of God, the salvation of your consciousnesses and of all the Kingdoms of this Planet, which also suffer because of you in this time that is changing.

I want your lives to be a true example of love.

Shape your hearts in My Heart. You will feel the truth and the relief that you seek so much.

I do not come to bring you the miracles of two thousand years ago and of all times, which were realized by My Divine Consciousness to demonstrate to the world that I am present in the Eucharist, in the eternal communion that souls can live with Me.

Happy are they who commune of Me through the Living Body, through the Precious Blood of your Lord. In this Sacrament is your renewal and the justification before the Father, before all the sins that the world commits without stopping.

Through My Wounds, the Wounds of My Hands, I come to bless you, and thus to reveal to you that I Am the same Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God Who comes to the world to lead it toward the eternal life, to remove it from perdition, from profound indifference and the lack of love, of charity, and of brotherhood.

This great experience of love, which is inner and not human, must first begin in you.

Brotherhood and charity, the service that heals and opens souls so that they may find the Source of the Love of God, must first begin in you.

The keys for your liberation and redemption are in Our Sacred Hearts.

Today I come in the quietness of Spirit and not of battle. I come to bring peace to consciousnesses that must awaken to My Merciful Love and accept It as a table of salvation before the Justice of God.

Do not miss this opportunity of finding every day the Love of God. Do not lose this Grace of being renewed and vivified in faith, in the faith that My Heart brings you, with all Its Glory.

Pray for the world that is agonizing.

Pray for Mother Earth that is suffering the actions of her children on the surface.

Pray for the souls that are getting lost, for the forgotten, for those who are lost and not able to see the light.

Pray for those who are ill and those who suffer.

It is the offering of My Heart that you may come out of yourselves, to see the true need of these times.

Pray for the Kingdoms that are being lost by the hands of the mankind of this humanity, who destroy the Creation of God without a gram of conscience.

Pray for those that truly need to find the way out toward My Heart, the healing of their consciousnesses, and the redemption of their spirits.

Pray for those who suffer wars, the consequences of the tribulation.

Pray for the continents and the nations, which face the chaos of these times, generated by humanity itself that does not look to God, but rather to itself.

Pray for those who cry out for Mercy.

For those who suffer from hunger and illnesses.

Pray for those who die alone.

For those who have no fathers or mothers.

Pray for the children that cry without being consoled.

Pray for the animals that are sacrificed and for the forgiveness that man needs for not seeing in them, the love similar to God that is vivified in each Kingdom of Nature.

Pray for the seas that are contaminated and for the great Mirrors that are affected, that bring harmony to this Planet and the human consciousness hurts them, without knowing what they are doing.

Pray for the world imbalance, for the lack of equality in all the peoples.

Pray for those that have much and do not give anything.

Pray for those who have nothing and receive little, because they are suffering the consequences of these times.

Pray for the essences that are being lost.

Pray for those that are ignorant of the higher truth and have no interest in knowing it and lose their filiation with God.

Pray for those who immerse themselves in material life, for those who are sold and trafficked, like animals of the end of times.

Pray for those who do not live peace within themselves and on the planet.

Pray for those who do not know My Divine Mercy.

Step out of yourselves for a moment and see everything thus as I see it, with profound pity and compassion.

Pray for the angels that are fallen and that are carried into perdition, by the forces contrary to God.

Pray for those who do not pray for their Guardian Angels, who have no knowledge or consciousness of that divine Presences.

Pray for those that do not believe that I am here present, but My Word is deeper than lack of faith.

Pray for the Justice that is approaching and so that the world is corrected and becomes a sacred people again, the hope of a New Humanity, united to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Join with the archangels that are working in this whole planetary consciousness, join their celestial armies so that peace is not dissipated from the planet.

Feel the suffering of My Heart, that carries the weight of this world that is in agony.

Pray for My Wounds that are hurting, on seeing the horrors of this world that draws away from love and truth, that does not love its peers as I love them all, without looking at their sins, but rather their divine essences that they must still discover in this difficult time of the planet.

Pray that your Most Holy Mother may continue helping and that She may pour the Grace from the depths of Her Heart, over everything that is impossible and still does not transform in this human consciousness.

Pray for those who are suffering the injustices of this world.

Pray for those who are persecuted by religions.

Pray for those who are the executioners of this world and bring suffering to consciousnesses.

Pray to My Sacred Heart so that It always illuminates you and find, above all, My Eternal Peace.

Pray for those that do not hear Me and do not open their hearts to His Call.

Pray for those who ignore My Presence and that do not avail themselves of My wonders.

Pray so that the Celestial Kingdom may approach, above all, this suffering Earth.

Pray that the world does not lose love and that this human project be fulfilled with all those who awaken.

This is the Call of the Great Master, Who announces His Second Coming to the world.

It is the Second Person of God Who speaks to you, the Firstborn Son of the Father, Who incarnated in this world and lived among you, to have you know the Source of Love and of the Supreme Unity.

But today I come to thank you with My meek Heart, that this task in Central America will be fulfilled.

You do not know what it means for Our Sacred Hearts that consciousnesses open to something that is invisible and that is perpetual in the Heart of God.

I am grateful for those who have collaborated so that the new apostles awaken in Central America, thus I am casting My nets, to attract all hearts toward Me.

This is the victory of the end of times, of all those who unite to their King, to carry the Plan of God forward among all the self-summoned.

I want to hear that song that resonates in My Heart, for it is the plea of your Master for all those who have not yet known Me within themselves.

For all of this cause, I absolve you, I give you My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the whole Planet, I pour My Rays of Mercy and congregate the new souls so that they may avail themselves of My Heart in this perfect Communion with My Most Holy Body and My Divine Blood.

As two thousand years ago, I break the bread for you and say again:

"Take and eat, for this is My Body, that today is surrendered for many, in suffering for the human consciousness."

"I give you My Chalice and I give you to drink of My spiritual Gifts, for all those who spill their blood through human injustice and that lose the opportunity of being able to know Me."

I send you out two by two, like My Apostles, so that in these times you preach My Love and disseminate My Peace; this is work of My Mercy.

"With the Angeles gathered and the Celestial Power that governs all things, I transubstantiate these elements, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Thank you for singing to Me and for asking and praying for the world.

Go in peace and in trust.