In the beginning of the Divine Creation, even before the existence of angels and archangels, of dimensions and stars, the Creator wrote a story within the Mirror of His Heart. He caused a thought to be born from His Love and manifested it into colors and sounds. In order to see it, He reflected it upon a Mirror that He emanated from His interior, and all began to be shaped from a pure divine feeling.

The story thought of by God and immaterially written upon the Mirror of His Heart was shared among dimensions and placed within each of His creatures. All children of God hold a part of His thought within themselves. The history of Creation shall be completed when all those mirrors gather as one again, and all that was written upon each one of them becomes manifested.

The immaterial history written upon the mirrors comes to life when beings find the Divine Will within themselves, and every step taken in the fulfillment of that Will turns into content of light, which fills its immaterial space upon the mirrors of the hearts. It is as if, with your lives, children, you were painting the drawing of the Divine Will for each one of yourselves. That Universal Art shaped in the mirrors shall be complete when all return to the Heart of God.

In order to manifest this Divine Work, search for that Will in the mirrors of your hearts and express It. Find, there, the mysteries of the Origin, the way back and the meaning of the present, of now. All this is within you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the city of Medjugorje, Bosnia and Hezergovina, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Wherever you go, try to rescue the spiritual principles with your heart so that, litlle by little, the sacred may awaken and reveal its mysteries.

Allow peace to dwell within you and for reverence to live in your consciousness so that you can recognize the presence of the Hierarchy in sacred places, beyond human appearances.

May your heart always be raised to the heights, united and in tune with the Divine Purpose so that, in this way, child, you may provide a service to the world, of uniting the higher dimensions with life on Earth in order to liberate what is dark on the planet by means of harmony and of the elevation of consciousness.

Humanity must enter a new cycle to approach divine reality, and that cycle is of a deeper and more true inner contact, for this is what will allow beings to discern and to take the correct steps in the coming time. Your consciousness must learn to be kept elevated beyond chaos and appearances, laid on the Truth by means of love, of silence and of prayer. Thus, you shall not only find peace, but you shall be a vehicle of this peace for the world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Your first connection with the Universe must be prayer because prayer is what will prepare your consciousness to cross dimensions and to be worthy of finding God and His Universal and Divine Truth.

In order to enter the gates and reveal the most sublime mysteries of the infinite Cosmos, you must first enter the gates of your own consciousness, revealing the muck and mud that you have to transform before reaching God.

To cross both the gates of the Cosmos and the gates of your own inner self, there is something that your consciousness must know; without love, nothing will be revealed to you. Love is what makes you worthy of being with God, and the same love is what allows you to deal with the miseries of your consciousness, transforming them in the correct way.

In prayer, you will learn how to love. Therefore, pray and let God Himself be the one who leads your consciousness to the gates that you are ready to cross. 

Do not fear, child, because both self-knowledge and the knowledge of the Cosmos are sources of wisdom and evolution, they are revelations which complement each other and are necessary for you to fully return to the Heart of the Father, even though you are alive.

Just as when we say that there are living dead people, it is also possible to return to God in consciousness, and continue within this world thus, beings will be in God, in His Thoughts, in His Feeling, in His Mind, in His Heart and, like a pencil in His Hands, they will draw the manifestation of His Plan on Earth.

Everything starts with prayer, but not empty prayer with distractions or by obligation. It all begins when beings learn the true value of praying and they pray with their hearts.

Your Father and Friend

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Holy Saturday was marked by silence and emptiness, in heaven as on Earth. The Heart of the Creator and Word went silent, and God Himself withdrew in the depths of His Heart. There the power of the  Resurrection of  Christ was gestated, the wisdom of eternity, the rebirth and the renewal of Love.

It would no longer be through science that the universe would know eternity and the extension of life. The spiritual resurrection was something new, never experienced in all of God's creation; and even the sages and the archangels silently followed the movement of love that, in all dimensions, made the life of Christ resurface.

His Spirit, which had given all of Itself, touched the Father with His experience and returned to Earth so that He could renew His Love.

God followed, in deep silence, the Love that was born from His Son. Even the Creator Himself learned from His surrender and from His Resurrection.

By the perfect power of Love, His Soul, Spirit, Divinity and human and material Body lit up and rebuilt. Love was the air that circulated once again within His cells. The code of Christification gave life to His Blood, His physical and spiritual organs. Life regained its meaning.

