Thursday, September 1 of 2011

Special Apparitions

Just like in these last few days, a significant group of people gathered to pray and sing to wait for the Message of the Divine Mother.

Shortly before the time scheduled by Her, nature began to manifest a different movement, and when the first rays of the sun touched the crown of the Tree, Friar Elías stood up and approached where Our Mother had appeared.

After a few minutes, silence was requested and all attentively listened to the account of what had happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When we began to pray, a mantle of Light appeared, surrounding the Tree from the bottom upwards, which lit up with great intensity.

The Divine Mother appeared in a white Robe and a light blue Mantle, and had a golden rose in Her Hands. She prayed and prayed, smiled and prayed. Behind Her, from the Heavens, an Egyptian cross descended.

She asked us to come closer, and when we did, She began to radiate two rays of Light from the center of Her Heart.

Today, She invited us to pray more for souls and for the task She is carrying out in several parts of the world.

Today, She especially asked that it be a day totally dedicated to prayer; that groups be formed to pray hour by hour, beginning at the moment we finish this meeting with Her and until 5 p.m. She said that She wanted the collaborators of Casa Redención to pray the prayer of the Universal Mother, as a group, at the different times.

She also wants rose bushes to be planted today in Her garden; She says She is expecting it. She said that, hour by hour, while one part of the groups prays, another part is dedicated to the building of the garden, because She wants to see it finished before dusk.

She asked that today, in our prayer, we have the intention to pray for souls who are in chaos and who are wrapped in material energy, the energy of materialism; souls who, because of that energy, are very lost.

Afterwards, the Mother moved from the crown of the Tree and approached the group. I then could see Her from the back, and saw that She had a six-pointed golden star, all filled in. The star encompassed the whole Mantle, which was very pretty, and covered Her from head to toe.

When She was then beside all of you, She began to bless you. She approached each of you and touched your head. From Her Hands came a lot of Light, and that Light renewed your beings.

After the blessing, She rose up and returned to the crown of the Tree. While She was suspended in the air, She invited us to read Chapter 5 of Saint John's Apocalypse, and told us we had to study it.

At that moment, She showed something which I understood to be a prophecy about the end of times, referring to what Chapter 5 of Saint John's Apocalypse is about.

In the vision, angels battled against evil. The planet seemed to be in complete darkness, a darkness generated by an eclipse. When the planet was going through that eclipse, I was unable to identify in which hemisphere it was taking place; there were involutionary forces that were suffocating souls. Then, with the sound of some trumpets, many angelic armies were descending from the universe, being guided by many archangels.

In what would be the center of the planet, the Greenwich meridian which divides it in a vertical direction, evil was confronting the Light, and a battle was beginning. At that moment, the Divine Mother appeared in another place of the planet, trying to resolve and help in this situation. She observed from the outside, not participating. At that moment, the vision ended.

When She appeared, She said She was naming Herself the "Bird of Peace" and wrote a Message in the sky. I asked Her what the significance was because I didn't understand it very well. The Message was:

    "If you come to Me and if you pray for peace, you will gain eternal life."

In that phrase She wanted to tell us that if we prayed for peace, we will gain eternal life, a promise which the Master made to us and that today She is once again making to all of us.

At the end, when She rose up, She was very resplendent, and behind Her, Christ appeared, in His Aspect of the Merciful Christ, and Saint Faustina by His side. They greeted us and then the Three disappeared.