Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you, a Kingdom that has always accompanied you from the beginning of this evolutionary walk and although you have been on this walk for so long, very few know it.

Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you that remains on the planet, in the spiritual worlds, where the eyes of matter do not see it, but hearts feel it.

The time has come for you to know this Kingdom upon which you have your feet, so that, the moment it emerges like a seed of the New Humanity, like a door to the New Jerusalem, you can recognize it and do not fear entering it.

Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you where My Divine Consciousness dwells and also the Universal Love of God; I want you to feel that love in your hearts, so that you dissolve all the fear of knowing the truth about life on Earth.

This planet, just like your hearts and all of Creation, holds many mysteries within itself, many truths that humanity has not known, because its eyes were in darkness, its minds in illusion, and its hearts closed to the life of the spirit.

After so much time with your feet walking on sacred ground, the time has come for your spirits, your souls and your consciousnesses to finally be able to enter into it; the time has come for the planet, My children, to recognize that the sacred dwells within it, to recognize the grandeur of the spiritual life held within it, and to awaken to that life, so that it does not only exist on the levels of the spirit.

May this sacred life exist here, on the surface of the planet. May your feet not only be on sacred ground, but may everything you touch, each space in which you live be sacred; may your beings become sacred, may the sacred emerge in your essences, converting your spirits into that which the Creator expects of each one of you.

You are My children, you are children of this Kingdom, and you must now truly become My companions, whom I can count on to build the Divine Work in this place, and, responding to the Will of God, I may send you to many other places of the world where the sacred also exists and which humanity overlooks.

I want to awaken you so that you awaken others, and in this way, you create a network in the human consciousness so that those who so much hope to, may find awakening and the meaning of their lives.

Close your eyes and enter into this Kingdom that I am introducing to you today. Its temples are not only for healing, but come to free you and awaken love for the Plan of God in you.

Light the mirror of your own heart and unite it with the Mirrors of this Kingdom; in this way, that which is purest within each of you will be able to be reflected in the Mirrors of this Kingdom for all of humanity, and will be able to grow in your consciousnesses, so that each day you may become greater servers of this Plan of Love.

This Kingdom has been waiting for you since the origin, because you made a commitment to God to manifest it on the surface of the Earth. The children that live here today are those who will build the New Jerusalem, that land that is not only a divine promise; it is a divine truth, a higher archetype that is still waiting in the Celestial Kingdom to descend upon the planet. 

I do not come to convert your spirits into sacred spirits just so that you may know a little more peace. I come, children, for a higher purpose, because for this sacred Kingdom to emerge, and for the New Jerusalem to descend, your souls must be crystaline, your hearts pure and your spirits awake to higher life. That life is not found beyond the stars; it is to be found within each one of you and must emerge from within the planet to convert life on the surface of the Earth. With all this that I am telling you, I open the door of this Kingdom for you so that you may finally enter and achieve an awakening.

Many among those who are on this sacred ground are experiencing their last opportunity, because it is a time to convert the errors of the past and awaken the heart for the manifestation of love and the fulfilling of the Plan of God, beyond personal plans.

On the ground you touch and stand on, today place your plans, your goals, your aspirations and your desires so that, with the radiation of My Hands, I can place in your essences the Divine Plan, the goal of the Father for each one of you, the aspiration of the Creator for His creatures, which is so far from all that you want for yourselves.

On this floor that you stand on, today place all material aspiration, all competition, all the need for power, of conquest, because on this afternoon you will no longer conquer anything, but rather it will be the Creator that, through the yielding of your spirits, will conquer your hearts, and will show you, children, the great truth that He has aspired you to live from the beginning.

Enter into this Kingdom, through the doorways of redemption, without fear. Let your spirits be welcomed by this Kingdom of love.

Here you will find brothers and sisters from yore that have accompanied you in the invisible of your lives.

Here you will find the Divine Consciousness that made this His Kingdom, His home, so that He could thus manifest His Plan on this planet.

The Consciousness of the Creator had one of His Faces descend to this home so that, in this way, children, it may become even more sacred, and each day, the archetype of the new life, the new humanity may emerge from it.

Enter into this Kingdom and allow yourselves to be healed. Let your spirits live redemption, and with this symbolic step, attract many more souls, which are connected through the streams of life and need you to take a step so that they too can enter into that school of love and of forgiveness.

Contemplate the doors of this Kingdom today, and recognize that behind you, there is a very long line of souls and spirits that cry out for redemption.

Take a step without fear and enter with your whole consciousness. Within this Kingdom, contemplate its lakes of light, which are reflected in the mirrors of your hearts.

In this Kingdom, contemplate its gardens of healing, of rehabilitation, which lead you to peace and unite you with the Heart of Mary, because you are deeply connected to Her Celestial Kingdom.

Contemplate its temples, enter them, feel the peace, the presence of the angels that accompany the Creator in their new mission on Earth.

Feel, children, the liberation of your lives, of your hearts, and say 'yes' to God, and that you aspire to accomplish His Plan.

Be ready of heart so that after being healed, you can serve and aid humanity, which will find a doorway to liberation here, for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the relief of the spirits that suffered in wars, in the conflicts of this world and beyond it, because it is not only here that wars exist; the whole universe experiences the duality that you face on this planet, and it is to balance this universal duality that you come to the world to awaken unity and love in your hearts.

Thus, today I have your consciousnesses before an even greater mystery, which is to transcend your lives, not only through the conversion of life on the planet, but through the life of the whole universe, because even though you may not believe, the 'yes' of your hearts has repercussions in each star that you see in the sky when the night falls. And in each of these stars, there are many eyes that contemplate you, many hearts that wait for you to say 'yes' and to convert your lives into a source of transformation for all of existence.

Enter this Kingdom and patiently endure your own purification, endure with gratitude the old human that will be uprooted from your beings, the atavisms and the commitments with evil that you were once able to make through ignorance and illusion.

Enter this Kingdom and do not resist, because its waters will wash your spirits and will renew you so that you may accomplish the Plan of the Creator.

Today I place you before this mystery and I ask you, children, to simply contemplate it, to feel it, and to not leave this place to simply experience just another day.

Leave this place with an aspiration, with the divine aspiration in your essences; leave this place with the resolve to wake up to higher life, to not doubt the existence of a Greater Plan, which transcends the mind and human understanding.

Leave here with the determination to know and to come to know your true origin; leave here with the determination to be different, knowing that there is a truth that transcends all the teachings that have already been transmitted to Earth, that even transcends the truths of the sacred books, because they hide in the symbols of the words written there.

To seal your commitment to God and definitely unite you with this Kingdom, I will give you to drink and to eat of one of the great universal mysteries, so that the conversion of these elements may also convert your consciousnesses; and with this living mystery within you, you can unveil the mystery of your own existence and know that, in the same way that this bread is not just bread and this wine is not just wine, you are not just what you see, the matter you seem to be, the emotions that you feel, the thoughts you emit, but that a hidden truth exists, and it is there where the hope of God rests.

Within this truth, this mystery, in the same way that you unveil the conversion of the bread and of the wine, you will little by little unveil the conversion of matter into what it really is, and the conversion of these houses into what they really are, the conversion of these valleys into what they are, and the conversion of this world into what it should be.

