Thursday, February 19 of 2015

Monthly Messages

The greatest service you must learn at this time, as good servers of God, is the service of transmutation. And by this, I mean the service of turning into light that which is darkness, into peace that which is unrest, into love that which is indifference, into charity that which is selfishness, into compassion that which is anger, into faith that which is lack of faith in God and hopelessness. For this, you need not go far, but you must only be true to yourselves and to God, because the world so needs it.

My dear companions, it has been two years since you stood before My Chaste Heart for the first time, and much still remains to be accomplished in this world, until the last time the voice of the Divine Messengers echoes in the world. But for this time to be of Mercy and redemption for all, it is necessary that some beings learn to live the sacrifice and surrender of themselves.

Many do not understand the essence of true sacrifice, because for each being it is manifested in a different way. For those who have difficulty in praying, the sacrifice will be prayer; for those who have difficulty in loving, the sacrifice will be learning to love; for those who have difficulty in meeting the need of others, the sacrifice will be in all things to serve and, for this, you will not need to go to the streets, or to distant countries, since at times you are blind to the need for help of those next to you. Every little action of your lives will balance the need of the world, because all the grievances and disagreements that occur in the world are the fruit of the lack of love and Mercy among beings.

No longer weep for the evils that permeate the Earth, but dissolve from your beings the roots of these evils, so that within the human heart a true molecule of love and fraternity may arise.

As the Father of those who suffer, I also come to meet those who have everything, for they have God so that, awakening their conscience, they may understand that in order to change the world, they must change themselves. To change themselves, they must go to meet that which they are not yet, and to discover it, they must experience the sacrifice of performing works of love, where they do not know how to love.

Each one will know of themselves where they lack love, which part of their interior and exterior does not know how to love, and there learn to serve others and God, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet. By changing themselves, they will transform humanity.

And many will ask: Why is it necessary to go to Africa?

To meet the history of humanity, to touch a suffering ground with your feet, because, just as you find a space of yourselves in which you lack love, you must reach the spaces of planetary consciousness to which love and Mercy are so much lacking. You will plant there a seed that will grow in the spirit of the nations and will generate merit for those who suffer unjustly to receive an opportunity for redemption.

There are things in this world that you will only understand with your heart.

To those who will go to these places in the world, I tell you: first of all, love one another and all those around you. Your training this time should be to learn to love; only in this way can you carry love. I am not telling you to sanctify yourselves, but to strive to do so.

To those who will remain, I will invite you to find the Africa that exists in every corner of this world, and also to plant there a seed of love to blossom in the invisible part of the planet, in the center of its heart, so much in need of peace.

This is what God most expects for the humanity of this time: that you learn to love and to sow love in those who have forgotten of His Most Sacred Heart.

Who blesses you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of God.

Thursday, February 19 of 2015


One who gives will always receive what they need from Heaven. Thus, while I transmit My Words, offer the Creator the cry of humanity for all that is happening in this world.

Now go, and not only sing, asking for peace and redemption for the heart of Africa, but carry this peace and this redemption to the Africa that exists on each corner of this world and to the needy heart that is closer to each of you.

You must learn to serve each other; in this way, you will experience the fellowship that God expects of you in this time. So that you may do this, I bless you and deeply thank you, leaving My Chaste Love and My Spirit of Charity in the essence of each of you.

I thank you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, during the prayer, the Presence of Saint Joseph was very close to us. We could see that around the room, many doors to the Celestial Universe were opening into different places of the world, and through them, some souls could be liberated from the experiences they were having.

When Saint Joseph came here, He was dressed in a brown robe and a dark red mantle. He remained in silence for some time, then placed His hands in front of His Heart, and from it emerged a lily. He stretched out His hands with the lily, which multiplied and entered into each one of us. Saint Joseph explained that this was His Spirit of Charity so that we would learn to serve each other.

(Sister Lucía de Jesús then read the Monthly Message of February 19, 2015.)

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
