Peace be in the heart of all beings on Earth, and so be it.

With joy, My children, I come to place you in the Lap of God so that you may be able to feel the eternal Love of the Father Who, in spite of the time and circumstances of life, does not cease to offer; He surrenders unconditionally for each one of His children so that they may feel and experience Him fully.

It is for this reason that I am here today, as that testimony of the Love of the living God, of that Love that gestated and created you from the beginning, which caused you to be manifested in this Universe as in other places of the Universe, where divine essences were manifested to experience a project of Love rather than a project of redemption.

But with the fall of humankind, from Adam and Eve until the present, God Himself has manifested again, has again surrendered and given of Himself to the world through the incarnation of the Son of God, the Christ. This has made it possible for souls, My children, to be able to return to God and be in His presence through the path of redemption.

It is on this path of Love that I want to have you all the time, for in this way, you will not only get to know the Celestial Father, but you will also discover the marvels and the treasures that there are in the Universe when you learn, through effort, to get out of the superficiality and the indifference that humanity instills in souls at this time.

Thus, My children, rejoice in your hearts, see your moment of redemption take place, for the Love of God has come through His faithful Servant, not only to fill you but also to fulfill you as souls, so that from you, may awaken the talents of God and all the gifts that He gave you from the beginning.

This is the main intention of your Heavenly Mother, Who in spite of the perversion humanity experiences at this time, of conflicts, wars, humanitarian crises, or even the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature, I need My children to awaken again to their essential purity and to remember that state of inner purity with which God conceived you; because in this way you will be within His Plan of Love and of Light, you will be participants in the marvels of the Universe, in the sources of knowledge and of instruction, which reach the world to awaken the consciousness, to make of hearts, hearts united in Christ and for Christ.

So at this moment, beloved children, the fundamental basis of your material and spiritual life is love; this will allow you to transcend the difficulty of these times; love will teach you to be humble and simple, it will allow you to see the reality and the need in each place and in each brother and sister.

I need you, My children, decided and surrendered to God, to be part of that Source of Love and of Light, so necessary and urgent for these times, a Source that must be mirrored in humanity to be able to heal deep and unforgettable wounds that continue subjugating hearts and the lives of people.

That is why I bring you the Fount of My Love, which is the Source of the Love of God, the Source that will always nourish and guide you, the Source that will remove you from darkness, from illusion, and from any adversity that My enemy wants to impose on you.

An extremely important path for finding this Fount of Love is prayer, something that I have founded in your consciousnesses many years ago. But now, My children, prayer must not only be your daily food, it must be your weapon of defense and of combat against My adversary, not only for your own lives, but also for the lives of your brothers and sisters, of your neighbor.

The prayer that can protect the family as an extremely important nucleus and cell of God, so that the family in this crucial cycle of humanity, through a sincere and true prayer that unites you all, may be supported, strengthened, and keep faith alive in the face of all that the planet and humanity will see; because this is the time of purification, it is the time of the planetary transition, it is the time for submerging in the Love of God to be able to fully live the compassion of the Father and carry this compassion to those most in need of it.

When you step out of the Love of God you begin to suffer, because by stepping out of the Love, My children, you not only set aside the laws, but you also leave the Law of the Hierarchy.

Love will never make you doubt, Love will always strengthen you and will sustain you, Love will give you discernment and wisdom in the difficult moments, even if you have nobody that can guide or orient you. If your hearts are in Love, submerged in living prayer, assistance and a response will come into your lives, suffering will dissipate, because Love will grant you spiritual healing as the principal attribute of the Fount of the Celestial Father.

And in this way, as beings of Love, you may contribute to this planet, to this sick humanity that places no attention on the life of the spirit, rather places its attention on material and worldly things.

But not all of humanity is lost, although the majority may be very distracted. That is why it is necessary to enter into the Fount of the Love of God every day and have as a first rule that deep connection with the Eternal Father, seeking within yourselves the Kingdom of God so that He may lead you, prompt you, and guide you.