Today you will commune with the codes of a new life. Today I place these elements in the hands of those that guide you, that are responsible for this Kingdom both in matter and in spirit.

I place these elements into the hands of those that untiringly have served you since the beginning. This is a Council that represents not only this Work, but also a large part of the Plan of God on Earth.

With your hearts open, children, emanate gratitude to the Universe so that, in this way, you may heal the past and prepare a life of greater companionship for these times.

The time has come for you to be companions not only of My Chaste Heart, of the Heart of Mary or of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but that you be companions of those that guide you, so that in these times, this Work may expand and the Plan of God can count on you to encompass more spaces on the planet that are so in need; for it is not only here that there are souls that must awaken, because it is not only those that watch us in their homes that must receive this life instruction. In each corner of the planet, no matter how hidden or forgotten it is, there exists a heart that has a commitment to God, and that commitment must be fulfilled.

By the authority that My Child gave Me and by the fatherhood that I once shared with God, protecting the One Who descended from the universes to be the Son of Man, I bless and convert these elements.

Together with the priests of this Kingdom that consecrate their lives to the invisible, that serve, that pray, that contemplate and support the planet, may the elements be converted, so that your lives may be converted, and you may go two by two, expanding the Plan of God on Earth.

Feel the Presence of the Most Holy Mary, so that Her Purity and Her Divine Consciousness, still not understood by humanity, may touch your hearts and help you in the transformation and in the consecration of your lives.

By the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I convert these elements and I thank you.

Remain united with the Sacred Hearts, because a new cycle is rising and will expect from all a new consciousness, a new awakening.

I thank you.

While the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesus transmitted the Words of Saint Joseph, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón was receiving the Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, which, at the end of the meeting of prayer, he shared with everybody.


Every day, dear children, I try to have the world become aware of what it is going through in this time, and of the perfect formula of prayer, as a means to liberate and unblock planetary processes.

Through the prayer of the heart, which is worked with every day, souls gain access to luminous and divine codes that help them take their steps and gradually overcome the obstacles that present themselves on the spiritual path and in their own purification.

It is in this way that, from time to time, when I descend to the planet, I remind humanity that the way out of certain worldwide situations and problems is found in prayer, even though it does not seem to be so.

True prayer will place any soul, under any condition, in the Arms of God, and, thus, the soul will be able to be fulfilling Divine Will.

I wish that all of My children could recognize, in this time, the inner transformation that they have experienced since the moment in which they assumed the path of prayer as a means of redemption and of transcendence.

I leave this reminder for all, because the power of prayer in the end of times will be indispensable and necessary.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who contemplates you with love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Listen to the voice of My Heart, so that all may be transformed, just as the Father has thought it so.

Hear My words as a balm for the soul and healing for the consciousness.

In each pronounced word, the sacred word of love is expressed, that which from the origin has created everything throughout this Universe and in others.

Hear the voice of My Heart as the spiritual nectar that gladdens the heart and heals wounds.

Openly listen to the voice of instruction so that each step taken may be based on the living of love and peace.

Listen to the voice of My Heart for those who do not listen, and for those who do not feel it. Listen for those who, due to being unconscious and lacking truth, lose the Grace of recognizing within themselves a higher and unknown love.

Listen to My words, one by one, as if they were the last, the words that leave seeds of love sown in the consciousness, codes that will forge a new being and a new soul, washed by the Spirit of sanctity of the Mother of God.

Listen to the voice of My Heart attentively for those that do not pay attention to all that I say, so that all consciousnesses may be worthy of greater knowledge beyond their limitations.

The voice of My Heart makes you grow in love and in brotherhood, in the absolute void of self and in sacred patience, with the purpose of awakening the Christs of the New Time.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children,

Finally, your Most Holy Mother and Queen of Heaven has, with Her Divine Consciousness, entered the United States, thanks to the support and contribution of all.

During the coming weeks, we will begin the long-awaited mission.

In this way, through the union of hearts, the Ideas of God will slowly be set forth and thus My children will be more conscious and consistent with the Divine Plan.

On this day, your Heavenly Mother prepares the field of consciousness to mercifully allow for the codes of redemption and rehabilitation to descend.

The city of San Francisco was chosen by the Divine Messengers to be the spiritual region that will receive all the necessary help so that the entire country may benefit from that which will happen here.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother precedes the coming of Christ as a preparation for the spiritual consciousness of the nation.

Because of this, dear children, all that will happen here in the United States, from the beginning up until the end, will be important, as well as all the support that manifests, which will contribute to the psychic balance of this nation as well as others, no matter how distant it may seem.

From the moment in which your hearts implored Mine, I heard you, and, with the power of love and mercy, I opened the doors so that this could take place in the face of the spiritual need of millions of souls.

Now that the Celestial Divinity looks with eyes of mercy upon all His children of the United States, a door of atonement has opened to bring a sacred and final opportunity from the Universe, the opportunity of truly loving God.

For all that has happened and for what will happen with the help of My children, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Assert yourself in the power of prayer…

Dear children,

In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.

It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.

On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.

But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.

While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.

But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.

This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.

While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.

But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.

In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.

Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.

Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.

In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.

But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.

I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.

This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.

Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.

If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.

In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.

Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.

I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Like a flower of peace, I descend to the world to bring peace and unity among peoples and nations.

The Heart of God is wounded on seeing some nations divided, in which My adversary works, bringing worry and horror to hearts. But do not forget that I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of all that is possible and impossible.

I am the advocate of this world and for all, I bring the reconciliation that you will still have to experience in these times.

My Heart is pleased on seeing your praying hearts, for it finds in them a refuge, a breath of peace to continue onward, carrying out My Work in the world in the hearts that most need it.

Today I am the Queen of Peace before your hearts, but I am also your Mother of Guadalupe. And I come to request, on this day, that this same Altar, blessed today by My Grace, remain present for the next meetings that will take place here with My Immaculate Heart.

For in this way, dear children, through the testimony that I have given you by means of the Virgin of Guadalupe, all the codes that are kept in My Face will be reactivated again in this time, so that your hearts and the hearts of the world may receive the codes of My celestial Light, which will gradually form the new race.

Today I come with this special request, because in your inner worlds, the hands that prepared this Altar, the hearts that gave of themselves to make it beautiful, have understood My primary petition, which is to reach those places, those peoples in which I am still not present in spirit or in divinity.

It will be through your arms and your hands, dear children, through the prayer of the heart, such as you have practiced today, that I will be able to reach those who most suffer and are in need in this time.

Here you are in a celestial paradise, because the sacred light of the Hierarchies interpenetrates each one of these spaces. So, dear children, you lack nothing. But have you asked yourselves at some point in your prayer: how many lack peace?, how many lack spiritual life?, how many lack healing, and mainly, food for their body?

The world is still divided; it does not want to hear the Voice of the Messengers of God.

The Americas must be consecrated as this new Eden and it will be through your works of peace and of charity that this will be able to happen, the charity of being able to collaborate with what is important for God and of contributing to this Plan of Redemption for the planet.

Through My Heart I come to open your pockets, because I know that you can give Me everything in this end time.

My great miracle of love is that I am present among you, instructing you, while My Son and My Father allow it.