The Love of Christ continued to expand beyond the material layers. His surrender continued growing and penetrating unknown dimensions, in the cosmos as well as in the most obscure dimensions of material life, that which we know as earthly hells.

Like a wave that goes in all directions of the sea of ​​Creation, the Love of Christ traversed the universes and all the manifestations of life. At the same time that it touched all creatures, the very experience of Love made His Body become revived and renewed, in a new, imperishable life, an omnipresent and all-embracing life. A life that does not have its own dimension and that at the same time lives in all dimensions: eternal life, because it is life in God, in unity with the Creator.

Just as the Father is in all things, so is the Son. His Body could manifest itself in matter as well as in the supra-dimensions. And where there is no matter, not even colors and sounds, only the silent and invisible Existence, there is also the Son of God. Everything is united to His Love.

The Resurrection of Christ cannot be explained with words or with science, because it transcends all science, all understanding and all wisdom. The Creator Himself, on Holy Saturday, was renewed, and with Him, all of Creation.

Silence is the only explanation for what happened there. In silence, you can experience this Love that embraces everything. Fullness, omnipresence, life, everything was made new on Holy Saturday and manifested on Glory Sunday.

Meditate, feel and experience the codes of this divine experience.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate the perfection of the human body, its sciences, its systems, organs, cells and atoms, still so unknown to the mind of humankind.

Simply observe the perfection with which life was designed and open your consciousness to penetrate this mystery of love and grace.

The Spirit of God, with Its Breath, manifested the perfection of the stars in the human composition, and just as the Creator has His living Body in the Cosmos and in the different dimensions, human beings also, in likeness to their Father and God, in the mystery of their life, hold not only creative power, but also the infinite Cosmos which is reflected in each small space of the expression of humankind.

To discover the hidden and divine life manifested within yourselves, you need to learn to be reverent with your own body, mind, feelings, soul and spirit, because the key of reverence is what will open the deepest doors for you to self-knowledge, for the science of one's own body, spirit and consciousness.

To be reverent with oneself is to know that you are facing a part of the Creator, to know that your bodies are a temple that guards your soul for the learning in this world, and that they are also a divine dwelling place, a dwelling place for the essence of love and of the Spirit of God.

You respect your bodies when you live in gratitude, nourish yourselves with gratitude and stay consistent with what you carry inside of yourself each day, not exposing your minds and feelings to retrograde stimuli, trying to keep your bodies always stimulated for your origin in God, and not allowing them to be more and more lost and distant from the truth each day.

In this time, everything you are must be elevated, because human genetics are reaching the correct point for its transformation, returning to its origin of purity and, with consciousness, those who awaken must walk toward this, placing your bodies before Truth and Love, placing your thought on Divine Thought, your cells on what is pure, your feelings on what leads you to the Love of God and thus, little by little, one by one, your cells awaken and ignite in the purpose for which they were created.

I know that today I am speaking to you about a mystery, but toward these mysteries you must begin to walk, to discover the science of your own consciousness, to return to the Time of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the sun of hope shine within those who pray, so that they may never fear the future and the unknown.

May the essence of the divine prophecies pulsate within those who have faith, so that by knowing the prophecies, they will know that their triumph is certain, and also know that Grace follows after every darkness and each difficulty.

May love be born, awakened, grown and multiplied within those who try hard, every day, to imitate the steps of the Lord, and who live the cross of these times, as He did.

May the dimensions unite through the essence of those who are self-summoned for these times and may they discover, this way, the true meaning of the human existence.

May the knowledge of truth and the wisdom of universal life be the shield for the hearts that aspire to go through the transition of times peacefully. Their spirits will be sustained in the certainty that this life is a school of passage for that which is real and eternal.

Therefore, children, strengthen your inner world. Search for the truth through the knowledge we give you. Serve and be the light upon the table of this world.

Deepen yourselves in your surrender and self-giving to God, and you will see the birth, the awakening, the growth and the multiplication of love within your hearts.

Be what it really is to be a human being, and experience the real purpose of your existence.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To awaken is to begin to remember that, before life on Earth, a higher life existed.

To awaken is to remember that, before the bodies of flesh, your souls lived in bodies of light.

To awaken is to begin understanding the immensity of the Divine Creation and to not limit the power that God has of giving life to human beings to life on Earth

To awaken is to begin to understand life, what you feel, what you think, the roots of your actions, of your ways of life, the roots of your customs,  of your culture and your human essence.

