Enter the time of no-time, what is known as, Real Time, which is the approaching of the Kingdom of God and His Eternity.

Prepare your heart, praying as if it were the last, serving as it were the last, giving and asking for forgiveness, as it were the last time, living fraternity and love as it were the last. 

In the Time of God, the present is the only experience to be lived. In the present, the past is healed and the future is built. Live inside this Time, in which another moment is no longer waited for in order to act, pray, serve and live better.

You must heal from the human consciousness the addiction of losing cycles and putting off the opportunities that the universal conjunctures send to you.

Now is the time to do all things well, with completeness of spirit and heart, building the new life with present acts, and learning to enter into the Real Time, into eternity, through living the present.

I tell you this because this time is now approaching, and within it the cycles and the impulses will rapidly pass through your lives. To receive and experience them fully, it is necessary to always be living from within the heart, and for you to somehow comprehend living each instant as it were the last one.

Thus, children, you will be awakened for the cycles that might come, and for the impulses that the Universe may send you. This way you will be worthy of rebuilding the Earth and of expressing a new life in the Time of God, in the Real Time.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, why do you think about the past?

To forget the past is not to be indifferent to what one has lived, or to ignore everything you have experienced as consciousnesses. To forget the past is to assimilate inside the good fruits of the experiences that made you grow as human beings and, from then on, take new steps, uplifting that which was not well in your lives.

When you leave the past to the time that corresponds to it and do not try to perpetuate an action of an experience that no longer exists, you are giving an opportunity of transcendence to this state of consciousness that you call past.

All the positive experiences must serve as a basis for the being to attain new evolutionary steps, but their eyes must not be fixed on their own feet, but rather on the top of this great staircase.

To become stuck in the past, children, is like climbing a great staircase that takes you to the Kingdom of God and detaining your own walking to observe the details of the steps that you have taken or that you keep taking. If, on the contrary, you liberate the past and take your feet off these steps, walking with firm footsteps, you will give opportunity to others, who will come after you, to climb this staircase.

Oftentimes, children, sticking to situations and people of the past because you want to perpetuate you own presence in a conjuncture that no longer suits you, is like being still in the middle of the staircase, willing to make your presence there eternal – believing that, thus, you will help the others – when, in truth, it is by walking and climbing the steps that you can help your neighbors, because you will liberate the path so that they can climb.

Walk, children, and do not look behind. Do not count how many steps you have climbed or with what details they were done. Do not stop on the staircase, do not get distracted from the target that the Creator has for you. Take your steps and leave, for He Who knows all things, the directing of those who could not accompany you. Remember that the greatest service is to evolve. If you evolve as consciousnesses, you will do it as humanity and, if you do it as humanity, you will do it in the name of the whole universe and of the whole of Creation.

Contemplate a greater purpose and no longer get lost in the distractions of a time that has passed.

Your Father and Friend, this One that impels you to the eternal present,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

