Thursday, September 12 of 2013

Vigils of Prayer

The Apparition of the Virgin Mary was silent, and on ending, the visionaries told the story about what happened and what Our Lady transmitted.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, we are going to share some things Our Lady transmitted, some things She allowed to be transmitted and afterwards, we are going to make some comments about today's Apparition.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Of all the Apparitions we have had with Our Mother, today was one in which She arrived praying for us, for humanity, for the indigenous peoples.

At some moments She prayed, at some moments She prayed in silence. The silence She emitted from Her Heart was a prayer. She held the rosary in Her hands while She addressed Her Words to us. They were gentle, warm, loving Words, and as She addressed Her Words to us, She contemplated the heart of each one of those present; and in this way, She showed us how She saw each one of our intentions, our needs, the requests we made of Her.

There is a very important sign She repeated several times while She spoke, which is the Sign of the Cross, which She imprinted on our beings, in this space and in the city. And in this way, She showed us how, through Her Presence, She was working with the consciousness of the city of Vitória.

At times She was very visible, above the hills. Even though it was night, She was manifested in Light, and in this way, was showing us how She was with us and with Her children of the original peoples. She was also responding to the needs of those peoples.

Afterwards, She spoke to us for a moment about something we want to share. She said the following:

"Dear children,

Know that prayer, in these times, has universal repercussions.

For this reason, today, I invite you this evening, dear children, to experience the conversion I am announcing to you.

If you pray with your heart, you will achieve what I ask of you. Thus, do not tire of praying, dear children, know that I am very grateful to you.

I thank you!"

And then, She remained in silence. She guided us, as She always does, on this path of pilgrimage She follows. And She announced to us, and to be transmitted to you as well, that the first part of the cycle of Her task with the consciousness of this State of Espíritu Santo will be accomplished up until Saturday, the day on which She transmits Her weekly Message.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

She also asked us to be in vigil during the night. From those who wish to participate from your homes, She had the need, from all of us, for a little more fervor and devotion in the prayer.

Since we came to Espíritu Santo, She has transmitted that, as we all know, many things happened in these Americas 500 years ago. Many things that were not good for humanity.

And no matter matter which side each one was on; in reality, a very great mistake was made. And one of the things She comes to do with us, here in this time, is to release the pain and the suffering that still exists after so much time; because in this time, on the planet, there must not be, on other planes, consciousnesses that are still suffering.

All these consciousnesses need to find the path of Light, and Our Lady comes to open the door so they can go through, into another state of Light. She comes to rescue them.

For this, She needs us as humanity to pray with devotion and with the heart, asking our Father God to give Our Lady permission to take all those consciousnesses. Because we, as humanity, have the responsibility of being fraternal.

So She hopes we will fulfill our part, as children of God, so She can do Hers, so that She can receive the permission to take all these consciousnesses to the planes of Light and can free all this region from that suffering.

So we need to hold this in our heart and collaborate more consciously with our Mother. So tomorrow, we will prepare to pray with more fervor, we will open our heart so She can continue with this task of great liberation.

Tomorrow She will most likely tell us some things; She will transmit some things directly to us. For this, we need to have our heart open, for then She will be able to work with our inner world, of each of us.

When we open our hearts, Heaven understands that language that we are giving our permission to be renewed in the Light of our Celestial Mother, so we are able to be forgiven and helped, and that we can also be able to be freed from our suffering.

So for tomorrow, we will prepare our hearts beforehand, so the task of Our Mother can be deep in us and in this place.

Well, and now, we will close by singing to thank Our Lady for Her Presence.

Song: "Magnificat."