To awaken is to begin walking a broader path in which, at the same time that you advance, you return to God.  Evolution happens when the being begins to return, taking with them the learnings that contribute to the renewal of the Divine Consciousness, and to the evolution of life in all dimensions.

To awaken is to live in communion and humility. The more you recognize yourselves as small and ignorant, the more you will be within the greatness of the Wisdom of God.

To awaken is to recognize yourself as a true part of this God and to know that, in this Whole that is the Father, lies a vast and infinite life.

Awaken, children, from the sleep in which you live, because the time has come to return, as humanity, to the Heart of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus

Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.

My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.

Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.

My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.

It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.

In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.

Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.

First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.

The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.

Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.

An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.

Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.

Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.

My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.

On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.

The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.

The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.

Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.

Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you. 

Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.

To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.

I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


The Science, the mother of all sciences, is Divine Love.

Love renews, transforms and changes all laws, in all dimensions.

From the Love of God was born the expression of all manifested life, in this universe and in all others.

From the Love of God emerged His Spirit and His Son, Sources of new life that are the origin of all the rays, all sound and all colors that vibrate throughout the different schools of life.

From the Love of God were born the angels and the archangels, His emanations that multiply this divine Power for all beings and protect it within them, so they may always have the possibility of developing love within themselves.

From the Love of God emerged the essence of human beings, like a seed of a new source, a drop, that when multiplied, transforms into a new sea. This is the essence of humankind, this is what they carry within them: a potential renewal of all life, called love.

Seek this mystery within yourselves and let this small drop of God within you multiply, grow and, at its peak, become a new source of life.

Within you, children, there are to be found new cosmos, full of possibilities, in which all creatures can find a renewal. This is your mission as beings, as children of God: renew all things.

Love and you will see a new life emerge within you.

Love and you will see divine principles dawning within you.

Love and you will institute a new life on Earth because love changes the laws of the past that guided humanity, and it gives all beings the opportunity to begin again.

Love, discover and live the purpose of your existence.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Do you not see, child, that the world is in agony?

From the entrails of the Earth are expurgated the evils that cause deep spiritual wounds in the Earth. From the entrails of humankind are expurgated ancient evils, the results of a history built upon foundations of errors and fraud, Godless decisions, loveless hearts.

Like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, close your eyes and observe the world; see that the planet is in agony and the consciousness of humankind trembles without perceiving this. They do not know the reason for their woes, and they catalog new illnesses to give a name to a life empty of God or full of a profound ignorance.

Like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, observe the life on Earth and see, child, that only a great love will be able to heal this world.

Love is this unknown and hidden power that made God multiply and reflect Himself in His creatures, so that this Love might gain life and be renewed, from time to time, in a greater Love.

Love grows when the heart steps away from ignorance and enters the Truth. Love is multiplied when the being not only knows the Truth, but lives it, expressing its wisdom through loving actions.

The path to the Truth is prayer, which places you in inner dimensions, which are beyond any ignorance. For this reason, pray and cry out to the Father for His Presence. Rise up to His Heart and, within the Heart of God, observe the world and life, just as His Son did in the Garden of Gethsemane.

See that there is no limit to Love, because it is infinitely necessary on the Earth and well beyond it.

Pray, child, and find a greater cause for your own life. Find the cause of Christ, the cause of God, the meaning of your existence, which is held in the need that life has for a constant renewal in the Love of God.

See how in the silence of your heart you can serve, and in the sincerity of your spirit, you can cross boundaries. Without a true and deep spiritual life, nothing will make sense. This is the great thirst of the world, this is the thirst of Christ, this is the thirst of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart in the depths of the divine dimensions and find there the door for your own redemption.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of surpassing and humility, a path for you to follow and find Christ; find God.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of service and charity, the Christic charity that, more than to acts of compassion, leads you to the awakening of Love, that makes you a faithful imitator of Christ.

Contemplate the Spiritual Reliquary of My Heart and find, in the reliquaries of wood that I have consecrated and will consecrate in the world, a bridge for the Heart of the Father, an inspiration for your small life, a fortress that is kept within you and that you have not yet been able to find.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and know, child, that in the humility of this Heart, before your eyes, divine and spiritual Gifts are to be found. Gifts that come from God and that call you to the awakening. Gifts that invite you to express the likeness with the Father in the eternal transcendence of your human condition so that one day, finally, you may return to your Celestial Origin.

Receive the Grace of contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart, not for Me, but for all that God has given Me and that today I offer to humanity as a symbol of My perpetual service to His Heart of Love.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


The Plans of God and all of His designs can be fulfilled in humanity when true adhesion emerges from hearts.

