Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Jesus Christ during the 53rd Marathon of The Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I deliver, for those who most need it, My Sacred treasures, and by giving those treasures, I can renew all things. This is why everything that you receive in this time is unique. From that which comes from spirit, to what matter receives, everything can be blessed by God when you simply open your hearts.

My Power can expand and reach the most distant places on Earth.

With this I tell you again of the importance of My followers in this time, within the Work of Divine Mercy.

This Work is formed of the Mystical Body of the people of God, and can expand when your hearts are receptive to the summonings that comes from the Universe.

Today, the world again received great assistance, because when your hearts unite in the truth, I can do many more things than I thought; I can reach those spaces where not even a drop of light resides.

With this, I want you to understand the significance of the Work of My Mercy, which comes to embrace the world and completely transform it, just as My Father wishes.

Today you have allowed My Heart to feel something inexplicable, which emerges and is born of essence when you invoke the name of the Son of God in unity and love; this recreates Creation because the subtle vibrations reach the planet, penetrate the spiritual consciousness of humanity, and souls are freed from their oppressions and suffering.

For this reason, never fear expanding your hearts. This is what My Father asks of you through My Heart, because in the expansion of the heart is to be found freedom and it will no longer be necessary for you to seek the truth, because you will be living it when your hearts expand more each day.

The expansion of the heart is like a new sacrament that souls can live when they simply surrender in complete trust into the arms of your Creator. You cannot imagine, companions, how My rival is defeated and its most impure plans are broken, dissipate and disappear from the consciousness of humanity.

My name, which was delivered by the Archangel Gabriel, has no obstacles nor barriers. Who invokes My name is within Me, and I am able to be within them, in profound communion with Creation.

My name is blessed because it emanated from the Source. You also, within yourselves, hold your real and sacred names, those names that, in the beginning of your essences, emanated from the Source of Creation, and you became life, consciousness and energy.

Who invokes My name will find their sacred name; they will know what they have come to do in this time, what they have come to accomplish as an absolute service to God.

Your sacred names hold a story, which in this moment the veils of your consciousness do not see. But those veils will be taken away and the whole of humanity will truly know what it has been; there will be no mysteries, everything will be unveiled, but if you work with God, in a heartfelt way, everything will be fulfilled; everything has its timing, its moment and its place.

Continue to propagate faith in the world, and the blessed name of your Lord, Jesus Christ, so that the Earth may continue to be repopulated from the designs of God, which need to achieve their freedom and bring captivity to an end.

Today I have called seven of the twelve Creator Fathers so that they may be here, together with Me, in praise and adoration to our Father, Who is in the Heavens, which brings the good news through the Divine WordD and the Sacred Word of His Only Begotten.

The seven Creator Fathers represent the cycle of renewal, each one of them brings to humanity a new experience and a new mission that the world will discover in the following cycles that are to come. That is the reason for the importance of expanding your hearts, so that you do not miss these impulses that come from the Universe and that will try to make souls into a true example of redemption and of peace, sublime energies that the world needs in this time.

Each Creator Father, each Archangel of God, comes to stop something in the world. With your hearts, and even more, with the expansion of your hearts, you can change the history of this humanity, through unconditional service, through true charity, through works of mercy. Everything will be offered for everyone.

Who wishes to take the next step, should do so. My Heart, which is Merciful and Glorified, has Its doors open to embrace your aspirations in Its interior, which I will clothe in new forms so that you may learn, in this cycle, how to live My Will.

The planet, your humanity, and this time are in need of whole servers, full of an unconditional spirit that will always transform them, that will not tie them to terrestrial life nor to outdated forms.

This spirit, which is transformative, is one of the Gifts that I gave yesterday to your hearts. Remember that impulse and vivify it, so that the Work of My Mercy may continue to expand in the world.

I dedicate this message to My followers so that you may feel and know that you are following the correct path in which you can be embraced only by My Will; in this way, you would renounce your personal will so that the designs of the Father may manifest on the surface of this planet and form part of the new Essene community, the Essene community of peace, which will bring continuity to the work of mercy and of redemption that the first Essenes accomplished in ancient times.

To be an Essene of peace is to live far from terrestrial forms, from the ideals that your own will may want to build. I know that at this point you still would need to work, companions; this is why I repeat the importance of expanding your hearts, so that the Work does not stop.

Who opens their heart to God will understand what is unknown, just as the old apostles did who,  in their greatest ignorance, received the wisdom of all things within themselves, although they may not have understood them.

To work for the Lord Jesus is a challenge. This is why I come to lead you into a new direction, toward a new destiny that you have never experienced, that you have never learned. Give yourselves to this new project that My Heart is tracing, so that you may participate in My Work of redemption.

Do not fear giving up, because you will discover within yourselves that you will be able to do many more things than what you do, and thus will become free of the chains of these times.

When your hearts expand, love expands; this is why the supplications, the prayers, the adoration and the praise expand the hearts of humankind, so that you may receive, in your interior, the Kingdom of God, which is what in this time and in this era will spiritually nourish you, and you will have the strength, courage and bravery, such as what you have had up to now, to follow My steps.

Do you accept forging your spirits even more for transformation?

- Yes

You do not know what you say (Jesus is smiling)

I asked My apostles the same thing, and Peter thought that he could do it all, until he realized that without Me, without being in Me, he could do nothing. This is why I gave him the key to the Heavens, because when he understood what I was talking about, I gave him My legacy, so that throughout time he would have the good news and the gospel of the Son of God come to be known.

Upon My hardest rock I built My new Church, and you, who have already been broken several times within, I have built new things; have faith in that. Do not think that life is just lamentation. I do not only call you to live sacrifice, but also the joy of serving in the work of redemption, and of expanding that love to the world, that so needs it.

In this hour, opening the doors of the Celestial Church, let us enter, My apostles, into the temple of adoration, into the temple of praise, into the greater temple of gratitude. Because God has summoned you, and His beloved Son visited you to remind you of this commitment.

Let each one fulfill their part in this Plan of Love for humanity.

Let the Christs of the new time light up within you, and may the promised land, which will be impregnated by the thousand years of peace, be able to be seen and discovered by all of humankind, under the spirit of faith, wisdom and love.

Let us thank God for this moment and for all the graces that He still pours out upon the world, in spite of the errors of human beings and of the nations. Blessed are those who expand their hearts, for they will be drawing the Kingdom of God toward themselves.

May the planet again be radiated today by the praise, adoration and gratitude to God.

May the holy name of the Son of the Father be heard in the four corners of the Earth, so that souls may awaken to redemption and love, and the Universal Sacred Family may be established.

All the praises are received in My Celestial Church, and this offering is responded to by means of the Graces of God.

May the doors of My Celestial Church open and the angels receive this offering from your hands.

May your hearts expand, so that love is able to grow and obstacles no longer exist, but rather the ties of love between human beings, nature and the planet.