For this reason, dear children, I come to open the flows of the love of your hearts, because in truth, it is the heart that gives of itself to God rather than the coin.

It is from your hearts that will be set forth the impulse to experience fraternal charity for your neighbor, and especially for those nations in the world that need to strengthen their peace, live in My Grace and in the Mercy of the Father.

Today My Son especially sends Me to give you this message, to deliver this request to you. Because it is important, dear children, that the Plans of My Peace be fulfilled in the world.

Thus, I have also come today to ask you, dear children, to reactivate the Campaign for Peace, that in your hearts and in all places this campaign for Central America and Mexico be expressed.

Spread My request to reach these nations and you will understand what I will do after some time, because there I will leave a Grace, the same Grace that you have received many times.

I invite you, dear children, to live in fraternity. I also invite you, dear children, to preserve these sacred lands with the gift of manifestation that they have, which the Eternal Father Himself has given you through Divine Providence.

So I invite you to be guardians of this Marian Center and each part of this Community, that they do not be in the hands of others, but rather in the Hands of God.

Again I tell you, dear children, that today I come to ask you and to invite you to live the giving of self, just as the Sacred Family lived in the beginning, giving everything they had, in each step of the Evangelization of My Son. Even when we took refuge in Egypt, without anything to carry, God Himself did not forsake us.

Whoever surrenders the things they have in hand will enter Heaven first, because in Heaven, they will not keep their material life. Material life is part of the evolution and the learning of consciousnesses. The life of the spirit is your sacred goal until the end of times, until you can achieve it, dear children.

Today I open My Heart and I expand it before you. And this invitation that today I extend to all is not only for those present here, but also in the world.

Thus, through the fulfilling of the Plans of God, you will be helping in the correction of the material and planetary imbalance, that the poorest receive what they need, and that the world come into balance through the Presence of My Immaculate Heart, of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We invite you, dear children, in this time to cross the threshold to detachment, so that you may experience the transcendence of self and the perfect union with the Laws of God.

We invite you, dear children, to seek inner balance so that planetary life may also come into balance.

Today, in your hearts, I find a willingness: of aspiring to comply with My call, of aspiring to comply with My requests in this new cycle for Central America and Mexico.

Today, dear children, I see you more open than at other times, to embrace other sister nations, so that you can definitely become constituted as the new race of humanity, and through your giving of self and your service, you can attract to yourselves the new principles that will reform the planet, that will transfigure the consciousness of humanity, and will sublimate the hearts that have still not achieved Light and Love.

Much love was poured out upon you, dear children, so that the manifestation of this sacred center could be present, love is in everything.

I invite you to penetrate the Mystery of the Love of God. In the Love of God, there is nothing for oneself, there is no property or control. For this reason, dear children, I invite you to seek freedom through the giving of self, to seek the freedom of your souls and of your consciousnesses, of knowing how to understand, above all things, that there is an infinite purpose that must be accomplished in this end time.

Remember that My last goal is to reach Australia to rescue My children of the native peoples, just as I have spiritually rescued many children through the pilgrimages.

Redouble your efforts and you will be able to see the Purpose of God manifest as healing in your lives and as redemption for your hearts.

It is in Divine Providence where you should live, so that the doors may be open to all those who come to find food for the body and the spirit.

Remember that through these years I am preparing you to live in the Islands of Salvation in this Plan of Rescue that begins to be postulated, that begins to show to all the consciousnesses of the world.

Lastly, I ask you to pray for Venezuela, so that its people and its nation may find the peace and the help of all nations, which it needs today.

Listen with the heart to what I am telling you. Your Heavenly Mother also suffers because of what She sees in Venezuela.

I invite you to transcend the indifference and open your hearts even more to those who will seek refuge from this exile that they are experiencing today, just like is happening in the Middle East.

I invite you to live in confraternity, in union with the Father and with all your spirits, so that the time of Redemption may thus be fulfilled.

This is all that I came to tell you today. I withdraw in peace, seeing your hearts receptive on receiving My sacred celestial call in your spirits.

I bless you with My Grace and I give you the impulse to continue onward so that you never forget My Greater Purpose, which is the triumph of My Heart in all of the Americas.

I thank you!


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors, continuation

Open your heart and empty your mind in order to understand and live the mysteries of Creation.

In that opening you will be able to penetrate the essence of knowledge, and everything that is sacred in the Universe will reach you not only as information, but as codes of Light that awaken in your being to transfigure you.

This is the power of the Mirrors, heavenly generators of universal harmony that concentrate within themselves all the attributes of Creation.

We state and understand as attributes all the rays and celestial currents that the Creator Fathers used for the manifestation of the planes and of life.

It is thus that the Heavenly Mirrors hold within themselves the remembrance of our spiritual, mental, and material origin. It is these attributes that, from time to time, allow the renewal of universal life and all the cycles, bringing positive impulses that impregnate all of Creation.

In the beginning of the origin, what we would understand as the essence of the Divine Thought of God, the Source created the Archangels so that they could create the Hosts of Light in the Mental Universe; in this way, at the beginning of everything, the Mental Universe was gradually gestated by the existence of the first armies of the Elohim.

These resplendent Consciousnesses were given impulse to collaborate in the creation of the Material Universe, because in the Thought and in the Heart of the Eternal Father there existed the Will for great experiences of love to occur that would go beyond all previous ones.

In the beginning, at the request of God, the Creator Fathers created the Heavenly Mirrors, because in the Material and Mental Universe these would help in the spiritual evolution of all universal life.

The Heavenly Mirrors were also formed by twelve attributes, twelve Rays, or twelve currents of spiritual and divine energy that would allow the history of the origin of the Creation to be well-guarded and available as light-based information for all the consciousnesses that would be created in the image and likeness of God.

The twelve attributes that were expressed during the gestation of the Mental and Material Universes emanated directly from what we know as the Source of Creation, which is the pure, immaculate, and divine essence of the Eternal Father.

From that point, during twelve cycles or twelve time spans, the Mental and Material Universes that were in formation received these spiritual impulses in order that the building of evolutionary life on the different planes be completed.

The first attribute emanated from the Source was that of LIFE; in that moment, God decreed: "On all the planes may Life exist, which will be visible and invisible, but in essence full of Love."

The second attribute emanated from the Source was that of UNITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all the Life that will manifest in My likeness know and live Unity in order to reach the Source through Love."

The third attribute that emanated from the Source was that of LOVE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Divine Love be known by all Life, and may Life express all the degrees of love so that evolution may progress."

The fourth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of KNOWLEDGE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Knowledge make all Life sacred, may spirits ennoble their consciousnesses through having knowledge of love and unity."

The fifth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of HUMILITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all Creation be humble in spirit and constitution; may the true government and evolution be reached by the humble, and may all life imitate this sacred path."

The sixth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of COMPASSION; in that moment, God decreed: “May absolute Compassion arise in universal life so that consciousnesses remember that everything is based on Love and on Mercy”.

In this way, the seventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of MERCY; in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation live Mercy in essence, and may this Law vivify whomever contemplates it in devotion”.

