The Four Keys

First key: neutrality.

May your spirit, mind and heart become peaceful, because the coming times will be incredible, but challenging.

Cultivate within yourself the key of neutrality because you will greatly need it so that the clashes, tests and challenges do not overcome you, but rather that, with a brave spirit, you can transcend, in silence and prayer, everything that you will live.

The key of neutrality will make of your mind an unshakable fortress and build within your heart an unmovable castle because nothing similar to you will be able to agitate or disturb you.

Neutrality will be the master key among all keys because it will make available to you the courage and inner strength to help yourself and others.

May neutrality enter into the essence of your being and neutralize all forms in order for the peacemaking and unalterable spirit to always reign before everything that you will see of yourself and of the world.

May this key lead you to the goal and, at the same time, set you aside from any indifference; because neutrality is not indifference nor omission, but acceptance of changes, maturity of spirit and inner growth of consciousness.

May the key of neutrality align your whole being and may this alignment be reflected in feeling, thinking and acting; because in this way you will build a state of permanent elevation, capable of benefitting your brothers and sisters and, above all, the planet.

Second key: silence.

Above all things, love the key of silence and this sacred key of silence will awaken in you; because silence itself will transform you, and there will be no mutism at all nor will it make you different from others.

Silence will spontaneously connect you with the Heights and then your thought will rise.

The key of silence will internally end human noise and will contribute with the expansion of inner senses, just as the capacity to perceive beyond appearances, the capacity to prevent events, the capacity to anticipate concrete results and, above all, it will awaken premeditation within you.

If silence works in humanity, it will be able to awaken silent spirits that will invisibly learn how to balance the disorder on this planet caused by the noise of this humanity.

Silence, as a key, nurtures the spirit with high vibrations that come from the Universe and allows consciousness, in any place and under any circumstance, to be in touch with its inner world.

The key of silence is capable of penetrating spaces of the inner consciousness which the human being regularly does not know due to being immersed in everything that is superficial.

Silence is considered a powerful prayer that acquires a very broad potency of action.

The key of silence heals, it is regenerative and conceives in the consciousness a state of profound receptivity.

Silence is capable of neutralizing wars, of dissolving conflicts and strengthening the essence that must fulfill its inner and spiritual purpose.

Silence awakens the spirit of the guardian and promotes the correct use of words; it builds inner unity and dissolves the tendency for competition and everything that is petty.

Silence, as a key, allows the soul to internally capture the impulses of its superior universe.

Third key: compassionate love.

If there is no love in everything, there will never be compassion. Love and compassion, as positive energies, walk together.

Therefore, love in this time is everything and will always make the difference to be able to solve what is impossible and liberate what is in darkness within the consciousness.

We were born to express love; therefore, when love is absent from a human being, they live hatred, indifference and bitterness.

Love, as a key, essentially conceives all things and is able to solve what would seem unreachable.

Love brings comprehension, understanding and, above all, it awakens wisdom.

Love stimulates the need for service and compels the consciousness to seek Instruction.

Love, as a key, reconstructs life and generates, within the whole spirit, order and silence.

Love can clear any sorrow or human incomprehension, from the very moment that the consciousness feels loved.

Love creates evolutionary bonds among souls and awakens consciousness to the path of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Love heals the wounds of the unconscious and brings degrees of hope and motivation; it unites what the humanity of the surface separates through hatred, resentment and fear.

Love, as a key, will always bring the spirit of renovation and it will deliver healthy joy for serving the Creator.

Fourth key: humility.

A principle that will protect the emergence of a new humanity.

Humility will allow the manifestation of the promised New Earth and will remove from the way the obstacles that, until now, have set humanity aside from this source of humility.

Humility, as a key, awakens resignation and isolates the consciousness from all obstacles that the capital energies impose.

Humility creates a fortress for the souls that wish to liberate themselves from their frequent errors.

Humility can make this world a more positive state of consciousness.

Humility guides the consciousness on the path of instruction so it awakens to universal commands.

Humility builds the new humanity formed by the situations and experiences that radiate love, consideration and respect.

Love, as a key, not only opens the heart to transcend forms, but also, together with humility, souls see themselves filled with new principles.

Humility is the portal that will lead you to know God within each human heart.

The four keys try to correct the attitude of the human being and of your humanity.

The keys provide souls with the simple art of self-knowledge and redemption, to awaken the new consciousness throughout the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace