Dear Children,

The month of August represents the cycle in which the doors of the past must close so that the doors of the new cycle may open.

This movement, profoundly internal and spiritual, will mean that each one will be before the Grace of true repentance for all actions caused and which have deviated from the Law. For this reason, My Son will come once again, in Glory, Soul and Divinity, to show you the path that it is time to travel.

I tell you this, My children, so that each one may be attentive and, before the Love of the Heavenly Father, conduct their own examination of conscience; for My Son expects His Work and His Legacy to live in the hearts and that, through the hearts, He may begin to prepare His Return.

Dear children, August is the time of recollection of Our Sacred Hearts. The time has come and each one must now begin to walk with their own feet toward the Purpose that was thought of for each soul and for each being. Now is the time to give honor and respect, gratitude and reverence to what Christ deposited in each one of you.

In this month of August, when the Divine Hierarchy will be gathered once again to address the serious situation of the planet, Our Heavenly Hearts ask you for solemnity, truth, adherence, love and respect, so that humanity may also recover the values it has lost.

I will be praying as your Mediating Mother so that many more may recover these attributes and values of life at this stage of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Contemplate the greatness of God’s Love in yourselves, and how this Love is capable of going very far, just as My Son went very far, beyond the Cross.

Contemplate this Love in your essences, do it for the souls who do not contemplate God in themselves, so that tonight the Heart of God may be repaired from all the offenses and outrages that the world commits.

As Queen of Love, as the Mother who loves you, as the Guardian of your souls, I ask you to remember about the power of God’s Love, which is invincible and inexhaustible, goes beyond conflicts and wars, and works beyond all division and dissociation.

It is this Love that My adversary does not know, and it will be this Higher and Infinite Love of God that someday will also redeem him. Just as Christ, through His Precious shed Blood, redeemed each one of you, liberating you from sin and error, opening the door of His Mercy to you so that all could enter His ocean of Compassion and Love.

In the face of the terrible scenario of the end of times, return to the essence of Love that is in you and created you in the Source at the beginning. In this way, transcend your own obstacles. In this way, dissolve your own bitterness and sadness.

Joyously receive Divine Hope tonight, that Hope that My Son promises in His imminent Return. The Hope, filled with God’s Love and with life, that will renew the surface of the Earth, and will liberate souls from suffering once and for all.

Because in truth I tell you, My dear children, that when the New Humanity emerges, under the preamble of the Return of the Lord, there will be no soul on this surface whose cry will be heard, because the cry of souls on the New Earth will be of joy.

If you knew how much I love you, I assure you that you would weep with joy. Because the Love of God is not only invincible, not only profound, but it is also a transforming Love, a Love that grants you Grace and Forgiveness, that grants tonight a spiritual amnesty to you and your brothers and sisters who are listening, to all those who have turned to the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist today. It will be a full amnesty that will dissolve the errors committed up to the present day, and will allow your guardian angels to bear witness, before God, of this extraordinary event.

Thus, as I told you yesterday, My children, the Altars of God are open today. Because the doors have been opened by the holy angels of the Lord, so that the offerings of reparation and reconciliation made by souls may be honestly deposited before the Lord. Thus, My beloved children, together let us aspire to and invoke a good 2024, a year without wars, without conflicts or divisions, a year in which love may prevail.

Thus, this Love is what will renew the world, if souls unite to the essence of God’s Love and recognize themselves as His Children, the Children of the Source.

This, dear children, will allow more souls that are lost in the world to be contemplated by Mercy, rather than by Justice. For just as I have told you, My dear children, I wish good for each one of you and your families, a greater good that can allow you to understand reality, this reality of the end of times.

But pay attention, My little ones: do not observe the reality of the world with fear or fright. Although it is a terrifying and sad reality, I need the awakened souls to once and for all decide, through the prayer from the heart, to be bridges between Heaven and Earth, to be mediators of the prayerful word in the face of all impossible causes, which, with the intervention of the Divine Mother, will not be impossible causes, they will be possible solutions for all.

My second request at this special night is that you may invoke peace with greater strength. That your acts, words and actions may be of peace, so that peace may be received not only by the souls that need it the most, but that it may also be welcomed in those places that have suffered war, conflict and the physical destruction of spaces, that peace may be reborn in the hearts that are most thirsty.

And you, My dear children, who have been so much filled with Grace, may you, like your Heavenly Mother, be precursors of peace and believe in this peace, within yourselves and then outside of yourselves. In this way, life will not be a suffering, but rather joy that will emerge from you and your brothers and sisters, for you are responding to the Call of God.

My third and last request is that, through the Holy Eucharist that you will now celebrate, you may keep well in mind all the celestial hosts, who offer the Blessed Sacrament tonight and open all the Tabernacles of the Earth, so that the powerful Light of Christ may fill and bathe the whole world with His Love and His reparative Mercy.

For you, may this be the true celebration of the new year, that once again you may have the joy of living the Eucharistic Sacrament with My Son.

You should meditate and feel in your hearts what it means for the Kingdom of the Heavens that on each day you celebrate the mystery of the Love of Christ, through Communion, and all the saving and redeeming merits that souls receive through the Sacrament.