The eighth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of POVERTY OF SPIRIT; in that moment, God decreed: “May true evolution take place in all the poor in spirit, so that nothing nor anybody will deviate them from the sacred path by means of any temptation”.

The ninth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SERVICE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May cooperation and mutual help establish the spirit of service in the Universes; may love and service interpenetrate all life so that fraternity may arise and be the basis of universal evolution”.

The tenth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of PIETY; and in that moment, God decreed: “Happy are all consciousnesses that supplicate in My Holy Name, because I will have absolute Pity on each one of them and in this way they will know the power of the Mercy of My Heart”.

The eleventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of ETERNITY; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all that was created, after its experience, know Eternity; may all the planes that hold universal life elevate spirits so that they may merge into infinity and thus attain immortality”.

The twelfth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SCIENCE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation and life become aware of the Laws and may the Laws guide, lead, and realign all universal life under the spirit of harmony”.

These twelve attributes were essentially kept inside the Heavenly Mirrors, which also radiate these creative principles to the whole Material Universe.

The Heavenly Mirrors are great states of divine consciousness present on three planes: the material, the mental, and the spiritual; in this way, a powerful equilibrium is established in the whole Universe, which is underpinned by angelic consciousnesses.

Thus, the communication network of the Mirrors helps in the redemption and the rehabilitation of all life in different cycles and times. It is in this way that the Heavenly Mirrors, counting on these divine impulses, become sources of the emanation of love and unity for all life.

The existence of the Heavenly Mirrors reminds planetary life that souls must always aspire to someday become similar to a Mirror, not because of its potency, but to be able to mirror what the Father expects of each creature, just as He thought it in the beginning.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the Mirror of Light of each heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While My Maternal and Divine Light penetrates the Earth together with Saint Joseph to redeem the fallen and lost hearts, My Heart joyfully receives your prayers and chants. When the offering is sincere and spontaneous it pleases very much the Heart of God.

Thus, dear children, every day I teach you to love a little more and to lose the fear of doing it because if you loved your brothers and sisters as I love each one of you, many of the sufferings would end.

I invite you, My children, to strengthen the commitment with the Eternal Father of forming a sacred spiritual family, bearer the same codes of the ancient people of Israel; people that at that time vivified the Word of God and made it flesh within them.

I invite you to love the knowledge, but also to live it, for it to be in you a source of conversion and an example of redemption.

In this moment, dear children, the Sacred Hearts approach to this part of the planet for the great need of awakening and redemption.

I need, My children, you to be able to follow each step that the Messengers of Heaven take, in this way you can contribute to the development of the Plan that is not physical, but internal and spiritual.

Everyone without exception is called at this time to provide their virtues and gifts so that My Son will be able to achieve His redemptive Work at these times.

For this, start to love in a different form than you have loved until now, may your human love be transformed by prayer and be transfigured in each new consecration.

I will help you to follow this infinite path towards the real Love. I will motivate you and impel you to concrete in yourselves what the Father so much expects from you; for it to be possible, hand Me what you are and thus I will be in you the image and likeness of God.

Encourage yourselves every day to say yes to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who always blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At the Marian Centers of the world consecrated by Your Heavenly Mother, by Christ and by Saint Joseph, are spiritually kept precious pearls of Light that, lit in the essences of souls, awaken conversion.

Those are the treasures of Heaven that My Divine Soul comes to pour each time that I am present among My dear children; it is in this way that My Maternal Spirit establishes at each Marian Center one Gift of God that allows to awaken the redemption of the hearts and of all consciousness that pass by them in prayer.

The Sacred Family made use of these treasures of which I speak in order to carry out the redeeming work of humanity. It is in this way that the spiritual relics are to be found deposited, for example, at this Sacred Marian Center where the Celestial Hierarchy still develops a planetary task in union with all the consciousness that are here to sustain the vortex of light that is opened over each Marian Center.

In these final times when humanity will define its next destiny, I ask you, dear children, that you never get tired of being guardians of all the treasures and all the Graces that the Celestial Messengers have poured with much love. 

In this time when redemption and the planetary healing are essential, may your hearts always renew and be guardians of the divine legacy that will have its fruits and its victory in the next humanity.

As once I told you, dear children, you are guardians and successors of a divine knowledge that is kept at all the Marian Centers.

In prayer, work every day so that this knowledge and these divine codes expand more and more in the world and in the consciousness that need it the most.

May the living remembrance of the treasures of the instruction always motivate you to take your steps toward My Son and for the fulfillment of the sacred Plan of Love.

May the flame of your hearts never be extinguished and may it always be united to the flame of Your Heavenly Mother, thus We will reconstruct this humanity.

I thank you for responding My call! 

Who impels you to move forward,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors

In the vast Universe, where infinite life expresses itself, there are specific areas within the material universe such as yours, where networks of Mirrors act as re-transmitters of divine energy currents, as well as of impulses generated through the first seven Rays.

In this huge communication network, evolutionary life manages to communicate within itself, and at the same time, all universal life spiritually and internally receives the impulses that such a network generates.

We understand a network to be an extensive group of spiritual instruments of the Heavenly Hierarchy that is used to keep all evolutionary life in communication with the principles of God, which in this humanity is known as Divine Will.

It is this Divine Will that comes from the Fount of Abba, which is universally re-transmitted through the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors.

Just as in the material universe there are Mirrors of light that fulfill specific tasks, the network of all Mirrors interrelates with itself, and each of these instruments brings to universal life the possibility to expand its knowledge as well as that of working in service to the Creator.

The mirrors are formed by subtle emanations of love of the Creator Fathers, of the Elohim. In the beginning, when the universes were created, the first way to keep all universal life in communication was through what we call Heavenly Mirrors.

Thus it was that the Creator Fathers asked Their angelic armies to create, with their higher mental power, great pools of light in the material universe, which later and throughout time would be converted into the so-called Heavenly Mirrors.

The Heavenly Mirrors were created from the fusion they experienced with the divine codes of love and unity; it was the essential base that would allow all beings living in the Love of the Father to enter into contact with the spiritual treasures kept in the communication network of the Mirrors.

At the request of the Archangel Uriel, the creator angelic armies generated the first network of the Heavenly Mirrors in the material universe, known as the first Heaven. Later on, when the Mirrors had already been created by the spiritual currents that the angels had brought, the same Mirrors were unfolded on six planes or six Heavens, so that they then could be present in all universes; that is to say, in the material, mental, and spiritual universe.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors is present between the first seven Heavens; it is in this way that a great spiritual, mental, and material communication is established in all universal life, and each consciousness that forms part of the Creation of God is integrated into this very potent flow of knowledge and evolution.

It was the Archangel Uriel who entrusted His angels with sowing the essence of love and unity in the Heavenly Mirrors; later on, the Archangel Rafael sent His legions to pour out principles of healing and redemption in the whole material universe. After Archangel Rafael, the Archangel Gabriel sent His messenger angels to place in all the Mirrors the sacred knowledge of Creation, so that some day it may be revealed, as it is today.

Lastly, to protect this divine legacy, the Archangel Michael sent His hosts of light so that for all eternity they may be the doorkeepers of the Mirrors, who would unconditionally and in service to God protect the relics of Creation.