This unconditional adhesion is what allows for the manifestation of the Plans of the Almighty and it is what grants humanity the opportunity to receive Grace and Mercy.

But when that adhesion on the part of souls is done honestly, what was previously a design, or even a Divine Purpose, converts into reality, because in the inner world of consciousnesses there exists openness and willingness to fulfill this which the entire Divine Universe programs.

This also allows the redemption and conversion of hearts. Thus, from the Universe are poured graces that are full of opportunities and will grant healing to humanity.

As soon as souls take the step and help to concretize the Plan after the Design is fulfilled, according to how it was foreseen and thought, this will be when hearts will become aware of the importance of always carrying forward the Will of God, which is a Will that covers many dimensions and many consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to the Divine Purpose!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My great Celestial Consciousness, from the thirteenth dimension of the spiritual plane, every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, I fully descend for a period in order to establish the divine codes of My Glorification in the deep consciousness of awakened humanity.

Despite the fact that at this time humanity is submerged in an appalling material battle, your Master and Lord, from the thirteenth dimension of the One Divine Consciousness, descends in splendor and in light to pour out unalterable states of peace in certain places of the world, which will allow the planet to still be kept on its axis and in balance.

I come every day from that higher dimension, without restriction and without obstacles, to prepare those of Mine for the great and awaited moment in which the Son of the Father will return among the clouds, to bring the captivity of humanity to an end.

While what is most serious is still to take place, from the thirteenth dimension of the Divine Consciousness, your Master brings all the luminous and ascendant impulses to the inner universes of beings that you will need to be able to faithfully represent Me in humanity, in this time.

For this, in a short while, I will introduce those of Mine to the true Aspect of your Master and Lord. And when that Aspect is revealed to the whole world at the most critical moment of the Earth, none will be able reject it or deny it. On the contrary, the higher revelation will be so strong and intense that there will be no believer or atheist able to resist.

Thus, Your Master and Lord activates important events in this area of the planet’s hemisphere, preparing this part of the race as a witness to the coming of Christ to the Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who paternally blesses you,

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus


The more the clock hands stray from the time and, the hours that used to measure the days no longer pass in the same rhythm, the closer the Truth and The Time of God approach to this world.

The hours of the Earth are revealed as an illusion. The seasons and the days no longer are the same as before, because the Earth is not at the same point; it is in a constant movement of approaching the dimensions of the Universe.

The hearts of humankind fear the chaos and perdition because their souls can glimpse the abysses that open up before meaningless lives.

And those who can feel the anguish within themselves and hear the voice of their souls, are seeking a path on which they can safely walk.

Oh, hearts of the world! The moment of Eternal Time has come, of the dissolution of illusion, of the absolution of sins, of the reparation of the Heart of God, wounded so many times by humankind!

The last doors for the awakening are opening. Send your “yes” to the Universe and let prejudice, fear, or the inability to seek Good give way to a new cycle in your lives.

Be encouraged by the example of those who say “yes” and allow yourselves to be broken within, so that you may be rebuilt by the Hands of God.

To those who have set foot on a path to Higher Life, I tell you: do not allow yourselves to waver.

Be upright, firm with yourselves, and true. Be meek and simple and let the joy that is born in your hearts when finding God be seen, beyond human miseries, because this joy and this example will encourage the souls that are undecided between the Light and the chaos of this time.

Be instruments of assistance for human resolution, and that is not done other than through serving, loving, and allowing yourselves to be corrected, transformed, purified, redeemed, and elevated to God.

Children of a New Humankind, place yourselves in the arms of God, in His new and last Ship. And even in troubled waters, full of the fury inherent to this spiritual battle, stand firm in the faith, do not allow yourselves to be thrown into the sea of the illusions of the world.

Gather Fortitude from My Words. Listen to the echo of the Voice of God in His Messengers and move forward!

Row! And never stop rowing! Lift the white sails of the triumph of Peace and save those who have lost themselves in these waters of illusion. You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend, who will always row with you and in silence will help you to keep, on high, the sails of this new and last Ship of Salvation and Redemption of human life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In these times, the Spirit of Peace will lead you into concretizing things that once seemed impossible. For this reason, your alliance with the Eternal Father, worked on daily, builds this bridge that is capable of bringing the principles of healing from the universe.

The Holy Spirit of Peace acts on all planes of consciousness and brings understanding at the moment of making important decisions.

