25 Jul

August: the Virgin Mary offers us the treasures of Her Immaculate Heart and inaugurates a new spiritual cycle on the planet

In August, the Divine Hierarchy will have Its merciful Gaze placed upon each of the souls on Earth, guiding the beginning of a new annual cycle for the planet.

All beings will have the opportunity to receive, from August 8 , new impulses from the Celestial Universe to refine their response to the Will of God. That day also marks 14 years of the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order ....

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20 Jul

Praying for the nations and the urgent causes: a planetary service that we must all perform

"Pray without ceasing, because we are already coming to the great battle that defines this era between love and indifference. Yes, pray, because Christ needs you. Pray for the pain in distant lands, let Him pour out His Mercy. Pray as if today were the last day; that every word may be converted into relief, that the Lord may lift up those who are fallen."

Thus says an excerpt from the song "Coração Sincero" (Corazón Sincero, in the original in Spanish), composed...

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16 Jul

For Love of the Kingdoms: learn how the way we produce the seeds that generate our food can affect the planet

On July 19 (Monday), at 11 am , the online program For Love of the Kingdoms will present the third chapter of the series "Seeds: life that is reborn". The broadcast will be carried out by Misericordia María TV , with English translation.

Consequences of the cultivation of transgenic seeds

In this edition, we will see the testimony of Friar Renatto del Casto Corazón, coordinator of the Plantations Sector of the Light-...

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13 Jul

Divine Legacy of the Sacred Heart: Monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph completes one year

In July, we will celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph , which takes place on the 19th of each month . This period also marks a year in which the Chaste Heart ended His cycle of public Apparitions, transmitted through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús.

On that day, the Divine Messengers called us to renew our surrender to the celestial legacy that Saint Joseph left to help humanity.


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11 Jul

Request from the Virgin Mary for the next Vigil of Prayer: A Mystery of the Rosary to revert dark situations of the planet

The Virgin Mary requests that Her children carry out an important task in the next Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, on July 12 (Monday) at 6:30 pm (Brasilia time zone), with the purpose of illuminating places on the planet where there is much suffering and darkness.

The Mother of the World asks for each Marian Center to offer , as part of the Vigil transmission, ten beads of a Mystery of the Rosary for the following causes:

For the...
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10 Jul

3rd Online Youth Festival for Peace: a wave of love and solidarity to renew the hope of the young people of the world

At a time when young people overwhelmingly suffer the impacts of the planetary crisis, the 3rd Online Youth Festival for Peace intends to bring inspiration, motivation and hope for them to expand their possibilities of integration and move forward in building a new world. This is expressed in the theme of this edition: "United we are strong!"

The Festival will take place on August 1st (Sunday) and will continue connecting young people of various...

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24 Jun

In July, the Divine Messengers will prepare us for a new stage of reconciliation with the Celestial Universe

July will continue to provide us with sacred impulses so that we may enter well-prepared into the new evolutionary cycle that begins on August 8 of each year.

Christ Jesus explained that instead of lasting long periods, nowadays the spiritual processes that souls go through can occur in a more decisive and rapid way , as long as they strive to live the inner transformation.

In this way, since the beginning of the year...

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22 Jun

Assistance to refugees: one of the keys to the redemption of the nations

The Divine Messengers have warned us that the refugee and migrant crisis, which today add up to around 82.4 million people in the world*, is one of the most serious issues of these times .

Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary and The Most Chaste Saint Joseph are committed to sensitizing our hearts about this problem. They regret that most of humanity is still indifferent to the suffering of people who, escaping from situations of danger, collapse and...

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21 Jun

The Virgin Mary leads us to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the expression of God’s eternal and infinite Love, the portal of salvation that opens up in an unconditional way to receive all souls.

Our Lord has always manifested an ardent desire to pour out Love and Mercy from His Sacred Heart upon humanity and the planet.

He said:

... I have so many Graces to pour out upon the world and so much infinite Love to give that...

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18 Jun

Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity will go into a period of recess

After more than five years on air, the program Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity will be temporarily suspended in compliance with health measures for containing the pandemic. The event will be reactivated when it becomes possible to gather again the singers, instrumentalists and technical staff for the recordings.

Assistance to the planet through music

Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity was launched...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

