Wednesday, November 19 of 2014


While the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph was being prayed, Sister Lucía de Jesús, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat and Mother Constância climbed onto to the stage and knelt down before the altar.

Following a sign, the choir and the rest of the group approached the stage and began to intone songs while Sister Lucía remained concentrated in prayer.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

The angels are placing in our hands what the Hierarchies are calling "the Plan of God for each one". And Saint Joseph is requesting that one by one, you come to fetch it; it is a parchment of white light. One by one, you will take this parchment and, says Saint Joseph, you will take on the responsibility for knowing the Plan of God for your soul.


It will not be in this world that you will understand what you experienced today; it will be in a future time, when you are able to see this open parchment before your eyes and are able to contemplate all the opportunities you had for fulfilling each one of these words, these universal principles which the Consciousness of God the Father sent to each one of you.

In any case, the Hierarchy waits for you to be able to be suns on this Earth, so full of darkness.

The Plan of Abba, thought of by Emmanuel, manifested by Adonai, must be accomplished in each one of your souls, your beings; it must be a reality in this world through those who have been self-summoned to accomplish it.

The Plan of God is a gift to the universe and an opportunity for your beings, for God is Love and aspires to manifest His magnitude in those most in need of redemption. God aspires to Be in each one of His creatures.

In your hearts, reflect on and feel what you experienced today, for there will be no more explanations, neither from inner teachers, nor incarnated teachers, that will allow you to understand the grandeur of this moment. It will be the pure and simple heart which opens that will understand higher reality.

This is a gift, but also a responsibility, for many walk through this world without even knowing of the existence of God, and you today have received His Higher Will into your hands from His faithful Servant, so that you may be aware of it and be able to exactly live what the Divinity thought of for each one of your lives, in this world and in others.

What you have received today are little pieces of a great Universal Plan, and joining the parts that correspond to each one, that Plan is manifested. It is for this planet to fulfill a large part. All of the universe has moved forward without pause for a long time, but for a great step to be taken, it is necessary that this planet fulfill its part.

Great is the darkness, for greater shall be the Light that will emerge from it. Great are the difficulties, for greater shall be the goal to be reached. 

You must accomplish in a short time what the universe has already accomplish so many centuries, so many eons ago, a time that is not measured by this material time, a time that simply is. You must move beyond the lessons of those who are very knowledgeable. These must be through Love.

Throughout the civilizations of this Earth, you had many opportunities. You heard the Voice of the Hierarchy so many times, just as you hear it today. You were close to achieving the goal so many times, just as you are today, but you allowed that opportunity to slip through your fingers and this parchment returned to the Heart of God, because once again, the forces of this world were greater than your capacity to love and to surrender to the Plan.

This time I ask that you try to defeat them, for the Voice of the Hierarchy will not return to the world again. You will not have the opportunity to experience everything you experienced to relearn, again and again, what you should have learned long ago.

In the universe, we did not know if this Plan would ever be concretized, but today we know that it is possible; all that is needed is that you want to defeat and break the structures that bind you to yourself in order to definitely surrender to this Plan.

Here is this Instructor speaking to you, Whom you have listened to for so long, but know so little about. My Consciousness is not of this world, but it has lived in it and knows how difficult it is to overcome the forces of matter; but it also knows that t is possible to overcome them.

That is why I return to the world, again and again, even though there is a possibility that I might not be here anymore.

I am here because I love you, just as all of the universe loves you, that permanently observes you, waiting in prayer, that you may cross this threshold, that you may come out of the illusion of this parallel time that holds you back, that you may unite with this universe, the Supreme Consciousness of Abba, so that the Creator may return to be ONE with His Creatures.

I know of your efforts, which is why I come to help you. Receive today the Light of this Kingdom, which you proclaim with devotion, for it manifests in all the spaces of this place.

Honor the soil you walk on, honor the Voice that speaks to you, honor the Heart that welcomes you, the Heart of Mirna Jad.

I thank you for being here and I tell you that this is not at a farewell, for the Hierarchy is permanently at your side and always will be.