It will be this Holy Spirit of Peace, which comes to you time and again, that will nourish your presence with precious gifts that will build a new consciousness and a new being. 

In this way, the Holy Spirit of Peace will fill you and allow you to understand universal mysteries that are far from those who are ambitious and proud.

It is this Holy Spirit of Peace that will bring you a sacred humility to live in daily resignation and in absolute surrender under the governance of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

From My most pure Womb is born cosmic life, and that life is projected in the different dimensions of Creation.

My Womb of Light gestates the new, and every being or consciousness that it receives is transformed by My maternal Light.

From My Womb are born the immaterial Rays that circulate throughout the universes to order and govern under universal harmony.

From My luminous Womb, new spiritual lives can be born in the hearts that unconditionally surrender to Me.

From the most pure Womb of your Mother of the World comes the Principle of Creation, and, in this way, time and again, Creation is renewed and everything evolves within the universe of the Light of God.

In My most chaste Womb, I give spiritual and essential life to that which seemed to be dead.

My Womb revives the lost spirits and, through the Principle of Healing, recovers the souls that distanced themselves from God.

My Womb is a new universe that gestates love for the New Humanity.

Those who place themselves within My Womb will be initiated into a new stage and they will be in Me, and I, as Mother, will be humbly mirroring Myself in the creatures of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Elohim: Golden Angels

In the Essence of the Heart of God, there once arose the great Purpose of creating life and the planes of consciousness.

As I told you yesterday, dear children, the archangels, those called the Resplendent, were born of Divine Inspiration, an inspiration that allowed archangelic and angelic beings to become concretized and manifested.

God expressed in the Mental Universe His twelve principal manifestations, which arose from the Most Pure Source. From there, the twelve Elohim, as Rays and impulses of fire, were born within the consciousness of the Higher Mental Universe.

From the moment in which the Eternal had the sacred will that, from His Most Pure Essence, the Archangels should be born, the Mental Universe was already a vital reality within the Spiritual Universe.

The Elohim were appointed by the Most High to carry out the organization and manifestation of all the universes where, in the future, life would exist.

Thus, from the moment in which the Elohim were manifested within the Mental Universe, the first legions were subtly created in reservoirs of light, which are great receptacles and conduits of divine energy that preceded the Mirrors.

Let us see then, dear children, how the divine history of Creation previous to material life was considered by God Himself to be a Project of love and of absolute unity.

It was based on love and unity that the Angelic Hierarchies, those called Elohim, developed the Project of the Eternal Father and gave continuity to the Work of Creation.

The reservoirs of light were also created through the essence of Divine Will, and the first Elohim were the ones that accompanied the manifestation of these states of consciousness, which held within themselves the spiritual emergence of angelic life.

Each archangel, as a Creator Father, deposited in the reservoirs of light a molecule of the twelve spiritual Rays that were present at the moment of the birth of the angelic beings. An angelic consciousness is born from the expression of love in the Mental Universe and through an act of profound union that the archangel establishes with the One Source.

At that moment, the archangel projects on the reservoir an extremely potent flow of love and unity and, as a consequence, through the grouping of all the molecules of the Creator Fathers, the reservoir emanates an angelic consciousness which is inside a precious crystal of a magenta, blue, green, white or gold color. When the angelic consciousness emerges from the reservoir and until it finishes forming, the crystal remains suspended above it for a certain period, like the gestation of a child in the womb of the mother. It is the creative and divine energy that internally gestates the purpose of this angelic consciousness.

The crystal may contain any of the twelve Rays to show the Mental Universe what has been the Greater Will for the task and service that the new angel will fulfill.

Thus, after its manifestation as mental and spiritual consciousness, the angel experiences a formation that helps it develop its mission in the Mental Universe or in the Material Universe.

After gradually forming the armies of light, which from their birth live an unconditional service and a perfect union with the Eternal, the archangels begin the building and materialization of the Academies of the Rays, so that each angelic being may develop its purpose before the Father.

The next step is the manifestation of the spiritual formation of the Seven Heavens or that of the seven states of Divine Consciousness, where the great armies begin to populate the celestial dimensions.

At that moment, under Highest Will, the archangels define the mission of each angelic consciousness, which establishes what Heaven or which states of consciousness it is to eternally serve.

As from this moment, the Creator Fathers assume the government of the Seven Heavens, so that from the beginning the Law of Hierarchy may be cultivated among consciousnesses.