Therefore, My children, in this end of times, do not live Communion as something normal. May your souls exalt with bliss and joy for being able to confirm Christ within yourselves, as a symbol and a sign of hope for the whole world.

Thus, your little souls and little essences will be able to be this great mirror that reflects upon the Earth, so that the codes and merits of the Passion of the Lord may amend all the errors of the world, and grant redemption to the souls that have condemned themselves.

With special predilection and love, My children, I will accompany this Sacred Eucharist that you will celebrate today in the name of the Lord.

In this way, your Most Holy Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Humble Slave of the Lord, the intercessor between hearts and God, will be able to elevate all offerings together with the holy angels and the guardian angels, so that peace and the end of war may be attained in the world, not only the end of physical war, but also the war within families.

Because My ardent wish, My children, is that each one of the members of your families, and of the families of the world, may find again, in their inner worlds, the Love of God, which saves you, rather than punishes you, which liberates you, rather than condemns you, the Love that loves you just the way you are and impels you to the transformation of life and of the heart.

On this special night, when a cycle closes and a new cycle begins, let us aspire, through the Eucharistic Celebration, that all souls, especially the most lost souls in the whole world, may achieve the Grace of Mercy in this coming 2024.

I tell you and ask you to have faith, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Thus, I bless you for the coming year, and consecrate each one of your steps, the steps that you must take towards Christ, Our Lord, following the footprints of Light of the Great Master.

May it be a year, a new year, of more Graces and Mercies for all. My perpetual prayer is untiringly present for this cause.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary has taken the Immaculate Heart from Her Chest at this moment, placing it upon the palm of Her right Hand. She offers it for each one of us as an Ardent Heart in love, in Grace, in service and pity for souls.

Let us pray, renewing our vows for this coming 2024, and taking for ourselves the Immaculate and Ardent Heart of Mary, which burns in love for the souls and families of the world.

Holy Mother, we give thanks for Your Presence here among us and in the whole world.

Accept our life the way it is, imperfect, fill us with the strength of Your Love, so that we may concretize the aspirations of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, strength,
light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.
(3 times)

The Divine Mother is smiling, because She tells us that She gave us Her Heart and now She asks us to give Her our hearts, and not to fear, because we will not lose our lives, because She said that if we give Her our hearts, we will have life in abundance.

In the silence of our hearts let us give them to Mary, just as She gave Hers to us. And thus, our hearts and the Heart of Mary merge into one Heart, and we receive from the Divine Mother the gift of understanding, the gift of patience, the gift of faith, the gift of forgiveness, the gift of healing, the gift of peace, the gift of unity and the gift of redemption.


I thank you for responding to My call.

Remember My three requests.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


My dear children,

Before resuming the pilgrim path that will take us to Brazil, your Heavenly Mother stops in the inner planes of the Kingdom of Aurora to rest, in the silence and peace of all Kingdoms of Nature.

Just as I did last Saturday with My children of the Community of the Brotherhood, today, I come to communicate to you that your Heavenly Mother will visit the Community Fraternity, through a special and private Apparition in the prayer room of the area of Redención 2.

Tomorrow, I would like you to wait for Me with your songs and prayers, and to offer Me a simple altar, in honor of the Most Holy Virgin of Fatima so that, in this stage of rest, your Heavenly Mother may not only bless the new community cycle in Aurora, but also from Aurora I may again bless Uruguay and South America.

This moment that you will share with Me will later be transmitted through an audio, on September 25, so that My other children may accompany from their hearts the maternal Words that I will address to My children of the Community Fraternity.

Fulfilling this request, I will again ask Uruguay to consecrate itself to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that this blessed country may be protected and sheltered from the evil intentions that today are also sadly promoted throughout other countries of America.

In Brazil, My Son will return with all the power of the Divine Word to warn and clarify the ideas and minds of the people, so that Brazil may continue to internally sustain the destiny of becoming the New Eden of God for the whole world.

My children, let us pray. And I ask you, once again, to commit yourselves with heart and word to the different Prayers for Peace in the Nations. It will depend on the participation and the presence of each Child of Mary that some unfortunate situations may not manifest nor materialize in matter.

From now on, I am grateful for those who up to today support the Prayers for Peace in the Nations, responding faithfully.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

When a new cycle comes into your life, in the conjuncture of the stars, beloved soul, contemplate the celestial message that your Creator sends to you.

Receive the impulses that He generated in the manifestation of your essence and, through a deep communication with God, understand His Sacred Geometry and, through that, the designs of the Father for the cycles that will come.

When you become another year older on this Earth, know that your evolution is renewed and your commitment with God expands. The depths of maturity of your human spiritual being will lead you into ever greater responsibilities for God and His Plan.

So then, renew your spirit in this new cycle, letting His Love close the deepest and most hidden wounds that are still open from the experiences of life.

Surrender your most inner sorrows to your Creator, your silent feeling of helplessness when facing that which you cannot offer to God.

For an instant, allow the pain that you share with the Creator, for what He sees of the world, to be eased and healed because to begin a new cycle it is necessary to restore and ease the heart.

Reacquire the impulses lost in the battles of this life, rebuild the hope wounded by the cunning actions of the enemy upon souls and trust, little soul, that each prayer recited by those who were once lost on the path will be the merit that will open the Doors of a new Heaven to them at the last instant of their lives.

