At the request of Christ Jesus, the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe has altered its route

In its final stretch, and under the indication of Christ Jesus, the last events of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe will take place in Portugal and not in Spain, as previously planned.

Portugal, which in June had the grace to host the first meetings of prayer, will once again be blessed by the presence of the Divine Messengers on the events which will mark the end of the current pilgrimage.

The Meeting with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph on July 19, and The Sacred Call, a Meeting with Christ Jesus, on the 20th, will take place in the Community-of-Light, Flor de Lys in Dornes, Portugal. Our Lord aspires to give an important impulse to this Community-of-Light, which also will receive Our Lady in a Special Apparition on the July 21. That is the region where the Divine Mother aspires that the Marian Center of the Most Pure Virgin Mother will be built.

On July 24 and 25, the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations and the Apparition of the Virgin Mary will take place at the Marian Center of Figueira in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

For about two months, six European countries were visited by the Sacred Hearts: Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Deep healing and endless graces touched the hearts that opened to the call of God. Europe and the whole planet were flooded by the Mercy of Christ.

With faith, love and trust; continue to follow the steps of the Light of the Divine Messengers.

May this divine operation, which comes from Heaven, move forward with the support of everyone,
so that more nations, cities and souls are touched by the Healing Love of God.

Mary, Rose of Peace, July 8, 2018

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