It is this so unknown but infinite Love that causes me to return here today, to this sacred land, that reflects to the world the chance to love, to serve, and to surrender for others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

This seedbed of Light that the Nueva Tierra (New Earth) Community represents is a commitment of all My praying and servant people to protect it and to support it and that it may continue to experience its expansion, not only through a spiritual education, as an example of fraternal life, but also that it may expand and manifest as a little piece of the Kingdom of God that was placed here by My maternal Heart so that it may be protected and preserved by all.

It is time, dear children, to establish and solidify the spiritual bases of the Divine Hierarchy, not only at the Marian Centers like this one, that must be a living Center with the participation of all of My children, but it must also be a place, a common unity in which everybody may participate in what is simple that is life and in what is beautiful that means serving the other first.

Because the Islands of Salvation like this one will be the cradle to receive those most in need, those who will escape from the wars, from the conflicts in the nations, from the catastrophes that will come through the action of nature due to the imbalance that humankind of the surface generates. And the Hierarchy will always be in the Islands of Salvation, in spite of what happens and takes place on the surface, because the presence of the Hierarchy in you is spiritual, internal, deep, and also divine.

If you maintain and sustain this connection with the Divine Hierarchy, protection will never be lacking, help will always come, and when something is necessary, it will manifest, because the Law is perfect in the Universe. The Law of manifestation and of abundance was created with perfection so that nothing will be lacking for each one of the children of God.

I invite you, My children, to commit a little more deeply to this Light-Community that shelters the smallest and most innocent and which must be the future for what is coming ahead. And that future will be built with the collaboration and giving of self of all, in a periodic manner, faithful and transparent.

This will allow the Hierarchy to grant more graces in this place to those who need them; and those most in need will come because they will feel drawn by the Source of this Love, that today My Immaculate Heart pours out over the Marian Centers and over the Light-Communities. A Love that is for sharing and to be experienced by all, a Love that will always make you see the good and dissolve evil in any circumstance.

Today I feel drawn to this place because I know what this community represents for God and what it needs to achieve in the end of these times, not only as part of the Project of God and of the Universal Sacred Family, but also because of the spiritual and non-material treasures that it is to welcome in the coming time for the task it is to perform on the surface with the human race, as well as with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Therefore, everyone is invited to participate, to experience and to find love every day in a group life that is built by all your consciousnesses and that must make you more aware, more service-oriented and available for all that will have to be attended to in humanity.

That is why I am here, not only to reveal these treasures to you which some day will come and present themselves, but also to protect you with My Divine Consciousness, knowing that you will be very important not only to the state of Rio de Janeiro, but also to all of Brazil, in the same way that other places of this country receive the spiritual treasures of God, which is completely unknown to the majority.

So I lead you through the path of instruction toward that revelation so that you may be participants in these treasures, wardens of these treasures and guardians of the sacred divine knowledge.

I am also preparing you for that, My children, but a faithful and greater collaboration of this community will be necessary, because still many more children and young people are waiting to have the chance of coming here and of knowing that Love has not been lost.

It is through this Love that envisages miracles and the wonders of life, this Love that emerges today from My Immaculate Heart, that I will consecrate the new Children of Mary, who will be the first for this new cycle in which they will faithfully commit to Me to actively participate in this community and in this group life, to help and contribute to the education of the children, in support of the young people and in support of the Kingdoms of Nature.

These children who will be consecrated today, like others who were consecrated here and who still have this commitment to Me and cannot forget it, will also support this Marian Center, they will make it alive through the liturgy that can be expressed here and experienced in a simple way. A liturgy of prayer, of adoration, and of contact with God which touches the Heart of the Eternal Father many times, which already happens here.

Thus, My children, this consecration is a consecration moving toward maturity and spiritual responsibility, because it is important that My children understand, especially those who will consecrate themselves in the future, that being My child is not only being in My Heart, it is to live the Plan of God, it is to realize the Plan of the Father, it is to live His Will with responsibility and carry it forward no matter the cost.