Breathe for a moment and receive the Breath of God. His Divine Love renews your consciousness and, in a profound and silent dialogue, everything is made new. This is your birthday with God.

Receive My blessing for the cycle that will come.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The beginning of a new cycle has come for each being of this Earth, and, above all, children, for this Work of Love that the Creator is building with His own Hands since the origin of your lives. 

This cycle that begins will be permeated not only by awakening or purification but also by the maturity and the inner growth of your beings.

The time has come to consolidate the link of your hearts with God, and, after all that you have received in the name of humanity, to take a new step in the surrender of your lives, a new step toward your own inner self, a new step toward the Infinite that is held in your own heart.

The cycle of knowing the Forgiveness of God, through His Love and His infinite Grace, has arrived, so that, in this way, you may be true bridges between the hearts of humankind and your Creator.

This is the cycle to begin building what characterizes you as a race and as children of God, which is the deep union with Him through knowledge, not only of His mysteries but, above all, of His Love.

For this, you must constantly seek Him, feel Him and allow His Presence, although silent, to speak to your heart, and may it be with silence, with His Grace or with His Peace.

This is the cycle to experience God within yourself and, in this way, children, you may finally begin to unite the dimensions and attract a new time for this world.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In a spirit of sacrifice and surrender, launch your heart into the unravelling of the mysteries of the Universe, as well as into the depths of the Earth.

With love, embrace what is unknown to you and give thanks to God for the Mercy granted in your life, of being so close to His Grace and His Truth.

In a world of so much ignorance, child, your spirit must be joyful for being a part of the cycle of revelations that begins for all humanity.

Open your heart to what you have never learned.

Open your consciousness to discover what was hidden within your soul.

Let the remembrances emerge, and that which you did not know to have experienced may arise as a way to propel you toward the new, the sacred and the sublime.

Let your soul face new horizons, because the tests of these times will be new and for this, you must be ready.

Let gratitude be the key always held within your hands to open the doors of the Heavens.

Let humility be your protective shield in this battle of ignorance and vanities, from which humankind tries to get out of and often does not manage to do so.

Let prayer be your harbor and the Heart of God your breath.

Breathe His Presence and radiate His Peace; in this way, you will realize that even what seemed most hidden has always been in front of you, in the Heart of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Come to know the unlimited Love of God through the union with your Creator and you will understand the vastness of His Creation and the perfection with which your Lord fills the details, the paths and the dimensions with mysteries by uniting His Consciousness with the consciousnesses of His children.

Come to know the unlimited Love of God for life and upon discovering the greatness of His Creation, you will not be surprised. Infinite are the forms that the essences received from God in order to fulfill His Purpose and recreate life.

However, child, to recreate life is not only by beginning a new Creation from zero. To recreate life means that the evolutionary spiral has reached a higher point and, from there, closer to God, a new cycle begins.

Contemplate and come to know the unlimited Love of God, and you will not be surprised when you discover that, more than just sending His Son into this world, the Creator sent many more of His companions and He also created other worlds, other races, other lives so that in the perfect expression of each one of them, they would complement and help each other to grow and return to His Heart with a renewed love, multiplied and matured through the overcoming experiences.

Thus, contemplate and come to know the unlimited Love of God, and also be unlimited in your understanding, in your openness, in your giving of self and in your surrender so that, someday, child, more than just contemplating and knowing, you may experience and become the unlimited Love of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When your heart enters the desert, pray, be silent and feel your inner world.

Understand that to be called into the void and into solitude is to be called closer to the Heart of God, to the truth of what He is, far from the illusions and the human confusion.

The desert is a path of transition. The people of Israel crossed the desert to cultivate a new life, of pure and simple genetics, but forged in sacrifice and in faith.

Your Lord crossed the desert before living His Passion and there He found a definite union with God which was not just a dialogue with the Father, but rather an experience of the Father within Himself.

Each being, upon crossing the inner desert, experiences a transition into something new, real and profound.

Trust that in the emptiness of the desert something new is being forged and built within you. Let your spirit be strengthened and your soul find the truth it needs to discover in this cycle.

Even though you may not see it, feel it or know it, go through the different stages of the desert. Feel the void of your entry, the confusion of remaining in it, the trials that come, the experiences of desolation; but also feel the awakening of faith, the consolidation of truth and, finally, the revelation of God within you.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


It is in this new cycle, which will begin in the year 2020, that incredible things will be seen and known.

Everything that was cleverly hidden, in all senses, forms and ideas, will be uncovered.

Every lie, manipulation or deceit that has been constructed through invention of humankind will be unmasked.

Every situation of people, whether it is inner or outer, concerning health, purification or resistance, will be shown, because the solar waves that in this time will be entering, during the summer in South America, are ultraviolet waves that are coming with an extremely high degree of expulsion and movement in all living beings of this and other planets.

As from the year 2020 on, the Solar System will enter into the last and most acute spiritual, cosmic, mental and material stage of its transition.

Of the eight billion people present upon this planet, ninety percent are distracted or hypnotized by global illusion.

In this sense, the field of action of the solar waves will move from its location and remove everything that is outside of the Law, and this impulse that the Universe will bring, which will be associated with the imbalance of the planet and the axis of the Earth, will increase the unexpected effect of this cosmic movement.

