Marian Center of Figueira is preparing for the Sacred Week

Addressing the request, which Christ Jesus transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the Marian Center of Figueira, in Minas Gerais - Brazil, is preparing to host the Sacred Week of 2019, which will take place from April 14th to the 21st

In His message of March 21, 2018, Christ Jesus tells us:

Your Master is preparing, during these days, to again pour out
the spiritual codes of His Divine and Precious Blood
in order to establish in humanity the urgent recovery of the
principles of divinity, of loyalty and of the good in souls." 

Under this impulse of Our Lord, Association Mary and Misericordia María TV have already begun the organization and the diffusion of the event, which will be open to all participants, with free admission.

Information about registration for the event, pilgrim buses, lodging, food and other services provided in Carmo da Cachoeira and cities close by such as Varginha, Lavras, and Três Corações will shortly be released.

Sacred Week

The Sacred Week is an ecumenical meeting, carried out since 2014, that assembles people of diverse nationalities, cultures, races and religions. During the 8 days of the meeting, the participants are invited to enter into an environment of introspection and inner contact with Christ Jesus.

All of the liturgy is led by monks of the Grace Mercy Order in which reflective readings, prayers, worship and sacred songs are elements that create a favorable environment for all those present, in order to be able to re-experience the Passion of Christ. At the end of each day of the event, we receive the presence of the Master, Who brings a great impulse of Love and of Mercy by means of His messages, transmitted through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

"I encourage you to a change of consciousness in order that
your hearts  may serve the Creator for all that exists.
I leave you My Peace and My renewing Love. Go ahead
and wait for the arrival of the Universal King during these days."

Christ Jesus, March 23, 2018