Thus it was that when the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors was formed by the intervention of the Creator Fathers and by Their hosts of light, Abba decided to send a potent impulse of divine and universal Love to the material universe and it was through the Sacred Feminine Energy, through the Father-Mother Essence that He would deposit the principles of Mercy and Pity over the network of the Mirrors.

The Archangel Gabriel tells us that when this event took place, all universal hosts were prostrate during three days of divine time to thank God for having made rise from within Himself the feminine aspect of Creation, today known as the Spirit of the Universal Mother or the Mother of the World.

In that time all Creation was being ordered and prepared for the first evolutionary experiences.

In that time, Abba Father universally considered that created life would need a Maternal Consciousness sufficiently loving and merciful to the point that the Father would send Her to Earth to incarnate as the Mother of the Messiah of Israel.

This act of universal mercy also allowed the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors to be supported and accompanied by the Mother Consciousness of God.

The first revelations about the Mirrors appeared in the 1970s through 1980s, when the Celestial Hierarchy decided to reveal this divine secret that has been present and living for millions of years, after humanity was at the brink of self destruction several times.

The Father granted the Grace that the human consciousness remember its mission in the Plan, and the Universe granted that humanity might awaken to the truth from which, out of ignorance, it had separated for many centuries.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors has allowed this planet to continue to exist in Creation, and above all, the Mirrors have generated the equilibrium of the axis on the Earth and of the poles.

If this silent intervention had not taken place, the race would already have self-destructed, and this unconditional help from the Mirrors has come from the moment in which the aspect of the Firstborn Son of God arrived in the world to save it on all planes of consciousness.

So the awakening is being granted to all, irrespective of the degree of debts. The Plan of rescue of Christ is already active and all will have the last Grace of being able to respond to it.

May the network of the Heavenly Mirrors represent for all the opportunity to remember within themselves that they are consciousnesses created by God, and that they can learn how to love and mirror unity to the entire Universe without the overbearing need to destroy the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the mirror of each praying heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Patience in transformation and in your own purification is primary. Remember that you are before a human condition that degenerated throughout the centuries and you are before codes that emerge from your consciousnesses to be transformed, and they even go past life on Earth, for their roots are in the Universe.

Always remember that the One Who came to the world to give you an example was the Son of the Living God and He had to suffer the evils of the Earth and transmute the atavisms of humanity to open the path for you.

The transcendence of the human matter of Jesus started since His gestation until His last breath on the Cross. If the Living God worked in each instant of His life to culminate with His lesson of love, do not expect it to be different for you. How do you want to sanctify your bodies and souls if you are only beginning to understand this path now?

The Son of God was aware of universal life and its mysteries; He knew all the cosmic sciences because He was one with The One Who created them; and even so, in order to free the fear of His last Cell and experience love in full with all the levels of His Consciousness, He had to reach the Cross and forgive everything that He had experienced up to there.

Children, you have a long way to go to reach perfection. Do not be in a hurry, be patient. However, be constant and persistent and do not become comfortable in the fact that transformation will last you a lifetime.

Yes, the absolute transformation will take your whole life, but every day you must achieve a new step, so that at the end of this life you may be worthy of reaching other celestial worlds and dimensions that bring you closer to God.

The transformation will last a lifetime because evolution is eternal and not because you will always be in the same place. Each day, a new understanding and a new step must occur, based on permanent effort. Do not worry whether you take long or short steps, because each day and each cycle will lead you to a different step.

What really matters is that you do not stop and that you be constant.

Open yourselves every day so that the Love of God may transform you and withdraw a little of yourselves from your own consciousness so as to give space to Love and the divine Presence.

Each day, remove an object of your inner dwelling place to make room for the Celestial Dweller that will come one day. At some point, you will have the house empty and clean to receive Him.

Your father and long-standing friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I am the Mother of the Heavens and of all the oceans, each space of this planet is ruled by My Mirrors, from within the oceans of light.

In them I keep the codes of peace, love and rehabilitation, those that radiate to the whole planet.

In the great oceans of the world, the praying souls can find the celestial codes of redemption and rehabilitation.

In each ocean is kept an evolutionary and spiritual history of the celestial Universe, that which radiates itself secretly to the continents.

Spiritual currents of divine energy that help to maintain the planet under a certain protection manifest themselves in the great oceans.

When the praying people unite to the oceans, they reflect what they protect and thus an inner communication is created between the soul of each being and the oceans.

I leave this instruction for all because the oceans keep in themselves the hidden principles of harmony, beauty and balance for humanity.

Oceans exist to contain the emotional plane of humanity. They help the inner healing of consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays for the great oceans,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Greater misery than the material misery is the lack of compassion and of unity among human beings.

To lack the necessary is the consequence of an even greater lack, a lack that is not individual but that is human: a lack of love in the hearts.

To be poor and miserable physically, children, is not the greatest of evils. To be poor of virtues and miserable in spirit is what hinders the human being to share bread for the body. Where there is no compassion, there is no equality. Where there is indifference, there can be no fraternity and balance.

Do not be indignant about the inhuman misery in which your brothers and sisters live, if compassion and fraternity are still missing in you – and with this you collaborate in the growth of indifference and of social inequality in which you live nowadays as a civilization.

Children, may there be more action and less emotion in your lives. May you be more ready to act and not let yourselves get involved by feelings that do not make the spirit grow. If you are facing the misery of your brothers and sisters, do not only give them bread, but, besides bread, also give your own life, offering your transformation in reparation for the lack that exists in the human consciousness and that results in this misery that impregnates matter.

Love, feel your neighbor with compassion, be fraternal, overcome the indifference, overcome selfishness, surrender to fraternity and erase from your consciousnesses the fear of missing something in the future – this fear that makes you keep everything for yourselves. These codes, children, are the ones that make the difference – when deposited in the human consciousness.

Why do you complain so much about the governmental systems and become indignant with the social misery, if you do nothing for the human consciousness to be different, and even nourish the old patterns that maintain them at this point of involution?

It is time to grow and take steps in a very neutral form, understanding the point in which you are and doing an effort every day for humanity to receive new divine principles.

Do not search for virtues for yourselves – to affirm the other’s misery and to highlight yourselves -, search to be virtuous so that the whole of humanity may be so; in this way, children, you will reach true virtues.

Serve and feel in the heart the sorrow for the material and inner misery of your brothers and sisters, but do not remain there. Change, grow, fly and take with you each human heart.

The goal is not only your own sanctification: the goal is the conversion of all of humanity and the Christification of a whole race, that will be able to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and God above all things.

May peace and unity be in your hearts.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children:

Making My feet alight on the Kingdom of Fatima, I return to this place and on this day to reignite in the world its original purity.

I return to bring peace to the world and a greater time of mercy.

I return to awaken in My children the Love of God and the inner compassion that must exist among consciousnesses.

My children, from the Kingdom of Fatima I proclaim the greatness of the Mercy of God, since He is placing again on the path all those who had lost it from sight.

Dear children, it is an infinite joy to be able to return to the House of Lis, the Inner Sanctuary that brings new divine codes to the consciousnesses.