Therefore, the year 2020 will be the last segment for being able to achieve an elevation of consciousness and of the mental plane, so that the universal effects of this movement shall not affect the majority of sleeping consciousnesses.

Just as the solar impulse will be intense for the involutionary spheres of humanity, the same impulse will bring all beings of goodwill the opportunity to take great and firm steps in evolution and in the maturity of consciousness, as well as the possibility of establishing important spiritual processes of redemption, of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

But I again say: there will not be a being on the surface of this planet that will be able to oppose or hide from this solar movement. Everything will be in evidence.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Each new cycle that comes is to bring you closer to God. The closer the purification of the planet is, and your hearts are called to live the Divine Instructions, the closer, children, you are drawn to God.

I came to the world to fulfill a mission: to prepare for the coming of My Son to this Earth, but as in other times, I cannot be here until the end, because this is His mission and that of His Most Holy Mother. I came to bring to the world the principles of humility that I learnt, of service, of unconditional surrender to God and, above all, of renunciation, because that is My first and last spiritual mission.

It is by the spirit of renunciation that I was sent to the world, and also by means of that spirit that God called on Me to return to His Sacred and Eternal Heart.

When I was on Earth, together with My beloved Son and My beloved wife Mary, all I wanted, children, was to remain by Their side, see that mission be concretized, My Son grow and express Himself as the Son of God that He was; but My Mission was to teach Him how to walk, how to take His first Steps, to protect His Birth and see with My own Eyes how God expressed Himself even through a child.

A time came in which the Creator called Me by My Name, by My true Name, and, showing Me the Doorways of the Universe and of the Infinity of His Heart – He called on Me to return, to tread a broad, unknown path. A path that would lead me to grow and evolve as His Child, and more than this, as a part of His Heart, as are all creatures, even though they may not know it or do not experience it.

Today, children, I come to show you that same Doorway to the Heart of God that I saw when – in the arms of the Most Holy Mary – She indicated to Me the Heart of the Celestial Father and told Me not to fear the unknown, the infinite, that which was mysterious, because the Creator was Infinite Love and Grace.

Today, I present you with this Doorway to Heaven, because the time has come for you, as souls and hearts, to also enter through this Portal, also recognize Infinite Life, which for so long lay hidden from humankind. The time has come for you to know who you are and what you came to do in this world, and that will happen first on the levels of spirit, by means of the silence and the will of your spirits to be different, to find the Truth, the Origin of the Origin.

Facing this Portal that leads you to the Cosmos, I come to place your Essences at the Feet of God, in the same way that I placed My small Child so that He could express Himself as the Messiah, as the Son of God.

I want you to love superior life, love to go deeper into Divine Knowledge, love to discover and read the history written in the mirrors of your hearts and of the Infinite Cosmos.

Love, children, to prepare the return of your Lord to the world, because He will come and you will be face to face with His Sacred Heart.

The prophecies will be fulfilled, that which was written will come out of the Sacred Books and will come Alive. And those Words that lay hidden, that humanity at some time tried to hide, will also be revealed, because, before the Son of God, nothing will be hidden any longer.

Feel that My Silence will reveal something deeper to you. Feel that My Voice goes silent to make room for the Divine Verb of My Son so that He may be known and exalted, so that you may discover His Existence and may receive Him in this world and beyond it.

The moment will also come in which your Divine Mother will become silent, but She will always be here because Her Mission is to accompany Her Son up to the last instant, up to the establishment of the New Life, up until the Gospel of the New Time, of the New Humanity, may be written by means of the facts of His Return to the world.

And everything that He will tell you, everything that you will experience together with Him, that story will be told in a new time, in a new world, which will be this one, but with a humanity reborn through the Love of God and of His Son.

On March 19, 2020, I will come to bless the medallions of My Most Chaste Heart and seven wooden reliquaries; I will bless them for the Marian Centers, those that have already been built and those that will be built.

For that time, prepare for My Coming with love and with joy, because in those reliquaries, as well as in the medallions of My Most Chaste Heart, I will place everything that I learned, the virtues that I lived and what I Am, as Spiritual Consciousness, as an Essence that came from Divine Essence and returns to It.

On March 19, 2021, I will come again to bless the book of My story, called: “From the Origin to the Origin,” because on that day, you will be ready to know it.

You will not recognize yourselves, just as I will not recognize you, because you will be closer to what you are, rather than to what you appear to be today.

For Argentina, I leave My Love and My Humility, so that you may learn, children, that will, as power and impulse of God, is only real when it comes from the Heart of the Father.  Yield your hearts to God and use that will that is born of your hearts to have the Heart of Christ triumph, with your heads on the ground and hearts surrendered before your Redeemer.

You will experience tests that will forge humility within you, but through those tests, you will reach to God, if you know to make of them the Doorway to your own Sanctity.

When you are faced with renouncing anything, do not be afraid, because each act of renunciation, when experienced with love, leads you to God.

My Heart and My Essence come from the Creator Father, just as all of you do, but I only discovered this truth when I renounced being in this world to live in a Greater Existence.