The mission the angelic consciousness lives will be according to how its emergence has taken place inside the crystal.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a magenta crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of living love, of radiating it and protecting it in the universes.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a blue crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of protecting and vivifying the unity of all the universes, as well as that of being a guardian of the sacred knowledge of the spiritual, mental, and material Laws.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a green crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of exercising the Law of healing, and of continuously emanating harmony in all of Creation and wherever it is.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a white crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of drawing to itself the highest degrees of purity and of expanding it as essence toward the universes.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a golden crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of an eternal praising of the One, as a member of those called Celestial Choirs, which draw to the universes the principles of the Source of God.

It is thus that the Creator Fathers send all the angels that were born of the Source through the reservoirs of light on a mission so that, together with their archangelic regents, they may assume the mission of protecting and supporting the evolution of the universes through the different Rays to which they belong.

The Elohim are part of the Divine Purpose and they are represented through the twelve main emanations of God, which we understand as the archangels; from that, the twelve emanations formed the twelve governors, and from the angelic governors another twelve emanations arose until we reach the guardian angels.

The Mental Universe has no limits and it is an infinite state formed by the Will of God. There the state of resplendence is lived, which means that each angelic consciousness generates in itself the highest degrees of love and of unity with the One.

The whole of angelic consciousness exists to protect and guard the essence of the Project of God within the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes. In this way, the Elohim can penetrate the dimensions and planes, even though they are mental beings, because they are at all times moved by the spirit of obedience and of eternal service.

From the beginning, the Father conceived the Elohim as the main guardians of the Purpose of Creation and of all life existing in the universes.

In this way, through the Resplendent Ones arose the first experience of the Cosmic Brotherhood, which later became established as a premise for all consciousnesses present on the different planes.

The Elohim are also considered the Messengers or the spokespersons of the Primordial Source for the Material Universe; they are the ones who carry out the concretion of the Divine Purpose and they are the ones who give impulse to the guardian angels so that each soul may live its mission within Creation, and in this manner fulfill the objective of the Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is in union with each guardian angel,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Angels


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors, continuation

Open your heart and empty your mind in order to understand and live the mysteries of Creation.

In that opening you will be able to penetrate the essence of knowledge, and everything that is sacred in the Universe will reach you not only as information, but as codes of Light that awaken in your being to transfigure you.

This is the power of the Mirrors, heavenly generators of universal harmony that concentrate within themselves all the attributes of Creation.

We state and understand as attributes all the rays and celestial currents that the Creator Fathers used for the manifestation of the planes and of life.

It is thus that the Heavenly Mirrors hold within themselves the remembrance of our spiritual, mental, and material origin. It is these attributes that, from time to time, allow the renewal of universal life and all the cycles, bringing positive impulses that impregnate all of Creation.

In the beginning of the origin, what we would understand as the essence of the Divine Thought of God, the Source created the Archangels so that they could create the Hosts of Light in the Mental Universe; in this way, at the beginning of everything, the Mental Universe was gradually gestated by the existence of the first armies of the Elohim.

These resplendent Consciousnesses were given impulse to collaborate in the creation of the Material Universe, because in the Thought and in the Heart of the Eternal Father there existed the Will for great experiences of love to occur that would go beyond all previous ones.

In the beginning, at the request of God, the Creator Fathers created the Heavenly Mirrors, because in the Material and Mental Universe these would help in the spiritual evolution of all universal life.

The Heavenly Mirrors were also formed by twelve attributes, twelve Rays, or twelve currents of spiritual and divine energy that would allow the history of the origin of the Creation to be well-guarded and available as light-based information for all the consciousnesses that would be created in the image and likeness of God.

The twelve attributes that were expressed during the gestation of the Mental and Material Universes emanated directly from what we know as the Source of Creation, which is the pure, immaculate, and divine essence of the Eternal Father.

From that point, during twelve cycles or twelve time spans, the Mental and Material Universes that were in formation received these spiritual impulses in order that the building of evolutionary life on the different planes be completed.

The first attribute emanated from the Source was that of LIFE; in that moment, God decreed: "On all the planes may Life exist, which will be visible and invisible, but in essence full of Love."

The second attribute emanated from the Source was that of UNITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all the Life that will manifest in My likeness know and live Unity in order to reach the Source through Love."

The third attribute that emanated from the Source was that of LOVE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Divine Love be known by all Life, and may Life express all the degrees of love so that evolution may progress."