Therefore, My children, with your hearts wide open travel again though each space of this great planetary Sanctuary for the angels to deposit in your essences this sacred energy. And those who cannot be present here, place your hearts between My hands for Me, Your Heavenly Mother, to be able to lift them towards the House of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, may your hearts throb in Lis-Fatima so that at the end of all, the Project of My Beloved Son may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I mirror the inner light upon the world.

I am the Lady of the oceans and through them I radiate the codes of renovation.

In the great oceans there are points of light that form a large net that communicates with the fountains of Grace. The oceans capture the principles of these fountains, and the prayers of all those who unite themselves to Me are deposited in these places to generate states of peace, harmony and mercy.

I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I unify the consciousnesses with the Purposes of God.

I am the Mother of the oceans and protect during the trips those who cross them.

I do not cease to take care of the light that exists in the oceans because it helps humanity widely.

Through the great oceans the Will of God is established, and all those who unite themselves to the consciousness of the oceans can feel the inner peace.

Thanks for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of All,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Blindness of humanity starts with the indifference and omission of the souls towards the sacred Kingdom of God. Thus the souls uninterested in knowing their real purpose lose the total vision of their horizon and of their inner universe.

At this time the Celestial Hierarchy tries to sow new codes as seeds of light in arid deserts, and it is the prayer of all those who correspond to the Plan that allows all to be balanced.

Thus, Your Heavenly Mother knits upon the planetary consciousness a network of light capable of supporting the currents that will come in aid to the entire humanity.

This universal action generated by groups of prayer that have contact with this cosmic frequency allows the Laws to change and the foreseen events not to take place on Earth before their time, in spite of the great mental and spiritual indifference that might exist.

Dear children, the Celestial Father rejoices when the major part of the consciousnesses respond to the celestial Call and do it with sincerity and truth. This also generates an inexplicable fusion between the spiritual and human planes. Thus, codes of light from the seventh celestial Universe descend and provide that all the planet receives an undeserved Grace.

The open and available heart is allowed to go through the thick layers of the global indifference with its prayer, and makes all the Creation, from now onwards, to count on spirits decided to fulfill the Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union with all the servers of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While I am present, reconsider everything that I have told you in these last days, and define your lives in My Merciful Heart, that opens like an inexhaustible spring for souls thirsty for the Love of God.

On this day, I prepare you for tomorrow, at My Last Supper, where we will relive the great mystery of My Divinity and of My Agony, before the Passion.

My Heart offered Itself completely for each one of you, and it lost nothing.

I am before you as before the people of God, who gather together as a single flock to receive Me in this Holy Week.

I have already anointed your feet, blessed your bodies, purified a part of your lives, and brought you even closer to the Heart of My Father, so that renewed by My Spirit, you will be able to survive in this transition that is approaching, which you should love, although you do not understand it or know it; for the world has to be purified, companions, so as to be able to incarnate a new humanity, and write a new story in the sacred books of Heaven, through this cenacle that we will live today and of this blessing that we will propagate for the bliss of all.

Lift up your intentions again so that My Father may hear them, and thus, in His infinite Mercy, contemplate all the needs of His children in the whole world.

You know, companions, that there are souls that suffer more than you at this planetary hour; that is why the work that you are all in must be continued, and not hesitate.

My Holy Mother has given you the foundations for carrying out these works, based on the integration of fraternity and in the union of the beings of the Earth that assemble in My Name to serve Me, and thus, serve My Father Who is in the Heavens.

Do not want anything for yourselves, but rather everything for others; in this way, you will find your freedom in the simple donation of things, and in the absolute expansion of the love of your hearts.

Oh, My friends! How I would like for many more to listen to Me, just as you listen to Me with your heart open, and with the preparation that I convey to you to live in the end of times.

Do not leave your spiritual work behind, never allow this. Walk with confidence toward My Heart and in this way, you will be able to live the spiritual renewal of your inner beings every day.

Now I will show you an example [1]:

This is the greatest secret of My Love for the world.

This is the perfect revelation of the Love of God for all of His creatures.

Who contemplates it will be saved.

Who internalizes it, finds the liberation of their spirit from all their forms.

Who loves the Most Holy relives My Passion and embraces it as their inner work.

This, companions, was what I surrendered for the twelve and for all of humanity.

On the material plane, I show you My Presence.

Happy are those who believe in it and live it permanently.

This is the portal through which you can pass every day and leave behind your mundane customs and habits to raise your spirits, which will free you.

Who crosses through this Holy Monstrance toward the Kingdom of God, will be strengthened and will never feel lost.

This is My expression of Love for the world, and I repeat it, so that you may feel it as real and pure.

Here is God present with all of His Consciousness, small and similar to you, alive and glowing, like the humble hearts.

This is the symbol of My Patriarchy, this is the emblem for My legions, for the adorers of Christ and of His Holy and Living Face.

This is food for the hungry.

It is the light for those who are in the darkness.

It is the solution for doubts, clarity for uncertainty, strength for those who are blind and cannot see Me.

Who will want to adore Me as the angels adore Me all of the time?

I Am not something unknown to you; that is why I incarnated in the world and I gave you the greatest testimony of God for all of humanity.

On Wednesday, after having lived My greatest agony for love and of having supported all the sins that until today the souls would commit out of ignorance and perdition, before the last supper, I withdrew into the silence of the heart.

I come, companions, to reveal to you this light that I Am, for all of the Universe; this saving symbol for souls that seek a way out and cannot find any truth on their path.

See the Son of God, resplendent in this Mystery, before His Passion on Friday.

How much love was reflected for each one of you in that time!, and which is still alive through hearts and of all the generations that live Christ within themselves.

This is the commitment of all the adorers who may want to assume the equilibrium of the planet and of humanity in their lives, in this time of chaos: to Adore the Blessed Body of their Master until the last days of the battle.

How much love there is to pour out through this Monstrance and this symbol of peace!

How many hearts could be alleviated, if you would only look at Me with simplicity and devotion!

I do not come to establish fanatic souls, but rather spirits in constant contemplation and elevation towards the high; living mirrors of God on the surface of the Earth that retransmit the Divine impulses of this holy symbol through their hearts: to be mirrors of peace, to be a light in the darkness and the gloom, to be lovers of My Merciful and Peaceful Heart.

Assume this legacy in your lives, because there are souls that have come to this world to fulfill this, My Will, of adoring Me all of the time.

At the table of the last supper I instituted this Principle of God in the world and for all creatures.

My Heart surrendered for you, and offered Itself like a great living eucharist of flesh, blood, and water, so that souls could be saved under the intercession of your Lord.

And today, companions, I impose here the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity on this archetype, this symbol of peace for the world.

Who walks behind it will be a spark for the world, glowing in the abysses.

Who lives for Christ will find peace and will never perish, when their trust is greater than their fears and all their tests.

Now, son, show the world what I Am.

Leave your aspirations deposited in this symbol; in truth, I will never abandon you, because who is in Me fears nothing and will have eternal life.

I bless you, children, with My Light and with My Peace.

Rest your faces upon My shining Heart and feel the love that comforts you in this hour of surrender and of renunciation for the world.

You consecrated yourselves to Me, and I am pleased by that.

