May My Peace be in you!

My words are unmistakable because each time that My Heart talks to you without hurry and without time I pour My Merciful Love over you as souls of the Creator.  Who gives me everything, gives me all and empties themselves of themselves to walk without any weight and, free from the past, finds light in future.

Today I open one more time the door of your hearts so that they may feel that My Heart seeks to redeem you and to transform you into true servers. Sometimes My Words resonate little because you listen to me all the days. My Voice wants to awaken in you My Consciousness, for this I am with you all of the days and I do not get tired because I see the greater need for your lives.

If you just heard me in silence your life would reach the harmony and the order that you so much seek for. I am here as your beloved Savior and Redeemer, hoping that through your consecration you take more steps forward, so that they may be larger, the number of souls that receive the impulse of awakening to My Heart of Love.

If you as souls walk and maintain the common purpose the world will be already able to be another, and from your inner beings, it will reflect the light of Life, of Peace and of Love. For all and with all there must be love, including in the moments of great and chaotic mistakes and for those that make the souls less prepared in consciousness.

If you love, love will heal you. If you love, love will make you understand. If you love, you will be able to get out of yourselves because love will always show you the way out and the answer that you, with anxiety, seek for. Nourish yourselves through love and prove the power of its existence. Transform your inner world entirely for Me.

I will help you, I am here waiting for your important yes.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, your Lord. 


Continue to pray every day because the supplication of humanity is being heard.

My children,

With all of you in the center of My Immaculate Heart, today I call you to prepare yourselves by means of the vigil of prayer that all My children are being called to carry out tomorrow, on the 11th.

Dear children, God is receiving true impulses of love from all of you. I invite you to continue praying for the world. My Immaculate Heart elevates the pleas of all My children, and God, in His Infinite Mercy, contemplates the love of all His children.

Dear children, go forward, go forward! And do not stop the victorious art of prayer. This is the time to share, your prayer is equivalent to the charity of many hands. With the coming of My Son everyone will be able to be touched by the Mercy of the Redeemer.

It is time to propagate the importance of praying with love for the redemption of all My children. You, My little ones, have received the greatest instrument from the Universe of God and this instrument is called the “prayer of the heart.”

And today, extending My merciful arms and My Mantle of Light on all who need it, I ask you to continue through the Christian path that is being built from your hearts.

My Son, under the High Glory of God, contemplates you with His Eyes of compassion. He invites you to work for Celestial Peace and, in the name of this Celestial Peace, it is time to help the world, the Kingdoms and humanity.

May the Holy Spirit be the flame of wisdom in the hearts of all My children. I will accompany you always, and whenever you allow Me to, because I love you.

In the Merciful Love, praised be the Redeemer!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Awake in the dawn under My Maternal Presence.

Begin to take your firsts steps towards My Heart of Mother. Quench your thirst with the inexhaustible source of My prayer. Open your heart to humility.

Feel in thought the One and Only Mind of God so that your feelings may be pure.

Direct yourself towards the Temple of the Creator and celebrate with joy what He has given to you.

Live in His Will to be able to understand the steps in your consciousness.

Unite your gaze and your soul to the eternal Heaven.

During the day, be like the flower and express gratitude in reverence.

Be like crystalline water, travel all the paths, as prayer does. Give yourself like the stars, shine constantly like the Light. Encounter on the path, one sister: prayer.

Allow her to convert your being, let her liberate the path.

Proclaim with unity the power of the Divine Word so that filled by My wondrous Love, you may see before your eyes, the Presence of God.

Enter the Heavens with your brothers and sisters. Contemplate Creation in prayer.

Seek restlessly the law of Spirit so that life may be consecration.

If you live selfless love, opening your soul with prayer, the Holy Spirit will pour the flame of eternal devotion over your being.

Whenever you feel that life has defeated you, that pain has beaten you, and that suffering has dried up the source of adoration, affirm the union of your soul with Me because My Heart will come to help you.

For your soul, I am the Guardian of Faith. For your heart, I am the Mother of Graces.

I want, My dear, that you connect your soul to My Eternal Heart. For this you must pray, not only for yourself, but for the whole world.

Dry from the Face of God the tears that the world has generated in Him.

Convert life into a prayer for this final time.

My voice is coming to the ears that want to hear and to live it. Nothing is separated between humanity and God. All your hearts must be only one, thus they will be able to live in peace. In order to not create wars, the thoughts must be pure.

For humanity to grow up, surrender must be greater.

The Lord of the Holy Heavens wants to carry everyone in His blessed and beloved Heart.

As souls, you must please Our God with good works of peace. Thus, in a little time, the world will be able to be something else and the life of many souls will change.

For this reason, My little ones, I come to the aid of all, announcing My Good News of Peace.

I wait for you as My servers. I await you in prayer.

Thus, the Peace of My Kingdom will be in souls and My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

In the Eternal Peace,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