The fourth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of KNOWLEDGE; in that moment, God decreed: "May Knowledge make all Life sacred, may spirits ennoble their consciousnesses through having knowledge of love and unity."

The fifth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of HUMILITY; in that moment, God decreed: "May all Creation be humble in spirit and constitution; may the true government and evolution be reached by the humble, and may all life imitate this sacred path."

The sixth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of COMPASSION; in that moment, God decreed: “May absolute Compassion arise in universal life so that consciousnesses remember that everything is based on Love and on Mercy”.

In this way, the seventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of MERCY; in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation live Mercy in essence, and may this Law vivify whomever contemplates it in devotion”.

The eighth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of POVERTY OF SPIRIT; in that moment, God decreed: “May true evolution take place in all the poor in spirit, so that nothing nor anybody will deviate them from the sacred path by means of any temptation”.

The ninth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SERVICE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May cooperation and mutual help establish the spirit of service in the Universes; may love and service interpenetrate all life so that fraternity may arise and be the basis of universal evolution”.

The tenth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of PIETY; and in that moment, God decreed: “Happy are all consciousnesses that supplicate in My Holy Name, because I will have absolute Pity on each one of them and in this way they will know the power of the Mercy of My Heart”.

The eleventh attribute that emanated from the Source was that of ETERNITY; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all that was created, after its experience, know Eternity; may all the planes that hold universal life elevate spirits so that they may merge into infinity and thus attain immortality”.

The twelfth attribute that emanated from the Source was that of SCIENCE; and in that moment, God decreed: “May all Creation and life become aware of the Laws and may the Laws guide, lead, and realign all universal life under the spirit of harmony”.

These twelve attributes were essentially kept inside the Heavenly Mirrors, which also radiate these creative principles to the whole Material Universe.

The Heavenly Mirrors are great states of divine consciousness present on three planes: the material, the mental, and the spiritual; in this way, a powerful equilibrium is established in the whole Universe, which is underpinned by angelic consciousnesses.

Thus, the communication network of the Mirrors helps in the redemption and the rehabilitation of all life in different cycles and times. It is in this way that the Heavenly Mirrors, counting on these divine impulses, become sources of the emanation of love and unity for all life.

The existence of the Heavenly Mirrors reminds planetary life that souls must always aspire to someday become similar to a Mirror, not because of its potency, but to be able to mirror what the Father expects of each creature, just as He thought it in the beginning.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the Mirror of Light of each heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors

In the vast Universe, where infinite life expresses itself, there are specific areas within the material universe such as yours, where networks of Mirrors act as re-transmitters of divine energy currents, as well as of impulses generated through the first seven Rays.

In this huge communication network, evolutionary life manages to communicate within itself, and at the same time, all universal life spiritually and internally receives the impulses that such a network generates.

We understand a network to be an extensive group of spiritual instruments of the Heavenly Hierarchy that is used to keep all evolutionary life in communication with the principles of God, which in this humanity is known as Divine Will.

It is this Divine Will that comes from the Fount of Abba, which is universally re-transmitted through the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors.

Just as in the material universe there are Mirrors of light that fulfill specific tasks, the network of all Mirrors interrelates with itself, and each of these instruments brings to universal life the possibility to expand its knowledge as well as that of working in service to the Creator.

The mirrors are formed by subtle emanations of love of the Creator Fathers, of the Elohim. In the beginning, when the universes were created, the first way to keep all universal life in communication was through what we call Heavenly Mirrors.

Thus it was that the Creator Fathers asked Their angelic armies to create, with their higher mental power, great pools of light in the material universe, which later and throughout time would be converted into the so-called Heavenly Mirrors.

The Heavenly Mirrors were created from the fusion they experienced with the divine codes of love and unity; it was the essential base that would allow all beings living in the Love of the Father to enter into contact with the spiritual treasures kept in the communication network of the Mirrors.

At the request of the Archangel Uriel, the creator angelic armies generated the first network of the Heavenly Mirrors in the material universe, known as the first Heaven. Later on, when the Mirrors had already been created by the spiritual currents that the angels had brought, the same Mirrors were unfolded on six planes or six Heavens, so that they then could be present in all universes; that is to say, in the material, mental, and spiritual universe.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors is present between the first seven Heavens; it is in this way that a great spiritual, mental, and material communication is established in all universal life, and each consciousness that forms part of the Creation of God is integrated into this very potent flow of knowledge and evolution.