You said "yes" and I accept you, in imperfection and in immaturity, because I do not see your miseries, companions; I only see all that the world can give when it walks in transcendence and it confirms itself in the faith of serving God until the end.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And even when I am present, I expect you to know how to contemplate Me in the continuance of your love and of your devotion for Me, because the only thing that I want, companions, is the redemption of your lives and the pacifying of your hearts, in you and in your fellow beings.

 Let us lift to the Heavenly Father the  offering for today, that My Merciful Heart welcomes, and feel the peace, only the peace of living in God.

"Who is in God, fears nothing.
Who is in God, does not retreat.
Who is in God, lives of the love of God,
This is the strength of today.
In God, in God, in God." Amen (x3)


In the offering of the incense, companions is found the purification of the spirit and the soul, and of each part of the bodies that align with the light to be uplifted.


The water is the symbol of the purification of all matter; it is the chastity of God manifested through this sacred element; it is the baptism for all those who must be renewed.


In the oil is found the remedy for the sick in spirit, the renewal by means of Grace, and the sacred objects that trace the upliftment of souls through contemplation and adoration, are the perfect connection for beings.

I institute the code of My Divine Blood.

Through My Body I institute the essence of My glorified Soul.

Second day of intentions blessed by My Spirit.

The Our Father is recited in Aramaic and some intentions are read and answered.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

At the request of Christ and for all these intentions, we will listen to "Páter Noster"

[1] Friar Elías asks for the Monstrance to be brought.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I come from Heaven, dear children, to call those who have still not awakened, through those who have been consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

Today I am here as the Queen of Peace, as the Mother of the whole universe, as the Guardian of Faith, as the Protector of hearts and those who say 'yes' to My call.

I hope that your consecration as My children is to honor God, the Almighty, and His Beloved Son, Who will soon return to see you in prayer and working for the Plan.

Dear children, today I open My Mantle to show you all the nations of the world, mainly those that have still not been consecrated to Me, since 2,000 years ago. I still hope that the hearts that I wake up, in those nations, will manage to achieve it. 

The Middle East must be My reign of Peace, and you, beloved children, must accompany Me in transmutation as in prayer.

You have no reason to fear these things; there are many souls in this place that truly suffer and you know it.

I come here to give you, every day, My Celestial Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of My Son and of Saint Joseph, the Kingdom of Paradise.

Today I need your hearts to deeply open a little more, because I am not here alone, I am with the angels that guard My task and the task of all My children.

The Americas need to fulfill that promise. In all the nations of the Americas, I am present through My different Aspects, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, in Argentina.

I am the same for all the cultures, but all the peoples recognize Me through their devotion and by what I have manifested throughout time in My Apparitions.

I am in Salta as I am in Medjugorje, just like My Presence is never erased in Fatima, in Lourdes and not even here, when you call the Mother of Figueira.

I am that great Tree of Life for you, beloved children. You must accomplish My Plan in this place, the one God has proposed for this part of the Americas; and know that it is being achieved through faith and prayer, which is what I need from all My children.

Each step you are able to take in your consecration is great for God and for His Original Project.

Beloved children, live this opportunity I give you daily; because when I am no longer here nor My Son or Saint Joseph, you must continue working with all the pilgrims that will come here to seek the source of My Love and My Peace. For this reason, the Marian Center and the rest of the Centers I have consecrated exist, just as I will consecrate Fatima and Lourdes to My Marian Work.

I would like you all to be able to enter into My Immaculate Heart and that you drink of the Fount of Love of God that I bring you to cure your wounds and your suffering.

Today, I am speaking with you because I know that you listen to Me. But more hearts should listen to Me through you, in the example of prayer and of charity; in the example of expanding My campaign of Peace through the world, so that My Plan may be established and your Heavenly Mother, together with Her Glorified Son, defeat the adversary in the last time remaining to it.

The Earth will tremble and will be purified, so that it may be purer. But I will not stop aiding you because you have trusted in Me from the beginning. I do not cease to be present in your homes when you open the doors to prayer, and in each one of your relations, which I attempt to reach every day with My Love and with My Redemption, which is the Redemption of My Beloved Son.

Beloved children, I would like you to be a part of My spiritual life; that the Kingdom of the Heavens were not so far from you, as it has been for many souls. I bring the Kingdom of the Heavens in each Apparition, in each world, in each gesture of Love and of Peace.

I bring you the new code of My Son so that you may hold it in your hearts and souls, and it be able to sow itself in the depths of your essences, and in this way, talents will wake up.

Today I speak to you sweetly because I know that you need it, because I know you need My consoling and maternal embrace.

I am not the one who loves, it is God who loves through Me; and I would like to love your brothers and sisters through your hearts, dispelling their doubts and faults through My Original Purity, the purity of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima. For that to be possible, My beloveds, in the presence of all the universe and the invincible Love of My Son, with My Heart, I would like to listen to a song in honor of the Kingdom of Lys, in honor of all the essences that wake up and the servers who work for the Plan in all of Europe and the whole world.

On this 13th day, the Gardens of Lys open to bless you and so that you may walk through them spiritually with Me, in the perfect beauty of God and all His creative manifestation.

Before consecrating you as Children of Mary, I must take you to the Original Purity and the essence of the Love which will unify you with God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother, indicating the choir, says:

I am listening.

Sing with Me, My children, to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys.

Song: "Lys, Mary, Lys".


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is from that very pure Garden that your little essences come, because My Heart has Its dwelling place in that Garden; and each of you, My children, is born of My Maternal Essence, is born from the Spiritual Womb of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I bring you the Kingdom of Lys so that you may be reborn in spirit, so that you may experience the purity that will allow you to face the times to come.

Today I bring you the Peace of Lys, as I brought it to you in previous times through the little ones of Fatima.

In that time, those three little children were able to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys to establish peace and avoid a war in this world. Now, My children, the war is already established and it is not just between the Light and the darkness; chaos and evil also fight with each other to deceive souls.

Thus, today I bring you the Kingdom of Lys, which is My Kingdom in Fatima, so peace may be established in your lives, and through you, in the heart of each of My children.

I want you to be forerunners of My Peace, through prayer and also through life examples, just like the apostles of My Son. When they preached, from their mouths not only words emanated; they radiated the Presence of Christ to everybody, they radiated the Divine Verb, the Gifts of the Spirit of God that were imprinted on their consciousnesses.

When I ask you to listen to Me and read My Words, it is so that they are also able to be imprinted within each of you, and in this way, announce My Presence in this world and in the whole universe; let them not only be words spoken by your mouths, let it be the Spirit of God that manifests through the love and truth that your hearts are able to experience.

It is for this reason, My children, that I need so many missionaries in this world, that I need so many hearts that not only have an experience on Earth, but live a true mission, live a spiritual mission of drawing close the Kingdom of God, of experiencing the real archetype for this humanity, because that is the Will of God.

And it is possible to manifest this as long as you are real, sincere, humble; as long as you are obedient, that you not want to establish your own plans in the world, but rather the Plans of the Creator; because your plans, children, are very small. You are very ignorant because your hearts still do not know the truth, do not know the real Plan of God. But if you open in spirit, in essence, to unite your little hearts with the Heart of the Creator, that Plan, which is perfect and includes each essence of this world, will be able to manifest naturally through your hearts.