It was the power of renunciation that made Me return to God, and although My Heart was silent and unknown to many, it was not the knowledge of humankind what drew Me close to God, but rather the purity, the humility, and the renunciation that My Chaste Heart experienced.

Today, upon this country, I pour out an Infinite Love, which is My Love for the human heart, because I know what it is.

Love God above all things and love one another as your Lord has loved you: this is the Law for the institution of a new life, and the Law for unveiling the Celestial Mysteries.

You may be facing the Doorways of Heaven, you may see the lights that will manifest on Earth, and nevertheless, not go through its Portals because love does not reign in your hearts. For this reason, children, to know Truth and to live it, to discover the Infinite Cosmos that is hidden in the brilliance of the stars, and above all, to return to the Heart of God, you will have to love one another, and above all, your Celestial Father.

If you are humble of heart and faithful in the small things, all things will be revealed to you, and even though no Messenger of God speaks to you, a Greater Voice will echo in the silence of your hearts, because the Creator Himself finds in you His Dwelling Place and it is His Voice that will speak louder than all the voices that have echoed in the world. And I tell you this because it was what I experienced and what I today invite each one of you to experience.

You do not need to leave life on Earth to discover Universal Life and return to God; what you need, children, is to live the truth about yourselves, which is revealed through love; that is the effort you must make every day: to love unconditionally.

And you will not come to the Kingdom of the Heavens, but rather you will make It descend here; you will reveal that Kingdom within yourselves and you will discover yourselves to be parts of the Divine.

Read the words we have given you, pray with them, meditate upon each sentence, feel each impulse, and you will no longer have doubts: Wisdom will live in you and this very Word will transform you and make you experience everything that I said to you.

Today I will consecrate the elements for you so that you may commune of the Body, of the Blood, and of the Truth of Christ.

When I found My Son in the temple preaching among the doctors of the Law, I saw and experienced what it was to be a Priest. I saw Heaven descend to Earth, I saw humanity reveal itself to be sacred, I saw the human essence as part of God and, in that moment, My Son called Me and, explaining to Me everything He was doing, He consecrated Me not only as His Father, but as a simple and humble Priest so that, by means of all the actions of My Life, on Earth and beyond it, the Kingdom of God could be instituted in the world, and thus, the dimensions are united, the veils are torn, and there is no difference between life on Earth and life in Heaven.

You may kneel down.

When Jesus raised the bread and blessed it, He accepted before God His Offering of surrendering This Body not only on the Cross, but for all of the centuries that would come until His Return to the world, and in that moment, the Creator, Who was observing Him, blessed the bread with His deepest Love, revealing that in it dwelt not only the Body of Christ, but the Divine Body of His own God and Creator, because He is in His Son; in that bread, consecrated by Christ, was the Offering of His Lord and His Sacrifice on the Cross, just as was the Offering of His Father and of His Sacrifice, as He multiplied and became flesh, human and creature among His creatures. This is the Body of Christ given for you and for all the beings of the Earth and of the whole Universe. This is the element that divinizes Creation and makes you return to God.

When your Lord raised the chalice, He offered to the Father each Drop of His shed Blood, each Wound that would open in His Body, to pour out upon the Earth the Codes of a New Life, the DNA of a New Race, that one thought of by God since the beginning, and the Creator, Who was observing Him, blessed the wine and transformed it into the Blood of Christ, which is not only the Blood shed in the Calvary and on the Cross; it is the Perfect Code of the Love of God for His children. The Divine Thought that His Father emanated on thinking of the perfection of the body, of the soul and of the spirit of those who would become human beings. This is the Blood of Christ, this is the Truth that is revealed within you when you drink of His Codes and allow yourselves to be transformed by Him. Raise the Body and the Blood of Christ like a prayer of gratitude, making this memory alive, in the certainty that God, at this moment, observes you and upon these elements pours out His most Pure Love. Let us pray together as Christ taught us:

“Our Father Who is art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

And thus, the consecration is established and peace radiates to the world, because Christ is alive not only on the levels of spirit, He is alive transforming the elements, matter and life, and just as He converts the bread and the wine, may He convert your bodies, your blood, your flesh, your hearts, and your consciousnesses.

Believe, children, that if the elements, fruits of the earth and of the work of humankind, receive the Body and the Blood of Christ and transform into a unity with Him, you, before the yielding of your hearts, can experience this same Divine Alchemy and transform into a Unity with Christ.

Thus, I bless you and accompany you in silence, just as I always accompanied your Divine Mother, Her child Jesus, and all of His disciples, apostles, and companions over the course of time. I will always be here, and in the silence of your hearts, you will be able to hear Me.

I wait for you for the anniversary of My Apparitions. Go deeper in your surrender and in your union with God. For this, I bless you and upon you I pour out My most pure Humility, My most simple Love.

By the Authority that God granted to Me, as His servant, friend, and companion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

And just as our Lord taught us and as Saint Joseph requested of us, to establish the Peace of Christ in us, in this nation, and on the whole planet, let us give each other the greeting of Peace.


Open your heart and I will show you that My Presence is beyond what your eyes can see and My silence reveals more mysteries than a thousand words pronounced every day.

Open your heart and I will show you that the path of renunciation is a bridge that the soul creates to cross the abysses of the world and reach God.

Open your heart and I will show you that universal mysteries are to be found when you allow all concepts about yourself to be lost.