It was the Archangel Uriel who entrusted His angels with sowing the essence of love and unity in the Heavenly Mirrors; later on, the Archangel Rafael sent His legions to pour out principles of healing and redemption in the whole material universe. After Archangel Rafael, the Archangel Gabriel sent His messenger angels to place in all the Mirrors the sacred knowledge of Creation, so that some day it may be revealed, as it is today.

Lastly, to protect this divine legacy, the Archangel Michael sent His hosts of light so that for all eternity they may be the doorkeepers of the Mirrors, who would unconditionally and in service to God protect the relics of Creation.

Thus it was that when the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors was formed by the intervention of the Creator Fathers and by Their hosts of light, Abba decided to send a potent impulse of divine and universal Love to the material universe and it was through the Sacred Feminine Energy, through the Father-Mother Essence that He would deposit the principles of Mercy and Pity over the network of the Mirrors.

The Archangel Gabriel tells us that when this event took place, all universal hosts were prostrate during three days of divine time to thank God for having made rise from within Himself the feminine aspect of Creation, today known as the Spirit of the Universal Mother or the Mother of the World.

In that time all Creation was being ordered and prepared for the first evolutionary experiences.

In that time, Abba Father universally considered that created life would need a Maternal Consciousness sufficiently loving and merciful to the point that the Father would send Her to Earth to incarnate as the Mother of the Messiah of Israel.

This act of universal mercy also allowed the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors to be supported and accompanied by the Mother Consciousness of God.

The first revelations about the Mirrors appeared in the 1970s through 1980s, when the Celestial Hierarchy decided to reveal this divine secret that has been present and living for millions of years, after humanity was at the brink of self destruction several times.

The Father granted the Grace that the human consciousness remember its mission in the Plan, and the Universe granted that humanity might awaken to the truth from which, out of ignorance, it had separated for many centuries.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors has allowed this planet to continue to exist in Creation, and above all, the Mirrors have generated the equilibrium of the axis on the Earth and of the poles.

If this silent intervention had not taken place, the race would already have self-destructed, and this unconditional help from the Mirrors has come from the moment in which the aspect of the Firstborn Son of God arrived in the world to save it on all planes of consciousness.

So the awakening is being granted to all, irrespective of the degree of debts. The Plan of rescue of Christ is already active and all will have the last Grace of being able to respond to it.

May the network of the Heavenly Mirrors represent for all the opportunity to remember within themselves that they are consciousnesses created by God, and that they can learn how to love and mirror unity to the entire Universe without the overbearing need to destroy the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the mirror of each praying heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourself. To lose your own identity or individuality is to reach the Origin of all, where there is no other thing but the unity with the Whole.

To come to be nothing is a great challenge because the individual identity of each consciousness was built beyond this world and this life, in others experiences of the soul and of the spirit that transcend what you know about yourselves today.

Great, children, is the mystery of the Divine Will because the Creator, who was One, divided Himself into three and, thus, in many others particles of life, whose true mission is discovering themselves in unity with Him again.

The Creator multiplied Himself in the universes, in the galaxies, in the constellations, in the stars, in the planets, in the beings, in the Kingdoms of Nature; He created the evolutionary scale that it is nothing more than the path of return to the Origin. The Creator opened the dimensions from matter to the superuniverses, and closed –from the top down– the doors that lead to Him. And the only key that opens these doors is love.

To be nothing, children, is to discover the truth about yourselves. To be nothing as individuals, as personalities, as separated particles of God, is to know that the Creator is who lives within each being; He is who animates life.  The one who discovers oneself in God and God in oneself lives the plenitude.

Lose the fear of losing yourselves, because it is lost from yourselves that you will find yourselves. To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourselves.

The illusion of the illusions is to believe that you are something, to celebrate merits and to cry the defeats. God is the one who lives in each creature; His is the victory of Your lives and to Him belongs your evolution, towards Him is the path of the return, in Him are enclosed all the sciences, all the rays, all the worlds, all life.

The Creator emanates life, which must return to Him: it is the eternal cycle of building and believing yourself to be something to, then, deconstruct yourself, know that you are nothing and in the nothingness discover the Whole, God, the One and Only and Immutable in His Infinity, static in His permanent movement.

The quest of nothingness is not sad. To lose yourself is not to die, it is to find yourself. To die is not to end, it is to start over again.

To know is not to be. That is why I tell you these things.

Children, more than knowing the science of nothingness, you must live it. That is why I tell you things that many times you already know, because yesterday was the era of knowing and today is time of being.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
