For Love of the Kingdoms: New Learning about the Spiritual Dimension in Seed Cultivation

The importance of seeds for life on the planet is so great and the potential of these organisms is so vast that it is necessary to approach several aspects related to their cultivation. 

Therefore, on August 19 (Thursday), at 11 am, the online program For Love of the Kingdoms will present the fourth chapter of the series “Seeds: life that is reborn”. The broadcast will be on the Misericordia María TV channel, with translation into English.

In this edition, we will watch the second part of the interview with friar Renatto del Casto Corazón, Planting Sector coordinator of the Figueira Light-Community, located in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Following on from last month’s theme, he will reflect more deeply upon the material and spiritual aspects of seed production.


Prayers and songs

The program For Love of the Kingdoms will include spiritual exercises and musical presentations inspired by love and reverence for the Creation of God.

During the event, we will pray: 

Bearing in mind that, in these times, only prayer can reverse certain situations of planetary disequilibrium, let us raise our prayers for the liberation and restoration of the Kingdoms of Nature!

May the awareness of the Divine Presence that moves the seeds in the perpetuation of life, lead us to value more and more the wonderful Plant Kingdom that sustains us.

On the 19th, you are also invited to participate, from your home, in the Contemplation of the Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, which will take place from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, broadcast by Misericordia María TV.