Open your heart and I will show you a silent and humble path, revealed and deep, the same path that I indicated to the Most Holy Mary when I expired in Her arms: the same path that She showed Me through Her seeing, when She said to Me: "go."

Open your heart and let the freedom of the void enter within you, the depths of knowing oneself united to all things, beyond the senses, the feelings, or the thoughts. Let the meanings of God, of His Essence, of His Heart be revealed to you.

I want to show you a new path, a new cycle, in which My Heart will be with you and will teach you to find the infinite in your own heart, through silence and a simple union with God.

Feel, child, in your heart, the same love that your Most Holy Mother and the little Child Jesus felt when, in silence, they saw My Spirit merge into the Divine Spirit and discovered the essence of Eternity, of Omnipresence.

My Heart breathes the Breath of God and lives within His Grace; thus, you will always find Me, silent as the air, in all the instants of life.

Open your heart to a new cycle, a new time, a time that will be experienced by all of humanity, a cycle that will be experienced by all of Creation.

The time has come to climb the Calvary of this world, to discover what it is to be a human being. You already have all the keys for this; now walk toward the cross, toward the revelation of Love, toward God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When a new cycle begins, look towards Heaven and thank God for the opportunities to begin again. Look inward, into your inner world, and consciously renew your commitment with the Heights, with the Plan of the Creator, with His Will.

Thank the Father for being on His path; give thanks for hearing His Voice; give thanks for being part of His Plan, for being part of His Will and a fruit of His Grace, of His Light.

Contemplate the Word of God, which echoes in the Universe. His Silence gives way to the profound sound of His Voice and, with His Word, the Creator sends impulses to all life, redesigns His Plan, renews His Intentions and His Will, renews His Presence within His children and sends new designs to all creatures.

Listen to the Voice of God that moves Universes, recreates Creation and gives His children an opportunity to begin again.

A new cycle always comes filled with new hope and Grace. Welcome these impulses with love, experience within you a synthesis of that which you walked until reaching this point. Contemplate the new goals and undertake a new path, always toward the Heights, always inward.

Walk towards God within you and in the sublime dimensions. To elevate is to know oneself.

Give thanks also, child, that among so many renewals and impulses, the Presence of your Divine Mother is also renewed in your life. Her Plans of love manifest more and more in humanity. Her Word of peace gives way to the living presence of Her Son and Her Heart becomes silent so that Christ may speak loudly and may draw closer to all beings.

Contemplate the cycles, observe the facts, learn with the movement of the stars and with the words of those who guide you. Everything has a reason, everything is part of the Divine Will.

Feel how your Most Holy Mother renews Her "yes" that same "yes" of the first Mystery of Joy. Live this Mystery of Joy in your own life and you too shall give your "yes" to God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When hearts pray for peoples and for cultures, for nations and for the religions of the world, with their intention, they rescue that which is purest within beings and attract toward Earth the Original Thought of God for the expression of the peoples.

When you pray for the different religions to be true paths that lead hearts to God, you are rescuing the original principles that inspired the existence of religions, as a way of being a guide for human beings and, in this way, children, you help those who are lost in their ignorance and make the paths, which should take them to God, the path to their own perdition.

To pray for peoples and for nations is very important in this time, it is to place the purpose of your prayers on something higher, and to include all of humanity in your prayers.

You are at the point of deepening your union with God and of beginning to feel His Love for each one of His children, to feel the importance of peoples, the importance of the existence of each creature of the Earth.

For this reason, children, I come today to tell you that you must not tire of praying for life, for human beings and for the lower Kingdoms. Do not tire of sincerely praying for nations, for religions and, in short, for this human project. Because the hour has come for the times to change and for life to be renewed. The time has come for the definitive cycle, which includes all existence.

Thus, pray so that there may be peace, pray that there may be love and, above all, pray so that the Truth may unite you on a single path, which is the narrow doorway to the Heart of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In spite of all the purification that you experience within yourself, and the purification that you see happening in the world, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.

In spite of the chaos, the anguish and sometimes the fear in these times, within and outside of beings, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.

In spite of sometimes not knowing what to do with what you feel or think, not knowing how to proceed or escape from yourself, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.

Let gratitude, child, elevate you during the purifications of life. Let gratitude elevate you in the face of the situations of the world. Let gratitude place you in a degree of love, in the face of suffering, just as your Lord was while expiring on the Cross.

Let gratitude allow you to see this cycle as the announcement of a new time, as the dawn of a new day.

Let gratitude show you that you are being purified in order to reach Truth. There are layers that are breaking up within you so that you may reach your essence and be able to see who you really are.

Let gratitude lead you to God.

I have spoken to you so many times about gratitude and I will never stop presenting this Divine Gift because it is through it that you will overcome these times, it is through it that you will assist the world, it is through it that you will return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the blessings and graces from the Kingdom of God permeate your lives.

In the name of Christ, I bless you, so that, as your Father and Instructor, I can lead you to a new cycle. Many wonder what these cycles are in which the Hierarchy places you, time and again.

What are the spiritual cycles?

In these times, children, the impulses that descend from the Heavens are infinite and, each time these impulses arrive upon Earth, this represents a new cycle for your lives, a new opportunity for you to begin again.