That will be a true and sincere response of each one of you, that you are understanding what it means to be a Child of Mary. I need you to be those spheres of Light, permeated by the Love of God, that can be radiated to the world and to those who need it.

At this moment I invite the Children of Mary to stand up, those who will be consecrated today in My Presence.

And listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, My children, I will bless you and fill you with My Love and with My Light, knowing that it is necessary to do something for this planet and for this humanity, it is necessary to live Love and carry Love to those who suffer and to those who need it, from the human being to the lower Kingdoms.

That Love must be multiplied and grow within you, in life actions, daily activity, in all those who are around you.

Love will allow you to be reconciled, will lead you to Peace, will lead you into understanding and wisdom, and in spite of everything maybe being difficult or impossible, if you invoke or call to the Love of God, all will be resolved.

Because all that you may experience in this time is because you need it so, you need to learn something from all that you experience and live; that is also Love, even if it does not seem so.

Suffering is not Love, Love is light, is healing, and is peace; Love is being in the Heart of God.

Because of this Love that conceived you from the beginning and at the origin, and this commitment that you make to Me today, of being wardens of this Light-Community and servers of the Plan, unconditionally and in surrender, I will bless you, My children.

Placing My hands on your hearts and sharing the Grace of God in your lives, in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before you sing the Hymn of Consecration, which is a moment for the renewal of vows for all, I want to say good-bye to this New Earth Community, knowing that it will always be in My Heart and I will be in you, making you feel My presence, giving you strength in each moment that you need it, lifting you from the ground, sheltering you in My arms, having you feel the beat of My Heart.

And covering you with My Mantle, I will submerge you all in My Peace, in which you will be able to see the Light of the Father, His infinite Mercy, and His Compassion; and any situation will be dissolved, because the child that invokes the Mother of God is taken care of, protected, and assisted. The child of God who invokes the Heavenly Mother is within Her Universal Heart.

I thank you and until next time.



Special Apparitions

Praise be God and may He bless this earth.

A cycle closes today to start a new one.

This new cycle comes to meet My children so that you can be strengthened, so that you learn to deepen in Love and in the experience of Divine Grace.

This cycle ends with Me today, and from My Heart to the heart of each one of My children.

I am glad to see the response of those who pray, the maturity of the consciousness, the responsibility of the believers; because although it may not seem so, My children, the Plan of God is being built in humanity, even if it is silently.

Today I come as that Rose of Light that must be opened in your hearts, which must be at the center of your essences so that, even more, the Mystery of God can be revealed to the world and, the creatures of the Earth, all human beings, become aware of the higher and spiritual life, so that you can live the Will of God just as He has written it.

Today, My children, I come to contemplate the wonders that God performs in the lives of people, in the soul of every believer in God, in the spirit of every being who is a participant in the good news for the end of these times.

Today I come to give importance to the strength that your lives have reached on the path of prayer and transformation, of dedication to the Divine Plan, of absolute surrender to the call of God, which is presented from time to time and age to age.

Today is the time to see, with the eyes of hope, the miracles of God in this humanity, even though the world is being purified and still cannot find peace.

But, yes, you My children, have lived that peace with Me, together with My Son and Saint Joseph, in every moment of prayer, in every moment of supplication, where your souls are confirmed in this celestial commitment that you came to live on Earth.

Today, because it is a special day for Me and for you, My children, the retrograde forces of the planet are quiet and a moment of peace is established in the consciousness of humanity, inexplicable death is not provoked, and souls have the opportunity of seeing God, because being immersed in the internal planes, you reach the Mercy of God and the Divine Piety.

This is the moment that I had been waiting so long to accomplish and be able to see with My eyes of grace: the fulfillment of God's Will on Earth, beyond imperfections, diseases or doubts.

The triumph of the Heart of God must always be present in your lives, strengthening this trust and this intimacy of being able to be with God in communion with His immaterial Life and with the entire Universe.

Today the Sky touches the Earth, the Aurora is reborn and the fallen stars rise by the impulse of the Light and the Redemption.