Today, from the Kingdom of God, I bring you the true spiritual mission, the real missionary spirit, so it is able to manifest in your essences; so that you may be executors of this Plan, just as My angels are, those who are here around Me today, manifesting the Will of God on this day for each of your lives; those who bring the gifts of the missionary spirit from the Heavens to place in you.

Let yourselves, My children, experience that spirit and fulfill the true mission of sanctifying and consecrating this world, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to the Heart of My Son, to the Heart of the Father.

Let this Earth be able to experience Divine Thought, that perfect idea emanated by God in the beginning. This is possible if you accept responding to My call, beyond all that you always wished to experience.

For My Immaculate Heart there are no limits, no age, no skills. All can be missionaries in spirit, because the true mission transcends the physical movements you could carry out. The true mission is accomplished when your hearts are open and allow Me to love through you.

Thus, I gathered here together the missionaries who came from the East and also those who went to Chaco, because I want to imprint an impulse of Light in those hearts that will multiply and expand to all the servers who would like to be consecrated to My Heart as missionaries of Mary.

Thus, today, children, I bring you the impulses of Lys and also the impulses of God, and in this way, I pour out an unprecedented, infinite Grace for those who know to live it from the heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Through the song of the young people, dear children, all the young people who take drugs, who are lost through alcohol and disunity, went through the Gardens of Lys through your mediation. My Immaculate Heart helped you to strengthen your path in the search for the Eternal Light.

Before I rise up to Heaven, My Words have consecrated all of you, those present, and those who listen to Me open of heart and soul.

Let those who will be consecrated today to the Immaculate Heart, to a life of service as a vow, to a life of prayer as a vow and a life of fellowship as a vow, stand up.

Bring water here to Me for blessing.

Dear children who will be consecrated, I will draw the rain of My Graces and My Peace to you through the blessed water, which is the most visible symbol of purity and chastity; an element lovingly created by God, your Eternal Father, in the beginning of the universes.

Water purifies you. Water sanctifies you. Water renews you, frees you from sin and leads you into finding peace. That water will be sprayed on your bodies by a priest who in My Name and the name of the Most Holy Trinity, will impart the blessing to you.

Today, I bless the Mother of Colombia, Chiquinquirá, the Mother of all the original peoples of the Andes, which I have instituted as Pilgrim of all of Colombia and the countries of Central America, together with the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Virgen of Coromoto, and in union with the Virgen of Cuapa.

In these Aspects, dear children, I reveal My Attributes to you, the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Chiquinquirá is the Attribute of Union, of the unity of souls of the whole Earth with God.

By the authority granted Me by the Grace of God, may this water be constituted of all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, by the infinite Grace of God and His unfathomable Mercy, through the powerful Heart of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Who will come for the second time to the world in Glory among the clouds and will pour out His Graces as a rain of Light over those that had persisted in faith until the end of days of the Universal Judgment.

The guardian angels of your Heavenly Mother place their hands of Light over this water. May it bless those who are being consecrated today and who are beginning a path of prayer and of service for the Plans of Peace of your Heavenly Mother.

With the supreme authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I consecrate you all to My Immaculate Heart.

Let us listen to the hymn of the Children of Mary, in devotion and faith.

While I rise up to Heaven, I would like you, children consecrated in this annual meeting with My eternal heart, to in your prayers take on a soul of the East, so it may receive the same Grace you receive every month.

Do not choose anybody; simply pray with the heart, because God sees everything.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Thank you, children, for all that you give Me!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


Dear children of Mine,

Through the humanitarian mission in Turkey, a new kingdom is being built in the heart of the people who have been lovingly sheltered by My missionaries of peace.

This means the triumph, at this moment, of the spiritual life and of love in the existence of millions of people. Thus, children of Mine, you will comprehend that by fully living the selfless service, the doors of the Heavens will always remain open for those hearts that need redemption.

Now, dear missionary children, that you have learnt to perceive the human condition, may your arms be even more open to shelter spiritually in the Heart of the Divine Messengers those who expect to feel truly loved.

The humanitarian mission in the Middle East has reached an unparalleled spiritual repercussion because in all of this task of service and of Christic love you had always to work in order to surpass yourselves in behalf of each consciousness of the Middle East, in behalf of those who live the oppression of an armed war in their own flesh.

Dear children, Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you in this last spiritual stage, in which more codes of redemption, of mercy and of forgiveness will be sown in more hearts.

Children of Mine, all of this task has not only had repercussion on your through the mission, but also on your brothers and sisters of the communities, especially of the Marian Center of Aurora which has been the depositary of certain currents which had to be liberated. This is a difficult and hard reality that very few are willing to live at any time and with no time limitation for the spiritual salvation of humanity.

The work of the Heavenly Hierarchy is broader than what it seems and it is not restricted to one region of the planet where one serves, but also to planes of consciousness which during the humanitarian missions are supported by the Marian Centers founded by the Mother of Heaven.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you to the Source of Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Before all that happens in the world, the Messengers of God are trying to teach humanity how to intervene in aid of the souls.

Dear companions, throughout the centuries of your existence, humankind has almost always answered to the wars generating bigger wars and has tried to confront the false power with the same false power, without realizing that only the Power that comes from God can balance all things.

It is a divine aspiration that the planet do not be indifferent to what is happening in the Middle East, but not so that humankind may react with wars and respond to the hatred that permeates the hearts of the people present there sending an even heavier burden of hatred.

Do you realize that this has always been the strategy of the enemy? To generate such atrocity in the cities and such lack of love among humans, so that this hatred would expand itself to all beings and all would respond with the same level of terrorism.

In the beginning of all this chaos, many were impressed with the degree of wickedness of the human heart, when they saw the ways some people tortured and murdered the neighbor; but now, such is the hatred that is expanding itself through the hearts, that those who were impressed before with these actions would be capable of doing the same with the said murderers. That is why, children, God calls you to the awakening. Do not let yourselves be influenced by the evil of the world. Keep your consciousnesses fixed on the goodness and your hearts united to the One who was crowned with thorns in silence.

We call you to react to what happens in the whole world – and, mostly, in the Middle East – not with hatred and with resentment, but with absolute love. Dissolve resentment from your hearts, learn to forgive, in the small things, those who are closer to you. Learn to be brothers and sisters of each other, under the spirit of unity and of fraternity, and watch yourselves more precisely each time, so that neither in the small nor in the great things you are unfaithful to the principles of love that you have elected to live.

United to the Divine Messengers in a great chain of love for humanity. Serve, forgive, reconcile, love, send to the world messages of peace, and live this peace. Be examples of a true effort for living the goodness, and no longer allow yourselves to surrender to hatred and to lack of love only for your inability of being humble.

Abandon your pride and your will of defeating the others and standing out with your own behaviors, because these are the same conducts, the one that manifest themselves in your day by day, that, in greater proportions, generate the wars and the conflicts in the world.

It is time of growing in order to learn how to serve God. It is time to be humble, so that your pride does not make the planet sink, once more, in the sea of chaos and of evil.

Persevere and overcome yourselves. Put aside the childish and retrograde codes of pride and arrogance and allow that the Grace of living in peace and fraternity be a reality in your lives.

For the salvation of humanity,

Your Friend and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