This means that, much beyond your faults and sins, much beyond the past and the experiences that you have lived upon Earth and beyond, in these times, in this world, the Creator offers to you new opportunities to be clean, with the heart pure and willing to be renewed before God, and participate in this evolution, as His worthy children.

This cycle in which you enter as humanity represents a unique opportunity for awakening.

Many believe they already know everything we tell you, that they already know about higher life, the Centers of Love, of Light.

But I come to tell you that what most of humanity has is a piece of information, information from the mind which lacks experience, lacks wisdom.

If human beings really knew the Centers of Love, if they were permeated by the Centers of Light, the planet would not be in this point that it is in, humanity would no longer be living in illusion and would participate with Me in the celestial dimensions.

Therefore, you enter a new cycle, a cycle that is no longer of information, but rather of experience.

A cycle that will forge true companions of Christ within you so that you no longer live spiritual life in a passing way, while you are tired of being distracted by things of the world.

Each day more, children, this higher life must become your reality, and I know how difficult it is to walk upon Earth with the consciousness in the Infinite, in the Universe of God, but this is what is necessary in these times.

Not that you should cease to do things in the world and participate in the human experience as it is presented today on the material levels, but you should be aware that the true reality has not been revealed to you.

Each day that passes, the Time of God approaches the time of this world.

What was invisible will become visible, what was incomprehensible will become knowledge. What seemed part of the imagination of a few will be revealed as the reality of everyone.

Your history and your origin will no longer be in the sacred books as half-truths.

So far most human beings walk as children in evolution, but this period of spiritual childhood has ended.

Now, children, the planet no longer waits, the souls make their definition by themselves because the very impulses that descends from the Universe is what leads them toward definition.

The ones who planted light will flourish in light, and those who planted darkness will grow in darkness.

Therefore, the world will be unbalanced in a way that will be unacceptable for many and, at the same time, truths that had never been told will be revealed.

Beings will awaken to their true mission and many of those who were distracted with the world will feel within the anguish of the need for higher life, for inner life, for spiritual life.

With this, you must be attentive, because they are thirsty and need to know the Source that lies in the Heart of the Father.

Never leave someone thirsty for spiritual life. Give to drink to the souls that awaken, give to the world the knowledge of this path, because many have lost hope and must again find it.

Many think that I do not tell you anything new, that My impulses are repetitive, but I touch your hearts like the untiring water that hits the rock to mold it.

I knock on the door of your hearts to open them, because not even you know your own inner world, the true composition of human consciousness, the science that hides, the truth, the essence.

Therefore, I am still here and I will remain here as long as God allows.

I do not tire of telling you, to come to meet you and to do this, every day, if it is necessary, crossing the layers of the lower dimensions until I arrive upon the Earth, opening the path in Heaven for souls to reach God, because I came to know the wonder of unity with the Creator and I want to lead you to live this experience, of being fully in God, in His Truth, in His Heart.

But for this, children, you must first live sacrifice, effort, the forgetting of self and of your own wills. You must serve in that which is necessary, when it is necessary and where it is necessary, because your evolution can no longer be molded to personal will but to the need of this planet.

You are no longer here just to live an experience because, in this cycle, the evolution of the Earth is defined and there will no longer be experiences to make, just a Plan to fulfill, which is the Plan of the Creator.

Centuries and centuries have passed by now; you have experienced a lot in this world. Now the moment has come that you so much waited for, as consciousnesses and as souls, as beings coming from the Universe of God.

The moment has arrived to see divine thought manifest and that which was incomprehensible for the whole Creation will become visible.

The Universe did not understand God's Love for the Earth. As such imperfect creatures, you carry the Divine Perfection hidden within and you have not discovered it, have not felt it, have not experienced it.

The time has come to discover it and to live the consequences of Its manifestation in your lives.

The consequence of the divine presence in you is the renewal of the Love of God. It is the cycle that is beginning, and it will be in the little things, in the little efforts to love, to serve, to transcend, on behalf of your neighbor and for the need of the planet, to be an example for humanity and of the Love for the Plan of God.

This, children, is what will awaken higher life within you; this is what will make the Light of the Sacred Centers radiate to the world, because humanity no longer has references of evolutionary life and, even though you may think that no one sees you, the experience that you live here, that you live in the Light-Communities and in all homes consecrated to God, will radiate to the world, will shine like a Light in the darkness, it will dazzle the eyes of those who are in darkness, and even if you are in silence, your example will cry out loud to the world’s ignorance.

Higher life does not manifest only when you pray, when you meditate and when you enter the inner universe. It also manifests when you transcend, overcome and express Love. It manifests when you defeat personal will and affirm love for Divine Will. It manifests when you tear out the roots of retrograde life and choose the new standards of human life, those which will manifest in the New Humanity and which already exists within you.

This is what will open your eyes to higher life, this is what will make you see the Light of the Infinite manifested on Earth, the reality of the Hierarchy, that which was hidden.

This will be the carpet that will extend upon the Earth for the arrival of Christ; your sacrifice, your effort, your love, your surrender.

Do not forget what I tell you. Let yourselves elevate to the consecration of life so that you many learn to make life sacred upon the Earth.