And in this heavenly firmament that is open above Me, God can testify to the response of the Love of His children, the Love that His creatures have for that which is unknown or unreachable.

But today, the mystery holds no secrets, the doors of the Heavens are open so that the Celestial Fraternity can work in humanity, and a deep and inner balance be established in all those who said "yes", for those who said "no ".

My children, the Spiritual Universe communicates with the Earth and this inner contact is established between your souls and God, with your attributes and principles that come to realize on Earth the Divine Will.

Many unpayable debts today are forgiven by My Grace.

Many inexplicable cures are granted today and you will see through the ages the work of Divine Grace that is born from the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, through the impulse that God sends to His creatures.

Therefore, My children, never cease to aspire to reach the High and may the Celestial Spheres come to meet you. Your hearts are already prepared to be in communion with the Celestial Universe.

Therefore, what I give you today is something very immaterial, one of the greatest treasures of God, from His Source, delivered and donated by His Eternal Heart for a sick and destroyed humanity, who forgot about Love because it could not see the Truth.

But you My children, who walked by My side and will continue to walk with Me for this surrender of life to do the Will of God, for the realization of His Plan, for the realization of His Grace and His Mercy on Earth, continue with perseverance and faith, because this is what will establish Peace within you and in the world.

In this new cycle that is coming, together with Our Sacred Hearts, great challenges will knock at the doors of your hearts, important missions must be fulfilled for this final cycle, in order to continue generating balance in humanity and on this planet, so wounded and outraged.

Together we will build the aspirations of God, as long as your answers remain unconditional, true and simple before the Heart of the Hierarchy.

While the Universe pauses to listen to My Word and contemplate My presence in the Presence of the living God, I bring to Earth a great opportunity.

Because on this special day I have prayed to God, in union with your prayers and hearts, to continue to come into the world, because My children cannot be without guidance and without instruction; but I hope that one day the word of the Hierarchy will be valued and it will be known that each of our words is a key that opens a door for liberation and redemption, for the guidance of the life of the spirit through the path of truth and goodness.

Now is the time to work even more with the planet so that the doors of evil may be  closed and for hearts to be reborn in faith, knowing that you are not alone, that you are not abandoned, that God expects to embrace each of his children so that they may feel the warmth of His fatherhood and His eternal, unchanging and inextinguishable Love.

It is this same Love that I offer you, My children, every day, through My Rose of Peace; because I know that your hearts and your lives can be transformed into a beautiful flower, which is offered to God all the time.

This is how your essence will shine, your purpose will be fulfilled and you will fulfill the mission that you came to carry out on Earth.

Your will not be far from the Truth, but very close to the Source of Wisdom, living and following the principles that the Divine Messengers have given you through recent times.

All these principles are a door for the healing of humanity, because many miracles have already been granted to the world. Now is the time for My children to conquer these miracles through your effort and prayer.

The door of Grace is open so that many more can plunge into its ocean of Light and Grace. It is just making the right and simple effort.

Today I gather with my hands your essences, transformed into roses of light, which will be presented before the Eternal Father, at this time and in this cycle, with the experience of love and forgiveness lived by you, so that this experience of love and of Forgiveness continues to multiply and expand, so that the whole Earth may be blessed by an extraordinary Grace.

I receive from your hearts your supplications and intentions, I welcome in My Motherly Heart each of your souls. And just as I had My Son in my arms, today I hold you, so that you know that you are under My protection and shelter, in the arms of the Love of God and His infinite Grace.

Light the flame of the Love of God in your hearts and may this flame never go out, may this flame be lit with your prayer and service for others, for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

I will be with you, My children, transmitting My instructions, from now on, every Sunday, until I fulfill what God has asked me to accomplish in this world.

Remain vigilant in prayer and watchful of the Eucharist so that the attributes of God can be established on Earth and souls never, never again forget that Love is invincible and will always triumph.

And now I want to hear a song, as if it were a prayer, which will be offered by each of you, in this important moment of renewal with the Hierarchy.

The song is called Mirarte.

And so, My children, I bless you and I pour out  My Peace so that peace is in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

