09 Aug

Update: Our Lady will also make Apparitions on August 24th and 25th

At the end of the 116th Marathon of Divine Mercy, Christ Jesus announced one more Grace for this month: the Virgin Mary will be with Her children on four occasions.

In addition to Her annual Apparition, on the 8th, and Her monthly Apparition, on the 13th, Our Lady will make two extraordinary Apparitions, on the 24th and 25th . She will deliver Her Messages to humanity through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, who will be in Portugal, in Europe.


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04 Aug

This Tuesday: Annual Meeting with the Virgin Mary

On Tuesday, August 8, we will celebrate the Annual Meeting with the Virgin Mary .

On this occasion, the Divine Mother will descend to Earth from Heaven to transmit Her Words of Peace through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, who will be in Europe. She will also bless Her children all over the world so that they remain persevering on the spiritual path and know how to cross the new planetary cycle that is beginning.

This meeting of prayer, devotional...

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26 Jul

August: a before and after for the consciousness of the planet

There will be 7 opportunities to listen to the new Messages of the Sacred Hearts

Every year, starting on the 8th of August, the Celestial Universe renews and deepens the spiritual currents It sends to humanity and the consciousness of the planet, triggering a new evolutionary cycle. From that moment on, souls receive updated impulses to advance on the path of purification and inner transformation.

In 2023, the Divine Hierarchy is promoting and accelerating the awakening, definitions...

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21 Jul

Revelations of the Divine Messengers about the Kingdoms of Nature - Part 3: Animal Kingdom

"I wish for you to love the Animal Kingdom as you love your own lives." this is the call that Christ Jesus sent on November 20, 2015 , to all those who postulate themselves to the New Humanity.

More recently, Saint Joseph, in His weekly Message of June 16, 2023 , announced that selfless service to the Animal Kingdom must be one of the pillars of life for those who consecrate themselves to His Chaste Heart.

>> Find out more: Children and Friends of Saint Joseph: learn...

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15 Jul

Youth Festival for Peace holds a special anniversary edition: registration open!

The Youth Festival for Peace (YFP) is celebrating seven years of existence! This milestone will be celebrated with a special anniversary edition, with the theme: "Youth Festival for Peace: doorway to a new life" .

The event will take place on the 28th, 29th and 30th of July 2023 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in the Light-Community of Figueira , in Carmo da Cachoeira, in the southern region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This location is home to the headquarters of the Youth Campaign for...

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27 Jun

July: a spiritual bridge to the new cycle with the Divine Messengers

The Divine Messengers are carrying out an increasingly forceful work with souls, with the objective that we all enter on the evolutionary path that God calls us to live without delay. In July, They will continue this intense spiritual formation, which signals the arrival of a new cycle .

The Sacred Hearts will transmit Messages to humanity through the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order on the following days:

Christ Jesus - July 5, 6 and 21 The Virgin Mary - July 13 and...
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23 Jun

Children and Friends of Saint Joseph: learn about this new way of consecration

Deep connoisseur of the human soul, Saint Joseph continues to transform lives with the Teachings He transmits through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús . With His heavenly Love and Wisdom, our Spiritual Father shows how we can expand our hearts to live the fullness of communion with God.

The Devotion to Saint Joseph and the trust in His infallible guide, consolidated over ten years of Instructions, makes many people aspire to deepen even more their commitment to His Chaste Heart...

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09 Jun

Disseminating the Word of the Sacred Hearts throughout the world: Irdin Publishing launches new digital books in more languages

Get to know the works of the Divine Messengers Collection and find out in which languages they are available

In its mission to work for the expansion of human consciousness, Irdin Publishing* continues to advance in the worldwide dissemination of the Work of the Divine Messengers.

>> French launches: download for free

In May 2023, the following picture books were launched in French in digital format:

Children's book Rosary for the Peace of the...

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01 Jun

15 years of Instructions: time to study the Words of Light that will prepare us for new challenges

The Sacred Hearts announced that 2023 marks the definitive opportunity for the veils of human consciousness to tear and, thus, each person can awaken, in the most natural and least abrupt way possible, to the true purpose of being incarnated on this planet.

For this reason, Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph have been asking us to dedicate ourselves to studying the Spiritual Instruction transmitted over these 15 years. According to Them, this is the moment to make an...

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29 May

In June, month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will continue to receive new Graces and Teachings for these times

After performing a sequence of Apparitions in Brazil, illuminating and mobilizing the souls of this nation, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will resume, as of this month, Their redemptive task in Europe, together with the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, on the other hand, will continue to guide and instruct us directly from South America, through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús.

Public events, with online broadcasting:...

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