This is the experience that I bring to you, this is the legacy that I deliver to you, because this is what I learned in this world and this was what made Me return to God and arrive today to meet you, to teach you these things.

Feel My paternal love, feel how I live this sacrifice together with you, because I will not cease to come to the world as long as humanity needs it, as long as God allows me to be here.

Elevate a thought of gratitude toward the Universe for always keeping open the doors of God's Graces, of higher help. As long as you are striving and thankful, the Father will always come to meet you.

I would like to say many things today, but this is what you need at the moment. Make of your lives opportunities to be in God, and God is Love.

When you express love, you are within Him and find the truth about yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

Receive My Peace and My Grace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In this cycle, children, everything transforms each day. Necessities are shown in each instant. It is only necessary to know how to respond and take on the needs.

If you live to serve and do your best, you will be renewed by the Grace of making of your life a surrender to God.

When you serve, love and are attentive to what is necessary around you, the very Creator will be revealed within you, will provide for you within, will give you new strength and will restore your bodies and your spirits.

Receive My blessings for this time of the planet. Love what you do and the purpose of your lives. Let your difficulties dissolve in Love. Let your miseries dissolve in the gratitude of evolving in the Hands of God and under His protection.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Creator thinks of the creation of a soul, He writes out its whole trajectory, from the creation of its essence as a particle of Divine Essence to its return to that infinite Source of Life.

The Celestial Father designs the steps of His children with love and places on their paths the learnings that they need for growing, evolving and returning to the Heart of the Father.

The celestial circumstance that forms at the birth of a being is what it needs to fulfill the Divine Will. In the stars, the Father designs the impulses of light that this soul will receive and, at the instant of the birth, clothes them with these impulses and with blessings, which are precisely those for their evolution.

These celestial circumstances are the expression of Love and of Divine Perfection so that His children may perceive that even before they come into life, they already receive everything they need to be in it and make this experience an opportunity to renew the Love of God.

The dates you call birthdays, children, are the moments in which souls remember all the impulses they received at their birth, remember the purpose of their existence, and again receive the first impulses of Divine Thought from the Celestial Universe so that, on this day, they may have an opportunity of going back to their evolutionary path and repair the deviations that they may have experienced during their learning process.

When hearts are distracted with the things of the world, these impulses are lost, as are many of the opportunities that God gives to beings. But when you pay attention to the Heavens, in gratitude and reverence, with the heart ready to receive those gifts, you may renew your spirit and your heart and begin a new cycle.

Today, receive Love and Divine Grace so that a cycle of peace may begin for your little heart. You have My blessing and My gratitude. You have the Love of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



As from now, My Universal Consciousness prepares to move forward with the next stage of the Plan of Redemption and also the next assistance for humanity, through the aid that the Divine Hierarchy will provide in Argentina.

For this reason, this moment of pause and of stillness is also important for the Hierarchy, since by having a clearer and more precise overview of the spiritual situation of each nation, the Hierarchy knows which situation It will face in the next cycle.

In this sense, South America is destined to be the cradle of something new, but for this to happen through the nations which form it, the situation will demand that the Law itself, as principle and energy, cleanse and purify several aspects of the people and of the society so that humanity itself may perceive that the path it has chosen to follow is not the correct one.

And so, the Hierarchy recalculates the Plan based on the decisions humanity mistakenly takes, because the purpose of the Hierarchy is to protect and support the arising of a new humanity within the consciousness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Place your heart in the Heart of God and be grateful, child, for another cycle that is beginning. Let your spirit find renewal and peace in the impulses that descend from Heaven to guide souls into the new time.

Each day brings with itself the Graces and blessings to overcome the tests and challenges that come forward. Open your heart to perceive and receive these gifts, and understand how the Creator guides your steps and supports you so that by means of your life, other souls may find peace.

Love the path of awakening and of return to the Origin; let it be the priority of your heart.

A cycle has begun for humanity, child, in which the planetary tests will become even greater, the assaults and the temptations will grow, and you will see fall those who were not firm in Christ. But in spite of everything, calm your heart and find peace. Affirm the basis of your faith on prayer and on permanent surrender so that many may be supported in this rescue ship, which is the faith in the hearts of the children of God.

The impulses that will descend to the Earth will also be infinite, coming from the Universe of God and from His Heart. Many that have been asleep will awaken under a great impulse, and everything will have its balance.

Pray and keep your heart in God. See the tests of these times pass by with your heart firm in Christ and, in this way, you will not only find peace, but you will also be an instrument of peace for this world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Remember within yourself all the impulses received within the recent days, in recent times, and let them generate results within you. Mature these results, meditating upon all that you have lived, allowing your consciousness to move to a different place from where it was before, receiving all these Graces of God.

Reflect upon all that you are to experience from now on, the steps to be taken, the tests that await you, and how your heart is to prepare for new cycles and impulses that have never been received or experienced by humanity.

Let Divine Grace permeate all that you are so that even the smallest of your cells may be conscious of what it receives and what it is called upon to experience as from now on. In this way, child, without wasting anything of the divine impulses that descend to the world, your being will always be worthy of greater impulses.

Learn to reflect on, to meditate upon and to love the steps that you are to take as a human person, as a soul and as consciousness, as a creature and as a part of the Divine Consciousness.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
